Bleach Tangled in Death (formerly Unnamed)


Well-Known Member
'Why is she explaining this so much? What's so important about what she's doing that she's answering all of my questions?'

It wasn't something Naruto was used to. Most of his teachers had just ignored him... That didn't stop him from asking questions, mind you. They were just rarely answered.

But Naruto was pretty damn confused. Upset. Angry. He had just died, and for absolutely nothing.

Sasuke had gotten away. And as far as Naruto knew, every single one of his friends might have died on the way. He hoped that they didn't... But he just didn't know.

And then out of nowhere, bam! This girl comes and says shes here to help him.

'I'm a Shinigami... This is my job.'

But Naruto was sure that if she was Death... Well, he wasn't sure why people was so scared of her.

Of course, Naruto immediately asked if she was THE Deathgod, which Nanao answered to the negative.

And began his first introduction to Soul Society.

Frankly, to Naruto... It sounded like a pretty nice place.

You lived out the existance of your afterlife, before being reincarnated once more on the human plane. Rukongai, the various districts of which surrounded Seireitei, the Court of Pure Souls, sounded just like any other city. Or set of cities, since they were rather huge.

They were good parts and bad, and generally if you worked hard, you could move on up.

He was sure this Nanao was leaving stuff out... But hey, it sounded cool.

Especially being a Shinigami... You got a neat sword and everything! You went out, saved souls, and fought demons. To Naruto, that sounded like a pretty good life.

'Yup... Just add Ramen, and it'd be perfect.'

Of course, that immediately prompted Naruto's next question, 'Is there Ramen in Soul Society?'

Nanao went about answering his questions, telling Naruto all about the Gotei 13, and how each had different purposes, however slight they might be. He even laughed when Nanao described her own division, at the way she frowned a little when she used her own Captain's description of the division.

Naruto immediately noticed that about Nanao; She took herself very seriously, and expected everyone else to act at that level, too. Very prim and proper, without being pompous or arrogant. She didn't seem to have much of a sense of humor, though.

But Naruto listened to what she had to say... It was, after all, quite possibly the single most informational lecture of his entire life.

After all, how many other people out there had the entirety of death explained to them by a pretty girl who called herself a Shinigami?

Well, a lot of people did... But Naruto didn't know that.

So as Nanao answered his questions, Naruto became more relaxed. She really seemed to care about his well-being, which was a little disconcerting.

Then she explained why exactly she was here, and what she had to do.

And it all came together to Naruto.

His first impulse was disgust... 'People only ever seem to be interested in the Kyuubi, not me...'

He didn't let it show, though, and continued to think it out.

'But... If she was only here for the Kyuubi, why did she spend so much time explaining everything to me?'

The more he thought about it, the more it made him think on WHY Nanao was being so nice.

And then Nanao reached the part where she would be leaving behind the Kyuubi's reishi ('Just think of reishi like chakra... It's sort of the same thing, but not quite.')

And then he thought he understood again.

'So she wants me to do something for her afterwards? Does she want me to do something with the Kyuubi's chakra? Or reishi, whatever?'

But Nanao didn't seem to want anything of him.

In fact, the only thing she mentioned about his future was that he would almost definitely be sent to the Shinigami Academy, so that he too could become a Shinigami. Or, as she put it after Naruto looked puzzled over it, 'You'll learn how to fight demons and use a sword.'

Which, even if he might be manipulated into it, sounded pretty cool to Naruto.

And then she asked him to take off his shirt.

It wasn't THAT big of a deal. He'd gone swimming in his boxers around Sakura-chan before, after all. But the way she put it, as if it was completely normal for a kid his age to undress around a woman hers, put him off a bit.

So he was understandably nervous when she placed her hands around the seal.

It got even worse after she opened a gate to Hell.

It scared the crap out of Naruto, he wasn't afraid to say. Or think, rather. Because he certainly didn't want to distract Nanao from whatever she was doing.

Anything to rid himself of the Kyuubi was good in his book.

Especially if it would render the Fox powerless, so that it couldn't take over Hell or something after being sent.

But then, Nanao started the second phase of her technique.

And it started to tickle.

Naruto had to fight down the laughter... But to no avail.

He chuckled. It was most definitely a chuckle, and not a giggle. Because guys don't giggle.

Unfortunately, that 'chuckle' wasn't such a good thing.

