Akamatsuverse S'All About Tha Row

S'all About Tha Row
By: Dark Knight Gafgar




"You'll never guess who's awake."

"You're shitting me!"


Keitaro Urashima blinked, bleary-eyed, as a loud screeching noise assaulted his ears. Rising slowly, zombie-like, out of his futon, he sighed, then gave a smoldering glare to the alarm clock located at his side.

Unphased, the alarm continued to blare.


"You got anything you want to say to the judge, better start thinking of it now."


The alarm clock flew through Keitaro's window, completely off the Hinata House premises to fall somewhere into the sleepy town of Hinata below.

Glass shattered. A cat screamed. A car horn honked. There was a screech of tires, a crashing sound, and then a violent explosion.

Keitaro yawned and fumbled for his glasses.


"Hey... is it really you?"

"Do I know you?"


Keitaro raised his arms over his head, stretching and working the kinks out of his back and neck. Quickly throwing on a purple t-shirt, he grumbled to himself as he stumbled his way towards the bathroom and opened the door. Then blinked.

Naru Urashima froze in the act of pulling up her panties, then slowly turned her head to glare red-faced at her husband in the doorway.

"Um. Hi honey."


"Alroight. Let's get out of here."



"Oh dammit not agaAAAAAAARRRGH"

Keitaro's In His Orbit, All's Right With The World.


"Stilwater Police Department! Drop the gu-argh"

"Fire! Open fir-hhk"

"Hell with this! My retirement's next week!"

"Coward! Get back he-"



"Sorry mate, but it's over for you."




(Chapter incomplete.)


Well-Known Member


It looks good. BUt where is it going?
Mercsenary said:


It looks good. BUt where is it going?
Somewhere 'round here I'd wager.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see a guy who thinks of ideas that are more unique than mine are!