Rss feed

I don't know a lot about them, just started using them, but could you set up an RSS feed?


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
rakim said:
I don't know a lot about them, just started using them, but could you set up an RSS feed?
While I know it is technically possible for a forum like this to use them, as I've seen it used on Anifics and not the current one, but the fukufics of two versions back.

I think creation of such would almost have to be an Invision feature, and I do not think they have it. It is not listed in their faq, feature list, or anywhere I could see.

Even if it was added, how it would work would likely carry annoyances.

One issue would be currently one must be logged in to even see the posts, this would no longer be the case, as feeds cannot be restricted. And non-registered members might be able to see the nc17/lemon sections.

Another example, if it was per post, either the feed would be too small to contain them, or you would be positively flooded with posts in the feed from all the different topics/users. For example, if it could hols say a maximum of 50 posts, and you do not read the feed for awhile, you will likely miss posts, as there are more posts than 50 in a day, heck, across all the sub forums, there is likely 50 in less than an hour.

Another example, it could be per subforum, then you would have mutliple feeds to track.

And how to format updates, should all the poster information be made available in the feed, or not.


Well-Known Member
I've also heard horror stories of RSS feeds being hammered. If the 5000+ current users all had a feed that checked every 15mins, Invision wouldn't be able to give it for free.

Thats not even counting the people who update every 5mins habitually, Or the ones that set their clients to do it every 1 minute.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, agreeing with PCHeintz72, it's too simple for this forum.