Bleach "Take Me With You"


Well-Known Member
nintendokid said:
Heh, reread what I wrote, and I got the idea of Tatsuki being bi, and deciding that she wants both Orihime and Ichigo.
Amusingly enough, Orohime would probably be all for it. She even says that it's too bad more girls don't like Ichigo, or they could team up on him. :lol:
Seriously? In canon? As in canon canon? :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:


Well-Known Member
windfalcon said:
DhampyrX2 said:
Prince Charon said:
windfalcon said:
Hmm.... tatsuki was Ichigo's friend/acquaintance before his mom died... so...

Would Misaki be alive, since there'd be two to three shinigami in the area?
Possibly. If not, I could see Yoruichi and/or Soifon hunting down Grand Fisher, and brutally killing him.
I'd have to say the same thing here. Just because they're Shinigami doesn't mean they're omnipotent or that they are following Misaki and Ichigo around all the time. I think she's still killed here, unless something very strange happens. Of course I don't think Yoruichi and Soi Fon would take things well. The only way Grand Fisher lives to see another night is if they defer to Isshin's right to wait until he regains his own powers to avenge Misaki.
The only reason why I mention this is a few reasons.

a.) Tatsuki went to the same karate class. If she didn't go home by herself, then Yoruichi or Kisuke would pick her up. If they actually sensed the Hollow presence upon doing so, then they might just go out of their way to dispose of it first in order to prevent it from targeting anyone nearby with large reiatsu, like their darling little girl.

b.) Soi Fon, despite being something of a bitch at times, wouldn't want something as nasty as a Hollow around to bother her family. I don't know if its just me.. but I can see her hunting down any Hollow in range of her senses, just in case.

c.) With this many shinigami around, Isshin himself might have a reason to come out of retirement... after all, with this much reiatsu, even if its hidden by some of Kisuke's devices or gigai, bad things are bound to come a calling.

Of course, if Misaki still dies, then Ichigo would have a way of focusing his grief/anger/emotions in the form of training to one day avenge his mom... amongst other things. Kinda like Fosfor-taicho's Stray Cat Strut, yes?
Actually, you could take that farther if Kiuske or Yoruichi saved Misaki. Misaki and Ichigo were still nearly killed, and the scare pushed Ichigo more toward his canon personality in hopes of defending his mother. Misaki being there but nearly dying might move Isshin to reclaim his powers that much sooner to protect her and the kids. Now you have Isshin, Kiuske, Yoruichi, and Soi Fon training at the very least Tatsuki and Ichigo.

You might even add Ishida in there as a child as well. I can't see him hating Shinigami totally if his mother, auntie Yoruichi, Uncle Kiuske, and Uncle Isshin all happen to be Shinigami themselves, even if they did go rogue at some point. In fact I could see Isshin almost declaring himself as Ichigo and Tasuki's protectors much the way Soi Fon was supposed to protect Yoruichi. (Even he could see them getting together, much to their ire and embarassment whenever any of the parents, or Ishida himself, mentions it. After all, they're "just friends." Thus he has to "protect" Ichigo as well.) I still see him hating Mayuri, though. And you know Kiuske at the very least would recognize his handiwork in kidnapping Ishida's grandpa. That means Soi Fon most likely would as well. If not, Yoruichi would probably tell her.

Hullo thar Shunpo and Hakudo trained Quincy Ishida looking to take a shot at Mayuri once he can get to him. Mommy's going to teach you how a real Shinigami fights, then you can avenge grandpa.

Now that I think about it, and regular Hollow that comes near Karakura is an artard. You have four Shinigami that are captain level (or above. Soi Fon might actually be the weakest of the four. :ph43r: ) plus their kids, and their kids' friends who are developing powers over time. It's like a mini SS commune of ass kickery down there.

