TFF: Assault on Yaoi! (Signup Thread)

Watashiwa said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Watashiwa said:

[/Mr. Burns]

I'm suddenly very glad I convinced you to join, AJT.á I love the stuff Sojourner gets up to, and putting them in the TFFA-verse is asking for logic to curl up and die.
Well, I'm happy to be aboard, heheheh.

*weapon info*
Uwee-hee-hee-hee... finally, weapons for Nanashi and Watashiwa. Thanks to their, ah, "unique" abilities, melee weapons tend to disintegrate when they use 'em.

Anyway, I've been watching the second half of TTGL. And you know what that means. Ridiculous space battles and giant robots.

And suddenly, I have a very fierce desire to see, during our last spacebattle, Haro and Tweek come up with an idea based on TTGL. Something along the lines of:

Adam: Dammt! Sojourner can't take too much more of this!

Haro: That's okay, captain. Tweek and I have made a number of adjustments to Sojourner that'll allow us to easily defeat these guys.

Adam: As much as it pains me to say it, we have no other choice. Tweek, do it!

Tweek: Aye aye captain! Activating Spiral engine~!

Adam: *thinking* Hey... that sounds awfully familiar...

Sojourner: Awesome transformation sequence.

Haro: So, what do you think, captain?

Adam: :huh!: I can't believe it! You turned my ship into a giant robot!

Tweek: And that's not all! GATAI!!!

Other fleet ships: Awesome combination sequence

Adam: Kill. Me. Now.
Heheheh... Actually, ironically enough, it would probably be Wyn and Castor who have the most misgivings about Sojourner being turned into a giant robot. They're the most serious ones. Carter would just be annoyed they didn't tell him first, but hey, if it kicks ass he is not complaining.

More goodies!

Fabrique Nationale de Herstal GP-220 Type II Gauss pistol: While the right to bear arms is guaranteed to every citizen of the United Federation of Planets, in an age where a few men armed with phasers could kill hundreds of people with ease, the weapons available are understandably carefully controlled and monitored. Anyone wishing to obtain a weapon has to undergo a background check, undergo instruction and pass certification for a specific class of weapon.

Phasers are just one of many different types of personal weapons available, but are perhaps the most strictly controlled. Civilian and police phasers have only two real settings: Stun and slightly heavier stun. It is for this reason that a surprisingly large amount of projectile weapons are in use throughout the Federation.

Fabrique Nationale de Herstal, one of the oldest weapons manufacturing firms in the Federation, made the transition to the replicator economy seamlessly, and are the leaders in electromagnetically-fired projectile weapons. Their current best "seller" is the GP-220. Until recently it was utilized primarily by law enforcement and civilians, but with the Klingon/Federation War and Dominion War, their usage has expanded into the military.

The reason is simple: Thanks to nanite technology, bullets can be guided to a target, where phasers are strictly line of sight weapons. These "smart" bullets are given a target, usually through the use of an optic targeting sight worn by the shooter. Once fired, the bullet shifts it's shape and center of mass to guide itself to the target. Some smart bullets feature internal tranquilizer capsules, allowing for non-lethal take-downs of targets. Total magazine numbers fourteen rounds.

Angosia's weapons during the Tarsian War were exclusively projectile-based. Lieutenant Jeria Wyn of the Sojourner, a former Angosian super soldier, has several gauss weapons, her preferred sidearm being the GP-220.

Starfleet Multi-Environment Survival Suit HEVAS-08: Before personal forcefield technology became widely available, Starfleet troops and away teams have relied on special body armors and protective suits for protection against enemy fire and hazardous environments. But in the mind of Starfleet Marines and scientists, personal forcefields do not mean the end of protective clothing. The most common survival suit fielded today is the HEVAS-08, used by both scientists and soldiers.

The suit's first section is a nanite-woven series of layers, each made of different materials and designed to "open" and "close" for specific situations. In warm environments such as a desert, the layers will open in specific patterns to keep the wearer cool. In toxic environments, the suit will "close" but keep a few inner layers open to circulate air within the suit itself. Any of these settings can be set to trigger automatically thanks to the suit's link into a sensor system, or triggered manually by the wearer. This first layer also adjusts to fit the wearer perfectly.

The second section and outer layer consists of poly-ceramic armor plating, protecting the chest, back, vulnerable joints, feet and groin. These plates conform to the wearer's body shape perfectly, and are light-weight enough to not impede movement. The armor plating protects against blunt force trauma and direct or indirect weapon's fire, the chestplate being rated to take a full charge disruptor blast and not break. Wearers often comment that they feel like they're wearing nothing at all.

Finally, the suit's internal power and computer system has a few external ports, into which personal forcefield generators, tricorders, optical data sights and other devices can be plugged into. Often, helmets are not used unless the atmosphere of the mission area is poisonous-Personal forcefields do not impede a person's situational awareness as much as a helmet would.

