Sailor Moon Sailor Loops

Disclaimer- Don't own Sailor Moon, Zelda, and unfortunately not Link either.

Inspired by the Loop Ideas floating around

Hylian Senshi Loop

Usagi blinked at her surroundings. She had expected the usual reset after sleeping through the Silence (to be fair it had been the 479th run and she had been so tired) but she was instead in a castle courtyard peeping in on Queen Serenity, Lady Beryl and her husband who Usagi only knew as the dark man from the desert.

* * *

Link rolled over and stared at the matronly cat that should have been Navi.

ôWell? Get up lazy boy, we cannot keep the Great Deku Tree waiting!ö Luna demanded sharply.

Link nodded slowly, this loop was going to be much different from his other onesà

* * *

Link listened patiently as the Great Deku Tree droned on à this was all new information- No goddesses, but Sailor Senshi and three Talismans that would be the key to unlocking the Holy Grail which had the power to destroy the world if it fell into the wrong hands- such as GanondorfÆs (who was married to a Lady Beryl?!)

ôà and this young Link, is the first of the three Talismansà The Garnet Orb.ö

A light flared and as it faded a red orb was left floating in palms of his hands; it resembled the Gorgon Ruby more than the Kokiri Emerald.

ôThe Garnet Orb was left to my care long ago by Sailor Pluto, who guards the Gates of Timeàö

Link snapped to attention at that.

ôà the Time Guardian spoke of a young Hylian boy that I would one day take into my careà this young boy who would one day become the Hero of Timeà I was to offer the Garnet Orb to his careà this boy is you Linkà you are a child of destiny and must travel outside of these Lost Woodsà go to the Silver Moon Palace in Hyrule and there seek out the young Princess Serenityà.ö

* * *

Link stopped at the bridge leading out of the woods. Usually Saria would be waiting for him here, however a new girl with hair just as green was waiting with a white cat sitting by her feet. His new memories surfaced and he realized that she was SariaÆs replacement- Makoto and Artemis her cat companion.

ôàso itÆs true then? YouÆre leaving?ö Makoto spoke softly.

Link nodded as Luna answered a verbal yes on his behalf.

* * *

Link eyed the new castle- larger, silver, and moreà open than ZeldaÆs Castle had been. Navigating his way through to meet the new Moon Princess would be an interesting challenge. He liked this new loop so far.

ôWeÆre going to have to be very careful Link. Those guards donÆt seem like theyÆd be too friendly if they were to catch you sneaking around.ö

à Luna was just as useless as Navi in her own way.

* * *

A pink haired girl named Usagi was MalonÆs replacement- Talon was still around however and just as lazy as everà

* * *

Link carefully made his way around the corner and found himself in a familiar (sort of) court yard- straight down the other end was a young girl peeking through a window.

Princesses were such voyeurs.

* * *

Princess Serenity was very different from Zelda- she didnÆt talk about dreams, didnÆt behave like a little girl, and certainly wasnÆt tomboyishà

Princess Serenity spoke of loops, behaved like a grown woman, and carried herself like a warrior.

When she found out she would have a seventeenth birthday she promised a lot of sex once he awakened from his seven-year slumber.

Link liked this princess best.
Some more....

Impa had been replaced with a young woman with short blue hair, Sailor Mercury. Sailor Mercury though kind and intelligent reminded him of the Ice Caverns, beautiful but chillingly deadly.

She gave him a Star Locket that played the Song of the Royal Family to help him in his quest. Then she promptly escorted him outside the Palace gates.

* * *

Lon Lon Ranch didnÆt look too different from the outside, inside howeverà

It was like a beautiful dream. The field that the ranch had been built upon had once been known as the Elysian Field.

Link made his way to the center of the coral where the pink haired girl was standing with a light blue maned white horse with wings and a golden horn. The steed bolted away at LinkÆs approach.

Usagi had simply explained that her Pegasus was shy and if heÆd just ring this bell (girly looking thing with a red heart on top) Pegasus would trust him and they could be friends. Link wanted to be friends with the missing Epona, but stillà a horse with wingsà

Usagi had let him keep the bell and promised that Pegasus would come and help whenever Link called.