Nanao had just removed the Kyuubi... But his chuckle caused a reflex action throughout his body, much the same way a sneeze does.

In the same way that a sneeze makes you close your eyes... His chuckle clenched his reishi. Due to the way his reishi was being manipulated by someone else, as well as the seal being tampered with (on top of it being damaged)... Well, it all came together that Nanao got stuck.

Of course, before he could even ask about what had happened (and how he could feel an energy attached to him that was most definitely not his), Nanao poked him with a sword she produced from nowhere.


"What the hell? Was that Konso?"

And so Naruto appeared, in the 21st district of Rukongai. It looked like a fairly nice, upper-middle class town.

He found it odd that no one even gave him a second glance, but he shrugged it off as them being used to it.

Of course, the second Nanao appeared behind him... People began to take notice.

If anyone were to ask Naruto why he wanted to become a Shinigami in the first place, he'd give an answer like "I get to kick Hollow ass!" or "I have to defend human souls from Hollows."

But the real reason was that he saw the respect that everyone just gave to Nanao.

The respect that he had craved his whole life. They saw her uniform, and immediately acknowledged her as someone worthy of respect, of recognition.

Of course, Naruto hadn't expected Nanao to follow... And when questioned, Nanao admitted something went wrong.

'Of course... things always go wrong in my life... Especially when the Kyuubi is involved.'

But Naruto bounced back, when Nanao said that they were going to go get it fixed. Whatever 'it' was.

So they walked.

And Naruto saw the progression in quality of living as they walked.

Nanao gave him a mini-tour as they went, explaining the various districts as they passed through them.

'She'd make a pretty good teacher, with how much she likes to talk about boring stuff.'

And then they reached Seireitei.

And Naruto was left awestruck.

Not at how beauitful the place was (which it was), or how many Shinigami walked the streets.

No, he was shocked at seeing how goddamn big a person could get.

That Jidanbou guy was freakin huge!

After entering Seireitei, they began to encounter people that actually knew who Nanao was. And it impressed Naruto even more, because they all gave her a level of respect Naruto rarely saw amongst ninjas.

And it made Naruto respect her even more, though it wasn't something conscious.

Of course, there were some... Odd moments, but for the most part, the walk to the 8th Division Headquarters was fairly routine.

'Talking to that creepy white-faced guy was even worse then talking to Orochimaru! And he kept on talking about wanting to experiment on me...'

Of course, Nanao told Kurotsuchi-taicho (as Naruto found out he was) that Naruto wasn't available for that sort of thing...

But it didn't stop Naruto from wondering how on earth the guy had found him.

'He must have some kind of 'weird radar' that lets him know when someone interesting comes by, or something. Orochimaru would have loved something like that...'

After being accosted by one of Nanao's friends from the Shinigami's Women's Association, Naruto was shocked to see someone who had breasts that could compete against Tsunade's.

'And she flaunted them even more... I can't believe she called me a 'cute little kid', though. I wonder who her captain is, if he's apparently as small as me, though.'

Naruto was too flustered by the woman ('s chest) to really reply (mainly because it hung our so goddamn much), though.

But finally, before any other of the stranger members of Soul Society could find them (and, with Yachiru and Kenpachi wandering around looking for the 11th division HQ, it was entirely possible that Naruto could have met weirder people), they arrived at the 8th division.


'I'm old enough to drink Sake here?'

Naruto met Kyoraku Shunsui. Just looking at the man, Naruto wasn't that impressed.

He was, after all, lying on a mat with a pink haori draped over him, a bamboo hat on his head, and a bottle of Sake in front of him.

But after watching the man tease Nanao for a bit, he was actually a little impressed.

'I wish I could have pulled of that sort of thing with Sakura-chan...'

It was one of those things were Naruto remembered to look 'underneath the underneath', and he suspected there was a lot more to Shunsui then there seemed.

But finally, Nanao had explained what was wrong.

'She's... attached to me? She's the odd chakra... reishi I've been feeling?'

Of course, this caused Shunsui to look long and hard at him.

Naruto was shocked at the sudden change in atmosphere, as Shunsui just sat, staring at him.

Almost as if he were judging him...

"Isn't he a little young for you, Nanao-chan?"

... Which apparently he was.

This caused Nanao to smack Shunsui on the nose again.

