retcon - used wrong


Well-Known Member
per every source I can find: Retcon or Retroactive continuity (usually) means a deliberate action on part of the author to change facts in a story, usually to allow a given work to continue.

So by this logic in Bleech when they do the 100 years in the past thing unless they change any details that contradicts already given history its not a retcon. Its a flashback.

However if an item in the series say a Gigai is used in one way with certain effects given, then later given other properties then this is a retcon.

Although this leaves the problem open to a retcon again of fixing this to make both true and ultimately none a retcon.

I have noticed the same thing in other series before too that include time travel or extended flashbacks. what about others?


Well-Known Member
Let's give you your definition.

Following its logic, your conclusion does not follow.

Nowhere in your stated definition does it say that contradictions that takes place in the chronological past, but not in published, are exempt from being retcons.


Well-Known Member
Let me be more specific then, a retcon as far as I know means that some detail was altered retroactivally (hence retcon) so that a plot device is used in a way that changes its original purpose. Changing the Silver Crystal in Sailor Moon so Sailor Moon can turn people into stone and kill them and be used by anyone magical or no. This contradicts the entire idea that Sailor Moon or rather Princess Serenity is the only one who can use the crystal properly and even then I know of only one time in the Anime that it gets used by someone else and its to revive Sailor Moon. Hence such a change would be in effect a retcon.

Exploring the current political situation by an entire Anime Season of explaining the past that does not change the present would not be a retcon it would be a flashback. I have seen a lot of people call the Bleech flashback a retcon.

By using the retcon that way in Bleech then it also means that when Ranma explains getting his curse its a retcon, when in Sailor Moon they remember events in the moon kingdom its a retcon... people do use retcon this badly...

I will admit the gigai is not the best example to use as a retcon example as its a plot device not fully explained initally.


Well-Known Member
Actually, on a second reading, I recall my objection, on grounds that I have none. If nothing is contradicted, then indeed there is no retcon.