Sojourner carries several HEVAS-08 suits, many heavily customized by the crew for various specific mission profiles or just due to wearer preference. Jeria Wyn is somewhat infamous for wearing her HEVAS-08 suit nearly all the time, and as it counts as an official uniform she is allowed. Due to how... Tight fitting it is, it is little wonder she's attracted a bit of a following. Mitena Haro especially likes seeing "her Wynnie" in the suit, a fact that weirds the hell out of the rather sexually repressed Wyn.

MonoSword: Thanks to the large number of jamming systems and bizarre radiations unleashed from subspace technologies, energy weapons are not always guaranteed to work in every environment, especially if they rely on exotic particles (such as polarons or, in the case of phasers, nadions). Indeed, several species relish the idea of fighting their enemies the "old way", such as the Klingons. The Dominion often relied on weapons jamming technology to allow their far more numerous and stronger Jem'Hadar to slash through defenders. And personal forcefields, while offering protection from energy blasts, are not always totally effective against kinetic energy directed at weak points in the field.

In short, even in the modern age, melee weapons have not completely died out. Mindful of this, the Federation has provided Starfleet with training in several different types of weaponry, from staves to daggers. Tritanium knives are the standard melee weapons in use aboard Federation starships.

But, one inventive half-Vulcan, half-Romulan science officer aboard the USS Sojourner had a different idea. T'Kal of Wisconsin's (born on an offworld colony, but orphaned by Klingon attack and adopted by parents on Earth) primary area of expertise had been subspace physics, and one of her papers had been on utilizing subspace fields to make certain materials more rigid. The premise was that artificially increasing the curvature of spacetime with a subspace field around a long, thin object, such as a monofilament, would render the filament thousands of times stronger than outside the field. Originally she had proposed the idea as a new building technique, but during the Dominion War she realized that, were the filament thin enough and the field strong enough, it could not be impeded.

The resulting creation resembled a very technologically advanced fishing pole handle and reel, with what appeared to be a small red ball floating in mid-air in front of it. T'Kal demonstrated the operation of the device by lengthening the perfectly straight filament out to a length of four meters, and then waving it through a table.

The table fell apart in two neat pieces. Needless to say, Captain Carter was impressed.

What T'Kal had invented came to be known by many names. The Variable Sword for it's ability to lengthen out at will, the end of the blade marked by a little red ball. The Filament Blade. Some even suggested calling it The T'Kal. But it's most common name has been the MonoSword. It makes even the most fearsome bat'leths look utterly impotent by comparison with it's ability to cut through almost anything.

However, the idea has not caught on as much as one might think. There are not many situations where a Starfleet officer would need such a weapon. Even so, it has become available, quietly, and T'Kal is seldom without her own MonoSword.


Well-Known Member
Name: Shaderic

Description: see picture.

Affiliation:Dues Ex Machina. See BG for explanation


Theme Song: Doubt and Trust

Background: An average teenager, Shaderic once made a wish for his life to be more exciting. The being known as Dues Ex Machina,or ,as it is sometimes referred to, MacGuffin, decided to grant this wish. It gave Shaderic some equipment and implanted some abililities, before inserting him into the multiverse to do MacGuffin's bidding/whatever happened to amuse him. As long as Dues Ex is amused with It's puppet, It won't throw Shaderic into circumstances too likely to kill him, thus Shaderic tries his best to obey It. It's the best way he can think of to avoid a nasty, creative, and very long death.

Abilities: Reflexes of spiderman, along with the danger-sense ability. Also, a good sharpshooter. Decent swordsman. Basic yo-yo-ing skills. Dues Ex Machina can also speak directly into his head, thus to better guide It's puppet.

Items of Importance:
Invincible Coat: It's invincible! It can't be pierced by bullets, lasers, magic, disease, missiles, poisonous gas, swords, and hard vaccum. Downside is, Shaderic's not. Bullets still hurt like a bitch, missiles explode, shrapnel can get embedded in his foor, and he still needs to be able to breath.

Infinite Revolver: It's a revolver with unlimited ammo. It also happens to be able to by-pass magical shielding, but conventional armor still can beat it. Not that it matters, since most of the time enemies are dropped with headshots.

Unbreakable Katana: A sword that's unbreakable. That's it.

Dues Ex Yo-yo: Technically, the most powerful weapon in Shaderic's arsenal. The string is unbreakable and as long as it needs to be. The yo-yo part is indestructable, and can sprout blades to rip foes apart, among other things. Unfortunately, it's kinda hard to use. Shaderic's only an average Yo-yo-er and can't really use most of the skills it has.

Name:Dues Ex Machina
Abilities:See name.
affilliation:TFFA/whatever it decides amuses itself most.
other info: Dues Ex Machina, or MacGuffin, is pretty much doing this for it's own amusement. Thanks to the wording of Shaderic's wish as well as the location, and pure dumb luck, Dues Ex was able to 'grant' the wish in a form of his choosing. No one really knows the origins of MacGuffin, but It apparently was once something less than what It is now, and has some debts that It tries to pay back...In the way that amuses Itself the most.

