Bleach Reflection

You know, I had an idea to just reboot this whole idea and take it into a far different (and much funnier) direction after watching this:

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Rolling Bomber Special.</a>

Makoto tries to live a normal life while hounded by Soul Society, the remnants of Aizen's forces, and Hinamori, all after the sealing of the "Real Aizen".


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
You know, I had an idea to just reboot this whole idea and take it into a far different (and much funnier) direction after watching this:

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Rolling Bomber Special.</a>

Makoto tries to live a normal life while hounded by Soul Society, the remnants of Aizen's forces, and Hinamori, all after the sealing of the "Real Aizen".
Why is Real Aizen in quotation marks? Unless...

It's not him, is it? In the story, that's an illusion of Aizen. Either that, or everyone thinks Makoto is the REAL Aizen.

Either way, it sounds like a good idea.

EDIT: Please ignore everything except last line. I realized how stupid it sounded in retrospect.


Well-Known Member
Why did you try to bring this terrible, terrible, thread back to life.


Well-Known Member
Oh man, I totally remember this thread. I remember I really liked the idea at the start. Then I just lost interest. I really liked the idea, even though I didnÆt like the direction it turned into. So IÆm just going to post my thoughts in this thread and see if it starts back up again. :)

For MakotoÆs personality I actually had two ideas, one was to make him the exact opposite of Aizen. Headstrong, brash, and unable to come up with a plan often leading him to trouble. When something happens heÆs usually the first suspect. However while he may be a trouble maker heÆs a good kid at heart and usually tries to do the right thing. Even if he doesnÆt have he patience to do so.

The second idea was a bit more complicated. It was less a different personality and more of just a different everything. His personality was exactly like AizenÆs false one. Only it was his real persona. HeÆd simply have been calm and collected kid who often helped others out. If a bit aloof when it came to social interactions. Still a good kid deep down, just a bit off perhaps.

I had the idea that due to him not being a ôrealö human he wouldnÆt have the desires that others did, making him less human by comparison. With no real reason he just moves through life with no purpose in life until Aizen would eventually come for him.

For his Zanpaktou, at first I dug the idea of him having AizenÆs and using it for good, however rereading TrevelyanÆs post I thought some more about it and thought that giving him AizenÆs fake ability would have been pretty sweet. Plus I really like water based weapons and attacks. So hereÆs the idea for it.

The activation phrase would be ôFall from the heavensö and the name of the sword would have been ôAmastubaö which best I figured was Japanese for Raindrop. So, ôFall from the Heavens Raindrop!ö would have been the full thing ya know? Best I could do, but I know there are better names out there. But back to the Zanpaktou. In its sealed state it takes the form of a simple umbrella that Makoto always carried with him, even on the brightest days. However once he called out the activation phrase he would open up the umbrella and it would split apart. The cloth dome part would fly upwards, rapidly spinning and the shaft part would become a short blade.

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Amastuba Sealed</a>

While the top part was spinning around in the air, water would begin to fall from it much like rain. In that rain field Makoto could create minor sensory illusions allowing him to confuse his foes. Much like AizenÆs fake Zanpaktou was supposed to do. I played with the idea of giving him a Bankai, but then thought better of it. While heÆs a hero heÆs not the main character, instead of a Bankai I thought giving him the ability to see through AizenÆs illusions would be better.

I also played with the idea of having made him a kind of friend to Ichigo. That way much like the other friend he would kind of have a reason to go into the Soul Society and meet Aizen instead of having Momo discover him.