Revised Fairy-Tales (Fan-Fiction)

I returned from retirement to offer up this summer-time contemplation of what fan-fiction writers might appreciate about the depth and spiritual messages found in fairy-tales and how we might re-spin such tales to offer revealing stories about the human will and resilience or even courage! With that in mind (thanks for reading!), here's a re-interpretation of the character of Link (Legend of Zelda) on a quest to discover if fairy-tale stories such as the Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty are eerily real, requiring him to construct special forms of 'designed' courage. Enjoy!


Link was an Irish sprite and swordsman who stood about 4 feet tall and had big ears and wore a green archer's uniform. He moved from Belfast to British Columbia after the troubles between Irish Catholics and British Protestants in Northern Ireland were creating too many inter-religious frowns and even violence. Link decided to settle down in B.C. and constructed a special log-cabin in the forest near a nice lake. He practiced archery every morning and made sure his sword-fighting skills were tuned every Saturday. Link started writing in his journal about the strange splendor of mystical tales and fairy-tales from around the world and throughout history. He began to wonder about any possibility that there was a 'real-life' Cinderella or a real-life Littler Mermaid or a real-life Sleeping Beauty. Link began praying at sunset, hoping he'd encounter such real-life presences who'd inspire him to rethink the quality and depth of the nature of imagination and spirit. Link was about to get his wish.



Link was on a canoe on the river in British Columbia (B.C.) when he thought he saw the image of a beautiful woman bathing in the water, half-nude. She was dipping her long red hair in the water as the sun was rising. Link rowed his canoe over to this lovely person and asked her where she was from, and she introduced herself as Ariel, an Irish woman from Dublin. Ariel told Link she used to swim a lot in Ireland waters and believed she was a real-life mermaid! One day, she saw the glimpse of a gorgeous Canadian prince visiting Ireland and decided she'd devote his life to him, even if it meant she'd never be able to swim again. Ariel seemed to get her wish, since her mind was now transfixed on the dashing young prince who'd caught her attention. Ariel told Link she followed her prince to British Columbia (B.C.) but discovered he was vacationing with his brand-new girlfriend, a sensuous blonde Canadian aristocrat named Shelley. Ariel told Link her heard was broken and she was relieving herself by bathing in the river. Link was so dismayed at this horrible story that resembled something like the story of the tragic fairy-tale of the Little Mermaid. Link gave Ariel a special glowing emerald stone and told her if she rubbed it and made a wish, she'd find her mind was brighter and that she'd feel like her wish just might come true! Ariel shed a tear and took the gift and then smiled and kissed Link before he rowed away from her.


Link took his canoe further down the river and came upon a charming little gingerbread cottage and saw a lovely dark-haired woman sitting on the front stoop weeping. Link decided to row his canoe to the shore by the weeping woman's chateau and walk up to her to console her and inquire why she was deeply weeping! Link walked up to her and did just that, and the woman told Link that she'd been married recently to a seemingly nice man but later learned that the same man was now secretly carrying on an adulterous affair with the woman's younger sister! Link was shocked. The woman explained her husband mistakenly brought home a piece of a personal belonging of her younger sister, her purse-wallet, and saw a photo of her husband with her sister in a different chateau somewhere nearby but distant from her own chateau. The woman therefore explained to Link that her unfaithful husband was carrying on an adulterous affair with a 'double-wife' and had taken her sister in to another chateau in British Columbia (B.C). The woman then told Link that she vowed now to sleep as much as she could and would never awake unless her husband was home for her to tend to matters such as cooking for him or making love with him. Link realized this woman was emotionally shattered and likened her to a 'real-life' Sleeping Beauty but with much more tragic proportion! Link decided to gift the woman a color-sketch of a mermaid he'd recently made and kept in his pocket. He told the woman that she should keep the drawing for herself to remind her of the inner beauty all women possessed regardless of personal tribulation. The woman thanked him and kissed him before Link rowed away from her shore.


It occurred to Link that these two adventures regarding these two separate women under great romantic tribulation really did 'resemble' characters out of a fairy-tale but with tragic proportion. Ariel never got her dear wish for quested love, and the other woman with the unfaithful husband had to endure with patience the image of her younger sister becoming her husband's 'double-wife' without any remorse! This was certainly deep mistidings for Link, and he was happy he presented these two sad women with timely magical gifts that would bring them great happiness and smiles. He was happy that the two women had offered him the chance to be a Good Samaritan and gave him the special inner-courage and private divinity to now take up his sword and arrows again as a world-traveler and perhaps even muster the necessary extraordinary inner-courage to travel back to Northern Ireland and confront the everyday horrors of Protestant-Catholic rifts in Belfast that touched every aspect and wing of the imagination and spirit! Link wondered if he could help the cause of the Irish Catholics and British Protestants living side-by-side by generating a series of spirit-uplifting 'political fairy-tales' designed to offer real messages...of surprising democracy!




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Apparently a report-er
Uh... dafuq did I just read?

...You know, you could have just made it original fiction; the name 'Link' offers little to nothing to your story. TFF does have an Original Fiction section.

Another thing: paragraphs, paragraphs, paragraphs! The Enter key exists for a good reason.
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