Harry Potter Reality Deviants Prologue


Well-Known Member

Yet another lil' thing I've been working on for a while and which I now figure is just about ready for a little first peek at it.

Comments, corrections, suggestions or whatever, bring 'em on!

What I'd especially like to hear your thoughts on is how annoying it is for me not to explain some of the terms in this bit right away. I've never really liked to include explanations for shit in my notes and prefer to explain shit in the actual story.

However, this will take quite a while in this case as there's no need to explain Technocratic shit to anybody in the story until outsiders become in the know about the Union, as everybody involved are members and thus these oddball terms and new names aren't anything odd. And there are a lot of things that will probably cause those not familliar with MtA to just go 'Huh?!' as they read this little thingie and things will remain the same for a couple of chapters after this one, until they are explained.

So I've started to consider if perhaps I should't include a little section with explanations for various terms'n stuff in this fic, which is the reason why I wonder how annoying the lack of such a thing is now. :)



Summary: The Technocracy has had it, the Reality Deviants of the so-called 'Wizarding World' are too dangerous to be left to their own devices any longer. Time to send in Agent Potter to find out more about them before unleashing the Pogrom upon these Reality Deviants...

FF.Net Summary: Wizards are a menace and Agent Potter of the Technocracy is just the man to go undercover amongst these Reality Deviants...

Ramblings: As my loyal readers already knows, I have a certain fondess of White Wolf's World of Darkness ( The old one, not this new crappy mess of a thing... ) and will occationally cross my fanfics over with elements from this wonderful magical world noir of angst, hidden horrors and creepy manipulations.

This time, it's time for the marvels of Mage - The Ascension to mix with the world of Harry Potter and what better way to do this, then to have Harry Potter become one of the Enlightened Scientists of the Technocracy... :)


CASE FILE, London 85/05/24/2-03
Date: 85/05/24
Team: London 3:2
Author: SAC P Robinson
Loccation: Privet Drive, Surrey
Mission Parameters:
Primary Objective - Investigate Reality Breach 85/2-15/Surrey - Acomplished
Secondary Objective - Prevent further instances of the above - Acomplished

Primary Objective: Reality Breach 85/2-15/Surrey
Investigation concluded, SA Davies determined that a young Reality Deviant was responsible for the 85/2-15/Surrey incident. Said RD displayed a dangerous ability to rip through the space-time continium, which was employed to displace the Deviant from the school grounds to the roof of the school. The RD was apprehended and rendered unconcious by SAC Robinson. RD has been transfered to the London base. ( File: RD/C/P/321-005-Harry James Potter )

Secondary Objective: Prevent further Reality Breaches
The Reality Deviant is now in custody and it can be assumed that no further Reality Breaches will occur due to this.

Special Agent in Charge, Penny Robinson


CONDITION SUMMARY, London 85/05/31/RC1-01
Date: 85/05/31
Doctor: Doctor D Wellis
Author: Doctor D Wellis
Loccation: London Base, Conditioning Chamber
Mission Parameters:
Primary Objective - Elimination of paranormal abilities - Acomplished
Later added Secondary Objective - Memory Reset - Acompished
Later added Tertiary Objective - Memory Implants - Acomplished

Primary Objective: Elimination of paranormal abilities
Subject was highly responsive to treatment, as usually is the case with youngsters. All traces of Paranormal Abilities have been successfully subdued. Subject has been discovered to possess a large amount of Primal Energy and the Doctor in Charge of the procedure decided to recruit subject into the Unions hopefuls. Secondary and Tertiary Objectives were added by the Doctor in Charge.

Secondary Objective: Memory Reset
All the subjects memories of the apprehension and subsequent containment were removed, as were all memories pertaining to the subjects paranormal abilities.

Tertiary Objective: Memory Implants
Subject has been Conditioned to believe that he has been accepted to a prestigious boarding school for gifted youngsters and has all pertinent memories of being sent away to study. Subject is ready for induction into the ranks of our future possible recruits.

