RPG amusment


Well-Known Member
Figured I'd ask this, in hope for soem mauseing tales or interpretation of events. Who knows may even get a decent fic idea out of it.

My current amusment?

The Final Fantasy VI Advanced Gamebox... on the back is the following phrase

"Basic reading ability is needed to fully enjoy the game"


Okay two things....

One- Why would you buy a RPG if you wouldn't be able to read the text?

Two- If you LACKED basic reading ability, how would you be able to read the warning?


Well-Known Member
Well, for the reading part I've had some bad experiences when my cousin was given a game before he could read. (He's been living with my family since he was a toddler and my Uncle died) I had to endure constant questions about the game.


Well-Known Member
Those warnings are for parents buying a game as a present for their 1st-grader. Parents who might not have any idea what an RPG is.