Despite having amazing powers, It finds things more amusing if It's champions do things on their own. Also, this is not the first world that Shaderic has been dumped into, so he's kinds used to the whole thing.

I wonder how many peopls caught the joke?

TRIPLE EDIT FTW: Dues Ex speaks in bold.


Well-Known Member
Sill got room?

Name: Joachim van Rijin

Description: Often refered to as "One of the Devil's misguided children", Rijin (pronounced like WRYY-gin) is never going to win any beauty contests. 6' 9" and filled with 900 pounds of cybernetics, unbridled insanity, hidden weaponry, and an arc reactor, his human "meat suit" as he calls it is simply a nice face for the world. That said, the 'suit' is covered in tattoos, scars, and the occasional protruding cybernetic implant. The only biological material left in Rijin is his "meat suit", portions of certain interal organs, sections of spinal cord, and about a a third of his brain. The rest is artificial.

Affiliation: TFF, if only because the agency he works through offers a per-head bounty on all Imperial fatalities. It is for this reason that Rijin takes no prisoners, gives no quarter, expects none in return, and will not stop until every last 'paycheck' is dead.


Theme Song: Seek and Destroy by Metallica

Background: Rijin once upon a time was someone else. Once he was Joachim 'Joey' van Rijin, a mechanic and all around Mr.-Fix-It. He doesn't really remember who he was before, nor does he care. He knows that the Empire hit his planet. He knows that he was infected with the Y.P. He knows that he died. And he knows that sometimes, you really can keep living after you're dead. Now Joey is simply I.D. 1-02-42-3958: Joachim van Rijin, war crime for hire. The agency that performed his cybernetic conversion has dispatched him on numerous missions as a "linebreaker", literally wading through the enemy line to create a hole for the army behind him. He loves the carnage that he can cause with his new body, and the fact that (at least according to the agency), his is immune to the Y.P. Nothing brings him more satisfaction than to stack the bodies of the Empire's finest up like cordwood and laugh at his foes from atop the pile. He moves from hot-zone to hot-zone constantly, almost always on some kind of mission, or preparing for one. Despite his love for slaughter, Rijin is a professional to the bone; he will not go into a situation he knows he as NO hope in, nor will he disobey orders. Not that there are too many orders that Rijin has a problem with following.

Abilities: Rijin's cybernetic frame affords him superhuman strength, durability, speed, endurnace, and a full warship-grade computing and sensor suite. Effectively, Rijin is a killing machine. He has been tuning his whole body for war since he received it, and can only improve on it.

His phenomenal strength allows him to use weapons than are normally vehicle mounted in each hand, and use them with pinpoint accuracy. Unfortunately, this tactic only works for about the first ten seconds of the battle, simply because that much hardware is HEAVY. In order to survive against any real threat, Rijin is forced to behave like any other soldier: take cover, take aim, take 'em out. Rijin just doesn't have to do the 'cover' thing very often.

His favored weapon is a chopped-down 10mm assault rifle action mated to an oversize pistol frame firing in full-auto. The weapon never runs out of ammo, thanks to the micro-Hammerspace rift disguised as the magazine, but the barrel warping is still an issue. Rijin does nothing to help by firing binary incendiary shells that look like bots of fire.

He is an almost supernaturally good shot, thanks in no small part to his cybernetics and the hardware in his brain, and is a capable sniper, even though he detests this role as "fatally boring" due to the lack of challenge posed by the situation. After all, it's no fun if the can't shoot back.

Beyond his already formidible enhancement, Rijin simply lacks the ability to feel pity or remorse for anyone that gets in his way, friend or foe. He thinks nothing of slaughtering solider and civilian alike, armed and frothing, or surrendered and against a brick wall. Any child of the Empire is to be trampled underfoot until they are nothing but a bloody smear. Cold, ruthless, and efficient, Rijin kills all comers, willing or not, with a smile.

Items of Importance:

Asynchronous Time/Space Field Generator aka "The Rip": Rijin's main method of transport. Disguised as an oddly-shaped knife, The Rip allows Rijin to step from one location in space time to another location in space one picosecond later. However, The Rip takes about twenty minutes to recharge between "slices", preventing from causing instabilities in the Space/Time continuum. The main reason why Rijin pops up all over the place whenever he pleases. There is literally no place he can't go, provided he has accurate directions.

FENRIR Cognitive Combat Modification System: The source of Rijin's battle prowess. Unaware of it's existence, FENRIR is a set of learning bio-chips and hardwired behavioral patterns that suppress the host personality with something far darker and, as one designer was quoted, evil. This second personality is the Rijin that has existed since it was installed. This is the prototype unit, used to gather real-world data for mass-production by [REDACTED] for use in their third generation cybernetic soldier upgrade.