You know, I almost feel sorry for Rukia when she shows up. If she keeps having the flashes of Kaien when she sees Ichigo (especially if he already has his own powers) then she'll have the same issues with the fact that Tatsuki has most likely already staked her claim by the time of the SS arc and has the power to back him up herself, it would be like Miyako to her all over again. Granted Tatsuki might not admit to staking her claim, but she scares off anyone that looks at Ichigo funny often enough for her message to be clear. Well, except for Orihime. If Mommy can have a "special friend" in Auntie Soi Fon, then so can Tatsuki. And Orihime even wants to share the fun with Ichigo. It's win-win for her once she works up the nerve to tell him he's her man.
DhampyrX2 said:
windfalcon said:
DhampyrX2 said:
Prince Charon said:
windfalcon said:
Hmm.... tatsuki was Ichigo's friend/acquaintance before his mom died... so...

Would Misaki be alive, since there'd be two to three shinigami in the area?
Possibly. If not, I could see Yoruichi and/or Soifon hunting down Grand Fisher, and brutally killing him.
I'd have to say the same thing here. Just because they're Shinigami doesn't mean they're omnipotent or that they are following Misaki and Ichigo around all the time. I think she's still killed here, unless something very strange happens. Of course I don't think Yoruichi and Soi Fon would take things well. The only way Grand Fisher lives to see another night is if they defer to Isshin's right to wait until he regains his own powers to avenge Misaki.
The only reason why I mention this is a few reasons.

a.) Tatsuki went to the same karate class. If she didn't go home by herself, then Yoruichi or Kisuke would pick her up. If they actually sensed the Hollow presence upon doing so, then they might just go out of their way to dispose of it first in order to prevent it from targeting anyone nearby with large reiatsu, like their darling little girl.

b.) Soi Fon, despite being something of a bitch at times, wouldn't want something as nasty as a Hollow around to bother her family. I don't know if its just me.. but I can see her hunting down any Hollow in range of her senses, just in case.

c.) With this many shinigami around, Isshin himself might have a reason to come out of retirement... after all, with this much reiatsu, even if its hidden by some of Kisuke's devices or gigai, bad things are bound to come a calling.

Of course, if Misaki still dies, then Ichigo would have a way of focusing his grief/anger/emotions in the form of training to one day avenge his mom... amongst other things. Kinda like Fosfor-taicho's Stray Cat Strut, yes?
Actually, you could take that farther if Kiuske or Yoruichi saved Misaki. Misaki and Ichigo were still nearly killed, and the scare pushed Ichigo more toward his canon personality in hopes of defending his mother. Misaki being there but nearly dying might move Isshin to reclaim his powers that much sooner to protect her and the kids. Now you have Isshin, Kiuske, Yoruichi, and Soi Fon training at the very least Tatsuki and Ichigo.

You might even add Ishida in there as a child as well. I can't see him hating Shinigami totally if his mother, auntie Yoruichi, Uncle Kiuske, and Uncle Isshin all happen to be Shinigami themselves, even if they did go rogue at some point. In fact I could see Isshin almost declaring himself as Ichigo and Tasuki's protectors much the way Soi Fon was supposed to protect Yoruichi. (Even he could see them getting together, much to their ire and embarassment whenever any of the parents, or Ishida himself, mentions it. After all, they're "just friends." Thus he has to "protect" Ichigo as well.) I still see him hating Mayuri, though. And you know Kiuske at the very least would recognize his handiwork in kidnapping Ishida's grandpa. That means Soi Fon most likely would as well. If not, Yoruichi would probably tell her.

Hullo thar Shunpo and Hakudo trained Quincy Ishida looking to take a shot at Mayuri once he can get to him. Mommy's going to teach you how a real Shinigami fights, then you can avenge grandpa.

Now that I think about it, and regular Hollow that comes near Karakura is an artard. You have four Shinigami that are captain level (or above. Soi Fon might actually be the weakest of the four. :ph43r: ) plus their kids, and their kids' friends who are developing powers over time. It's like a mini SS commune of ass kickery down there.