* * *

Death Mountain was still home to the Gorgons, who had undergone a change- at least the females had. While the male Gorgons looked the same as Link remembered, the females looked more like beautifully carved statues of Hylian women.

Dardunia had been replaced with a lovely Gorgon woman named Rei. Rei had been given the second Talisman long ago as a child. If he wanted her precious gift then Link would have to save her people from starvation.

* * *

Link raised his eyebrows in surprise when Rei placed an ornamented sword into his hands.

ôAs promised, the second Talisman- the Space Sword. It was given to me by a woman from the desert, she said that I was to keep it safe from her King Ganondorf and his Lady-Wife Beryl. IÆll also tell you this since you seem to be collecting them for the Moon Princess- the last Talisman belongs to a special friend of that woman, this friend is said to be a Zora so youÆll want to seek them out to find her.ö

* * *

Link clambered up the final wall and onto the highest ledge of Death Mountain. Luna unsheathed her claws from his back and leapt down to sprint to a section of wall to his left.

ôLink, come here. There is something behind this wall. Use your bombs to blow it up so that we can get in. You do know how to use your bombs donÆt you?ö

LinkÆs eye twitched.

* * *

Link exited the cave shaking his head incredulously. A man in formal wear, Tuxedo Mask had granted him a technique that allowed him to use flowers as darts. It had taken a great deal of persuasion to get the Great FairyÆs replacement to teach him something more useful, like say a sword technique.
Later today, I might make a Sailor Moon-Call of Duty crossover loop, if anyone is interested.

In any case, an interesting start.
Some more...

ZoraÆs Domain hadnÆt changed at all. As far as Link could tell everything was the same, question was who had replaced Ruto?

A few short hours of scouting up the proper clues and the necessary knick-knacks, Link presented the message bottle to King Zora.

ôMy dear Princess Michiruàö the king blubbered.

Link sighed and sat down to wait for King Zora to shuffle away from the entrance to the fountain where Lord Jabu-Jabu resided.

* * *

After once again wrangling the formal wear guy for a good technique, Link dropped a fish from his bottle prompting Jabu-Jabu to inhale him.

Luna snagged the fish for herself once they were inside.

* * *

The new Zora Princess Michiru reminded Link of a proper lady- elegant, polite, and graceful. After her rescue she gave him the final Talisman, the Deep Aqua Mirror without even trying to engage herself to him. It was a strange, if refreshing change.

ôPrincess Serenity employees the nicest people. Thank you for your aid. But now I must take my leave of you, Haruka is to meet me by the Lake soon.ö

Link nodded absently, the Mirror was showing him the best images of his elder self and Serenity.

* * *

Back at the Palace drawbridge Link and Luna watched as a white stallion dashed by, Sailor Mercury and Princess Serenity upon its back. Serenity tossed an object into the waters beyond him.

Why did the Princesses keep doing that?

Taking a deep breath Link whirled around to faceà a Gerudo woman in a slinky purple dress astride GanondorfÆs dark steed.

ôCurse that little Moon brat!ö she snarled. Beryl glanced down to see a small boy facing her with shield and sword drawn.

ôYou dare to challenge me, Queen Beryl? I own you!ö She stretched her hand towards him and blasted the Hylian boy several yards.

* * *

Link awakened to a familiar sight- the Chamber of Sages. The unfamiliar sight was the blonde dressed in an orange version of Sailor MercuryÆs outfit. She beamed at him.

ôGreat! YouÆre finally awake, I totally thought that youÆd sleep forever and then molesting you wouldnÆt be half as fun.ö

Okay, so wrinkled old man sage had been replaced by hot blonde Senshi who wanted in his pants. Nice.