Well-Known Member


This = awesome.

gg man, no re, u r winnah. O_O


Well-Known Member
Really, you like?


Huh, and I kinda thought I went overboard trying to bring a gun to a staff fight...
Hullo, what's this? A TFF RPG? Bearing the word 'yaoi' in its title? Without the yaoi/yuri fangirl extraordinaire herself in it?! BLASPHEMY!

So before Zeni can say anything, I'm signing myself and her up for this! With your permission I'll begin posting....hopefully before Zeni notices. I'll probably let her now....soon enough.....soon...relatively soon.... *snigger*

I'll most likely roleplay Eterna again. No, no, Ray, you got the intro wrong...Eterna is anything BUT a heroine. If anything, she's the anti-heroine...and probably will be again in this one. The Kidnap was nothing more than a ruse for her to rejoin her old comrades in the holy yaoi crusade! ...and off course, she dragged Zeni along, kicking and screaming in appropriate bindings.... (or perhaps unconscious AND in appropriate bindings...)

Hmmm....looking forwards to this one. Just give me the go-ahead and I and Zeni will dive into the action!
Excuse me! I may be undead, but not the zombie type. I would prefer vampire, thank you very much. :p

Anyway, I suppose I could post my and Zeni's character details now while we wait for permission to join.

Let's start with Zeni since her character has changed considerably...

Name: Zeni

Age: 16.000 years, give or take a few centuries

Gender: Female

Species: Crimson Moon Vampire, of the Executioner-Arbiter Weapon Class. (Executioner Pair is Eterna)

Affiliation: Ex-Crimson Moon Executioner. Now a student at TFFA.

Due to a certain incident (read history) Zeni has become rather schizophrenic...or rather, her body is now host to at least three different personalities. That of the original Zeni, that of Nez, and that of Dark!Zeni. Most of the time Nez is in control, it being her body originally. She is relatively easy-going. Mostly good-natured. Calm, reserved, and collected. Can be a little stiff and 'straight' around her twin sister.

Zeni is a good deal more lively and doesn't fear speaking her mind. She's very honest, on the verge of being straightforward and tactlessly blunt.

Dark!Zeni is downright sadistic, bat-shit insane, and all-round lunatic. All the same, the other two personalities still manage to aim her insanity in the right general direction...that being the direction the enemy is in.

All three seem to communicate with each other internally....or rather, bring 'internal conflict' to whole new levels on a minute to minute basis. Is that a good thing? Well....they do say three heads are better than one....

Appearance: long, knee-length pale blonde hair. Emerald green eyes. Has been shrunk to loli-size due to the effects of the yaoists' new yaoi-fangirl-ification chamber, which she barely managed to escape. Is currently wearing a (shrunk-to-fit) yaoist imperial forces commander's uniform (as it is the only thing available to her currently. When you are escaping from the jaws of death itself you don't really get a choice in fashion...May cause a few 'misunderstandings' along the way, both good and bad...).

Her recent experience in the yaoists' yaoi-fangirl-ification chamber has stripped her of most of her original CM executioner powers. The following are all that are left -
- The power to resist popcorn
- Vampiric Regeneration
- Extensive puppet-manipulation powers

In addition her lower limbs have been seriously paralyzed beyond her ability to regenerate and thus depends on her new servant for mobility and combat.

- Her servant, Justice. (the guy with the glasses in the picture below).

Justice is a butler bioroid the yaoists managed to capture during the raid. They were planning on turning him into a yaoi pet...but fortunately never got around to it. He is stronger than your average human, being a bioroid, but unfortunately lacked the strength to go up against your average yaoist.

Zeni on the other hand had more than enough strength but was set-back a little by her new size and lower limb paralysis. Upon finding Justice shortly after escaping her torture chamber she offered to help him escape in return for his help. He was so grateful that he even offered his eternal servitude, being the perfect gentleman he is. And thus, using her puppet-manipulation skills, Zeni now controls Justice's body and confers upon him her strength and powers.

He would have her sit in his left arm and fight with his right, wielding a modified .85 full-automatic rapid-fire handgun equipped with a very combat-adaptable electric guitar (Haruhara Haruko's FLCL guitar to be exact), a very versatile and powerful weapon, capable of turning into a chainsaw, machine gun, rocket launcher, cat, rail-gun, light saber, kirby balloon blower, plasma cannon, popcorn-maker, etc.

A quick summary of everything from 16.000 years ago up until the Christmas Trollz Invasion incident:

History of the Crimson Moon
Many thousands of years ago, in time immemorial, humans ran rampant across the earth, causing untold destruction and chaos. In despair the Earth and its Keepers sought help from the Crimson Moon, the ultimate beings of the Moon. The Crimson Moon responded by bestowing upon the Earth and humanity clones of themselves, the True Ancestors, to be keepers of peace and wards against chaos. However, the True Ancestors were fundamentally flawed...they had the basic vampiric need for blood as the Crimson Moon did. It took them a large portion of their powers to suppress the urges, but soon many of them gave in and fell into darkness, becoming Fallen True Ancestors, or Dead Apostles as they were more commonly known.