You know, I almost feel sorry for Rukia when she shows up. If she keeps having the flashes of Kaien when she sees Ichigo (especially if he already has his own powers) then she'll have the same issues with the fact that Tatsuki has most likely already staked her claim by the time of the SS arc and has the power to back him up herself, it would be like Miyako to her all over again. Granted Tatsuki might not admit to staking her claim, but she scares off anyone that looks at Ichigo funny often enough for her message to be clear. Well, except for Orihime. If Mommy can have a "special friend" in Auntie Soi Fon, then so can Tatsuki. And Orihime even wants to share the fun with Ichigo. It's win-win for her once she works up the nerve to tell him he's her man.
Heh, imagine Byakuya and Renji showing up to take Rukia back, and facing a Captain rank Ichigo.

Though, one thing; why would Rukia have to stay and develop her relationship? Remember, if Ichigo already has his canon powers, then she would be able to return to SS.

Or did that get explained and I simply missed/forgot it?


Well-Known Member
I think it might be a totally different reason for her to stay, such as coming across Ichigo, Ishida, and Tatsuki, who should all be pretty high up on the food chain. If she's getting beaten and they save her, she'd report it. And picture the report... a strange unregistered Shinigami who looks like Kaien defetated the Hollow that she was losing against. I think Ukitake at least would order her to stay and observe, if not Yamamoto himself. After all Ukitake feels nearly as bad about the loss of Kaien as Rukia does. There's a reason he still lacks a new VC. Of course by the time she can verify that Ichigo isn't Kaien reborn, you already have her developing a very similar crush on him and she wnats to stay and maintain surveillance. The altered SS arc can evolve from there.


Well-Known Member
Or potentially, Rukia sees Ichigo and is stunned in seeing a Kaien-like person and is seriously wounded by the hollow. Thus she has to stay in a gigai (guess which one) and the reason for her being executed this time is that she failed to report the traitorous shinigami.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
*sits back anbd munches on popcorn as the ideas fly back and forth*

Please, please! by all means continue B) No actual story here yet, but these ideas all kick ass. I only wish I could thinka something worthwhile to contribute. :sisi:


Well-Known Member
Or you have a worst case scenario and instead of Rukia, they take Tatsuki into custody on trumped up charges of some kind because Aizen figures (mistakenly) she'd be holding the orb. SS welcome to a new level of Hell. It's called most of the major players in Karakura coming to stomp a mud hole in your ass and walk it dry.

Can you picture the scene at the gate with Gin if Yoruichi and Soi Fon are both there and pissed off.

"You should only let people by if you are dead Jidanb- urk!" Gin tried to say as he suddenly found himself disarmed, on his knees in a very painful Hakudo hold courtesy of Yoruichi, and with Soi Fon's "stinger" at his throat.

"Poor, Gin-chan. Still so slow after all these years," Yoruich all but purred even as her eyes burned with rage.

"You will tell Yourichi-sama where her daugher is being held Ichimaru," Soi Fon added with a scowl.

"And if I don't," Gin wondered aloud as if he were not facing death by angry mother any second.

Yoruichi's smile grew more sinister as she answered, "Then after Soi-chan and I finish with you, I'll give you over to my dear husband to play with. I'm sure you realize just how... creative Kiuske-kun can be in situations like this? And unlike that little prick Mayuri, he can afford to get his hands dirty kicking your ass even if you released your bankai against him. Not that you'll have your zanpaktou with you for the festivities."

Gin took all of five seconds to think about his options as the rather upset trio of Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Ichigo, and Urahara Kiuske approached him. Let the ladies beat him near to death and hand him over to a pissed off Kiuske or let the other members of the Gotei 13 deal with them? It was kind of a no-brainer now that he though about it. Sorry Aizen-taicho, but even I have some self preservation instincts, and they're all telling me that you're on your own here, he thought to himself as his grin deepened as he responded, "I believe she's still in a holding cell while the Council discusses matters. If you like, I could draw you a map to where she's being held?"

