Specific advertisements breaking back button functionality


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I've noticed something interesting... specific ads seem to break back button functionality...

For me it has only been over the last 3 days or so, but uncertain when the latest ads were last cycled in. If the bottom random advertisement is a Toyota ad, the back button refuses to work until I either move to a different page and hit back twice (to go past the ad), or click my TFF home page link and then continue...

I have no issue with Toyota cars... but that break in functionality is annoying... no clue if other cycled in advertisements would do it as well though.

Clearing the cache does not really solve anything, merely delays the comeback.

I'm on Win7 Sp1 64bit edition with all windows updates, and IE10.0.9200.16635.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
I'm on Win7 Sp1 64bit edition with all windows updates, and IE10.0.9200.16635.
Found yo problem

No matter how much IE updates it's still shit for stopping things from running on a page.

Grab Firefox + Adblock and Noscript, or Chrome + Adblock and Notscripts. You can even whitelist sites with ads you'd want to support or something, but still keep them from running anything.


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
Yeah but that solution is facile cuz Paul is using IE because he likes it more than FF or Chrome, not because he hasn't bothered with them.

Anyway I googled around a little bit and I hazard to guess this guy might explain your issue a little.

A known error from IE9 is that loading the page pushes the url into the IE history for each instance of AdSense in the page, so that when you hit back, it's going to push you back to the last item in the history--when the last 1+ items are the exact same page you're on. Anyway if it's a specific ad instead of all of them it might be something like that. I guess you could diagnose by dropping down the back list and seeing if the current page is listed a few times?


Well-Known Member
His problem with Firefox is that it wasn't stable for him and his few thousand bookmarks. I don't know if this would still be true with the current version of Firefox. And I forgot if he had stated anything in regards to Chrome.


Well-Known Member
The best advice, I guess in this case, would be to try firefox again, depending on how long ago he tried to import those bookmarks. For me the only time I've ever had firefox problems is if i'm on some webpage with no end to it and it has a lot of large gifs/images. Like a tumblr blog or something with unlimited paging. Im usually running something like 30-60 tabs at one time and I close FF about once a week or two.


Obsessively signs his posts
Staff member
Haven't got time to investigate this issue - but something feels off, if changing the browser is the only solution we have. I mean, IE10 isn't some 9 year old anarchic thing. They've improved a lot and while I don't use it personally, my brother seems to like it.

There's got to be another solution or something...



Well-Known Member
chronodekar said:
Haven't got time to investigate this issue - but something feels off, if changing the browser is the only solution we have. I mean, IE10 isn't some 9 year old anarchic thing. They've improved a lot and while I don't use it personally, my brother seems to like it.

There's got to be another solution or something...

Well, you can always bear it or ignore it, like how the vast majority of IE users handled it for more than a decade.


Well-Known Member
Alt+Left Arrow as a work around.
Because every other web browser works with Google ads, It must be Google's fault that IE doesn't work.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
rdde said:
His problem with Firefox is that it wasn't stable for him and his few thousand bookmarks. I don't know if this would still be true with the current version of Firefox. And I forgot if he had stated anything in regards to Chrome.
Do note I am not the only one getting this just recently... it was reported after I made this thread by another user in the computer help thread. So there really is something wrong with specific ads in last several days. I've not hit those Toyota ads in last day, they may have been pulled.

Back when I was using it as a backup browser only solution, I had stability issues with Firefox on every system tried it on except Linux... from 1.5x through 3.0x.

Every system...

The final straw, was when the bookmark manager in 3.0x broke and started taking 15 minutes to import IE bookmarks and or crash from trying to do it and failing. Reinstalls did not fix it, switching systems did not fix it

Opera, my current backup browser... last time I tried timing the import process it took 7 seconds. And Opera does not crash...

At the time FF crapped out on me, I had somewhere between 3900 and 4100 IE favorites, cannot remember exact number... currently I have 6928+ and am about to crack 7000 as I am redesigning my favorites (and why I've not posted a partial list in two weeks).