In answer to this the Crimson Moon created a second line of humanoid weapons designed especially to fight the Dead Apostles, again based on their own genome. A number of experimental prototype weapon classes were made, the most successful of which were the Judge, Prosecutor, Arbiter, Executioner, and Juror classes proved the most successful. However, these weapons proved all TOO successful and soon the Crimson Moon came to fear their own creations. Thus they built fail-safe systems into their mass-production models which were based on the Arbiter, Executioner and Juror classes, the three weakest classes. Firstly, they were created as linked pairs, such that whenever one went rogue, the other would have the power to destroy its pair at the cost of its own life. Secondly they were created to be devoid of personalities and souls, built purely as machines of war that would pursue their missions to their dying breath.

The war between the Crimson Moon and humanity against the Dead Apostles lasted at least 15.000 years. But long before the war ended the beings of the Crimson Moon had all disappeared, leaving behind their empty cask of a homeworld, the Crimson Moon, which was essentially an invincible bastion with the power to take over or even destroy the entire multiverse. Their humanoid weapons, the executioners, arbiters, and jurors, continued on with their missions, ignorant of the fact that their masters were long gone.

Towards the End of the Dead Apostle War
As time passed on many of these weapons somehow gained awareness, sentience, souls and feelings. In a world that was not their own, amongst strangers who fear and curse their very existence despite owing them their own lives and survival, they banded together, learning for the first time what it meant to be a family.

But fate is a cruel mistress. Their numbers whittled as they continued on journeying in search of a home....until finally only few remain. Zeni and Eterna were amongst the few surviving members of the Executioner Class, and they, with the few younger ones they managed to keep alive, finally found a home in the realm of Fangirls.

The Yaoi Scourge in the Realm of Fangirls
That was before the realm of Fangirls fell to the Yaoi Scourge, when the GrandMaster Fangirl was still straight and true leader, kind and just. Then the yaoi scourge came. In their greed for power, the yaoists, under the corrupted GrandMaster, experimented on the few remaining Crimson Moon weapons with the hope of finding the secret to their power. Zeni and Eterna, who were the GrandMaster's Ministers at the time, were unaware. However, Zeni, finally suspecting foul play in her sisters' death, finally decided to leave the Fangirl Realm forever. She drifted across the Multiverse for many years before finally finding a home in TFFA City.

Everything Up to the Halloween Incident
A series of events built up towards the Halloween Incident in which both Eterna and Zeni were killed while fighting the Grandmaster Fangirl and, ultimately, the Incarnation of all Yaoi.

Christmas Caper
However, their mission directives didn't allow them to die at that point and they managed to find new bodies in a pair of human twins, both of whom had been genetically engineered by Armacham Corporations to incorporate Crimson Moon Executioner genes in the hopes of creating beings with the power to control the Crimson Moon. These twins, Zen and Ei-chan, became the hosts of Zeni and Eterna's souls, which became dormant for a good while after.

However, they were awakened once again during the Christmas Trollz invasion and the Armacham Corporations coup d'etat in TFFA City in a fight against two troll dopplegangers, Dark!Zeni and Dark!Eterna.

Meanwhile, two surviving Crimson Moon Arbiters, Nez and Incarna, who were working for TFFA City's Chaos and Mayhem Prevention Squad (CMPS), somehow got involved in the whole incident. In the conclusion and resolution of the incident, they finally defeated Dark!Zeni and Dark!Eterna by merging themselves with them, forming a new Executioner-Arbiter Zeni and Eterna. Their original intention was to self-destruct the Crimson Moon and destroy themselves and the yaoists and trollz in the blast, forever ridding the multiverse of their curse and finally completing their mission. However....things didn't go quite so smoothly...

Anyhow, they survived and are now trying to live relatively normal(?) student lives in TFFA City.

Meanwhile, Zen and Ei-chan have finally found peace and perhaps living happy lives somewhere....errr....happy? ....well, relatively... *sweatdrop*

My turn!

Name: Eterna

Age: 16.000 know, the sort of age where you start losing count of all the candles on your cake...

Gender: Female

Species: Crimson Moon Vampire, of the Executioner-Arbiter Weapon Class. (Executioner Pair is Zeni)

Affiliation: Ex-Crimson Moon Executioner. Ex-Yaoist Forces Commander. Reformed. Now once again a Yaoist forces commander.

Personality: Cheerful, playful, a little annoying on the outside...Is quite cunning, devious, wily, and very much treacherous inside. Has a strange obsession with popcorn, yaoi/yuri, and her sister.

Appearance: long, knee-length pale blonde hair. Emerald green eyes. Relatively small stature.

