Response to the First Kill challenge


Well-Known Member
Mh...well, I saw a link to the First Kill challenge in another thread, and decided to write a little oneshot. The protagonist is Gaist, a minor character from Breath of Fire III. Not really sure why I chose Gaist over Garr, but...meh. Here it is. Really short, I know, but I wasn't sure what else to put into it.


In his short life, Guardian Gaist had never doubted his faith as much as he had now. He stood over a downed dragon, his weapon raised to strike, when he saw the look in the creatureÆs eyes. It was not fear, nor anger. Simplyàacceptance.

ôWhy do you pause, my child?ö his goddessÆs voice lilted in his mind. ôYou know your duty. They must be destroyed for the good of the world.ö

Raising his weapon once more, Gaist swung it down viciously. The dragon died without a sound, its eyes still filled with that odd acceptance. Dragon after dragon, it was the same. None resisted, not even the children, and they all had the same look in their eyes. Soon, the battle simply became a blur, a whirl of death and blood. Gaist struck and struck, each blow bringing down yet another one of the leviathans. And with each blow, his heart and soul grew heavier and heavier. Why? Why did they just STAND there? They had immense powers; great enough to be a threat to the world itself! Why did they not defend themselves? WHY!?

Finally, he collapsed in the middle of the field. Surrounded by dead and dying dragons, the Guardian of Urkan Tapa wept for the first time in his life. All this slaughteràfor what? If they really had been a threat, an evil, they would have resisted. Heavy footsteps sounded behind him, and a deep voice spoke.

ôRejoice, brother. The evil is vanquished. Our duty is done.ö

ôThe evil is vanquished? Is that all you can say, Garr? Did you not see their eyes? They knew why we came, and yet they did nothing to stop us!ö

Garr flinched at this, his birdlike face revealing a little of his own distress. He opened his mouth to speak, but Gaist overrode him.

ôThey could have done it easily, ONE of them could have killed us with a single breath! And yet they didnÆt! Can you explain that, Garr? Is that the actions of an evil race? NoàIÆm done with this. Follow our God, if you will, but I will never kill another living being.ö Gaist tore off the pendant that both marked him as one of the Guardians and linked his mind to God, throwing it to the ground. Breaking his weapon over his knee, Gaist left without another word, leaving Garr alone, staring at the cast-aside pendant.


Centuries later, Gaist knelt before the legacy of the Brood incarnate. The blue haired young man raised his weapon, a sad look in his eyes.

ôDo it, Ryu.ö Gaist gritted out. ôThe seal is tied into my life; the only way to release it is to kill me.ö Seeing the wavering expression on RyuÆs face, GaistÆs face softened. ôI have been ready for this moment for centuries, Ryu. Let me end my life how I wish.ö

As the blade came down, Gaist closed his eyes. Finallyàhe would be free.



Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting. I know nothing in particular about the series its based on, but still well worth reading.