Searching for the title of a slash fiction

Hi, I am not sure if this is a good place to ask for the title of fanfics but I've been searching for it for days now. I would really appreciate it if someone could help?!
It's been a few years since I read it.

Background: Original Characters. Male MC, married, two sons, the younger son was born with a womb.
I think they live in a world/planet/AU where only men existed, I didn't read that far to know, but MC was an earthling. Forgot how he ended up in that world. He was like the only human there. I think he never goes outside because the inhabitants(aliens) there are dangerous to him?
Scenes that I remember, not so clearly:
1.Mc was decorating the Christmas tree or wrapping presents or whatever, and his younger son pulled his leg pants or something.
2.Mc and his husband had sex on the living room floor.
3.The scene of his older son making his younger son cry reminded him when he was young that he did the same to his sister.

That's all I could recollect. I'd really appreciate any help!