Anyone know what the true upper limit is on # of bookmarks? Or more accurately, on the max FF can in practice handle?

In any case, even if I switched back, I'd have to deal with the other headaches... not worth it.

As for Chrome, myself and my brother evaluated it at one time, we did not care for it, but we cannot say we really had much in way of problems.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
T.L said:
Alt+Left Arrow as a work around.
I'll try that if it occurs again
Because every other web browser works with Google ads, It must be Google's fault that IE doesn't work.
That does not mean they cannot make a mistake...

I think they may have pulled the Toyota ads doing it, I've not seen them on any website in the last day.


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
I have heard of 11000 before the *.json file started to become unstable and slow.
There seems to be some way to repair the file with Sqlite.
Apparently after FF 4.0 came out the problem with the *.json file has to some extent been fixed.


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
daniel_gudman said:
PCHeintz72 said:
Anyone know what the true upper limit is on # of bookmarks? Or more accurately, on the max FF can in practice handle?
There isn't one (in theory) but Importing from IE is known to require exporting from IE to an HTML file first.

In practice... this might run into the reputation that FF has as a RAM hog?
The answer given in that link is fairly lame when you take into account that there should be far less to process directly, than having it all in a HTML file. Also taking into account they admit there is a problem and are not bothering to fix it.

Hmmm... I have 135 folders, though under the new system I'm creating I'm anticipating a slight increase in folders to perhaps about 139, and a few folder renames. I'll need them to support the new functionality I'm going to introduce.

URL file are merely modified INI files, and favorites folder structure is merely directories on the hard drive.

In regards to FF reading URL files there should be no issues unless IE is loaded and running during the scan FF is performing. I know from experience both when still used Fire Fox and with my Lister program that IE locks some URL files and folders while loaded (I believe this is at least in part to the system masking that occurs regarding the Favorites Bar/Link folder, which is treated different by Windows), and IE rewrites URL files as needed with updated information (ex. site icons, ratings, last access, and for some sites advertising sub links) unless preventative steps are taken.

The solution to IE locking files above I found simple... Copy the structure, do the scans on it, then blow it away. There are of course other methods... but this works 100% of the time.

The solution to IE writing extra information into the URLs was twofold. My Lister program when run has a option to erase and reinitialize a URL file having only the bare information in it for it to work, and to prevent further tampering, by IE or other programs, make it read only.

As for my reorganization of the favorites... it is prompted by a fairly large number of things.
- The fact I've had a couple things never implemented under the current system.
- The fact I was nice enough to leave reviews on a few various downloaders after reevaluating them and the only response received back from the one was annoying.
- The fact FF.NET is messing with its feeds...
- The fact I'm encountering more authors that like hidden updates to prior chapters, and I'm uncertain what I've missed over the years.
- The fact the current system is not set up for dumping into downloaders (should the desire be there) due to overreliance on author only link stories.
- The fact current copies of some of my downloaded stories are not from the sites currently links pointing to.
- The limitation that it's not as easy to tell a preview link from a direct link as it could be, and that some people want both.

I've so far centered my efforts on the 18 true archive sites I visit (as opposed to forums). I've actually re-downloaded so far some 4009 stories, and anticipate another couple hundred more and am recreating the links to each to fall under a new organizational setup I'm making. I've mapped it all out, and am using a combination of 3 downloaders, old style batch files, and a couple custom programs I have outlined but not yet finished to redo it all... (they are needed to fix the fact the downloaders all have different deficiencies and at least one of them outright admitting the functionality it says it has is partially broke except specific formats and not doing everything that is needed). They will parse out the downloaded files into chapters, metadata, and auto create links.

Combined... this will easily be the single biggest change in my setup since at least 2006 when FF.NET introduced Feeds, and likely from before 2005 when I created my Lister and URLHacker programs in the first place as part of a sort of dare.


Well-Known Member
I believe that the feeds from FF.net will be restored after they finish the abortion they made of the new filter. Per FF.net blog.


Well-Known Member
FF is up to like 26billion or somethin. I've never gone near as far as that many bookmarks, however so ymmv.