Shadows of Scotland (nWoD)

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Shadows of Scotland

Scotland is a country with a rich and varied history, a land of striking beautiful scenery with a people proud of its traditions and heritage. The years that have passed since the beginnings of its history have seen much conflict and upheaval and many triumphs and tragedies that absorb historians and capture the imaginations of storytellers and their audiences. Scottish folk legends tell of fairies, giants and monsters that have lived (or still do live) cheek by jowl with the mere mortals who inhabit this small country. Where or why these stories began no one can be certain, but they have entertained audience and teller alike for many long years and continue to do so. It is the same with the many hundred of ghosts that are said to populate Scotland.

This is part of the introduction to a book called Scottish Ghosts, by Lily Seafield, which I bought a couple years ago during a vacation to Scotland. It is a great and at times scary read, especially if done after the sun goes down. It made me realize that the haunting capital of Europe -Edinburgh, said to be the most haunted city in the old continent- is also the capital of a fitting state.

Sounds like a good start for a New World of Darkness game.

I’d like to use the new God-Machine rules -would be my first run with them, a fair warning-, and since I’m the one with the book, I guess I will storytell. ;) Before discussing character creation and the starting hook, I’d like us to decide on the system. The background is perfect for a simple Mortals game but also translates decently into a Mage chronicle and Werewolf too, to a stretch. But first of all, I’d like to see if anyone is actually interested in this!


Well-Known Member
Very interested and I could easily get you a group.