ôBut first, business. Here you go,ö she tossed him an orange crystal. ôThis is one of seven rainbow crystals. When all seven are brought together they will become the Maboroshi no Ginzuish?, the sacred Silver Crystal that will reveal Princess Serenity and grant her the power to defeat the darkness that has fallen over Hyrule. Each crystal belongs to a sleeping Senshi. You will have to travel throughout the land and seek out six temples. Once you have entered into a temple you must defeat the darkness there in to awaken the Senshi. After that, youÆll receive a rainbow crystal. Did you get all of that or do you need me to repeat it?ö

Link shook his head as Luna asked for clarification.


Link inwardly groaned as she rattled off another variant of the exact same information.

* * *

ôWell itÆs a good thing that the Queen was there to stop them from getting a hold of the Holy Grail donÆt you think? ItÆs a shame that it cost Her Majesty her life though; we sure could use her guidance in defeating the Gerudo Royalty. And I only say that because the Princess didnÆt strike me as being capable of handling this situationà"

Link ignored the cat, glancing around the clearing to the Forest Temple. If this played out the way it was supposed to then the Princess should be turning up soon.

A figure leaped out of the shadows and landed neatly in front of him. Link drew back in shock. This Princess wasnÆt a heavily concealed crossdresser as he had been expecting. She was, instead, wearing a Sailor Senshi uniform that concealed next to nothing.

à he wasnÆt going to be prudish and insist that she have more decencyà

* * *

Sailor Moon had surprised him several times already. Not only with her entrance, but also with her willingness to help him complete the temple and defeat the Phantom Ganondorf there-in. He had blocked the speech about righting wrongs and triumphing over evil from his mind, not hard to do since he hadn't been paying much attention to her words at the time.

He tucked the second rainbow crystal into his pouch and raised an eyebrow at her.

ôSailor JupiterÆs awakening has made these woods much safer.ö she wheedled.

Link glanced around and shrugged, if she wanted to have sex hereà

* * *


Well-Known Member
I SOO want to know WHAT the HECK happened to Link to make him so...welll...the guy seems a well mannered version of Silent Bob, by Metatron's bleeding Sake!? :rofl:


Well-Known Member
David Alan Abramczyk said:
Later today, I might make a Sailor Moon-Call of Duty crossover loop, if anyone is interested.

In any case, an interesting start.
DO EEEET. :snigger:
I SOO want to know WHAT the HECK happened to Link to make him so...welll...the guy seems a well mannered version of Silent Bob, by Metatron's bleeding Sake!? rovatfl.gif

For the silent bit, I don't like to write dialogue for Link. He's never given dialogue as far as I know and one can only guess what he's saying to game characters to prompt the responses we get. So, I show through gestures, looks, and such like the game does.

Through OoT I personally believe that Link doesn't ever reach maturity even though he has an adult body simply because he lacks the experiences to bring about that maturity. Time Looping can change that after awhile cause he'll grow up. That doesn't mean that he'll have ample opportunity to get laid though. As a child he won't really have the interest even if he thinks about it, as an adult there are few females that he spends enough time around for anything to happen- namely Malon, the Gerudo, and possibly the Cucco Lady. Saria is too young and seen too briefly, Ruto also has only a brief appearance, Zelda's running around either crossdressing or physically changed into a boy with only a brief time spent out of danger around Link (which ended in her kidnapping and later sending him back into the past.)

I also think that chivalry and a certain passiveness to females is prevalent in that particular game. Ruto is the best example from the game and Zelda follows fairly closely.

Also, this Link hasn't been Looping for as long as Sailor Moon has.

Frankly, I'm surprised that you didn't question her actions. Basically Mercury pulled a Daniel Jackson and pointed out the 'no consequences' bit. Usagi is taking advantage of that since none of the others will remember anything she does (blowing off fighting to sleep through the Silence, hooking up with other guys, etc.)
The first thing Rei Hino, aka Sailor Mars noticed when she came to was it was very muggy, and that it was also very dark. She sat up and tried to take stock of her surroundings. The last thing she recalled with any clarity was fighting some sort of... Actually, now looking back she had no clue what that thing had been. Certainly Ami's computer hadn't known what it was. "What is going on?" she asked the darkened room.

