[RWBY/GW2] The Noble Roses Chapter 3


Well-Known Member
So here is the first look at the next chapter, which adamantly is a bit of an info dump.

The Noble Roses: Chapter 3

Probably needs a bit more spit and polish here and there, but you should get the general idea.


Well-Known Member
Not bad. Loved the fact that Ruby and Yang had a powerpoint presentation (Remnant style) ready to explain the crazyness. All of the cast was surprisingly calm and patient during the whole presentation, but that can be due to the delayed shock of the events that occurred in Beacon for the last day, if anything Weiss reactions were a lot less extreme that I imagined they would be.

In Jaune's case, he is starting to show some actual leadership skills, even if only in small ways to make living together in a CoEd room. Even then he also acts like a little child desiring his favorite toy for bathing.

As usual I don't know who is Dwayna other than a character from GWII, but it isn't really necesssary to know anything about her at this point of the fic and any reveal I would prefer to see in your fic instead of a wiki.


Well-Known Member
Even in canon, they take the revel of actual magic pretty well, with only a bit of shock up front. Finding out about the maidens, Salem, etc took them more by surprise, mostly because it explained things like the fall of Beacon, Pyrrhas death, etc. It's not everyday you find out a war in secret is going on.

At this point, most have had their profession awakened for like 6-10 hours, depending on just when initiation started. They haven't really comes to terms with it, because outside some simple attacks, they haven't seen what they are fully capable of, nor their 'side effects'.