Doctor in Charge, David Wellis


Date: 86/06/10
Author: Headmaster W Fredricks
Loccation: The London Academy for Gifted Youngsters
Student: Harry James Potter

Ability and Affinity Evaluation:
Mr Potter has proven himself as one of the most interesting students in my entire career and certainly poses a rather unique challenge for my educators. Mr Potter has been gifted by not only a remarkably quick learning curve and a dazzling intellect, but also a nearly instinctive gift for all areas of Enlightened Science.

For his final assignment of the year, Mr Potter turned in a working prototype of a device which rather crudely emulates the effects of a Gravity and Quantum Field Generator, allowing short-range inert matter displacement or even inert matter transference through the Gauntlet! It is certainly the most impressive project one of our students has ever produced and speaks of an understanding of Enlightened Science many levels beyond his classmates.

Mr Potter's biggest strengths lie in the fields of Enlightened Psychology and Dimensional Science, two areas in which he has excelled far beyond all expectations. It is my belief that Mr Potter may well be able to take the graduating tests in these two subjects within the next two years.

The subject which has presented him with the most difficulties so far is Chaos Theory and Thermodynamics. Though a term such as difficulties is relative in regards to Mr Potter and Enlightened Science. Even in these, his supposedly weakest subjects, he still remains well ahead of all but the most gifted of his classmates.

It is my recommendation that Mr Potter is allowed to skip a year of school and continue his studies with the third years instead of second years for the next semester. Special observation of Mr Potter for the comming school year is also recommended, as it may well be prudent to move him even further ahead or perhaps even consider alternative means of education if his learning rate remains the same.

Doctor Samson who functions as the school nurse would also like to add that Mr Potter's Primal Energy rating is off the charts for his age. He currently wavers between an astounding fourteen point four to sixteen point seven Thaum! Both myself and Doctor Samson are supremely convinced that we can expect great things from Mr Potter in the future.

Headmaster, William Fredricks


CASE FILE, Reality Breach 91/X-423/London
Date: 91/07/24
Team: London 7:5
Author: SAC K Levinson
Loccation: London HQ, Main Reception
Mission Parameters:
Primary Objective - Investigate Reality Breach 91/X-423/London - Investigation Closed
Secondary Objective - Prevent further instances of the above - Investigation Closed

Primary Objective: Investigate Reality Breach 91/X-423/London
At 06:13:23AM on July 24th 1991 a male Barn Owl ( Latin: Tyto Alba ) was found delivering a letter to the front desk of London HQ, flying in through the main door as the regular postman came to deliver the mornings mail. Unable to leave the building again due to the receptionist Lisa Turpin locking the main door upon spotting the creature, the owl was constricted to the entry hall and landed on the back of a visitor chair. One of the guards on site, Ewan Parker, acted resourcefully and captured the bird in question with his uniform jacket.

The letter which the owl delivered was curiously enough adressed to 'Mr H Potter, ITX GB's Main Office, Lab 13, London'. Upon checking the employee records and discovering that there was indeed a Mr H Potter currently assigned to laboratory 13 in the ITX section of the building, the incident was tenatively classified as a possible Security Breach.

The Barn Owl was turned over to our esteemed colleagues amongst the Progenitors for further studies and dissection ( Case Study LO-325-115-645 ), which revealed that the owl in question used 13,4% more of it's brain capacity then what is usually seen in such specimens.

The letter delivered ( Case Study LC-987-355-458 ) was upon initial studies written on parchment and sealed with a primitive wax seal. The seal in question matched with records in the central database, but access was denied and moments later, orders came directly from Control to drop the investigation as a Special Response Team would assume responsibility for the rest of the investigation, which is now classifed as a Reality Breach.

This investigation is closed as of 09:45 July 24th and will remained closed until reopened by an NWO Special Response Team.