"Taicho, just come and take us to the archives, and look up who made that seal, so we can get this fixed."

Naruto looked on Shunsui sighed, and stood up. Naruto was actually shocked a little at how big Shunsui seemed to be when he stood... He had quite the presence.

Of course, Naruto wouldn't know that he was also vaguely sensing the man's reishi... He just knew that Shunsui seemed to be a lot stronger all of the sudden.

"I guess we should go, then."


Shunsui took them to the records building, which was luckily nearby their HQ.

After easily getting pass the guards, they obtained permission to look up the needed info.

"... Nanao-chan... I don't think you'll believe this when you see it..."

Of course, it didn't mean that the news was GOOD news.

"... What do you mean, Taicho?"

"Well... The seaing of a Hollow as powerful as the Kyuubi is something that would only be left up to a Captain, correct?"


"Well, among all the current captains... Which one do you think would be the only one to volunteer to go after a hollow as powerful as that?"

"... You're not saying..."

Naruto wasn't quite sure what he was missing here, but it certainly seemed dire.

"Yes. It was Zaraki Kenpachi that sealed the Kyuubi... Or rather, it was Kenpachi that held off the Kyuubi, while YACHIRU applied the seal."

"... That's not good."

"So, uh... What happens now?"

The two Shinigami looked at Naruto.

Shunsui sighed.

"Well, Naruto-kun... Unless Yachiru-fukutaicho can remember what exactly she did... We will probably seeing each other quite a lot in the near future."

Really, who didn't see that coming?

I mean, who else would want to fight the Kyuubi BESIDES Kenpachi?

Yachiru drawing the seal on baby Naruto's stomach just seemed to be too ridiculous to NOT be done.

Of course, with those two being the ones who sealed the beast, theres no way that the problem will be solved in the short term. Any other captain, and it might have... But not those two.

So next chapter (or snippet) will deal with the meeting with the 11th division, and Nanao's dire need to keep Naruto from deciding that Kenpachi is the person he most wants to be like.

Especially because that would mean she would end up being around Kenpachi far more then she wants to.

The prologue was to give a basic outline of what was starting...But what I want to do is go into a lot of character building, to explain why they are doing things, instead of just that they are.



Well-Known Member
Zaraki's price for the service was a good fight with the Yondaime afterwards...


Well-Known Member

I can just see something like this happening when they go to talk with her and Kenpachi:

Nanao: Yachiru fukutaichou, we have some questions about the seal you used to contain the Hollow known as Kyuubi.

Yachiru: Kyuubi? Who's that?

Naruto: Ummm, a giant demon fox with nine tails.....

Yachiru: Oh! Ken-chan had a lot of fun playing with him! I don't remember making any seals though.

Nanao: According to the records, after Kenpachi-taichou subdued the beast, you confined it into this boy, Naruto, using a seal placed upon his stomach.

Yachiru: *Looks confused* Ummm, all I remember was playing with this cute baby while Ken-chan was having fun. I was kinda bored so I started drawing on the baby making him giggle. It was really cute!

Nanao: *Sweatdrop* You mean the seal holding the Kyuubi for more than twelve years was a DOODLE!

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
:hail: :yay: :hail: :rofl: Nice.

More soon, please.


Well-Known Member
Note that the thing with Yachiru making the seal isn't going to be that cracky... I chose her because theres no chance in hell for her to remember how exactly she made the seal to work.

It makes a convenient plot device, in this case. It's funny, sure, but that's not the main reason.


Well-Known Member
And here I thought that the problem would be that Urahara made the seal. Or maybe that guy that Zaraki killed to become a captain.


Well-Known Member
Uruhara'd make sense, I suppose, but if you really think about it, I gotta say this was the best, or worst, possible choice. Which means it's hilarious. I was going to say something like "At least it wasn't Aizen" but then seeing as he's a captain there's a good chance he knows. It'll be interesting to see what affect that has on the plot later. (i.e. 'I am Aizen, Hollow king. Hey everybody, dinner's on me, what say we go to the elemental countries?')

In other news, this ruled, and totally rectified any problems I might have had with the end of the prologue and is awesome.


Well-Known Member
But Naruto listened to what she had to say... It was, after all, quite possibly the single most informational lecture of his entire life.
I think you meant 'informative'.

In any case, I really liked it.