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
DhampyrX2 said:
Gin took all of five seconds to think about his options as the rather upset trio of Kurosaki Isshin, Kurosaki Ichigo, and Urahara Kiuske approached him. Let the ladies beat him near to death and hand him over to a pissed off Kiuske or let the other members of the Gotei 13 deal with them? It was kind of a no-brainer now that he though about it. Sorry Aizen-taicho, but even I have some self preservation instincts, and they're all telling me that you're on your own here, he thought to himself as his grin deepened as he responded, "I believe she's still in a holding cell while the Council discusses matters. If you like, I could draw you a map to where she's being held?"
Very wise of him. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
DhampyrX2 said:
windfalcon said:
DhampyrX2 said:
Prince Charon said:
windfalcon said:
Hmm.... tatsuki was Ichigo's friend/acquaintance before his mom died... so...

Would Misaki be alive, since there'd be two to three shinigami in the area?
Possibly. If not, I could see Yoruichi and/or Soifon hunting down Grand Fisher, and brutally killing him.
I'd have to say the same thing here. Just because they're Shinigami doesn't mean they're omnipotent or that they are following Misaki and Ichigo around all the time. I think she's still killed here, unless something very strange happens. Of course I don't think Yoruichi and Soi Fon would take things well. The only way Grand Fisher lives to see another night is if they defer to Isshin's right to wait until he regains his own powers to avenge Misaki.
The only reason why I mention this is a few reasons.

a.) Tatsuki went to the same karate class. If she didn't go home by herself, then Yoruichi or Kisuke would pick her up. If they actually sensed the Hollow presence upon doing so, then they might just go out of their way to dispose of it first in order to prevent it from targeting anyone nearby with large reiatsu, like their darling little girl.

b.) Soi Fon, despite being something of a bitch at times, wouldn't want something as nasty as a Hollow around to bother her family. I don't know if its just me.. but I can see her hunting down any Hollow in range of her senses, just in case.

c.) With this many shinigami around, Isshin himself might have a reason to come out of retirement... after all, with this much reiatsu, even if its hidden by some of Kisuke's devices or gigai, bad things are bound to come a calling.

Of course, if Misaki still dies, then Ichigo would have a way of focusing his grief/anger/emotions in the form of training to one day avenge his mom... amongst other things. Kinda like Fosfor-taicho's Stray Cat Strut, yes?
Actually, you could take that farther if Kiuske or Yoruichi saved Misaki. Misaki and Ichigo were still nearly killed, and the scare pushed Ichigo more toward his canon personality in hopes of defending his mother. Misaki being there but nearly dying might move Isshin to reclaim his powers that much sooner to protect her and the kids. Now you have Isshin, Kiuske, Yoruichi, and Soi Fon training at the very least Tatsuki and Ichigo.

You might even add Ishida in there as a child as well. I can't see him hating Shinigami totally if his mother, auntie Yoruichi, Uncle Kiuske, and Uncle Isshin all happen to be Shinigami themselves, even if they did go rogue at some point. In fact I could see Isshin almost declaring himself as Ichigo and Tasuki's protectors much the way Soi Fon was supposed to protect Yoruichi. (Even he could see them getting together, much to their ire and embarassment whenever any of the parents, or Ishida himself, mentions it. After all, they're "just friends." Thus he has to "protect" Ichigo as well.) I still see him hating Mayuri, though. And you know Kiuske at the very least would recognize his handiwork in kidnapping Ishida's grandpa. That means Soi Fon most likely would as well. If not, Yoruichi would probably tell her.

Hullo thar Shunpo and Hakudo trained Quincy Ishida looking to take a shot at Mayuri once he can get to him. Mommy's going to teach you how a real Shinigami fights, then you can avenge grandpa.

