

Well-Known Member
Titles says all, how do referrals work?

I know that if you click on a persons sig banner and take your character upto chuunin, they get a point towards one of the referral prizes and get +5 stamina, but I'm also getting the impression that you give me +5 sta just by clicking on it, is this correct? If so, I apologize profusely for not having spammed everyones links :p


Well-Known Member
Once a day, licking on someone's referral link will give them +5 stamina. If you start a character using that link (or tpe their name in the referral slot) you get +100 stamina for the first day, and if you make it to chunin, they get one referral point. If they get enough referral points, they get special items for making BvS more popular.


Well-Known Member
Does that mean, it'd be kind to click on everyone's link once a day then? Hmm, better get to it :D (Would a link with everyone's character on it be useful for everyone? Come to think about it, there are so many characters I'm not sure it's all that practical, but i'll certainly try spreading some love ^^ )


Well-Known Member
Your character and IP adress will only allow one +5 stamina bonus a day, so you couldn't just click on each link and sign in and then log out then click on a new link and sign in.

Only the first link would get the +5


Well-Known Member
Ah well, at least I'll make a point of logging in from somenoe banner rather than from a favorites link


Well-Known Member
well the new rule prevent player to give referral stamina.

CMIIW, but I think this is how the new referral work,

let say you have 2 computers PC A and PC B with different IP.
you haven't play BvS in both computer (play mean do something that make the IP address stored in BvS database), you can give 2 referral click(from PC A and PC B.let say you start this on Friday).

after that you play BvS in PC A(still on Friday), the next day (Saturday) PC A can't give referral click (except you change the IP address) but PC B can.

then you play BvS in PC B(Saturday). the next day(Sunday) PC A can give referral stamina but PC B can not.

if after that (Still on Sunday) you play BvS on different computer (PC C), then the next day (Monday) PC A and PC B can give referral click.

Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
Dyne said:
well the new rule prevent player to give referral stamina. [?????]

CMIIW, but I think this is how the new referral works:? [CMIIW = ?????]

Let's say: On Friday, you have 2 computers: PC A and PC B, with different IPs.
You haven't play BvS on either computer ("play" means: doing something that leaves the IP address stored in BvS database). You can give 2 referral clicks (one from PC A and one from PC B).

After that, you play BvS on PC A (Friday); the next day (Saturday) PC A can't give a referral click, but PC B can (since it's from a different IP).

Then you play BvS in PC B (Saturday). The next day (Sunday), PC A can give referral stamina but PC B can not.

After that (Still on Sunday), if you play BvS on different computer (PC C), then the next day (Monday) PC A and PC B can give referral clicks.
Is this what you meant? (I hope. :sisi: )