I suddenly had this urge to see a Naruto/Yachiru pairing. She can't find Naruto, and he's too scared of Kenpachi to visit the division hq.


Well-Known Member
Thats awesome! I love that it was Yachiru and it was well done considering it was done not only to be hysterical, but really funny as well.

I can't wait for the Zaraki-Nanao-Naruto-Yachiru interaction.

It's kind of obvious that Naruto will probably be paired with Nanao. But I just found it funny that Yachiru, who looks like she's eight, is much closer in age to Naruto than Nanao probably is. And she is still potentially over a hundred years older than him.


Well-Known Member
'At least the boy listens to me.'

Nanao had understood the importance of the mission she was given.

She hadn't expected the person bearing the seal to be so young, though.

Nanao was at the later end of her teen years, maturity-wise. Though any who knew her would be shocked to here so, as she acted far older then she was.

Shinigami aged much slower then normal souls, and that correllated into how they matured. Depending on when one died (or was born, if they were born within Soul Society), one could have a childhood that lasts hundreds of years.

Nanao had died fairly young, and had spent a good 5 years in the 15th district of Rukongai before being picked up by a pair of Shinigami.

It would be the first of many meetings she had with Kyoraku Shunsui and Ukitake Jyushiro.

She was always a serious child, and was equally studious in her time at the Academy. She had graduated with honors, at the top of her class.

There weren't that many other notables in her class, which made her stand out even more. Just a little earlier, and she would have competed with Hisagi Shuhei. A few years after, she would have been in Renji's, Kira's, and Hinamori's class.

She spent her time mastering Kido, a field she found to be more tasteful then Zanjutsu. She was more then decent with her sword, but even when fighting, her Zanpakuto itself lent more towards Kido use more then swordplay.

And when she graduated, she was snatched up by the thirteenth division.

She served a brief stint as the 8th seat in the 13th division, where she spent her time observing Kaien Shiba manage the whole division due to Ukitake's illness. Nanao spent her time aside from work training, particularly with her Zanpakuto.

And, when the former 8th division Fukutaicho was killed during what was supposed to be a routine mission, Nanao stepped forward, and demonstrated her mastery of Shikai.

It is commonly found by Shinigami that their Zanpakuto have similar personalities to their own. Often this gives the Shinigami something to overcome, as that means they have to deal with all their own personal flaws, in the form of their sword.

Nanao lucked out, in this case. Her sword had the same desire for perfection as she did, as well as the same general attitude. It gave her no backtalk the way that Matsumoto Rangiku's did, as long as Nanao was polite to it.

Nanao's mastery of Kido played well with her Zanpakuto, too. Even sealed, it took the form of a smallish Kodachi. Which was rather appropriate, considering the Kodachi's reputation as a defensive weapon.

The sword's name was Bougoheki, and it manifested itself in the form of a golem. As suggested by it's name, in it's Shikai form, it could create a powerful, energy-based barrier centered around the Zanpakuto. The barrier itself was semi-permeable, letting attacks come out from the inside, but allowing nothing from the outside to come in. An attack of sufficient force could break it, and the act of breaking it usually caused Nanao to pass out.

The downside, though, was that the barrier moved with the sword. Which meant that Nanao was unable to fight with Zanjutsu with her Shikai activated. However, she was able to launch Kido spells through the shield. She demonstrated this before a panel of captains, and was thus promoted to being the 8th division Fukutaicho.

And soon found herself in the exact same position as Shiba Kaien- Having to take care of a Captain's work. Kaien's captain at least had the excuse of illness... Nanao's was just lazy.

So Nanao found her patience tested on a daily basis.

Dealing with a 13 year old? That was no problem, especially when the boy actually listened to her!


Even though Naruto tried to hide some of it, Nanao saw as clear of day all his reactions to everything she said.

Frankly, she understood.

With such a powerful Hollow sealed inside you, placed inside your soul with it's reishi constantly being filtered into a usable form?

He must of been considered a weapon with amazing potential by his peers and superiors.

So Nanao did her best to try to relay that no one in Seireitei wanted to use him just for that.

Sure, she knew he was going to become a Shinigami. But that wasn't because they wanted to use him. It was for his own good! Seireitei was the only place where he could get a reliable meal! If one was dead and had reishi, one was a Shinigami. That's all there was to it.

But it didn't hurt to make sure he understood that.

