Rise of the Tau'ri facts challenge


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You know the drill. Give me one character, faction, or object and I'll give you three facts about it. I'm having a bit of writer's block and this will help me immensely.


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Colonel O'Neill

O'Neill most regretted the day that he took up the mantle of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. While a large part of him wanted to lead from the front, he knew deep down inside this was where belonged.

With his brash manner, it would seem at first that he would be a poor choice for the job. However behind the blunt spoken officer, was a highly intelligent, former Special Operations Operator who knew exactly what he was talking about and wasn't afraid to say what was on his mind when discussing courses of action. However it is because of this, he has the grudging respect from the cabinet as well as Hayes' unconditional trust.

Secretly envies mini Jack. After all who wouldn't want to have the body of a twenty year old, doing the thing the he loved the best. And unlike some politicians at least the enemy was honest about their intentions.


With the death of Gerak, Bra'tac is the Official leader of the Free Jaffa Nation or what is left of it

Is still amazed to this day that the Goa'uld are gone and that his people are free

views the Ori invasion of the Milky Way not as a curse but a blessing albiet a harsh one. The war has finally done the impossible, caused the Jaffa to unite as a nation rather than a coalition of tribes, clans and alliances. He secretly hopes that the war will be the anvil in which the his people shall be forged into a nation, never to be broken or scattered and forever united as one.

Walter Harriman

After disclosure is chosen by Minister of Defense George Hammond to become his Chief of Staff

Finds it amusing that he as an senior NCO wields more influence than a large number of Admirals and Generals

Harriman is killed in the Second Battle of Sol protecting Minister Hammond when a stray piece of the ceiling of the TFNS Vengeance collapses on top of them. The first of the new Type II Orbital Fortresses is named in his honor.


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Daniel Jackson
Samantha Carter
The Nox

*Alternatively, if there's no love for the Nox just say something about the Ori.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Cassandra Fraiser


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Moshulel said:
Daniel Jackson
Samantha Carter
The Nox

*Alternatively, if there's no love for the Nox just say something about the Ori.
Daniel Jackson

Due to his experience and expertise, he was the object of a massive bureaucratic turf war between the individual Ministries, particularly the Foreign and the Development Ministries. Because of this, he serves as a Special Advisor to the President in which he splits his time between a series of special projects and advising the President in Intersteallar Foreign Affairs

Has not slept without being sedated since the war began. While he has been absolved by many for attracting the Ori to the Milky Way, he still relives the deaths of millions in his dreams night after night. Only until the war is over is he able to rest easy at night.

Finds it amusing that after disclosure that he has become one of the most respected and foremost experts in Archeology and Interstellar relations, being the recipient of a Nobel Prize and other high honors. Its a far from the persona non grata status by the archeological community that he held before disclosure.

Sam Carter

After disclosure was promoted to General became the Director of the Defense Advanced Research and Development Agency, responsible for developing the newest weapons and equipment for the Terran Military.

Has an on again off again relationship with the Chairman O'Neill. It won't be until the two of them retire, long after the Ori war when they finally choose to tie the knot.

Cries as she christens the TFNS Jacob Carter, the first of the Carter-class Assault Destroyers shattering the bottle of champagne against the ship's hull.

The Nox

Went into hiding as soon as word got out that the Ori were invading, as advanced as they were, they were insignificant compared to the Ancients

Were the subject for an intensive manhunt by both sides of the war, however they were never found

Although they were pacifists and shunned violence, they knew what would happen if the Ori would win, and were responsible for a series of 'miraculous breakthroughs' allowing the Allies to win the war.


Well-Known Member
Sein Schatten said:
1. Jonas Quinn
2. Prometheus
3. Terran Federal Republic

Now playing: Suspense
via FoxyTunes
Jonas Quinn

1. As head of the Langaran Joint Ruling Council he is technically the most senior representative on the planet. Despite this, his political power is little or none. However this is beginning to change slowly but surely.

2. When the Ori war is over, the three nations of Langara are depleted economically and populationwise, a single government similar to the Federal System used by Earth is formed. Jonas Quinn will be its first head of government and then head of state.

3. At his death, will be remembered by many to be one of the greatest Langarans ever to live.


1. While the original Prometheus was destroyed by the Ori before the war 'officially' began, the Admirals of the Terran Navy had chosen to name the one of the BC-304 Block IA Heavy Cruisers in honor of the first.

2. The new Prometheus would distinguish itself in the war, serving in nearly every major engagement of the war, earning the most Battle honors out of entire the Terran Navy.

3. At the end of her service life, rather than being scrapped, the Prometheus is turned into a museum ship docked at a small Naval station in orbit around Earth. From then on she will serve as the Flagship to every Commander of Home Fleet.

Terran Federal Republic

1. In the beginning, many powers would dismiss Earth as a minor power, believing that Earth's defeat of the Goa'uld was a fluke. However during the Ori war Earth would prove them wrong, demonstrating to the galaxy that they were truely the heirs of the Ancients.

2. During the duration of the war produced more guns, and ammunition, launched more ships, created more tanks and sent more men and women into combat than any of the other allied powers.

3. Would undergo territorial expansion during the war, which would continue after the war ended. After the war ended, would claim all space twenty parsecs away from Sol as well as the planet Lantea and its surrounding star system as its sovereign territory.