She was answered by a horrendously loud series of explosions and bursts of gunfire from nearby, which made her think for a moment that she'd woken up hearing a war film being filmed somewhere nearby, as preposterous as that idea was. This had roused the others, aside from Usagi, who was still aslepp. How that girl could sleep through a racket like that, she had no idea. Ami meantime had transformed back into Sailor Mercury and was scanning the environs. The look on her face told everyone that whatever was going on, was not good. Rei hurridly waved them to be quiet as they all heard footsteps outside the darkened room. There were two people outside, and from the sounds of their hushed voices, they were men.

All of a sudden, the Mercury computer began to beep rapidly, in a series of what almost sounded like Morse Code. The two men outside shut up rapidly, and-


Light poured into the room as the door was kicked in. The features of the two men were obscured by the back light, but a lot of important details were clear; particularly the rifles they were holding. The figure on the left started, before the right one put his arm out and spoke in a soft North London accent.

"Mason, go get Walker and his section up here at the double, then go look for the Captain. He'll want to see this."

"Right, Sarge."
the other man said, and jogged out of the room.

"Does anyone understand what's going on?" Makoto whispered.

Minako nodded. "I can understand them. They're British. British soldiers. Let me handle them, I speak it after all" she whispered back. She stood an cleared her throat.

"Excuse please? What place we? What name you?"

The man gaped at them like Minako had grown a second head. "You speak English? I'd never have thought in-"

"Sergeant Davies!" an authorative voice called out from outside the room. The now identified Sergeant Davies winced.

"Oh boy, the old man doesn't sound too happy..." he muttered to himself. "All right, ladies, let's be having you up and about." he said, slinging his rifle over his shoulder and offering them each a hand up.

The group trudged out of the darkened room, along a short passageway, and out down a flight of stone steps to a sunny courtyard. Setsuna was looking pale under her tan as she saw the tactical patch on Davies' shoulder: a black Jerboam on a dusty yellow square, the famous symbol of the British 7th Armoured Division, aka, 'The Desert Rats'.

"Captain Price, sir. We've brought the civvies like you ordered." Davies said to a broad-shouldered man wearing a black beret and a truely righteous muttonchop moustache, who turned to examine them.

The moment he did, both his jaw and Setsuna's fell. "What. The. Hell?!" he exclaimed in perfect Japanese, to the shock of the Senshi. "What the hell are you doing here! You weren't supposed to be reborn until the 1980's!"


Well-Known Member
*cues up Dr. Who theme music*

I could actually see them doing that intro on the show. Awesome.
In Call of Duty 1, 2, and 4, when you're playing the British Missions you're under the command of a Captain Price. There's a recurring joke with fans of the series that Price is a Timelord like Doctor Who, and that the SAS Captain you serve with in COD4 (set in 2011) is the same man you serve with in the 7th Armoured Division, 6th Airborne Division, and 3 Troop, SAS during WWII.


Well-Known Member
Setsuna blinked as she looked at the dozens of alternates of herself in the mists surrounding the Gates of Time and tried not to shout. "I'm sorry. What was that again?" she asked the nearest Setsuna that she was talking to.

"I said the last thing I remember was that I was in a fused loop where Harry got Sev fired instead of trying to kill him and Usagi choked to death on an odango so we were throwing a major party because we didn't have to bother with our annoying little charges anymore. The last thing I remember was Cologne and Jiraiya arriving with more booze and deciding to prove Sev still had hormones by dancing topless on a table. Then I tripped, fell, and woke up here. I must have cracked my head and started another loop or something," the alternate Sailor Pluto replied, uncaring of her still topless, yet transformed, state.

The native Setsuna held back her scream again as she turned to the next alternate near and and asked, "And you?"

This Setsuna, shrugged elegantly as she replied, "If I go by how sore I still am I would have to say Ranma fucked me to death. Although I have to admit it was the best way to go. Ever."

This time the native Sailor Pluto allowed herself the luxury of pinching the bridge of her nose as she looked the the next Setsuna for an explanation. "Don't try to take Naruto's ramen when he's in a six-tailed state."

