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Staff member
TFF Rules- Abridged.

1. Adult content (as defined by Google Adsense policies) go in the restricted forums, no exceptions. This includes signatures and avatars. We disallow spamming, as well as posting illegal things, like roms, warez, etc.

2. If a story preview or idea thread has lain dormant for more than two weeks, don't post in it unless you're contributing to the original purpose of the thread.

3. The author of a preview or ideas thread may disallow threadjacks, necros, offtopics, and useless posts in his opening post. Please respect this.

4. Heated discussion, arguments, and name calling are fine. Don't make it personal, though. If you find you absolutely need to make it personal, don't do it in public.

5. Stories featuring adult content or excessive cursing/graphic violence vulgarities go into restricted. Curses grammatically cannot make up the entirety of a sentence, nor a post. Don't try to.

6. Recursive fanfiction is fine- just use your own words or get permission. You aren't limited to just one account- but your alts must have your username in the member note.

7. Please link to what you're talking about if possible, and if you wish to advertise something, keep the advertising tasteful and out of our faces. If you want to link to your fanfiction, go ahead!

8. Don't post things in the wrong section. Threads get moved if they're in the wrong spot. Offtopic and silly posts are fine- but don't lose sight of the original purpose of the post or it will be moved.

9. Punishments will start out as warnings, but repeatedly breaking the rules will turn that into increasingly-long temp bans, and finally a permanent ban. Flagrant violations will result in a steps being skipped.

10. Finally, do the mods a favor- report things that break the rules.

The full, unabridged version of the rules for assisting moderation decisions is located in the Moderation Forum.
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