Sonic Boom!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know it's a game, but the show premiered yesterday, and I figured it could go here too, sooo...Any thoughts?

I'll admit, I'd need to see more (And new Amy is still annoying, so far at least, but a bit of it is amusing), but I got some chuckles, and the interaction between Sonic and Eggman, while bringing the scientist down a bit from the "Major Villain" role, is kinda amusing, although it did go a bit too far during the second part. On the same token, though, it makes it a bit too sitcom-y than I think a Sonic show should be

Sticks, for her short appearance, seems funny in a "Crazy tin-foil hat hobo" sort of way
She was also totally right, so crazy or not, there's that

The VA work is actually pretty good, and the voices match the characters pretty well.

Overall, the first episode is...alright. Not great, but it gave me some laughs and is a good start in my opinion. (Although it's on a bit early for me)


Well-Known Member
Well...Nobody else want to admit they watched it?...Moving on...

My Thoughts On...

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-Well, kinda relaxing...and Boom, Paranoid Sticks is still funny :)

-Okay, I kinda like UT's extra feature, but is it mind reading? (On another note...Kinda disturbing that the only outright carnivore of the group builds something that would let him talk to his food)

-Sorry, Amy, you're busted, and yes, Paranoid Sticks is still funny...Hoping she goes full on Tin Foil Hat to try and stop UT

-O'kay, so this Sonic doesn't know how Amy stal-er...loves him...Alrighty, that's an interesting bit...

-Okay...This is actually a solid plan from Eggman, but you would think Tails and Sonic would have some sort of security system at their place...

-...Good plan, kinda, no, very ham-fisted execution...Seriously, you'd think they'd start realizing when Knuckles supposedly insulted himself...

-Seeing Sticks just go off on Knuckles really is funny as heck...

-Well, good to see Tails has a good enough head on his shoulders to see through some bullplop...

-Hey, an old style Motobug badnik, cool. I don't think we've seen an actual badnik in a Sonic show in a long time...

-Damn, Tails has a hell of an arm to wrench wreck that thing...

-"Or what?" "That's a fair question." Funny, and kinda establishes Eggman as a somewhat credible threat when Badniks pop up.

-Wow, not only does Eggman acknowledge Tails' ability, but this whole exchange seems kinda...funny, but both ways, funny weird and funny-funny. The comedic timing is pretty good...

-Okay, Paranoid Sticks is funny, but apparently so is randomly violent Sticks

-All thanks to U2T2 "Save me Sonic, you're my only hope."

-Kinda nice seeing a fight like this, where it's not just "hit anywhere for damage"

-And one last act of random violence from Sticks


-Robot attacking, and...Wait, so whether it's his robot or not, does this mean when he's not being an actively evil dude, Eggman is allowed to just chill in the village?

-Wow...Almost slow, gruesome child murder...Kinda jumping up a few levels, Eggman...

-Damn...Sticks has some power in those arms...

-Wait, so who abandons a robot dog? Are there just stray robo-dogs wandering around now?

-...Do we even want to know what that slime is?

-So, tin-foil-hat, random-violence and now Cat-lady, are there any types of guano-crazy Sticks won't end up as?

-A deadly equipment warehouse store?...Well, i guess an evil genius can't build everything...(But why bother with the disguises?)

-Ah, so it's Tails' house...Is it Sonic's too, or does he just crash there all the time?

-Uh...Beware Egg-dudes bearing gifts...

-Ah, so Eggman built Buster...should have seen it coming...

-IA-IA-CTHULU-FIGHTAGEN!...Sorry, what was I saying?

-...Yeah, Knuckles, not too effective on the shockwave...

-"Do you remember the random crap we did together? Yeah, me neither..." XD

-First off...Why not keep Buster now that he can now turn into a freaking monstrosity Sticks can con...Oh, right, don't give the crazy lady more weapons...Anyways, second...No, Tails, you want a pet you can build one yourself...

Overall...It's actually quite a bit better than the first episode. I laughed more, it was interesting and I'm looking forward to more


Random phantom.
Yeah, episode 2 sorta confirmed that Sonic and Tails live together.

I think one thing to take into account is that Eggman, here, is supposed to be as much a threat as a Care Bear villain. Yes, he DOES want to un-alive them, but he's willing to go through the pettiest and lamest plans to do so, rather than just send his robot armies to murdelize them.


Well-Known Member
H-Man said:
Yeah, episode 2 sorta confirmed that Sonic and Tails live together.
yeah, but I'm just wondering if the house belongs to them both, or if it's one of those situations where your friend wants to crash for a couple nights, and those couple of nights never end. Maybe Tails wants to bring a chick to his place but, nope, got his buddy crashing there...

H-Man said:
I think one thing to take into account is that Eggman, here, is supposed to be as much a threat as a Care Bear villain. Yes, he DOES want to un-alive them, but he's willing to go through the pettiest and lamest plans to do so, rather than just send his robot armies to murdelize them.
I don't know, tossing a baby walrus into a burning house seems a bit more extreme. Less Care Bear and more MLP, where the villain seems lame at times, but will still drown your ass in a world-smothering horror


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, running a bit behind, but...

My thoughts on...

My Fair Sticksy

-Okay, right off the bat, Title makes me think someone's gonna be hitting on Sticks...Kinda hope it's Tails (My mind immediatly thinks any kids they would have would be mad scientists on a level that would make Eggman soil himself)...

-And right off the bat, someone's cast the Meteo spell (Seriously, first the Firebot, then a Dangerous Weapons warehouse, now this, I can't imagine why the hell people still live in this village...

-Making wishes, Amy?...How about wishing for a brain?

-And again, I LOVE Sticks (And again, even more proof that Sticks plus Tails would equal mad scientist babies)

-Okay, the reading glasses thing was kinda funny, but...Knuckles can't read? I know there's a lot of jokes that can be made about Knuckles' intelligence, or lack thereof (Insert ClementClip Here), but that's a bit worrying...

-"Get Tetenus shot" at least she's got some reasonable plans

-Yes, Amy, the nutjob who wanted to stand in the middle of a meteor shower and wish will teach you all about being a proper Lady

-"Fine, but I'm not wearing pants"....Is it odd that I'm surprised that line got through the censor people?

-"No, Sticks, Ladies don't fight" says the girl who routinely swings a hammer the size of her torso...

-Okay, so the dude who can't read can play piano?...Alright, I can buy that (Although I would have thought Knuckles would be a drummer and Tails on the keyboard)

-Okay, if Eggman has those energy fields, why hasn't he used them before? They seem pretty effective...

-Kinda surprised she had her normal outfit on under the dress...

Fortress of Squalitutde

-Modern Lair Magazine...Actually, that does sound kinda cool. Not subscription cool, but more of an impulse buy at the checkout counter cool...

-Because it's just not an Evil Lair without a kick-ass roller coaster

-Wow, I always thought Hipsters were evil...

-Okay, didn't expect different from Sonic, Tails weaponizing music isn't much of a strech, but we are kinda just running with the Idiot Knuckles here, aren't we?

-Okay, nothing suspicious of Eggman showing up for decorating tips? (And wow, even Knuckles insults Knuckles, through a puppet at least)

-Well, it's kinda meh for a montage and HOLYCRAPEGGMAN HAS A DISINTEGRATION BEAM ON HIS WRIST!

-I get the feeling either Sticks or Knuckles came up with their entrance path

-Damn, Sticks' boomerang must be made of some serious tough wood