Sword of the Empire


Well-Known Member
Note: A big chunk of the ideas for this come from rereading Fosfor's Fateless Vs Canon story combined with one of the reviews I had gotten for Imperium Rising. This story uses the future of Imperium Rising combined with even more Star Wars.


Emperor Dion, Dark Lord of the Sith, sat upon his throne watching the stars slowly come back into focus.

The dull roar of the modified engines died down, replaced by the normal thrum of the stardrives.

It had taken him nearly three decades to achieve his goals, leaving him, Harry Potter, as the unquestioned ruler of four galaxies. His armies were rumored to outnumber the stars themselves.

His ships had been upgraded beyond what Sidious had given him, improved not just by magic, but by the native technologies coming from the various worlds he ruled. The Asgard, the Nox, the Ancients, the Ori, and more had fallen before him.

And to the victor went the spoils.

Better hyperdrives and power plants, shields that could take far more damage, and even cloaking devices that almost any ship could use.

And now he had gathered his personal fleet hoping for a challenge unlike any he had yet faced. He had used magic combined with the power of the dark side to rip the soul from the mortal Ori known as Adria and contained it. That power was enough to power the dimensional gateway generator that was so crucial to his plans.

He was aiming to conquer Sidious' empire and add it to his own.

To that end his ships had entered the void, a hundred Star Destroyers of various types intermixed with nearly three times that many smaller ships. On top of that was the pride of the Imperial Navy, an upgraded Eclipse class with ten Executor class in escort.

The Eclipse was Dion's personal flagship, the second of it's class ever made. The first had fallen in breaching the Ori galaxy, and this new one was certain to live up to the name it was given, the Olympus.

"My Emperor," came the report from his trusted soldier, Crimson, "We have arrived in the target system, but..."

"What is the problem?"

"Milord," the loyal one continued, "We are in the same system as Coruscant and the charts match, but the time is wrong!"

"When have we arrived then?"

"Before Palpatine declared himself Emperor, I have Identified the Invisible Hand in Coruscant orbit."

Harry blinked behind his mask, "I'm heading for the bridge, order the fleet to prepare for combat operations, we're going in."



Well-Known Member
Maarek Stele grinned as he watched pilots rushing to their fighters while strapping into his own ship.

"Black flight," he stated calmly to his personal flight of the 181st fighter wing, "Form up on me as soon as you launch, the Emperor wants us to focus on eliminating the Confederate forces, the rest of the 181st is to cover the Olympus and escort."

His men chimed in like clockwork as they blasted out of the hangers of the Olympus and to full attack speed.

The battle in orbit was larger than almost any of the ones he had seen, only the first battle of their invasion of the Ori matched it.

His new missile boat was far superior to the previous version he'd been used to. The single blaster canon replaced by a fire-linked pair on the wingtips and an ion canon in the place of the usual one. Stronger shields and a more efficient boost system completed the mix.

Only Black Flight was currently equipped with the prototypes, though the bomber wing would soon gain the upgrade themselves.

The sharks grin painted on the noses of Black Flight coupled with the jet black of the rest save for the crimson bands all of the 181st had on their wings or solar panels. They had been once called the Emperors Hellhounds, their kill counts no longer even listed on the fighters due to the inability to have enough space.

"Inbound enemy fighters," he heard Joker comment, "That carrier is spewing them out like mad, suggest we give that thing a run on our way in."

"Got that Black Two," came the voice of his other wingman, Tanker, "I agree on the suggestion, bossman, do we have permission for the run?"

"Black flight," Maarek stated, "One bombing run, then break formation, targets of opportunity allowed."

"Roger Black Leader," came the tandem response from his wingmen.


Master Saesee Tiin watched as one of the Separatist ships exploded in a hailstorm of detonations while unknown fighters materialized.

Then the surprises expanded a ship, twenty kilometers in length, dropped out of hyperspace, disgorging fighters into the fray.


Well-Known Member
Palpatine felt the disturbance in the force and then the hint of danger.

It was the only warning he got as the axial superlaser of the Olympus fired.

The last thing he saw as the Invisible Hand was cored by the awesome might of a weapon capable of cracking planetary crusts.

His death as well as that of Count Dooku and General Grievous was instantaneous.


"Sire," one of the techs stated, "There is a problem with the superlaser."

"What?" Crimson asked, moving through the command bridge.

"Sir, there was apparently a problem with one of the focusing lens'," came the response, "The weapon will be inoperable until it is repaired."

"Divert power from the Superlaser to shields," the armored guardsman ordered, "Have repair crews begin an analysis of just what went wrong."

"Yes Admiral," came the response from the smaller man.

The hiss of the turbolift opening brought him to attention, years of service to the Sith Lord gave him an almost instinctive sense of his masters presence.

"Lord Dion," he stated slowly, "The Hand is dead, we are preparing our Marines to board another of their ships, it should give us more information on their datanet."

"Good," Harry responded, "Make sure that Jade joins them, her skills should be most useful in cracking the codes for use."

"Yes Milord."


Well-Known Member
Mara Jade grimaced as she felt the momentary disconnect of the Asgard based transporter a moment after they sent a set of ion grenades.

Four teams of ARC's went with her, crimson blade materializing amidst the wreckage caused by the overpowered weapons playing havoc to the electronics of the ship they boarded in flashes of light.

The newer armor developed from the techniques culled from various other races gave them a color almost of a metallic gray dulled to barely any reflectiveness. The ground troops still painted theirs white while the Marine forces preferred the more natural color of the armor.

Blasters rose in unison as the teams scattered to take their targets, the weapons pouring fire into the surviving battle droids.


Well-Known Member
This looks promising I'm looking forwards to the chaos that harry/dion will cause.


Well-Known Member
This one's on pause while I work on a more current portion of the universe from the Imperium Rising part.