Nanao understood how it felt to be used. She felt used on a constant basis, with how Shunsui dodged pretty much all the work he possibly could. Whenever Nanao was around, Shunsui made sure she handled the paperwork.

Oddly enough, though, the two had one of the better working relationships between captain and vicecaptain in all of the Gotei 13, surpassed only by the 10th and 11th Divisions. Shiba Kaien may do more work for his captain, but Nanao was sure she was more appreciated for her work by hers.

It was probably because, deep down, Nanao thought she could do a better job of handling the paperwork aspects of the job then Shunsui could. And Shunsui knew that. Knowing that she was a perfectionist, and knowing that she had a talent for handling management work... Shunsui put her to good use.

Nanao personally thought that he had the better end of the deal, though.

All in all... Nanao enjoyed her time in the 8th division far more then she did in the 13th. In the 13th, she wasn't as challenged intellectually as she was now. Sure, it gave her time to train herself... But she preferred the intellectual stimulation that running a division gave, rather then the spiritual enlightenment that medititation produced. Not that she didn't appreciate her time getting to know her Zanpakuto... She just felt she was ready for the new challenge.

So she stepped forward, ready to prove herself ready for more.


Nanao reflected on her past, even as she gave a thorough lecture on the history of Rukongai to a mildly bored Uzumaki Naruto.

She was rather proud of Soul Society in general, and it showed when they reached the gates to Seireitei.

Watching Naruto stare in awe as the giant Jidanbou lifted the massive gate, Nanao could only think of how lucky he was that he was being sent straight to Seireitei, without dallying around anywhere else.

Keeping them on track was the highest priority, though.

Especially when Nanao seemed forced to go wherever Naruto went, and not the other way around.

So when people like Mayuri appeared, interested in the formerly Hollow Reishi that was filtered into Naruto's system... Nanao decided that they needed to hurry.

She didn't want to hang around the 12th division headquarters more then anyone else... Not with someone as creepy as Mayuri in charge. Nanao may like Nemu... But there was no way she could like the person that had made her the way she was. Even if that person was the one who made her in the first place.

So Nanao rushed Naruto along, wanting to figure out the problem and get everything to be the way it should be.

Which meant finding out who made the seal.

Which meant she needed a Captain, as that kind of information was usually considered classified.

She just hoped that her Captain didn't corrupt Naruto when they met. The boy seemed to have some potential, with they way he paid attention to most everything she said. She often had to repeat herself for him, in simpler terms... But at least he tried.

It was more then most did.


"That's not good..."

Nanao's mind raced to comprehend all the effects that the newest piece of knowledge created.

'If Yachiru made the seal... There is no way on earth she knew exactly what she was doing. And especially, there's no way she will know how to fix it.'

Nanao liked the little girl, who was so energetic and happy. Sure, she could get annoying if you spent too much time around her, but Nanao usually made sure that she was never in a situation like that with Yachiru to being with.

Kenpachi... Kenpachi was someone that Nanao tried her best to never stay around. Intellectually, she knew that there were numerous Captains who could defeat Kenpachi in battle. However, Kenpachi was the only one who didn't keep his reishi reigned in, always letting some of it out no matter where he was or what he was doing. And Nanao was unusually sensitive to that sort of thing.

So being around Kenpachi always put Nanao on edge, and Nanao preferred to not have the extra stress.

Nanao sighed.

"Well... We might as well go look for them. Perhaps they'll know how to solve the problem."

Nanao was shocked at her captain shaking his head, though. He rarely disagreed with decisions she made, though usually that was just out of laziness.

"Nanao-chan... This is something that needs to be brought to Yama-ji's attention. He's more likely to have the answer then those two would, anyway."

Muttering in disapproval at Shunsui's disrespectful way of addressing the Soutaicho, Nanao couldn't disagree with Shunsui's statement.

Because, chances are, the only thing that Yachiru would remember from the whole event anyway was that Kenpachi had fun fighting a giant fox.

And here's the rest of Chapter 1. I think this is the format I'm going to use for subsequent chapters... Going through events with both Nanao and Naruto's perspectives. They won't be as repetitive as this chapter was (as in, they won't overlap the same events as much), but I wanted to get a some of Nanao's history in as well.

Since there is very little known about Nanao, I took several liberties in making her past.