Now that I think about it, and regular Hollow that comes near Karakura is an artard. You have four Shinigami that are captain level (or above. Soi Fon might actually be the weakest of the four. :ph43r: ) plus their kids, and their kids' friends who are developing powers over time. It's like a mini SS commune of ass kickery down there.

You know, I almost feel sorry for Rukia when she shows up. If she keeps having the flashes of Kaien when she sees Ichigo (especially if he already has his own powers) then she'll have the same issues with the fact that Tatsuki has most likely already staked her claim by the time of the SS arc and has the power to back him up herself, it would be like Miyako to her all over again. Granted Tatsuki might not admit to staking her claim, but she scares off anyone that looks at Ichigo funny often enough for her message to be clear. Well, except for Orihime. If Mommy can have a "special friend" in Auntie Soi Fon, then so can Tatsuki. And Orihime even wants to share the fun with Ichigo. It's win-win for her once she works up the nerve to tell him he's her man.
Hmm.....the reasons why Souken got offed may change this that nutso of Mayuri would be positively drooling to the chances of getting his hands on something unique. As Seireitei had been monitoring the surviving Quincy, he would have likely jumped, if he was informed of a kid with a signature of both Shinigami and Quincy with the old Souken........ would be odd, if Uryuu manifested a Zanpakuto that could shift also into Kojaku on Shikai and into Ginrei Kojaku on Bankai mode..also, it would quell the alarmists on Seireitei, if it's noted that his attacks purify the hollows rather than destroying them like his ancestors, if he wills it.... :hmm:

Who knows....although Uryuu would likely on this case be as fast, if not faster than Mayuri this time.... :jawdrop:


Well-Known Member
hmm... ok... lets think on abilities here people...

Cause honestly, it won't JUST be the new shinigami and their spawn that will be powerful.

Ichigo will be roughly the same (stronger of course) in that he will have Zangetsu by his side.. and more importantly, a mostly mastered fighting style based around it. He may or may not be able to seal it into a regular Zanpakuto form, depending on the circumstances... but either way, I really wanna hear a release phrase for Zangetsu at least ONCE. He would be a semi-all around fighter, specializing in Zanjutsu and Hakudo, and while an avid learner of Shunpo, his potential for it pales in comparison to his friend Tatsuki.

Tatsuki? Considering her parents, she's a Hakudo/Kido freak with enough potential to eventually beat her mom in a foot race. Not anytime soon, but eventually. If and when she gets her own Zanpakuto, I can see her wielding a pair of katar... if only for the fact that she would be that much of a melee nut. Speed + Melee range + kido specializing with that range = new generation Goddess of Flash Step. Add to that a love of tinkering with things as a result of both of her parents' influences and you have a close-range fighter who tends to carry around random things to use for fun.

Ishida, being a Quincy/Shinigami hybrid will have a Zanpakuto as well.. but his turns into, surprise surprise, a bow. He still uses Quincy-style kido (namely the one that makes arrows out of Reiatsu) and the QUincy Techniques work remarkably well for him. The difference? Ishida's bow can turn into twin short swords (Like Kid Icarus from Melee or Archer from F:S/N) and he has lessons in Shunpo and other things his dear mother teaches him. In short, he's an all-range fighter with specialties in kido usage mainly, but the other stuff is still pretty good.

Now, considering the sheer amount of reiatsu they give off.. even more people wil have powers to be trained in byu the time the SS Arc comes around.. Chad and Orihime for sure...

...but the entire Kurosaki Family would definitely be in the mix. Not just Isshin... but Misaki (who already saw Holows and spirits in the begining... a few more years around her husband and his odd friends and she'll have developed a power all her own), Yuzu and Karin. Misaki I can see as having mainly a defensive power, like Orihime... though without the weird spirits. Not too sure what yet, but something to reflect her protective nature towards her children would be a start. The girls themselves might be in beginning training as SHinigami themselves at this point.. Zanpakuto without names yet, but a good handle on basics... and strong enough to begin making a run for Seated Officers when they learn their swords' names.