Special Agent in Charge, Kevin Levinson


+Programmer Potter. IA Robinson want to see you in her office.+ a neutral and nearly genderless voice reported over the loudspeakers strategically placed all over the cluttered laboratory. A muted 'Ow!' could be heard, then assorted mutterings as a young boy emerged from the inside of what appeared to be an oversized microwave owen, rubbing a sore spot on the top of his head.

"IA Robinson? What does the New World Arseholes want now?" he muttered and shook his head, trying to dispell such treasonous thoughts from his mind. He walked over to a nearby desk upon which he started putting various tools which he removed from the pockets of his white coat. After a moments consideration, he also unbuckled his tool belt and left that on the table as well. He went through the tedious decontamination procedure with a patient expression, changed into clean clothes and clipped on his ID badge, making sure that it was clearly visible. Though most people at the Construct knew him on sight by now, there were a few that didn't and if he had to explain just one more time what a 'kid' like him was doing walking unsupervised around the construct, heads were going to roll!

No bloody wonder he prefered to be cooped up in his laboratory rather then having to endure the barbarians roaming the hallways outside. The worst of them were the members of the New World Order, no appriciation for the marvels of technology amongst that bunch. No siree! If it couldn't be used to spy, interrogate, subvert or kill, they took little interest in it.

At least IA Robinson wasn't too bad.

In fact, he recalled her quite fondly as the woman who'd initially approached him and saved him from what little he could recall from his own personal hell with the Dursley's. She had saved him from those demons in human form and put him on the path that led to where he was today. A respected Programmer with his own laboratory, a generous budget and the freedom to pursue nearly any avenue of research he could think of.

And he wasn't even eleven years old yet.

Had it been anyone else in the NWO he had been asked to see, he would have taken his sweet time about it. But as he felt that he owed IA Robinson for liberating him from the Dursleys, he responded promptly.

Which probably was the reason that she had been asked to handle whatever was the matter. No doubt Control knew or at least strongly suspected that she would be the swiftest way to get him over to the NWO.

He was apparently expected too and whatever he had been called over for, had to be big. The entire office reminded him of nothing as much of a kicked anthive. Everybody was in motion, seemed nearly frantic, but the moment he showed up, he was suddenly flanked by no less then eight Men in Black who escorted him straight to Robinsons office through the bustling office.

"You'll want to take a seat for this, Harry." Robinson told him the moment he walked through her door, which one of the MiB's had opened for him without bothering to knock or announce him to Robinson, gesturing at the chair opposite her.

"What's going on, Penny?" Harry asked, trying to conceal his worry. He'd never seen anyone in the NWO riled up before, heck, some of the people out there had seemed nearly panicked. Others gleeful. Others excited. But whatever was going on, didn't seem to leave anybody unaffected. Even Penny seemed affected by it, a faintly eager expression on her face.

"You got a letter this morning. A letter which represents an enourmous chance for us." Robinson informed him.

"A letter? To me? Chance? Huh?" Harry blurted out, completely bewildered.

"Tell me, Harry. Are you at all familiar with the various Reality Deviants out there?" Robinson suddenly asked.

"Not at all." Harry instantly replied.

"That is the politically correct answer. I'd like the truth, however." Penny countered.

"I know about some of them from my Dimensional Science studies." Harry admitted. "Occationally one of the supposedly 'restless dead' and the weird man-beasts would turn up when observing through the Gauntlet in Quantum Field experiments. But I haven't bothered to really study them, as my interests lie in technology, not abberations against the Concensus."

"What I'm about to tell you will stay in this room, Harry. Even after I've told you, no more then four of our people in this entire country will know what you know." Robinson said as she rose from her seat and started pacing around the room. "A few more probably suspect, but hardly nobody knows." she began and walked over to her window, glancing out of it, before she kept pacing for nearly a minute before she started speaking again. "Magic is real and much more widespread then commonly known in our Union." she said, which was followed by nearly a full minute of silence.

