Sailor Moon Pet Peeves


Well-Known Member
Chaos is good. I think this may have been mentioned before but chaos is not a good thing in SMverse.

Deleted member 5249

grant said:
Chaos is good. I think this may have been mentioned before but chaos is not a good thing in SMverse.
It was mentioned a couple pages back.

Deleted member 5249

Saw this a few times recently in a few betrayal fics and it just bothered me. The past reincarnation parents of the senshi being kings and queens with a lot of disrespect for the way Queen Serenity did things.

The Princess titles were given to the senshi by Queen Serenity when each of them was born. They didn't inherit it. They were granted it along with their castles. They have no birthright.

Deleted member 5249

Well for a fanfic you could argue they acted like this behind her back. The senshi were fully grown before Princess Serenity was born and any of their parents could have been planning a mutiny behind her back since she didn't have a child. But canonically until the Princess Senshi received their sailor Crystals until the fourth arc they had zero right to the planet excluding what Queen Serenity allowed. For all we know their parents excluding Setsuna could have been peasants.

They wouldn't have the balls to piss off Queen Serenity directly though.

Edit: Also another one. Only in the Dub and Manga are the other Senshi princesses. Animeverse it's only Usagi and Chibi-Usa.

Deleted member 5249

Petpeeve: Neo/Chibi Inner and Outer Senshi

Chibi-Usa has four canon guardians, the Sailor Quartet for her inner court. Her Equivalent of Outer would probably be following her asteroid theme.

The Inner and Outer Senshi didn't give up their senshi power like NQS and are still active in the future with perfectly capable 22-23 year old bodies or in Hotaru's case 18. There can only be one senshi at a time so they wouldn't have mini-versions running around.

Deleted member 5249

Setsuna, being exactly like she was Pre! Death.

Mangaverse, Setsuna lived a whole life after she was reborn and only reawakened her previous self when her life was in danger. So she's a 18-19 year old dealing with the memories of a person who lived for thousands of years. She's a lot more well adjusted than she was previously and apparently was pretty popular in school. <_< Her old self didn't completely overwrite the new one.
SeiyaxUsagi said:
The Inner and Outer Senshi didn't give up their senshi power like NQS and are still active in the future with perfectly capable 22-23 year old bodies or in Hotaru's case 18.
What does Hotaru look like at 18? Pic?

Deleted member 5249

No pic. Usagi does her extended life ability when she is 22 and Hotaru would only be 18 at the time. The ginzuishou recognizes a person as a fully grown adult when they reach 18 since it's what stopped Queen Serenity from aging after her 18th birthday.

Though now that I think of it. It could go either way in Hotaru's case.
Pet-Peeve of the Week: The senshi being xenophobic and attacking anything not human or automatically considering them evil, when in canon there pretty much shown not to have any problems with such things.

As long as a person isn't going around and terrorizing innocent people for lutz, they're going to be fairy neutral too them.

Deleted member 5249

Pet-peeve: A single senshi not being able to kill a Monster of a Day. Canonically all senshi have the capability to kill one and have at least one kill to their name.

They just let Usagi get the final shot because there is usually a chance they are human and Usagi's attack would leave the person unharmed.


Well-Known Member
Pet peeve: Ginzuishou =/= Silver Moon Crystal.

The first is the item Chibiusa, Queen Serenity and Usagi have all had in their possession with no issues. The second is a specific evolution of the ginzuishou unique only to Usagi. Chibiusa's ginzuishou evolves into the Pink Moon Crystal.


Well-Known Member
Pet Peeve - Lazy fanfic writers portraying Uranus and Neptune as amoral prideful idiots. Gah.

Deleted member 5249

That really is annoying. The reasons the talismans were in their bodies in the anime was because they could not despite how hard they tried throw away their morals. They love Usagi and the other senshi and fight tooth and nail to protect them.

Deleted member 5249

Been a while.

Peeve: The Generals being on par with the senshi. Maybe in the pitiful little first arc. This is especially annoying when the person claims they`re using the manga.

Rei incinerated Jadeite
Makoto killed Nephrite

Both happened in their debut chapters. The Generals suck. There is no way any villain giving the senshi trouble wouldn't just autokill the generals.


Well-Known Member
<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a> - It could have been worse?

Deleted member 5249

biigoh said:
<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a> - It could have been worse?

I just blocked that out.


Well-Known Member
In the anime the general were dangerous based on when they appeared. The first one died by running himself over with a slow moving plane. Kunzite was more impressive.

