Ranma ½ Ranma/Beelzebub crossover


Well-Known Member
Result of having watched beelzebub anime and reading the manga. Instead of Oga Kasumi is the one which will be raising Beelzebub! Since i have no writing skills to speak of this open to who wants it. It can be before teh start of the series or during it. If it is before this might be the reason why Dr. Tofu goes crazy around Kasumi.


Well-Known Member
Nah... Saotome-sensei having a Saotome cousin would be more interesting, I think. Besides, if we respect the timeline, than Ranma is already an adult and probably is OHMYGOD! awfully powerful. So there would be no conflict.


Well-Known Member
it a little obivous, but can work. It might be funny if Hilda and the other caretakers turn out to be fan girls of Ranma "the killer of Saffron" Saotome