We know she's not in the same age group as Renji and Co., but she doesn't look that much older then them. And since I don't want her to be too much older seeming then Naruto, I placed her as just slightly older then them.

I also made up everything about Nanao's Zanpakuto, other then the fact it's got a smaller then normal sealed form.

It plays in well with her skills, and it's power would make sense if it IS a Kodachi, as they tend to be known as defensive weapons.

Bougoheki means 'Outer Wall', according to the translator I found online. Any better names, or correct translations (if mine turned out to be wrong), would be appreciated. Also, let me know if it feels overpowered... I tried to give it reasonable limits, but then, some Shikai suck (like Renji's), and some kick major ass (like Byakuya's or Kira's). It's sort of a crapshoot, i guess.

Next chapter will have the group going before Yamamoto, who will also summon in Kenpachi and Yachiru, to try and figure out the problem.

I'm pretty sure there are a number of funny wordings or grammatical mistakes in this snippet... I usually do my run-through for things like that after I post here, and before I add the story to my ffnet page. If ya do notice anything oddly worded (as semil did), I really want to know, so feel free to post it or pm me with what ya thought was weird.



Well-Known Member
Question, when in relation to Bleach Canon is this?

I didn't ntice anything wrong but then again I'm barely passing english so meh. :huh.:

I like it so far and cant wait for the kenpachi/naruto interactions.


Well-Known Member
Niiiice. I really like the way that you explained Nanao's perspective about how things were happening withough rehashing every single action done in the first part. To me it didn't feel repetitive at all, it was like reading a book where the author shows the same events from different pov; if done well it is almost like reading entirely new information because of the differences in how the characters interpret how things happen.

I'm definitely looking forward to more of this. Please keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
This just keeps winning. It's awesome.

I really like the way you've decided to do things, too. Going through things in both Naruto's and Nanao's pov will add a lot of potential depth to the story. Awesome. I also like how you've explained the sheer logic in the 8th division hierarchy. Shunsui's the kind of guy that'd spill sake all over his paperwork, don't you think? And with a perfectionist like Ise Nanao around, ya'know? I'm sure that while I wouldn't be that bad, I'd do similar in his shoes.

@cyobgd: If Shiba Kaien is still alive, this takes place a good bit before Bleach starts. Actually, Ichigo's mother might even still be alive, if Ichigo's even been born yet.


Well-Known Member
Genericrandom said:
This just keeps winning. It's awesome.

I really like the way you've decided to do things, too. Going through things in both Naruto's and Nanao's pov will add a lot of potential depth to the story. Awesome. I also like how you've explained the sheer logic in the 8th division hierarchy. Shunsui's the kind of guy that'd spill sake all over his paperwork, don't you think? And with a perfectionist like Ise Nanao around, ya'know? I'm sure that while I wouldn't be that bad, I'd do similar in his shoes.

@cyobgd: If Shiba Kaien is still alive, this takes place a good bit before Bleach starts. Actually, Ichigo's mother might even still be alive, if Ichigo's even been born yet.
Yeah, thats the effect I'm going for- On all counts. Thanks for confirming that its coming across :D.

As for the timeline, help on that would be greatly appreciated.

My understanding of it is thus:

Rukia states that she is '10x older then Ichigo' at some point in the anime. That is my basic reference point for how times will work... That she is 150.

Now, we know that she spent a good deal of time outside the Academy with Renji... As far as a I know, we don't know how old their friends were that died (and prompted the two to enter the academy), so I'm going to assume that their aging did not stop until that point, and that Rukia and Renji were approximately 15ish.

That leaves 135 years to cover schooling (which I'm pretty sure is specified to take 6 years, as when Shuhei is said to be in his 6th year, yet ready to graduate).

If schooling does take 6 years, that leaves 129 years of time where Rukia is in the 13th, and Renji/Kira/Hinamori start off in the 5th.

Renji seems to be the first to leave, to go to the 11th. Kira stays on until he is vice-captain material, and then goes to the third, which I would imagine takes significantly longer. And Hinamori stays on the whole time.

Sometime in that 120 year period, Kaien dies. I'd imagine it's on the closer end to 120, as Ganju and Kuukaku clearly demonstrate the ability to use Kido, and therefore probably age slower.

The events of this story happen while Kaien is still alive, and Nanao is a fresh fukutaicho. She spent only a few years in the 13th, before being transfered to the 8th.

