Random Linky thread thing

Along with digging up old cartoons to watch, I decided to dig up an old TV-show that I thought was rather hilarious: Jack of All Trades.

In short, it's a ridiculous parody of things that definitely did not happen circa 1801.

American spy/adventurer Jack Stiles is sent by Thomas Jefferson to the tiny South Pacific island of Palau Palau to work with British spy Emilia Rothschild to stop the advances of the French Emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte in his bid for world conquest.

It's quite silly and contains some particularly horrible(y funny) jokes. If you want a good example of what I mean right away when you go to downloading the torrent, watch the first episode of season 2, "A Horse of a Different Color" I remember that one because of the horrible jokes in the episode implying inter-species erotica including the old silhouette trick and "I need to have a panting beast between my legs by this afternoon." :snigger:

Seriously, it's hilarious, give it a watch if you've got the HD space.


Well-Known Member
I remember this show. Bruce Campbell FTW!