"Magic?" Harry finally scoffed in disbelief.

"Yes, magic. Magic is real, very much so. What you can acomplish with a Quantum Field Generator, a True Wizard can recreate with a few candles, occult chants and human blood. What our foremost Genegineers can do by manipulating DNA and rewriting the genetical structure, a True Mage can do by magically combining a human with a lion. What we do with Technology, wizards do by occult rituals." Penny explained and took a deep breath. "If you were a Field Operative or merely had studied the various Reality Deviants, you'd probably already know all of this." she continued and quietly observed him for a few moments.

"What few know however, is that we too are using magic in a way. What we call Primal Energy, the wizards call Quintessence. Intense studies over the last centuries have revealed that we're actually doing the exact same thing as True Mages do, we just have different ways of going about it. Our Enlightened Science is magic bound within scientific principles." she announced and quietly observed how Harry turned first pale, then red as fury started to rise within him.

"I'm reporting you to Control, Intelligence Analyst Robinson." he coldly announced. "This is... You're... It's Blasphemy!" he snarled as he stood up and prepared to leave.

"Sit!" she ordered and Harry suddenly found himself back in his seat, unable to prevent himself from following her barked command. "I'm not done yet and you're certainly not. But speaking of Control, here's your new assignment." she said and tossed him a thin manilla folder stamped 'CLASSIFIED, OMEGA-BLACK-1 LEVEL CLEARANCE', words which caused Harry's eyes to bulge out and his throat suddenly feel completely parched. "You have been transfered to the NWO and will be working directly under me for the foreseeable future, by orders straight from Control. You will be going undercover for the next several years, living with and studying a society of Wizards and Witches spanning the entire world."

"W-why me?" Harry asked incredulously, his eyes still sealed to the words 'OMEGA-BLACK-1'. That was so far beyond his current security clearance that he hardly dared to even touch the manilla folder currently lying on his lap.

"Because you were one of them, before I captured you and turned you over for Conditioning." Penny replied.

"I've been Conditioned?!" Harry yelped in shock, finally able to tear his gaze away from the folder, staring at Penny in shock.

"Your file is in there." she said and nodded at the folder. "As is everything about your current mission. Your security clearance has been temporarily upgraded to Omega-Black-One for the duration of this mission and I strongly recommend you to use that to read up on the subjects contained inside that folder. You will find the relevant links to entries in our Central Database therein. I believe the entries about Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, The Wizarding World and The-Boy-Who-Lived will be of particular interest to you for this mission. You will also be going through De-Conditioning tomorrow at 9AM, which will hopefully unlock whatever wizarding abilities you possessed when we first captured you. At 11AM, you're scheduled for surgery where we will reapply the scar to your forehead, as that apparently has some significance to the wizards you will be going undercover amongst. At 13AM, you will be going on a little shopping trip."

"B-b-b-b-b-b..." Harry stuttered.

"You have no choice in the matter, Agent Potter. Disobeying an order from Control will be the end of you, one way or another." she finished and Harry flinched at hearing himself being refered to as an Agent. The loss of his title as Programmer seemed to drive her words closer to home then they had before and the truth started to penetrate his mind.

He was... Or at least had been... Or if she was correct about Enlightened Science, still was... A wizard.

Harry's eyes rolled around in their sockets and he fainted in his seat, slumping bonelessly to the floor.

"Well... I guess he took that somewhat better then expected..." Penny muttered to herself before she seated herself in her seat again, pressing the intercom to buzz over a couple of agents to carry Harry to the medibay, wishing that the day was over so she could go home and gulp down a few strong drinks.


Well-Known Member
Very interesting crossover, it'll be interesting to see how Harry reacts to both the truth to what science is the WoD verse and the wizarding world in general; Hawk what's the relationship between the orders and wizarding world and does this mean that Remus is going to be WtA type wolf?


