Summoned my First Worldkai


Well-Known Member
Summoned an enraged 1 AspenStory, and I'd appreciate some help with it. I don't have too much to offer in exchange for help, but I'm open to discussion.


Well-Known Member
At the very least, can you spend a bit of stamina on the combos?


Well-Known Member
I can. Since Azalyn has the most stamina, I'll be tossing her at your WorldKaiju


Well-Known Member
Nope, speedlooping to 111, can't. Wait about another 2 weeks (maybe alittle more) and I can help on your next one. Sutton looped so I could restat so he isn't very effective right now and fail alt is fail.


Well-Known Member
Your fail alt is still very much appreciated, Sandric.

Wish I could help you out, but I'm swamped with village stuff. Also, definitely don't have juice and probably won't have wkai awesome (swapped it for con awesome), so I wouldn't be helpful even if I tried.


Well-Known Member
I was hoping to level my main up a bit more before starting, but I'll help out in earnest tomorrow. I'm just gonna have to lay some prep work like getting Lil' Whitey 3 first.