Deleted member 5249

zeebee1 said:
In the anime the general were dangerous based on when they appeared. The first one died by running himself over with a slow moving plane. Kunzite was more impressive.
Jadeite survived being run over.

He didn't survive a bitchy Beryl.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
SeiyaxUsagi said:
zeebee1 said:
In the anime the general were dangerous based on when they appeared. The first one died by running himself over with a slow moving plane. Kunzite was more impressive.
Jadeite survived being run over.

He didn't survive a bitchy Beryl.
Hell hath no fury...

Deleted member 5249

Petpeeve: Usagi as super virginal. It's implied In the manga she and Mamoru have been doing it since she was fifteen with fade to black scenes and her waking up in his bed the next morning.

Deleted member 5249

Petpeeve: In crossovers, making the character "chaotic" in order for the senshi to fight them or not learn anything about them.

Um. Excuse me, being Chaotic is literally the worst thing to be, because it sticks out so much from the norm and that senshi were created in this universe specifically to fight them.

Senshi being rigid with their attacks. Have you even seen either the anime or manga? They create or are given techniques to fit the situation. In the anime, they've consistently modified or added on to their techniques (changing range, etc.)

In the manga it's even more extreme Ami once wanted to shield a building from the Dark Kingdom and teleported into another dimension to do it. They can make anything a weapon to channel their powers. Michiru wanted to use her six million dollar Stradivarius, Marine Cathedral as a weapon and she created her technique Submarine Violin Tide.

Deleted member 5249

Petpeeve: Luna and Artemis being useless. Luna cancelled out a attack from Metallia herself that the senshi couldn't block. She was more useful then the other senshi in the final battle against her. Artemis shined in the dreams arc.

Luna and Artemis were canon heroes of The Silver Millenium. They don't just advise. They fought.


Well-Known Member
I found these quotes on Spacebattles that refer to some of the pet peeves listed above. Specifically, about Crystal Tokyo , Sailor Pluto bashing and the Great Freeze.
Note: These do not necessarily represent my opinions.
Second note: Ignore the manga. This is specifically talking about the anime.

Originally Posted by Zap Rowsdower?
And, due to Anime Writer Screwup, the senshi know the ice age is coming, probably down to the day, and yet do nothing to prevent it other than ward off that bit of Tokyo.
If they warned the rest of the world, tens of millions would easily have survived, and they wouldnt want to be ruled over by a bunch of vapid schoolgirls with crazy delusions...

If you actually think through what happens, it paints a very dark picture on someones intentions. This is why Sailor Pluto is blasted so much in fanfiction.

Shes literally known about the 'Great Freeze' for thousands of years and has intentionally done nothing to stop it or mitigate it. She's made it her one goal (for whatever reason) to ensure Crystal Tokyo's existence so as to make the 'Moon Kingdom Reborn'. Apparently at the expense of everything else on the damned planet.

She says she doesn't know why or how it happens, but she knows exactly what does happen. She apparently chooses to do nothing to save anyone but those who will be ruled by the Senshi. Seems very 'Lawful Evil', huh?
Also the issue of how she became Universal World Leader so soon after resurrecting/shielding/purifying everyone when she could have done something to prevent NEEDING to resurrect/shield/purify everyone rubs some people as uncharacteristically power hungry, especially for a girl known to, A, not want to have power or responsibilty, and B, be willing to save everyone and get the best possible ending even if it kills her.

Really, there's nothing WRONG with Crystal Tokyo per se... if the one in charge was one of the uber-pragmatic Outers (I'm suspicious of the "purifying" thing, but only because I'm paranoid, it almost certainly referred to eliminating some sort of demonic taint.) But something smells fishy when the idealistic and self-sacrificing humble messianic figure goes with a plan best described as "not the best, but the most likely to work out very well" that coincidentally ends up with her ruling the world, rather than less likely to work but less status-quo-shaking and less harm-and-stress-to-innocents plans.

Originally Posted by TheLastOne?
No. During the Great Freeze monsters took up residence on the earth, and when humanity woke up humanity battled them for the planet. Afterwords, Serenenity wasn't willing to kill the monsters, so she exiled them from the planet, and they became the dark moon clan.
...that makes even less sense given her actions throughout the series, and it still makes Usagi look batshit insane.
Repeat: These are not my words.

Deleted member 5249


Not the version I'm used to since that one always said enchanted sleep but whatever.