- The ability to pull out popcorn randomly whenever she likes
- the ability to materialize a kirby doll out of thin air
- Vampiric Regeneration
- Blood Fortress - creates a powerful blood shield around herself in exchange for her vampiric blood (duration depends on blood spent)
- Blood Fortress Omega - More powerful form of the Blood Fortress, requires her sister to activate.

- Her tri-barelled gun, Fates
- Her vampiric blade

Read Zeni's History


Well-Known Member
Heh welcome back it's been awhile. Rpg's kinda slow going at the moment.


Staff member
VexTheWarlord said:
EI, this is a new continuity, Caper and Havok didn't happen in this particular universe.
I was just about to mention this.

Anyway, pleased to meet you Eternity. I'm Watashiwa, and I joined up not long before your...disappearance.

Where'd you go, anyway?
EI, this is a new continuity, Caper and Havok didn't happen in this particular universe.
...really? I just assumed, considering the fact that Zeni and Eterna were mentioned in the intro, plus they were both mentioned to have been heroines in previous anti-yaoi wars (, no, Eterna is anything BUT a heroine...), plus the GrandMaster Fangirl was listed amongst the yaoist Higher-ups, plus there's a plethora of other returning characters such as Elidea and there's Zaraki's bar, the Slums, TFF HQ, and many other locations from previous games.....err....all in all, it looks a LOT like a continuity....

Oh well, we'll work with these characters then. Just consider them to have originated in another universe then...we seem to do that a lot, after all...

Oh, and thanks for the warm welcome. On Zeni's behalf as well. As for why we disappeared, my reason is pretty much because Zeni did. She's pretty much the only reason I come to this site. As for her, she's juggling 2.5 lives at the moment and has little time for the internet. But upon noticing this new RP I decided to drag her back, just for the heck of it.

Can someone give me a quick summary? I'm itching to write up Zeni's entry into the story...just to annoy her...


Well-Known Member
Eterna-chan! You're back! And not dead!

We were worried for a while. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Eternity-Incarnate said:
EI, this is a new continuity, Caper and Havok didn't happen in this particular universe.
...really? I just assumed, considering the fact that Zeni and Eterna were mentioned in the intro, plus they were both mentioned to have been heroines in previous anti-yaoi wars (, no, Eterna is anything BUT a heroine...), plus the GrandMaster Fangirl was listed amongst the yaoist Higher-ups, plus there's a plethora of other returning characters such as Elidea and there's Zaraki's bar, the Slums, TFF HQ, and many other locations from previous games.....err....all in all, it looks a LOT like a continuity....

Oh well, we'll work with these characters then. Just consider them to have originated in another universe then...we seem to do that a lot, after all...

Oh, and thanks for the warm welcome. On Zeni's behalf as well. As for why we disappeared, my reason is pretty much because Zeni did. She's pretty much the only reason I come to this site. As for her, she's juggling 2.5 lives at the moment and has little time for the internet. But upon noticing this new RP I decided to drag her back, just for the heck of it.

Can someone give me a quick summary? I'm itching to write up Zeni's entry into the story...just to annoy her...
Right now you're prisoners on a Yaoi Ship, or something of the sort.

Vex and Elidea got shot at in Orbit, which pissed Vex off and forced a landing on the ground (The Ship however was not damaged at all).

He ended up signing up in the counter assault by-proxy when he went to find out what was happening. A handy faceless mook informed him that all the important peoples were at Zaraki's.

Lady Genocide explained things amidst a Yaoi Attack on the Bar, and now we're all en route to the Hangar to take off.


Staff member
Watashiwa and Nanashi's profiles, together for simplicity.


This is not Watashiwa's complete profile. I'm interested in seeing in seeing how much of his backstory I can bring up in the game itself.

This will be updated as my characters need it.

Name: Watashiwa. This is a nickname.

Description: Seventeen year old human student at TFFA. His favorite outfit is grey pants and a grey blazer, with a red shirt underneath. Average body shape in almost every way.

Affiliation: TFF(A). Unlike most of the nutjobs who answered the call, Watashiwa actually puts the well being of TFF ahead of the ability to name his own reward. This is not to say he plans to turn the reward down. He has plans to ask for a very fine military spaceship that he plans to retrofit for galactic exploration.


Theme song: Pursing My True Self- Persona 4 OST

Background: As the son of one of TFFs strongest psychics, it was expected that when he went to the Academy, Watashiwa would excel in psionics. Unexpectedly, he did not. While he is now a very adept kineticist (see my upcoming explanation of how psionics works), he has no illuding or mentalist skills.

The identity of his father is unknown; according to the record his mother returned from a mission pregnant.

His childhood was thus typical of most TFFers, he attended the Academy where he learned to set things on fire with his mind, and how to do other impossible things.

And then the Yaoists struck. His housing complex was hit (by orbital guns) during the initial strike, and while he was miraculously unharmed, his mother was badly injured.