Well-Known Member
I did ponder having Remus as a WtA-style Bone Gnawer wolfie for a bit, but eventually decided against it. Instead, there'll be serveral different spicies of werewolf, Remus'n Fenrir belonging to one and the Garou belonging to another. Similar states of being, but different origins and evolutionary end product.

The same goes for wizards and Mages. JKR-style Wizards strike me more as a sort of cross between Sorcerors and Mages. Too static to be Mages, but too flexible to be Sorcerors. So, JKR-style wizards'n witches will be a completely different brand of Reality Deviants from the Mages of MtA.

Or perhaps I'll make them a *really* large group of Orphans who has somehow sacrificed some of the flexibility of will-working over the years, and in return got something that's simpler to use and doesn't bring Paradox down upon the caster.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting concept.

Personally, I'd go for the 'weird Orphans' explanation, but its you're story.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Damn, I love it when you mix WoD into your works :D Never could get anyone I know here to play, but I've got the basic players books at least; so I'm not completely lost reading this.

I gotta say the idea of JKR's wizards being descended from some group of Orphans works best. Changed how they did things originally to keep Paradox off their collective backs, and over the centuries have (almost) completely forgotten anything about their origins. Considering their 'Head in the Sand' attitude towards pretty much anything unpleasant any instances of Paradox that might still occur would likely be ignored or explained away.

I just loved Harry's reactions to the news. Poor poor kid is gonna be crawling the walls at how unthinking the wizards are. Yet another of your stories I'm gonna be dying to read more of I think.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Thinking about it some more, Hermione is likely to look like a good potential recruit, due to her high intelligence, and ability to use logic, both of which are sorely lacking in bith the Wizarding and Mundane Worlds.


Well-Known Member
Indeed she will. :) As will a few others. Always good to have a little inside assistance when betraying an entire wizarding society, after all...


Well-Known Member
Prince Charon said:
Thinking about it some more, Hermione is likely to look like a good potential recruit, due to her high intelligence, and ability to use logic, both of which are sorely lacking in bith the Wizarding and Mundane Worlds.
And the greatest thing about her, is that she'd be incredibly easily to bring over to Harry's side do to the rampant racism in the wizarding world.

Hawk whatÆs the wizarding worlds relationship with the Kindred and do they know about any the other nasties running around?

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
Was just thinking...in this universe, would Voldemort count as Nethandi (sp?) Destroying his soul/Avatar for power sounds like something he'd do. Though seriving demons would be outta character.

I only have the second edition players handbook so mebbe I'm wrong thinking he'd fit as one.

Back to your original post Hawk; I personally don't find it that annoying if you don't give huge detailed explainations. If the person can't look it up on their own or figure it out from the context of the story, then they deserve to be in the dark IMO. If you really want, perhaps you could add an appendix chapter; with updated terms and whatnot as needed. Considering how detailed the World of Darkness is though, that'd be alotta work.


Well-Known Member
> Hawk whatÆs the wizarding worlds relationship with the Kindred and do they
> know about any the other nasties running around?

They're obviously aware of werewolves and vampires, as they're brought up in the books from time to time. But distiguishing between a Remus/Grayback-style wolfie and a Garou-style wolfie is probably somewhat beyond at least the greater majority of them. Hunters is probably a growing problem, though they probably think they're just some very good witch hunters or something. Kuei-jin? Nope, not the european wizards anyway.

Some of them are probably aware that there's quite a lot that can go bump in the night. Some historians, as well as a few people at the Ministry, probably knows about the Traditions and how there are other will-workers out there.

But considering how ignorant much of the wizarding world seems about the Muggle World, most of them are probably equally ignorant about WoD-style critters.

> Was just thinking...in this universe, would Voldemort count as Nethandi (sp?)
> Destroying his soul/Avatar for power sounds like something he'd do. Though
> seriving demons would be outta character.

Yeah, doesn't really strike me as a follower, that one. :) Dealing with Demons, sure, I could see that. But outright agreeing to follow them... No, not unless the situation is really dire.