"I tried to take Neo-Queen Serenity's ice cream when she was in the middle of PMS."

"I took my own life after seeing what Small Lady thought of as a romantic evening."

"I just got bored and tried to start a new loop."

"Cocaine is a HELL of a drug."


Well-Known Member
DhampyrX2 said:
Setsuna blinked as she looked at the dozens of alternates of herself in the mists surrounding the Gates of Time and tried not to shout. "I'm sorry. What was that again?" she asked the nearest Setsuna that she was talking to.

"I said the last thing I remember was that I was in a fused loop where Harry got Sev fired instead of trying to kill him and Usagi choked to death on an odango so we were throwing a major party because we didn't have to bother with our annoying little charges anymore. The last thing I remember was Cologne and Jiraiya arriving with more booze and deciding to prove Sev still had hormones by dancing topless on a table. Then I tripped, fell, and woke up here. I must have cracked my head and started another loop or something," the alternate Sailor Pluto replied, uncaring of her still topless, yet transformed, state.

The native Setsuna held back her scream again as she turned to the next alternate near and and asked, "And you?"

This Setsuna, shrugged elegantly as she replied, "If I go by how sore I still am I would have to say Ranma fucked me to death. Although I have to admit it was the best way to go. Ever."

This time the native Sailor Pluto allowed herself the luxury of pinching the bridge of her nose as she looked the the next Setsuna for an explanation. "Don't try to take Naruto's ramen when he's in a six-tailed state."

"I tried to take Neo-Queen Serenity's ice cream when she was in the middle of PMS."

"I took my own life after seeing what Small Lady thought of as a romantic evening."

"I just got bored and tried to start a new loop."

"Cocaine is a HELL of a drug."
Well I'v seen odder.


Well-Known Member
Well, I found this. It should have been alerted on New Intros.

Anyway, here is my start:

ôOh now youÆre just pointing out faults,ö sighed Usagi.

ôMy memory might be a bit iffy,ö said Luna, ôbut IÆm pretty sure that Sailor Moon does not execute youma by having them bow and beg for their lives before she puts a magical bullet in their heads!ö

ôThis gun isnÆt magical,ö said Usagi, holding a 9mm pistol. ôDo you know how many Yakuza and Triad members I had to threaten with Purification to get my weapons?ö

ôSailor Moon doesnÆt extort!ö

ôMan, for an adviser, youÆre pretty demanding; you know that?ö


Well-Known Member
That gives mean idea.....

Usagi frowned and pursed her lips in thought. She'd been practicing this one for the past few loops, just to see the reaction on Luna's face.

"So, I'm the beautiful reincarnation of a princess of a solar system wide empire. I've now got to track down the other reincarnations of the other princesses, who were sworn to serve me, so we can save the earth?"

Luna nodded, she was very relieved that the princess wasnt some kind of ditz in this life, like she was in the last.

"Ok, so, if reading manga has anything to go by, there should also be some kind of reincarnated prince who is my soul-mate, who I can fall madly in love with and he will be ever loyal and true?"

Luna blinked and tried to search her memory as best she could. "It would make sense. The Prince of the Earth, Endymion, will most likely also have been reincarnated as well. So, yes."

"And once I can prove I am the Princess by say..." She held up the Silver Crystal "Being able to use this? I can then get them to re-swear to serve me?"

Luna looked overjoyed. "Princess! You found the Silver Crystal! This is fantastic! It must have sensed your awakening and moved to fall into your hands. This is wonderful news. Now, certainly, when you find th eothers, I can, with your help, help them regain their memories and they will happily serve you!"

Usagi let a predatory grin of hunger cross her face. "Excellent. Soon I will have my 8 magical love slaves AND my very own gimp and if they are as weak as that Beryl woman and her pets were, then this should be easy."

Usagi, in her own mind, cackled maddly and rated Luna's face fault to be at least and 8.