Add to this Ishida's Father (who wouldn't be able to say no to his wife) and some of the other classmates. Three people of exceptional reiatsu would be enough to contaminate the entire freaking class, but I think the usual bunch of weirdos (the Lesbian, the pretty boy and the unfortunate guy) would be gifted as well. With what? Unsure.. but then that's what TFF is for ^^


Well-Known Member
I think my only issue with that WindFalcon is Ichigo paling in comparison to Tatsuki in shunpo. He not only learned, but match Byakuya's shunpo, in a matter of three days, while busy working on bankai. And Byakuya's noted for his extremely fast shunpo.

And, IIRC, Ichigo is supposed to be better than Tatsuki at martial arts too. I think Tatsuki would be a total bad ass, sure, but Ichigo's overall potential is just forking off the scale it's not funny. He's on the same level of as arguably the fourth strongest captain in all of Soul Society (Not including Yamamoto) in just a few months. If he had someone teaching him from the start, and not just Kisuke's throw you into the lion's den and figure it out yourself style, he'd be as good, at least, as Shunsui and Ukitake.


Well-Known Member
nintendokid said:
I think my only issue with that WindFalcon is Ichigo paling in comparison to Tatsuki in shunpo. He not only learned, but match Byakuya's shunpo, in a matter of three days, while busy working on bankai. And Byakuya's noted for his extremely fast shunpo.

And, IIRC, Ichigo is supposed to be better than Tatsuki at martial arts too. I think Tatsuki would be a total bad ass, sure, but Ichigo's overall potential is just forking off the scale it's not funny. He's on the same level of as arguably the fourth strongest captain in all of Soul Society (Not including Yamamoto) in just a few months. If he had someone teaching him from the start, and not just Kisuke's throw you into the lion's den and figure it out yourself style, he'd be as good, at least, as Shunsui and Ukitake.
Ok, I'll bow to your reasoning on this.. I was only considering Tatsuki's heritage on this fact. Ichigo shall be the greatest all around fighter of the three, since the first form of Zangetsu allows him to fight from most ranges (though the throwing thing would take a lot of practice to get down without leaving yourself particularly open)

... but Tatsuki would still have all the cool toys. I mean.. consider who her Godmother would be at the very least.


Well-Known Member
I dunno. If it wasn't for Ichigo "OMG I AM BADASS BOW TO ME!" power-level then I think Tatsuki would be better than him, at least would have been more skilled then him in the beginning of the story. The thing with Ichigo, is that he has a ton of stamina and basically gets his weaknesses beat the hell out of him, molding him into something that is capable of taking down the other person by the end of the fight.

I think Tatsuki's skill is higher than Ichigo, but his power would be higher. So it would kind of even out in a way.

But Ichigo wasn't using Shunpo, just pure speed. As far as Shunpo itself is concerned, Yourichi still outclasses Byakuya. So if you did go for heritage, then Tatsuki would be better at it.


Well-Known Member
Takerial said:
I dunno. If it wasn't for Ichigo "OMG I AM BADASS BOW TO ME!" power-level then I think Tatsuki would be better than him, at least would have been more skilled then him in the beginning of the story. The thing with Ichigo, is that he has a ton of stamina and basically gets his weaknesses beat the hell out of him, molding him into something that is capable of taking down the other person by the end of the fight.

I think Tatsuki's skill is higher than Ichigo, but his power would be higher. So it would kind of even out in a way.

But Ichigo wasn't using Shunpo, just pure speed. As far as Shunpo itself is concerned, Yourichi still outclasses Byakuya. So if you did go for heritage, then Tatsuki would be better at it.
I'd have to disagree here for one reason, Yoruichi and Soi Fon would be teaching Ichigo, Tatsuki, and Ishida together from the time they were kids. There would be no disparity in the amount of time in training. In fact I think Isshin would be training them, too. And, in terms of OMGWTF potential, Ichigo is in a class all his own. He'd grow by leaps and bounds even as the others improved at an impressive rate. (Which makes Ichida insisting on protecting Ichigo as Tatsuki's consort that much funnier. They both know Ichigo courld curbstomp him if he wanted to, just as Yoruichi could kick Soi Fon's ass.)