The two of them survived thanks to the intervention of Nanashi, who eradicated the Yaoibot task-force sent to eliminate Watashiwa's mother, who while no longer officially part of TFFs combat specialists could still be a threat. He is

A note of interest: Watashiwa is lucky. As in, truly, completely, ridiculously lucky. The laws of chance seem permanently skewed in his favor, to the point where he can call a coin flip correctly 75% of the time (remember: normal is 50%).

This luck applies to everything, from chances to pick winning lottery numbers, to the chance of avoiding a fatal injury during sword practice. This luck does not make Watashiwa invulnerable, but situations of pure chance are almost always skewed in his favor.

Watashiwa is a Class 3 psychic.


Telekinesis: Watahiwa is capable of moving some very heavy things with his mind. Not heavy as in Stardestroyer heavy, but heavy as in steamroller heavy. This is a Class 3 skill for Watashiwa.
*Watashiwa can also use "pure" telekinesis (force) for movement, or to strike enemies.

Electrokinesis: Watashiwa is capable of redirecting electricity as he pleases. This is a Class 4 skill, meaning that Watashiwa can generate electricity instead of manipulating sources of it (again, to be explained in the Psionics for Complete Idiots guide I'm working on).
*Watashiwa's favorite technique is Psionic Storm, which generates an electric field around him. He then manipulates the electrons and blasts whatever he feels like.

Rewind: This is a power unique to Watashiwa. If Watashiwa is fatally wounded, he subconsciously grabs hold of space-time and "rewinds" it back to moments before his injury. There, he either reacts to the incoming threat or relies on his luck to avoid the fatality. Instant deaths (decapitation) or slow deaths (poison, sickness, festering wounds) cannot be rewound. Characters who are outside of the space-time continuum may feel the effects of the rewind; normal people will notice a feeling of dÚja-vu, or may not not notice anything.

Luck: Yes, Watashiwa's luck is ridiculous to the point that it is a skill. If Watashiwa is in a situation of where random chance has a pronounced effect on the outcome, there is a good chance that said outcome with resolve itself in his favor. Examples of this: choosing correct paths, guessing number combinations, avoiding spontaneous gunfire... keep in mind however that random chance can only do so much, and it only takes one bullet to kill someone.

Mind shield: Watashiwa, despite having no ability to play with people's minds, can still defend against mentalic attacks. Reading his mind is difficult at best, as he can use psionics to damage the offenders mental construct, or failing that, block or misdirect the sending.

Psychic sense: All psychics have some ability to sense things. Watashiwa's allows him to detect the minds of people around him, and feel "unnatural" things. Unnatural things include magic and magic items, outsiders and other extra-dimensional beings, irregularities in the space-time continuum (time travelers, sliders and "voids" in space).


TFFA uniform: While it might not sound impressive, the TFFA uniform is a uniform designed for a school that self-destructs, is host to inter-galactic wars and occasionally falls into other planes of existence on a regular basis. As such, it is both enchanted and impressive technologically. The uniform is fire retardant, can magically "harden" to act like armor, and carries a water breathing/gas filtering enchantment (minor; shallow breaths recommended). The suit regulates temperature, has an inertial dampener (useful when the wearer is thrown into walls), and can inject nanobots and stimulants as necessary (the nanobots are self replicating, though the stims are limited).

The suit also has magic pockets that provide access to hammer space.

NPC: Nanashi

Physical Description: Nanashi's body features are hidden by the hood and coat him is always wearing. The coat is such that it should be form-fitting, but in truth disguises most of Nanashi's body. It is impossible to discern more than the fact that Nanashi is a slim, youngish man. The always raised hood hides Nanashi's face; the only part of his face that is ever visible is his mouth, and even that is shadowed.

Affiliation: Watashiwa, TFF. Nanashi is one of the few nut jobs gathered to defend Academy City who actually ever expresses concern for the wellbeing of the city itself. This is odd for two reasons: One, because no one has been able to find any record of his connections to Academy City and two because he seems just as excited as anyone at the prospect of being able to name his own reward.

Nanashi. This is the closest I could find to the picture I wanted. And yes, he's wearing an Organization cloak.

Theme song: Here It Goes Again û Ok Go

Backstory: Nanashi is not his real name. That much should be obvious. What are not obvious are his connections to Academy City. According to his record, he arrived in the city for the first time ever a few weeks before the Yaoist attack. This, combined with his knowledge of the city that has landed him squarely on the "Very Suspicious" list of no few powerful TFF members.

During the assault proper, he saved the lives of many Academy students, as well as several high profile members injured during the attack. It is believed that his assistance is what allowed for the taking of the Yaoist ship NaruSasu, which has since yielded the coordinates of several planets which may house the Yaoist central government.

Nanashi has no intention of revealing his true identity to anyone, and when asked why says itÆs ôBecause the truth is far stranger than fiction.ö

Abilities: Nanashi does not seem to have anything near the level of power that other TFF members, including his close ally Lea, can claim. However, NanashiÆs intelligence, determination and uncanny survivability have allowed him to survive situations that might have felled stronger TFFers.

That said, Nanashi does have aàinteresting mix of weaponry and talents.

Resistance: Nanashi has developed a resistance of sorts to all forms of direct and indirect magical and psionic influence. Any spell or power that directly targets him (such as Charm, Hold Person, Mind Read, Slow etc.) has a small chance of not affecting him. Spells that cause EFFECTS like Fireball are fine, but spells that AFFECT him have a chance of not work. He is capable of suppressing this ability, but only with concentration.

Weapons Training: Nanashi has undergone TFF weapons programming, currently a highly classified program designed to allow rank and file soldiers to fight at the level of the TFF heroes. Exactly how he acquired this training is unknown given that the program is 1.) Incomplete, 2.) Highly classified ,and 3.) Unstable to the point where the test subjects are dangerous convicts and to a man have all gone insane. The weapons training gives Nanashi knowledge in the use of almost every weapon ever created, and some form of muscle memory in the basic forms of those weapons.
The weapons programming also has given Nanashi innate knowledge on ôhow to moveö, further enhanced by his martial arts ability.

Deja-fu: Despite his extensive weapons training, NanashiÆs real weapons are his fists. He uses a variant of the lost martial art of ôDeja-fuö in combat, which has been described at different times as ôThe art of being in the right place at the right time,ö or ôthe feeling that you have been kicked in the head this way before.ö While the original uses instantaneous time travel to make the opponent ôseeö that the practitioner is right in front of him (while feeling the punches that the time-traveling monk is throwing from .001 seconds in the future), Nanashi uses a variant that takes advantage of his heightened instincts and reflexes to BE in the place where his attacks will do the most damage.

Martial arts training has toughened Nanashi considerablyùcombined with his weapons programming, Nanashi rarely takes full damage from anything that hits him, and he knows how to get away from slower hits.

Hmmà not quite what I originally had in mind. Ah well, the other stuff will come before we get off planet. And no, IÆm not telling what. ^_^

Items of Importance:

Organization Cloak: While at first glance this black cloak seems to be Organization standard awesome cloak Ö, thereÆs somethingàodd about it. It isnÆt the way it always hides his form, and never lets any of his skin show or the way it hides his face (all Organization cloaks do that). No, his Organization cloak is odd in the fact that it never requires maintenance or gets dirty. It has been lightly enchanted with durability spells which have the added effect of protecting Nanashi. Slightly.

TFF Model x9000 Datapad: Nanashi has a prototype datapad that allows for instantaneously linking with the TFF mainframe from almost anywhere in the omniverse. Exactly where he acquired this is unknown, since the TFF Datapad has yet to approach anywhere near the level of computing power his displays. Functions include: ability to connect with for information gathering, messaging and voice service, holographic projection and displays, and a full set of analyzation tools.

This is his profile based on information I've already hinted at in-game, and things that you guys ought to know. Story related details are being played close to my chest, and Nanashi's other powers will be revealed later.


Well-Known Member
Wata told me to join, should I first post in this thread or should I read first through some other thread too?


Staff member
kaiseryuu said:
Wata told me to join, should I first post in this thread or should I read first through some other thread too?
*Wata appears*

Read through the other thread for examples of what we're looking for, then create a character who breaks all of those rules.

Or a character who has knowledge of every cliche we're dealing with as his power (genre savvy FTW!).

Or you know... whatever. Just have fun with our insane setting, aight?


Well-Known Member
Watashiwa said:
kaiseryuu said:
Wata told me to join, should I first post in this thread or should I read first through some other thread too?
*Wata appears*

Read through the other thread for examples of what we're looking for, then create a character who breaks all of those rules.

Or a character who has knowledge of every cliche we're dealing with as his power (genre savvy FTW!).

Or you know... whatever. Just have fun with our insane setting, aight?
*watawata* Summons Watashiwa with a small dance and a drum beat.


Well-Known Member
kaiseryuu said:
After recovering what was left of his sanity while hiding, he decided get his revenge. After an awe-inspiring Rambo-esque battle, Kai defeated the commander of the base. After defeating the commander, Kai took the commanders sword and set the base on fire

At this point Kai is still a normal human, more or less. So far NO Player Character is strong enough to destroy an entire Yaoi Base-Ship and their Commander, solo. With the possible exceptions of Rijin and Vex, but only if he has Elidea with him.


Staff member
VexTheWarlord said:
kaiseryuu said:
After recovering what was left of his sanity while hiding, he decided get his revenge. After an awe-inspiring Rambo-esque battle, Kai defeated the commander of the base. After defeating the commander, Kai took the commanders sword and set the base on fire

At this point Kai is still a normal human, more or less. So far NO Player Character is strong enough to destroy an entire Yaoi Base-Ship and their Commander, solo. With the possible exceptions of Rijin and Vex, but only if he has Elidea with him.
Nanashi had enough power to pull that off.

Note the past tense; he's a gamebreaker who broke himself.