Gulping Again

Well-Known Member

"Ugehehehehe! Is that all you can do, Sailor Moon?" The first youma was unusually difficult this loop, for some inexplicable reason. The only explanation Usagi could think of was that Tuxedo Mask hadn't shown up yet, but what the hell did he ever have to do with anything? He'd just throw a rose, give a canned inspirational speech, and run the hell away like any sane person would do in the face of an evil life sucking demon. Usagi growled in anger as she managed to wrench herself back upright.

"You can still stand? How unfortunate for you. It would have hurt less if you had just stayed down. Now I have to get NASTY!" The youma dashed towards the Moon Soldier, poised to deliver a killing blow. The only thing Usagi could do was to brace for the impact...

*SHPUCK* *WHAM* 'What just happened? Why am I wet?' Usagi hesitantly opened her eyes, and immediately fell on her ass, stunned by the sight in front of her.

Blood. So much blood. Way more blood than youma usually had, even when they were capable of bleeding. Splattered all over the room, walls, floor, and ceiling. The youma was lying in two pieces on the ground, with blood gushing from the newly exposed vessels. Between the two halves is an enormous chunk of metal. Is it a sword? No, it's far too huge to be a sword. It looks like some kind of narrow tabletop or something.

"What... What just happened?" Usagi once again struggled to her feet, then nearly went down again when the slab started moving. It was a sword, and it was wielded by a man. An enormous, terrifying man in black armor, with a metal arm and hundreds of scars all over his body. Usagi looked at his face, and flinched. He would be handsome, if it wasn't for the scars, the missing eye, and the all consuming despair and anger that had been etched into his features, speaking of a long, punishing, joyless life.

The giant returned the slab-sword to his back, and turned away, his cloak billowing around him just enough to be dramatic but not so much as to be ridiculous and stupid. "W-w-w-wait..." He turned his head and looked at the Moon Princess with his sole good eye. "W-w-w-w-w-who are you? Normal people can't destroy youma..."

"What makes you think I'm normal, little girl?" "W-w-w-what?! Little girl? I'll have you know that I am Sailor Moon! Champion of Love and Justice! I have been reborn to bring peace to the world and destroy evil!" Usagi, still shaken from the battle, didn't have nearly as much conviction as her little speech suggested, and the giant clearly noticed.

He grunted and turned away, his actions saying far more than words ever could. My intervention is the only reason you're even alive. You're in over your head, little girl. "Little girl... Little girl..." Usagi grit her teeth and began to cry. Not her usual over the top bawling, but the tears of a person who has just been informed exactly how weak and pathetic they are.

"Usagi... We should go..." Luna climbed up onto Usagi's shoulders and tried to comfort the poor girl, only to be slapped away. "...Princess..."

I said "Hey Gulping, what's something that would go with SM like oil and water on the greatest scale possible?" So I replaced Mamoru with Guts. Hooray! Keep your eyes open for something less grim later. Something involving another replacement for Mamoru, one who uses a whole lot of gun.


Well-Known Member
ôUm à Sailor Moon?ö

ôYes, Mercury.ö

ôIs everything okay with Sailor Saturn?ö asked the Senshi of Ice. They were assaulting BerylÆs fortressùsimply because their leader had æfelt like doing it instead of studyingÆ. But the other four Senshi and one Kamen had thought they would à well, fight as well.

Moon just shrugged. ôShe has some issues to work out,ö she replied. Man, HotaruÆs parents really gave her a complex. Who knew SaturnÆs rebirth and former bullying took such tolls.


ôà What?ö asked a few of the hapless youma before Sailor Saturn, right before they encountered the energy of the Silence point-blank.

ôOkay, we really need to throw her a party when we get back,ö said Sailor Jupiter.


Well-Known Member
The Senshi looked at the man who had replaced Mamoru in this loop. He was dressed in a dark blue uniform, with white gloves made from a unusually coarse material with a strange diagram in red etched on the back.

"So you say I'm serving in a unit with a bunch of girls in extremely short miniskirts?"

The Senshi nodded.



Well-Known Member
Roy Mustang. Who, in the first FMA anime and a manga omake, claimed that he wanted to become head of the Amestrian military so that he could order all the female soldiers to wear miniskirts.