I'm not quite sure how many years to leave up for Naruto, though. Somewhere between 50-80.

Unless, of course, I'm completely wrong about my calculations (and that, say, Renji's and Rukia's friends died of old age), so any corrections or info would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
It should be noted that Rukia graduated before Renji. Though technically she didn't graduate. When Byakuya adopted her she was taken out of the academy. That could explain why prior to that point she was better than Renji in the academy but now he can whoop her ass.


Well-Known Member
Plus he got much more motivation to improve anyway. What with his wish to make Byakuya his bitch.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
It should be noted that Rukia graduated before Renji. Though technically she didn't graduate. When Byakuya adopted her she was taken out of the academy. That could explain why prior to that point she was better than Renji in the academy but now he can whoop her ass.
Better than Renji? She was in a lower level class than him so why do you say that?


Well-Known Member
Well, at least her abilities prior to her joining the academy suggested superiority. Though that might have just been a superior potential for kidou.

Either way, getting a free pass without finishing her education did not help her.


Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, how do we know that they aged one maturity year to one real year as kids?


Well-Known Member
On the subject of Rukia, her early pass didn't, in the end, hold her back that much - she's clearly upper-Seat material, and I'd love to see her fight, say, Hinamori - they're both highly skilled, very talented Kidou specialists.

Rukia is quite capable of popping off kido from the higher end of the range - Soren Sokatsui is rank 66, after all. However, theat kind of specialization comes at a cost - IIRC, Rukia states that her Zanjutsu is below-par, and we've yet to see her use Shunpo. Ditto for Hinamori - we have no idea, bar Tobiume and her kido abilities, what else she can do. They might be equally inept outside of their chosen fields, or the fukutaichou might have a better variety of skills. :unsure:

Hm. Loli!Shinigami cat-fight. Could be fun. ^_^


Well-Known Member
Wait, so how far before the series is this? I'm not gonna nitpick and complain, it's your story, your fannon. But, around 100 years before the start of Bleach, Yoruichi ditches soul society. Presumably, Urahara is kicked out shortly before or after. And one can assume, that since Urahara and Isshin Kurosaki have such a close friendship, that Isshin was a captain(he has a captains robe tied to his shoulder) around the same time as Yoruichi and Urahara.

You've already stated that Mayuri is captain of the 12th, but from what I understood, this is 120 years before Cannon.

So is this immediately after the betrayal of Urahara, Yoruichi, and presumably Isshin?


Well-Known Member
Thorn said:
Wait, so how far before the series is this? I'm not gonna nitpick and complain, it's your story, your fannon. But, around 100 years before the start of Bleach, Yoruichi ditches soul society. Presumably, Urahara is kicked out shortly before or after. And one can assume, that since Urahara and Isshin Kurosaki have such a close friendship, that Isshin was a captain(he has a captains robe tied to his shoulder) around the same time as Yoruichi and Urahara.

You've already stated that Mayuri is captain of the 12th, but from what I understood, this is 120 years before Cannon.

So is this immediately after the betrayal of Urahara, Yoruichi, and presumably Isshin?
Thanks for the corrections regarding Rukia... I had forgotten that she had graduated early. I don't think I mentioned it anywhere in story, actually (only mentioning Renji/Kira/Hinamori from that class), but I'll doublecheck.

Thorn, I believe this is going to be approximately 50-80 years before canon starts. So yeah, Kisuke/Yoruichi/Isshin have left (which is something that never made sense to me... Even though Isshin doesn't retain his powers for most of the series, does he still have the slower aging? Or did he leave later then Kisuke? It doesn't effect my story either way, though, so its not that big of a deal), but Kaien is still alive.

Also, a good placeholder for timing is that Momo and Kira are still in the 5th, and Renji is in the 11th, and none are Fukutaicho. That hasn't quite happened yet.

And Steel, we don't know that they aged at a normal rate as kids... But it's the only way I can give myself a logical starting point in trying to figure it out. If there was specified any other fact that I'm missing, please let me know, so I can fix it before I get too far into the story.


Well-Known Member
Maybe when Isshin left he looked like a teenager. Or maybe it could have something to do with the fact that his body is fake and could be made to look as old as Uarahara wants it to. I wouldn't put it past him to create an automatically aging gigai.