Star Trek Into Darkness


Well-Known Member

I just watched Star Trek: Into Darkness, and I can honestly say, it's everything I expected and more. I loved it; I honestly, truly and definitely loved it and would definitely nominate it as the best view you can have this year (Thus far; here's hoping Pacific Rim rocks my socks too). The plot is VERY similar to a certain previous Star Trek film, and some scenes play out as you'd expect them, but never for a moment was I disappointed.

The effects, the character interaction, it's everything that I would have loved and made into a Star Trek piece. There's bromance, there's tragedy and there's even some fanservice for you people who want it. It's a definite must-see and well worth the admission price for the normal viewing.

I give it 6 points out of 7.

How was YOUR experience with it? Try to conceal spoilers here until the 20th of May at least.


Well-Known Member
Absolutly loved it, won a fourty dollar bet with my old man too.
As for spoilers don't click if you don't want a major one.


Well-Known Member
I have to be honest with what I've heard I went in hopeful. After kirk got shoved out an airlock I just wanted it to end.
I don't look for plotholes but they just kept jumping out at me. Maybe I'm getting old.

The acting was on par with the first movie. The 3D effects looked great. The plot was swiss cheese.
Chekov and Sulu were barely in it. Ground fight sequences were ok, but the space battles were shit. The villian wasn't bad but wasn't great.

The reason the previous trek film was good was it was simple this tried to put too many twists into 1 movie.


Well-Known Member
Saw it today with my old man. Have to say, while this movie was par for the course as far as standard ST plot devices, anyone who says that ST does science better than SW is crazy. This movie proves it.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
I, too, enjoyed Star Trek Cannot Into Proper Lighting.

Benedict Cumberbatch out-acted everyone he shared a scene with.


Well-Known Member
So, to make up for him being a villain, Benedict Cumberbatch for the role of 'Doctor Strange'?


(Hardcore) Gamer
He already has the role of Sherlock Holmes. That pretty much validates his entire existence.


Well-Known Member
violinmana said:
He already has the role of Sherlock Holmes. That pretty much validates his entire existence.
Indeed. Though RDJ is both Sherlock Holmes and Tony Stark so the roles aren't exclusive.

And I really liked RDJ's version of Sherlock.