I do doubt that Misaki, Karin, and Yuzu will make the trip. Someone needs to hold down the fort, watch out for Hollows, not get killed the way Isshin would worry about, etc.

Although, this begs a question. We know Mayuri took over for Kiuske. He probably feels grossly inferior to Kiuske, in point of fact. Who took over for Isshin? I figure it would have to be either Hitsugaya or Gin. I suppose it could have been Byakuya as well, but it's easier to picture it being Hitsugaya or Gin to me. So which one has subordinates that would recognize Kurosaki-taicho and shit themselves at the thought of pissing him off? And if it's Hitsugaya, would Matsumoto reocognize her former captain and righ to give him a big hug? Would Kiuske take a picture of that for blackmail purposes? I don't see Misaki being quite as willing to share affection as Yoruichi or Soi Fon. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
For pure unarmed and unenhanced combat Tatuski is better in canon. Many seem to think Ichigo has her beat. He did beat her before. But that was a single time prior to high school. One win does not equate superiority. But tht superiority wouldn't matter considering Ichigo would have her beat in everything else except jidou and possibly speed.


Well-Known Member
Hmm......i really pity Kisuke and Ryuuken when they had to be near their wives when they had to give to birth.... :hmm: :angel:

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
holyknight said:
Hmm......i really pity Kisuke and Ryuuken when they had to be near their wives when they had to give to birth.... :hmm: :angel:


Well-Known Member
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Which would prompt a scene where Urahara pulls out something (like weed) and go, dude, you won't need that with this.

Especially if it's just some grass he found on the side of the road to trick said man into smoking it.
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Ryuuken's not a ghost, so would a gigai even work for him?


Well-Known Member
the DragonBard said:
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Ryuuken's not a ghost, so would a gigai even work for him?
'cause there's two people in pain during the birth: dad 'cause the other one is making him pay. <_<
kuopiofi said:
the DragonBard said:
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Ryuuken's not a ghost, so would a gigai even work for him?
'cause there's two people in pain during the birth: dad 'cause the other one is making him pay. <_<
After which Uruhara gets the amazing idea of creating a gigai that doesn't feel pain while giving birth.

Assuming he survives that is.


Well-Known Member
.....hehehe.....Ichigo, Tatsuki and Uryuu will be a handful once they get the gist of Shunpo...........the Tag games will acquire a new dimension indeed...... :hmm:


Well-Known Member
kuopiofi said:
the DragonBard said:
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Ryuuken's not a ghost, so would a gigai even work for him?
'cause there's two people in pain during the birth: dad 'cause the other one is making him pay. <_<
Hmm....about how much pain...Kido Practice Target sounds like the likely reaction of Yoruichi and Soifon as they are giving to birth, and Ryuuken and/or Kisuke say something stupid about if they feel pain.... :evil2: :hmm:


Well-Known Member
holyknight said:
kuopiofi said:
the DragonBard said:
zeebee1 said:
If Urahara can create a portable gigai then he can create one that feels no pain. And Ryuuken would demand one.
Ryuuken's not a ghost, so would a gigai even work for him?
'cause there's two people in pain during the birth: dad 'cause the other one is making him pay. <_<
Hmm....about how much pain...Kido Practice Target sounds like the likely reaction of Yoruichi and Soifon as they are giving to birth, and Ryuuken and/or Kisuke say something stupid about if they feel pain.... :evil2: :hmm:
Why do you think Isshin went for Masaki? He knew what he was in for in he chased after someone like Unohana or Matsumoto. They might have let him catch them. :ph43r: