TFF: Assault on Yaoi!


Well-Known Member
EVENT 1: Fan/Fiction Opening

OST: FSN OST 03 - Unmei no Yoru

Night One, 8:00 PM, Ground Zero

The wind howled through the night, carrying with it the powerful stench of death and decay.

Heedless of this, perhaps even somewhat enjoying it, the woman walked through the scorched earth as calmly as one would along a park, armored boots crushing the gravel beneath her as the edges of her immaculate black dress flapped dramatically in the air. Reaching her destination, she shifted her stance, and giving what would initially seem a dainty little jump, leapt six meters up in the air to land atop a massive boulder.

She smiled, and pushing a few loose strands of red hair away from her blazing green eyes, surveyed the chaos.

Ground zero.

It had been less than a week since the Internet Trade Center had been razed to the ground, and the area was still swarming with security forces, easily hundreds of agents. From her vantage point, it looked almost like an angry mass of ants, swarming over the twitching corpse of a dead roach.

Dead roach. Hehe. She should write that down.

She felt whimsical, really. She always did when something big was coming up. Cassandra the Great and her escort were still within chasing distance and she wouldn't put it past TFF to retaliate this soon. However, she did not think they'd be so stupid as to make that their base plan. With their infrastructure and weapons capability so badly mangled, it wouldn't matter how many volunteers they got, any token wing of fighters they managed to cobble together from their own forces here would easily be shot down before they even managed to come across the Agent they'd hired to watch their backs, much less the actual flagship.

No... it had to be something else.

As if on cue, a loud beeping filled her ears. Quickly, she reached a hand into her bustier, pulling out a black handheld computer. On its screen, the device was showing several quick flashes of energy in disparate locations around the city, along with a myriad of different power signatures, each of which seemed to be converging around a single-

...the screen went blank. The signal frequencies were being interfered with. So they'd taken precautions, it seemed. It didn't matter, though. After this, their real plan had become obvious.

She wondered if she should tell Catherine. The woman had been so smug in their last conversation after the attack, and her ego would no doubt grow once she'd defeated the strike force and handed her hostages, including those blasted traitors Zeni and Eterna, back to the Grandmaster.

The look of utter horror on her face when she realized that she'd actually led their worst enemies to the Empire's doorstep -and she was certain that was what TFF had in mind, no doubt- would be priceless.

The miniscule part of her that still held any loyalty to anything other than her own sick fulfillment exploded in protest at the implications, at the massive risk, at the foolishness of letting the door open just for her own enjoyment.

She crushed it like a bug. If Catherine was half as self-sufficient as she claimed to be then she should be able to deal with this.

Still, that didn't mean she was going to make it easy for TFF. That'd be risking her own head, and she wasn't about to do that. No. First, she'd have to find out the details of this plan, and then she'd strike. Even if she didn't manage to stop them in this city, her involvement meant that there would be plenty of opportunities for taking credit later on. She relished the thought.

She nodded to herself, and in a single, fluid leap jumped down from the boulder and walked away into the night.


Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 8:15 PM

The city was roused. Screams calling for war carried through the wind, impassioned speeches could be heard around every corner, and the sound of boots hitting the snow covered asphalt of the streets as the volunteers gathered around the plaza was unmistakable.

It didn't really matter all that much, though, the woman thought as she looked away from the bedroom's sole window. Though their part to play in the plan was important for initial success, the real action was here.

A knock on the door. She turned around to find her impeccably dressed aide waiting for her.

"Yes, Guilford?"

"Lady Genocide, our main contractor has arrived, and he claims the shuttle that will ferry the team to his carrier is already on the Central Military's hangar. If true, all we have to do is wait for the others."

The woman shrugged, advancing past Guilford and heading down a staircase, towards the bar.

"Provided those we wanted to catched the call's frequency."

"Well, yes," Guilford said, following her.

The woman swept back her long black hair, sighing.

"And that they actually choose to answer it. And that other people we might not want might have been drawn by the call, too. Honestly, is this the best plan we could come up with?"

Guilford frowned.


"I know Guilford, I know," she muttered, smiling, "besides, what else could we do?"

With this, she reached the end of the staircase and went into the bar proper. It was deserted, as per the heavy bribe paid to the Bartender. Deserted, save for one person - a taciturn, brown haired man sitting on a stool, nursing his drink. He barely looked up, taking one good look at Lady Genocide before returning to his drink.

"My money."

"And a good evening to you too, Mr. Locke Watcher."


Night One, The Slums, 8:20 PM

The alley was dark, silent except for the passing of a stray cat every once in a while. The bums who slept here were currently gone, and wouldn't be back until even later at night. The place was well hidden, secure, and unlikely to draw attention.

It was the perfect spot for an appearance.

A strange, cold breeze began to pick up, despite the fact that the wind hadn't blown for hours.

There was a tiny flash of light, and a small page, made from something too shiny to be paper but otherwise looking for all the world like something taken out of a doujin, appeared out of midair.

It floated down for a moment, until silently touching the ground.

At that moment, the breeze became a storm, as tens, dozens, hundreds of pages appeared in a veritable tornado of metallic death.

Then, it stopped.

The pages seemed to hover in midair for a few seconds before a sharp crack was heard as they shattered like glass, shards flying in every direction.

As the chaos died down, a tall, white-coated man came into view, calmly dusting himself before stylishly sweeping a hand through his white hair.

"Dramatic Entrance, N?mero Cuatro, perfectly engaged," he muttered, smiling as he looked up. In the distance, the smoke from the smoldering ruins of the Internet Trade Center still rose into the sky.

"Looks like this will be an interesting mission."


And so it would be. At the same time, similar scenes were occurring all over TFF Academy City, as a large group of adventurers appeared, all headed towards the same location - Zaraki's Bar in the slums. Most of them knew about the incident. At least a few had an idea of why they'd been summoned.

And, more importantly, they had all answered the call!


Well-Known Member
Night One, 8:00 PM, The Sewers

The insane man known, and feared far and wide, as Parker the Manskinner examined his living space. It was a strange place to be sure, but he liked it. He had covered the walls in bones and skin himself, and he had recently came into ownership of two new skins that were very...interesting.

He unfurled one of the two skins he had taken off of the Yaoi Fangirls that would dare step foot in his domain. They had felt the full force of his mighty claws as they slowly died from the lack of things holding their organs in. But that was the past, and he had better things to do.

He took his pen in his right hand and began too write what would be the greatest story ever on the skin of his victim. It was his true calling, no one but he and his God Tin-Tane appreciated his work though. The people on the surface world didn't recognize it for what it was, they called it trash, garbage, clichÚ, full of Mary-Sues and SIs.

Baw!! What did they know, they wouldn't know good writing if it bit them in the ass!!

In his mad thoughts he had begun writing on the skin of the Yaoi Fangirl. When he looked upon the page he saw that what was written had not been written by him, no it had been written by his dark God Tin-Tane.

"My Paladin, much Blood is on the way, so much so that a bridge could be built between the galaxy with it, and with that Blood comes strength for me and you, but if you are not in Zaraki's Bar within an hour not a single drop of the Blood will be spilt by you. So, go my Paladin, go and write our Names in the Blood that shall flow!!!"

He could not refuse that order, no he could not. So, he would go. It was not a hard decision too make, he would go and he would spread Blood and the Names of his God and Himself across the stars.

As he exited his home for what could be the last time and made his way towards Zaraki's, he knew that whatever happened, their would be Blood


Well-Known Member
Night One, 8:20 PM, Commercial District

The starlight shines through the wreckage of the District. Walking near the ruins of the shops, Lighave calmly surveys the damage that that the Fangirl's attack has wrought upon TFF. In the twilight darkness in between the buildings, he vows revenge for his fallen brethren. The moon is his only witness as he silently glides toward Zaraki's bar.

Short intro I know. Never was good at them. -_-
Night One, 8:00 PM, a small shop in the residential zone

If anyone were to pass this little shop, on this little road, they would have wondered why the light around it seemed muted somehow, like a TV with the brightness turned down. The answer became apparent when a young man, dressed in a shirt, trackpants, a jersey and battered old trainers walked out out the shop. There was a literally visible aura of depression surrounding him, that seemed to suck the light and joie de viere out of his surroundings, leaving them dull and lifeless. He cracked open the bottle of medicine he'd just bought, and swallowed the lot in one go, before opening a bottle of water and drinking it down.

The man's cellphone beeped, a cheerful tune that was out of place for him. He checked it out, and began to walk home. It looked like adventure was summoning him, and he wanted to dress warmly for it.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
Night One, 8:23 P.M. Outskirts

"Oh man, oh man, OH MAN! What the hell happened?" TB shouted when he realized where he was. What... What happened? Who attacked TFF City? WHEN did they attack? ...No...Did she? No, sis's not stupid enough to head a full on attack, and that's the only thing that could have done so much damage. Blade thought, while he wandered through the destroyed outskirts. Great...I don't how long I've been gone...I need information. Ugh...Is Zaraki's place still around? With his destination in mind, he grabbed his backpack and started to run.


Well-Known Member
Night One: Cruisin' The Streets

Unreal city...

The time is nine oh two, post meridian, and, for once in its life, the city is dark.

Dark-er, at least.

Now and then, cars still cruise the blackened streets like stingrays, headlights beaming through the night to sillhouette faceless figures darting through the town like so many ghosts; but this is where it all went down, and there isn't enough light to go around. Not anymore. When she had first walked here, the place had pulsed with life and passion and more creativity than any one city has a right to hold, and the contrast to what it once was and what it has become is so great that, if she'd ever been that sort of girl, she'd pinch herself, to wake up out of this nightmare.

As it is though, to the girl stepping carefully through the mess, it's like walking backwards through time, every step seemingly taking her to a distant, better forgotten memory.

Of course, she's aware that such a thought is ludicrously vainglorious, when everything is taken into account, but she can't shake the feeling, and is aware of exactly where her guns are, alert to the many thousands of things going bump in the night, and of the address she is repeating in her head like some sort of mantra.

If the place is lit, it won't be hard to find anyway.

When Lyon had come here, the city had wrapped her in its swamping embrace, crooned to her in a million tongues, and given her a hub in the absolutely batty world, a place to float through other people's dreams, watch the magic dancing from people's fingertips to make the internet a better place, and now...

She turns a corner, checks the neon sign, assumes that the 'A's have been looted since her last visit, and pulls a packet of m&ms from her pocket. Pouring a handful she crunches them ruminatively between her teeth before going around the back of the building.

Front doors aren't her style. Least of all now.


I'll fix it when I can think a bit better


Well-Known Member
Night One...somewhere around the slums...9:12 PM

"...down the street...turn...left? Or was it right? Damn it..."

Legacy stopped yet again, scratching his head and checking the directions he had hastily sprawled on a sheet of paper before he left the remains of his hockey rink. The Yaoist attack had damaged most of his beloved home and he was in the midst of fixing it when he had received...the call...

The hockey player sighed. As far as he knew, 'the call' was the one a minor league player would get when they get called up to the NHL - and this certainly wasn't like that. Even though people often saw Legacy as little more than a childish nutcase who loved and cared for the sport he played more than he did something reasonable, Legacy knew enough besides hockey to know what the right thing was.

In the case for the Yaoi attack on TFF, he knew perfectly well what it meant, and 'the call' was going to be about that, he felt.

But, if only he could find the damn bar he was supposed to go to. Legacy wasn't worried about being late, but rather, how she would react to him taking too damn long to get there...

"Fuck! Come on, what's taking so fucking long?! Seriously, if you can find the fucking net, you can find a fucking bar, so get moving!"

...and, right on cue.

"Hey, in my defense," Legacy spoke, out loud. "The rink is THAT much smaller than the rest of the city. I just need to get my bearings...get a direction...we'll be fine..."

Deep inside the far reaches of Legacy's mind, he could hear Legacy-ko swearing and cursing how useless Legacy usual. His female alter-self was the polar opposite of him - impatient, rude, and most certainly ill-mannered.

Suddenly, Legacy-ko stopped and quieted down from berating her male alternate...a rather rare and almost terrifying event, since when she did go quite like that, it meant she had a plan...

...and her plans usually meant somebody was going to get hurt.

"Alright, here's an idea - let me take over, and I'll get us there."


Legacy continued to skate along, ignoring Legacy-ko's idea.

"Come on! Seriously, just fucking hit yourself in the face or...something! Go punch a hobo, go skate face-first into a sign! Fuck, you know I can get us there in half the time!"

"It's not the time I'm worried about," Legacy said, lecturing his other self. "We need to get there and I need to do the talking so you don't do something stupid...again..."

Legacy sighed, remembering just how badly sociable Legacy-ko was. As he did, she began to protest.

"What? Oh fuck it, it was totally the goalie's fault! Fatso didn't shake my fucking hand! Vezina winner, my ASS! I beat him clean that time - top shelf, like Denis Fucking Savard!"

"...that wasn't what I was talking about, but now that you mention that, I'm definitely NOT going to let you play for awhile..."

" fuckin' suck, bro..."

Legacy chose not to reply. He simply skated onwards, hoping he was going in the right direction.

As he skated down the street, he suddenly heard a commotion. A homeless man was running down the road, swinging a mop over his head in a flurry of panic.



"'re seriously thinking of asking him for directions?" Legacy-ko asked, a hint of humour in her voice.

Legacy skated up towards the homeless man, making sure to keep his stick lowered and approach in as friendly a manner as possible.

"Excuse me, sir? Hi, do you happen to know where I can find...?!"


The homeless man ran right past Legacy, his swinging mop catching Legacy in the face. There was then a burst of smoke and cloud. A strong scent of burning filled the air. The homeless man stopped and looked behind him, wondering what had just happened.

Suddenly, a flaming hockey puck came flying out of the smoke, catching the homeless man in the chest and lighting his shirt on fire...which then proceeded to burn more ferociously as it ignited the alcohol that already stained it.

"WHY DO I BURN SO GOOD?! WHY DO I BURN SO GOOD?! WHY DO I BURN SO GOOD?!?!" he screamed, running down the street in panic.

The smoke gradually cleared, revealing a young female hockey player with dark brown hair styled in short twin tails dressed in a Calgary Flames jersey and hockey equipment. She cracked her neck and stretched a bit before giving the tiny scar beneath her left eye a rub. The scar was their trigger - if struck, it would bring the other Legacy to life.

"...fine, you can take us to the bar," Legacy said, defeated. "Just let me take back control when we get there and...are you even listening to me?"

Legacy-ko sped down the street with reckless speed, smashing through whatever was unfortunate enough to get in her way. She was right - she knew exactly where the bar was, and she was going to get there a hell of a lot quicker. Along the way, she spawned pucks and took shots at street signs, walls, or pieces of debris - target practice, most likely.

Either that, or Legacy-ko was just bored and wanted to inflict damage on something...

"Alright, well unless you're planning on actually sitting down and talking peacefully with them about what's going on, I think it'd be best if I was the one doing that...seriously, are you even listening to me? Helloooo? Damn it! Okay, so when we get there, can you PLEASE not do anything we're BOTH going to regret?!"

Legacy's cries for a peaceful conversation and sanity still could not reach Legacy-ko's ears. Deep within their joined co-existence, Legacy watched as his female counterpart approached Zaraki's bar...


Well-Known Member
Night one. Around the slums. 9:13 PM

Why is a special assignment mission breifing being held in a... Ricky checked the message. Zaraki bar? Did we really get hit that bad?

Ricky walked down the almost pitch black streets remembering all of the squadmates that he had lost in the attack.

Whatever this mission is I hope we make sure they hurt for a long, loong time.

He was only a block away when a flaming object flew out of a nearby alleyway and almost smacked him in the face.

Was that a frakking hockey puck?! Who the blazes flings flaming hockey pucks at pe-

He paused in his mental rant when he found the source of the burning projectiles. And whoever they were just walked into the very bar he had been summoned to. Ricky sighed and walked towards the same door the person just entered, dodging a flaming, screaming hobo along the way.


Well-Known Member
Night One, Top of a Scyscrapper overlooking Ground Zero, 7:50 PM

Lea gripped his hat tightly as the wind picked up, still leaning against the edge of the huge building as he overlooked what had happened to the city. He had to admit, they had really done a number on the place, although he could've done far better in his sleep. Still, the destruction would take a while to repair, and some scars never healed, as the people who'd lost someone during the attack could certainly attest to. Not that he particularly cared about such things or anything.

At this point, it wasn't so surprising that so many were calling for them to strike back. Ordinarily he wouldn't have even bothered with it... but this time...

Sighing, he pulled his hat down a little further as he got up and preceeded to the door to the stairway, attempting to ignore the minor cut that had appeared on the front of it. When he found that bitch...

Lea paused halfway to the door, extending his arm forwards as the runes around his bracelet started to light up. His mind lingered on the message he'd recieved secondhand earlier from an old friend of his, calling for all who dared to strike back against those behind this hideous act to come forth and prepare to strike back. If it had been any other mission, he probably wouldn't have bothered, unless he was particularly bored. But this time... this time was personal.

Both his cloak and his hat started blowing back wildly as if from a strong wind when the seals on the bracelet to activate, calling forth the magical energies in front of him and opening the dark portal. He'd be a little early, sure, but at this point he couldn't sit still. Ever since the attack, his mind couldn't leave that one moment of carelessness that ruined everything. Stepping through the portal, he silently affirmed to himself that he'd be sure to pay it back.

There was one brief instant of gut wrenching nothingness before he stepped out of the other side. Looking around, he immediately saw the pub. His grin grew wicked. Apparently he'd gotten a lot better at fixing the location for the other side of the portal. Shame it was no where near usable in battle yet. Then again, he had other means of instant travel.

Tipping his hat back a moment as he got a closer look at the place, he started forward to the entrance, mind running over what his friend had said earlier. He hadn't been paying much attention, but he was pretty sure he got it right. After all, everyone who was anyone would choose Yoruichi's Bar as a meeting place for anything.


Night One, Zaraki Bar, 9:20 PM

There was a brief moment of silence as the dark energy gathered in the middle of what remained of the bar, those with any amount of battle experience preparing themselves for anything. Almost immidately after it formed, the young man in the black cloak stepped through, his hat nearly covering his eyes. Looking around at the few who were discretely readying their spells and weapons, he gave a wicked grin for an instant before it vanished, noticing immediately the strongest members of the group. Not one to just let other stare at him, he instantly broke the tension by giving a small wave to the crowd.

"Yo, sorry I'm late. A friend gave me the wrong directions. Did the party already start without me?" Lea said, his wicked grin lighting up on his face again. Shame he didn't see anyone who looked like a hothead. A fight would have been the perfect way to start the whole thing off after all.
Night One, Deep Space, 8:15PM

Squall had to admit, he was earnestly surprised with himself.

There had been a time when being forced to watch the Rabid Ones made his stomach churn in wanton disgust. But this time, his queasiness had been squelched down to a faint flicker of distaste. He almost found himself taking notes on their efficiency, and yet they decided to withdraw then overwhelm. With power like theirs, they could have crushed all of them like bugs and seeded the remnants with their rhetoric. But they didn't...

Which meant they had what they wanted.

He stole a glance across his sensor array to the blip on his screen, to the ship he had been paid a hefty sum to safeguard to the meeting point. Sparing a glance to his controls, he found his finger hovering over the detachment of buttons that would activate his weapons systems and blast them all back to the level of hell they'd crawled out of. "....don't waste the energy." He muttered before drawing his hand back and leaning back against his chair so he could prop his feet on the console.

"I hope you wiped your feet." A female voice chimed in over the intercoms, causing Squall to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Of for the...I haven't been off this damn ship in days. What could I have gotten them in that'd require a cleaning?"

"Considering the people we deal with, I'd be surprised if their vocal waves didn't leave slime imprints on my speakers."

"I hate it when you're right."

This would have been followed by another retort, if the light for a comm screen hadn't let up. He sighed and pushed the button with the hell of his boot, keeping his face passive when the shadow-veiled figure appeared on screen. "Prisoner transfer is complete, Agent Squall. The remainder of your pay has been downloaded into your account."

He nods curtly, deciding not to bother with checking himself since he knew these freaks had more then enough money to burn. Nira, being the cautious AI that she was, was looking for him. "A pleasure doing business with you. Anything else your Ladyship requires, or am I dismissed?"

"Actually, we already have another assignment planned for you. This one pays triple what your previous fee was."

Triple? He slowly sat up and quirked an eyebrow at the view screen. "And what might that mission be, your Ladyship?"

"We have reason to believe that the recent collective of Unbelievers may try to retrieve the cargo you were kind enough to help deliver. The sum will be paid, completely in advance, if you can keep them occupied long enough for us to return to the capital."

"..I'll need time to refit."

"We have a resupply vessel already on the way, along with several devices we'd like you to..test for us."

That didn't inspire confidence. "I expect a bonus for each toy I try."

"Of course, as long as you provide evidence that said 'toy' was used."

He could already see the ship heading his way, tapping an armored finger on his armrest as he ponders his options. Which he had none. "All right then. When do you want me to deploy?"

"As soon as repair and refit are complete. We expect positive results, Agent Squall." With that thinly veiled threat, the comm link was cut off, causing him to sigh and sink back into his chair.

"We just got a massive credit dump in our accounts, Squall. Did something happen?"

"..nothing interesting." He leaned over to open the bay doors for the supply ship. "Just business as usual."
Night one. The slums. 9:15 PM.

Unknown slowly made his way out of his lowly dark apartment. Thinking as to how horrid things got, he growled lightly.

"Things are never good around these parts" said the dark individual as he turned toward the area of the bar.

"I guess I should be happier that I was still in that hellhole I call a salvation place when the fight began" whispered Unknown as he jogged towards Zaraki's, luckilly for him he took an easy approach to finding an apartment and took one a couple blocks from the bar.

Soon he graced into the door as an iceskating girl whizzed a flaming puck at his head. With a well timed rear back, the puck was dodged quickly before the resident deadman took aim and blew it up with a lightning bolt.

"Aw... you're never fun, Unknown" said Legacy-ko as she pulled near the entrance as well.

"And you're still trying for that flaming puck for target practice, huh Legacy? You never change... I should knock you out and let your 'brother' return to the living realm" said the more sadistic of the two.

Legacy-ko backed down as Unknown stepped beyond her and called out "Hey Locke, where are ya?"

"Get yer ass over here, deadman. We've got talking to do" said the brown haired man as he gestured to the seat next to him.

"Same shit as a few years ago in that other Universe, hm?" Whispered Unknown as the female bartender handed him his customary White Russian mixed with Kaluha.

"Yeah... looks like you're in prime form as always" Said Locke as we gazed at his drink.

The two kept making idle chit-chat as more people entered the bar.
Zaraki's Bar, Time whenever

Now dressed warmly, in his trainers, a big grandfather-style cardigan, black jeans and a blue and white lumberjack shirt, topped off with a raincoat and a blue truckers' cap advertising the STAR * MARINE shipping company, David slipped into the bar, feeling somewhat better now that his headache was gone. He looked around the place, and found an empty seat at the bar, into which he slid with a sigh. Pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose, he ordered a pint of beer and sipped on it slowly as he took in the crowd. It was, in the words of Sir Alec "Obi-Wan Kenobi" Guiness, 'A wretched hive of Scum and Villany'.


Staff member
Night One 8:22 PM Academy City General Hospital
OST: Deionarra's Theme

The lights in the hospitals were dim, and visiting hours had long since ended, but in no few rooms there were family members still clustered around TFFers who had been lucky enough to survive attacks that had claimed so many lives. In one room in particular, two shadows sat in opposite chairs, facing the bed of the woman between them.

"You know, according to the doctors she will wake up," spoke the taller shadow, breaking the silence that had settled between the two since he had first found his counterpart hours ago. At the younger's lack of response he continued, "She'll be fine. Your mother is in stable condition, and ought to fully recover. Eventually."

Finally the smaller shadow stirred. "Did you foresee this, too?" he asked, his tone betraying a tiny bitterness.

The elder laughed quietly. "No. I didn't have to." Finally his companion raised his head. In the dusky light it was difficult to see more than the impression of a face, but the man could feel the question in the air. "Your mother will be fine. The only way that anything could go wrong now is if there was another attack. And the only way for another attack to be possible is if you fail. And I have foreseen your success."

The younger man--no, boy the elder corrected himself, scoffed. "You see, you see... is that all? I won't deny that there's something weird about you, but seeing the future? What bullshit."

Silence returned. The two figures studied each other in the near-darkness. The taller shadow saw a boy ('Man,' his mind told him. You've got to remember what he will become!) dressed in the "official" uniform of TFF Academy City's dimensionally famous Academy (if a school open to beings of all sizes, races and body types could be said to have a standard uniform). He's not even twenty yet, the man realized. I shouldn't be considering what I'm going to do to him.

The boy saw a shadow in truth. The face and body of the man who had admittedly saved his mother and himself were covered by a black hood and a long, black coat respectively. The true shape of his body was deceptively shrouded in the strange inky darkness of the cloak, and the hood itself seemed never to let the sunlight illuminate more than the outline of the man's mouth. But something about the way he tilted his head as he watched him made the boy realize that he was being constantly evaluated, constantly being examined for flaws. There wasn't much that scared him (Except, a tiny traitorous voice in the back of his head whispered, everything and anything unfamiliar) but this man definately unsettled him. But he couldn't deny... along with unfamiliarity there was a certain aspect of recognition that he hardly dared to trust.

The man again broke the silence. "You don't trust me?" he asked with a smile. "Good. Don't trust me or any of your superiors. But please, by all means, trust your comrades in arms."

And yet again silence fell.

Understanding dawned.

"You're afraid!"

As though electrocuted the boy jumped. "No! That's not it! I mean, it's not like I'm afraid of dying--although then again, I don't particularly want to die, it's just that I'm saying that I don't really want to lea--" the flow of words cut off as the boy realized that perhaps he'd said too much.

"Ah. You're afraid of leaving her alone."

The young man nodded wearily.

"Nothing to be ashamed of. At least you have the imagination to be afraid. Most of the people who will be answering the call--well, it's not my place to disparage our soon to be allies, but I expect that no small few of them lack either the knowledge or the wisdom to be afraid." He leaned back his chair. "We're going to be going into Hell, make no mistake."

The boy was caught off guard. "We? You mean you...?"

The older man smiled. "Of course I got the call. Who the hell do you think I am?" His moment of levity soon left. "In all seriousness, are you going to answer? I won't force you, but I don't think that you can live with yourself if you say no."

The young man no longer hesitated. "No. I'm going. I have to." His tone shifted suddenly. "And how did you know that I was going...?"

"Let's just say... I know you as well as you know yourself," the older man said. In the darkness, the boy could feel force of the older man's grin. "It seems we'll be working together." He held out his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Watashiwa."

Watashiwa frowned at the older man's hand. Something was going on--something big. He didn't know why he had heard the call. He didn't understand why this man had come out of nowhere to save him or what "true powers" he had been talking about when he had done so. Most of all, he didn't understand why the man felt so familiar. Or why the thought of the upcoming counter-attack seemed so exciting to him.

He took the other man's hand. "It'll be a pleasure to work with you Nanashi."

--- Ha so there. Yes, I made my first post before I finished my characters. Deal. They would have been done yesterday if not for my internet getting all prick-y. Watashiwa and Nanashi will be at the bar by 9:15, if anyone wants to use them. Watashiwa is a kid in a black and red school uniform and Nanashi is wearing an Organization XIII cloak.

Let's get this show on the road!

Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
['EDIT: Note, I made an addition to my character. Check the Signup thread.]

Night One, 8:25 PM

Racing toward the predesignated bar, I nearly tripped over a pigeon. The damn things are too slow. Moving my foot slightly to one side, I landed on its tailfeathers.

... and stumbled forward off the edge of the roof.

Aw, shit.


8:28 PM

Gathering my strength, I pulled myself out of the dumpster and pried the lid off of my head. Shit, I thought as I collected my bearings, now where am I?

In retrospect, I'm glad I let go of my staff on the way down. I'm sure it would've cracked if that, uh, fire elemental (was it a fire elemental?) hadn't been standing there.

... My staff! Where is my staff?! I spun around, looking for the fire creature ... a bit too quickly. My left foot slid out from under me, on something, and I did another nose-dive. This time, my face was etched in the side of the dumpster.

The last thing I remember, was landing with my face on the still-smoking tip of my staff. Then ... nothing.


Well-Known Member
Night One: 8:21PM: TFF Home-Space < Near Orbit < The Skirmisher

The scene was a peaceful one aboard the Skirmisher, set in the Lounge. Elidea Ghost was resting comfortably, and ignoring the laws of physics as she floated in mid-air, set in a reclined position. She had a steaming mug held in her hands, while an open book floated in front of her, and a half-eaten apple bobbing gently in the air to her side.

The book made a light crinkle as the page turned by immaterial means, and there was nothing but quiet tranquility in the air of the room.

That was before the alarms went off, and a subsequent shriek of pain resounded.

Elidea was still floating in the air, however her book had been tossed against the wall, the apple had found a home on a sofa, while the mug rested innocently on the ground. Unfortunately it's contents were splattered across Elidea, who was twitching lightly in mid air.

"Ugh..." She groaned and with that, the still hot liquid seemed to fall through her, splattering on the ground.

She'd best find out what was wrong, apparently the Force Shield had taken a strong enough impact to set off the alarm system. She righted her position, flipping over onto her stomach and flying through the walls of the ship, and to the Pilot Chamber.

It didn't take long at all to discover what had set off the alarm system, not with all of those ships, a few of which seemed to be reorienting themselves towards The Skirmisher, one of which was, according to the computer, charging up another shot.

"What's the damage?" Vex asked curiously as he entered and took the pilot's seat.

"Those ships are firing on us. They look like a war force." Elidea pointed out as another barrage of shots impacted the shields.

Vex quickly looked over them, they didn't do much to the shield, but if he fought back he'd draw the attention of the rest of that huge fleet. He grimaced for a moment, obviously they couldn't fight back, and that left only one option, run away.

Vex's eyes darted to the side of the screen, they were in the immediate orbit of a planet. If Elidea was right and this was a war force, then that was either their planet, or their target. Either way it'd be much harder to track them if they swung down and landed.

His eyebrows furrowed as he took the joystick, taking control of the ship, and spinning it to avoid the next barrage. The engines flared and The Skirmisher heaved and blasted forward, curling around the planet's orbit and towards the world itself.


Well-Known Member
Night One, Bridge of the Midway, 5:17 PM

The steady chatter of everyone working and monitoring the bridge was grating, after years as the captain and commander of this force, Locke was still not a group social person. Looking around, he saw his Lieutenants, both named and unnamed, dealing with their jobs and keeping the ship in working order. Holding back his urge to sigh in irritation, he got up from his chair and left his primary command room, nearly walking into his long time companion and DITE Buffer from when he first entered ZeniÆs service as the only door to and from the bridge opened.

Looking at her, Locke was easily reminded that she was a DITE Interface, her appearance only aged slightly compared to himself and with how much time has pass. öYou know, you could stop sleep walking and staring, Captain.ö

Blinking, Locke saw that she was smiling at him, her joke a way to get him out of his developing foul mood. Smiling back slightly in thanks, he gestured to her that he wanted to talk to her in private.

Hearing a string of curses, Locke turned his head back to inside the bridge, while keeping an eye on Lina, seeing her nod and locating the cursing Left Shoe. Keeping his annoyance to himself, Locke left the bridge with his oldest ally and friend.

Night One, On Route to ZarakiÆs, 6:42 PM

ôWith this attack, the Yaoiists prove that we should have never tolerated their presenceàö Impassioned speeches were going on in at nearly every corner by anyone that thought that they had an ounce of charisma, giving the lone Watcher a slow desire to take out his energy pistol and shoot them on sight. Sadly, he knew that that would be considered a breach in the contract that he had agreed to, so he kept his weapons hidden.

As he got within three miles of the slums, Locke was treated to the sight that one should never see near the slums. A woman of magical nature, completely clean besides the kicked up dirt at the bottom of her skirt, looking completely lost. Knowing of a few possible reasons for a magic user to even want to get this close to the slums, let alone on this particular path to it, he slowly approached her, keeping his hands away from his only visible weapon that he was just recently considering using on the street corner yellers.

As he got within a few meters, she noticed him. Jumping a bit, Locke sensed the collecting magic at her hands, something he got quite familiar with during Halloween and Caper, as well as all his years with Lina. He slowly held his hands up, showing himself unarmed as he spoke. ôThose that answer the call are comrades in arms, they shall aid one another without thought or question. This is our pact, as it has been since the first call was ever uttered.ö

The powers in her hands faded away as she blinked at him. Slowly, she turned and pointed to the other side of street, pointed at a burned husk that was once a place of residence or business based on neighboring buildings that only sported pock marks. After awhile, she dropped her hand, along with her head, and muttered just loud enough to still be heard regardless of the screaming corner yolks, ôMy booksàö

Frowning, Locke understood what she meant. A magic user doesnÆt really care for hearth and home, but truly cares for books and tomes, mundane and magical. Looking at her closely, remembering what power she held for a brief few seconds, Locke knew even if she did get the call, she would never answer it. Magic users deprived of their studies tend to become shiftlessà unlessà

ôDo you still seek knowledge? Knowledge on the arcane, the ether, the innate?ö

Keeping his eyes locked on her face, she turns towards him. Looking at him with uncertainty clear in her eyes, she spoke again. ôEtherà You have books on ether?ö
Locke simply nods his head while closing his right hand, keeping only one finger out. ôOne condition?ö

Nodding again, Locke replied, ôI will give you access to all the books I have collected on magic, in exchange, all I ask for, is that you answer this call or join up with me.ö

Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 8:20 PM

ôMy money.ö

"And a good evening to you too, Mr. Locke Watcher."

Grunting at the cheeky reply, Locke went back to slowly drinking the apple beer(1) that he ordered, while waiting for the others that answered the call. However many that may be.

Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 9:23 PM

Looking up from their drinks, Unknown and Locke look up at the bar door. Seeing a man in all white clothes walk in, they went back to their drinks after seeing him dodge a randomly hit hockey puck. Going back to their now non-alcoholic drinks, both men set down a few bills on the counter, with the number value in thousands. No need to get Zaraki angry at them again for blowing up his bar again, after all.

Getting out his pistol, Locke checked it and turned off its safety. It was nearly meeting time, and given his luck with meetings like this, it was nearly time for a bar brawl and escape run.

Night One, MidwayÆs Mission Room, 9:24 PM

ôMaÆam, the safety was turned off on the CaptainÆs pistol.ö

öSend out a wing of Piranha scouts towards the slums, and get the defense wing of Panthers at the shuttle active. No hostile actions from the Pirahnha, theyÆre only deployed for scouting and fire commands directly from the Captain himself.ö

(1) Apple beer: A decently tasty beer, marketed towards children. Perfect if you want some alcohol in you, but want no chance of overdrinking and getting yourself drunk.


Well-Known Member
Night one; Slums 8:10 PM
ôFuuuuuuuucccckkkkkkà.ö echoed through the city block, bouncing off of the run down buildings, and into a small room that centered in on minor criminal enterprises. The three men of the enterprise paid it no real mind other than to listen to it stop, they were close enough to hear two meaty æthumpsÆ as bodies hit a brick wall.

ôYou want to check that out?ö

ôNah, you?ö

ôNo,ö the third began, lighting up a cigar, ôthis neighborhood is too damn weird. Corpses everywhere, and then the lynch mobs that show up, now this business. I am going to get the hell out of here, one of these days.ö

ôI like it all, just fine,ö the second began to look out the window, slumping over suddenly, his upper body outside the building.

ôHey, you alr-ô the first had begun to pull the other out of the window when he noticed the spike of ice in the man's head. A second didnÆt even pass between the time he had let go of the corpse and had pulled out his gun, glaring into the area below.

All he saw was a corpse.


Night One; Slums, 8:15 PM

Nicholas lurched forward, using the wall as support, panting and groaning as the pain got to him. His right leg was broken, he could tell that much just from walking, and he was thinking that he had broken a few ribs as well. He wasnÆt to sure on that bit, the pain was too damn large and he didnÆt feel like using his usual method of finding out the general area of problems; which was poking himself in the general area of the pain and seeing if that hurt worse.

ôSir?ö A little girl, about twelve asked as she walked up to his side, ôare you ok?ö

ôWhat do you think?ö he immediately regretted the response as his chest was wracked with pain.

ôHere, this will make you feel better,ö the girl said as the NicholasÆ eyes began to be filled by a white light, his hand rushing towards his pocket for the elixer that was kept within, ôOh no! I am not trying to hurt you.ö

ôWhat did you do to me?ö grabbing the girls shirt in his hand, before twitching as he realized that the pain was gone. Coughing in an embarrassed manner, he released her shirt, ô*ehem* thanks.ö

ôHey, where are y-ô

ôThatÆs no business of yours.ö

ôYou donÆt know?ö

ôàI hate you,ö he turned back, towards where he was going, a grimace on his face. He stared at the buildings a few seconds, when he spoke in a low voice, ôYou wouldnÆt happen to know where I might go to get information?ö

ôI think there is a place, I am not allowed, but people talk about it,ö she fidgeted slightly as she looked down, an almost guilty look on her face.

ôRight. I see no problem then,ö Nicholas said as he gazed down at the girl, a look of contemplation appearing on his face, ôwell, come along æSakura,Æ you guide and heal me, and you get a cut of the profits.ö

ôThatÆs not my name! It'-ö

ôHow about æMotokoÆ then?ö

ôThatÆs not it either! Auuu~ö


OOC: yeah, the little girl is going to be my NPC. Don't ask why, it is something from a chat, and a pun.


Well-Known Member
Night One, On Route to ZarakiÆs, 6:45 PM

Marisa had wandered back to her former residence on a whim, feeling lost and confused. Many of her books were saved, but many of them had also been destroyed, and this saddened her greatly.

Now there was this strange man, who offered her knowledge in exchange for answering the call. Her mouth was on autopilot as she asked for books on ether.

The girl's brilliant mind began to process this. In one part of her, she wanted revenge on the people who dared to destroy her life's work. On the other hand, she was too depressed to really care. This man, however, could be the solution to her problem. Gaining new books and knowledge always made her feel better, and getting back at those Yaoists was icing on the proverbial cake.

Making her decision, she stood more erect, and gave her agreement with a nod. "I will answer the call." She did not feel ready to join a person yet, but she would definitely do something about those Yaoists.

Her older sister, Marisa F, did say that she was in for interesting times, when they met a year ago. Maybe this was what she meant.

"I will try to gather my remaining belongings. Please go on ahead."

Turning away as quietly as she had spoken, she walked towards her former home, still hoping to find more of her books intact.

Night One, ZarakiÆs Bar, 8:38 PM

Marisa quietly entered the bar, absently taking note of the people already there. People didn't really interest her, only books. This seemed to be the correct place, from what she could gather from the people talking in the streets. Nodding to the man she recognized, Locke was his name, if she remembered correctly, she seated herself near the corner and pulled out a book from her pocket. It was not obvious, but she was blissfully happy to have recovered a few books that were mostly in one piece.

Now she could read to pass the time, waiting for this little event to get started.

Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
8:40 PM

Sitting up, Shoe winced as he felt another scar on my jaw, from landing on the heated edge of my staff.

That's just my luck. Another one.

Before he started to wander down that road of regret, again, he recalled why he had come here at all.

Damn it, I'm gonna be late! The white figure took off like a bullet, racing up the wall and onto the rooftops, racing to find Zaraki's Bar before Locke found him.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
Night One, 8:42 P.M. Zaraki's Bar

Whoa...didn't expect so many people. Twin Blade thought as he walked in. It's a good thing that call came...but I don't remember carrying a cell. As TB sat in the corner, he remembered the strange conversation he had.

He had found the cell phone in the backpack, and when he answered it, a burst of static came out. However, he could hear words through the static. " Right...window...Str...ght...So...oon...Hu...y...HURRY!" Although the line went dead, TB got the gist of it and followed the instructions, which led him to the bar.

Huh...did the other guys get a call, too? Wonder what I'm supposed to do.TB asked to himself. Guess I'll just wait a while. I don't recognize most of the others. Wonder where Zero is...


Well-Known Member
Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 8:47 PM

Ray slumped on his seat, relaxing calmly as he eyed the arriving newcomers. Many of them looked spotty at best, criminal at worst. Still, there was very little he'd not been expecting. He'd heard a little bit about the pilot drinking at the bar, and was quite certain he'd stumbled on the man's black-coated friend ripping the head off of a corpse at some point. Crazy bastard. Hell, he'd even seen the redhead under the hat somewhere once, raiding a Yaoist vault at the very moment Ray had burst into the main base one floor above.

But for every familiar face, archetype and stereotype, there was a wildcard. The black haired girl two tables away had just glided in and not uttered a single word since her arrival, and though she seemed to be staring despondently at a small, half-charred book she had pulled out of her robes, she constantly sent furtive glances at the mercenary pilot. Close to her, some emo geek with a STAR*MARINE cap, who looked like he wouldn't be able to take a punch without falling into a convulsing seizure, was sitting confidently on a stool, looking for all the world as if he was secretly some sort of experienced resistance fighter simply hiding under ridiculous headgear. Besides those two, Ray could sense several others approaching from outside the bar, some already almost at the door. None of them felt hostile, but the varying power signatures did radiate some rather extreme... oddness. Then again, so did those of everyone else here.

All this and more, however, was blithely and completely ignored by the Lady in charge.

Ah, yes, the Lady. Of Lady Genocide he'd heard a lot. Anywhere from third to fourth in the line of command headed by the disappeared Lord Hawk (though that investigation hadn't given any fruit), she was supposed to be an experienced commander, the perfect one to lead over a gathering like this. For the moment, however, she seemed content to observe as people came in while her aid Guilford ticked notes off a list. Strange. She must be preparing a big speech, or something.

Shrugging to himself, Ray began pulling a small H-manga volume from his coat.

"Don't get distracted," a voice rang out from his wrist watch. Looking down, he found the holographic face of a young, green eyed blonde girl, not even in her twenties yet, looking up at him, "and really, porn in public? Keep that trash to yourself, it's uncivil."

"Lecturing me on ettiquette, Serena?" Ray muttered into the watch with a fake look of astonishment.

Unsurprisingly, his Lieutenant frowned at him. For a millisecond, Ray actually thought she'd blow an angry raspberry into his face, but rather she simply lifted a delicate hand, buffing her nails with a disdainful look.

"I'm only rude to you, thank you very much. And you know I'm right."

Ray shrugged, but put the manga aside, leaving it on the table for later.

"How are things going in your end?" he asked a bit more seriously.

She smiled with some smugness.

"Perfectly. I've set all of the Tower's systems to run on auto-mode and heightened the level of all the automatic defenses to maximum security, in case something manages not to get vaporized by the grounds' wards and tries to sneak into the building proper. I'm just waiting for your signal to teleport to your location and get into the action, you know, patiently, and, uh, everything, no big deal, you know, I can wait longer..."

She stared impassively while she uttered that last part, but for Ray, she might as well have winked and nudged the screen with her elbows. The Fangirl Hunter smirked, inwardly feeling pride at her contained enthusiasm.

"On my cue Serena," he answered, "but not yet."

"Not yet," Serena repeated. Though she remained emotionless, Ray could already see the murder plot forming behind her eyes.

"Yes," he answered, "not yet. Now, I'm cutting the connection, because if I keep talking to my wristwatch people are going to start looking at me funny."

He did just that.

The moment he pressed the button, however, a loud yell was heard from the back, followed by an even louder CRASH!

"You! What are you doing trying to sneak in from the back!"


"Guilford-sempai wrote in the call that everyone had-"

"What do you two dumbasses think you're doing around here!"



There was a crash, and three people burst in through a window, two girls and one guy, all of them covered in ash and soot, all three rolled up together into a flailing mass of limbs. Dumbfounded, Ray, managed to catch glimpses of blonde hair, a really hairy leg he dearly hoped was the guy's, and a military uniform. As if things weren't already weird enough.

Everybody stood up, most surprised beyond belief. Though, like Ray, most of them were sure to have sensed the people coming, no one could have expected this sort of an entrance.

'I should've done something more dramatic for my own arrival, huh.'


OOC: Ok. Here's things. Next segment, Lady Genocide gives her little speech about how you've been called here to follow the fleeing Yaoi ships into the heart of the Empire, infiltrate the Capital, and then, in a lightning raid of zomgawesomesauce, kill the Empress and/or the Grandmaster Fangirl. After that, she'll be basically ordering all of you to hoof it from the bar to the Central Military Hangar. I'll post that if nobody else does, but if someone cares to write it, do go ahead. After she gives her instructions, Event 2 will occur, at which point the whole meeting might be "courteously interrupted" by some "old friends" we might have to fight off. After that, it's free game for your plot threads until everybody makes it to the Hangar, which will trigger Event 3.



Well-Known Member
Night One: 8:49PM: TFFA City < Zaraki's Bar

The door on the bar knocked once, then a second time, similar to the first except louder. Random Peon #7 took that as the sign to stand up and answer the call, presumably to ask why someone was knocking on the front door of a bar.

Random Peon #7's hand drew tantalizingly close to the doorknob, before his fate as a faceless minion was sealed, as the door forcefully flung itself in, and slammed into the wall on the opposite side of the bar. During his last few moments, Random Peon #7 wished he had taken his mother's advice and become a doctor.

And of course all eyes were on the now door-less doorway. The tension in the room was so thick one could cut it with a rubber ball. After what felt like seconds, a figure emerged from the darkness, despite it only being eight o'clock and a nearly full moon out.

It was as if a horn had been blown, and everyone attacked. The battle was epic, it was legendary, it was over before it even started.

Vex tossed the now meaty body of Random Peon #16 to the side, onto a bar stool and looked at the assembled persons.

"Alright, according to this guy." He pointed at the human shaped mass of meat he just discarded. "One of you can tell me why I was getting fired on when I passed through this planet's orbit."


Well-Known Member
Time/Location: None

--- ---- --- ---- ---

Zero casually strolled through the ether of nonexistence, passively watching the vivid, constantly changing patterns that composed all of existence. While pretty, he still had almost no idea what they did, and could only just affect those nearest to him, even in this incorporeal form.

Zero sighed, "Damn, I really wish I had a map. This place is really, really weird..."

"What you see in an illusion, crafting by your unenlightened mind so you may continue on the endless path."

"...Optimus Prime?"


"Wait, are you the real Optimus Prime, a manifestation of my subconscious taking the form of Optimus Prime, or are you a being so far beyond comprehension taking the form of Optimus Prime so I don't go completely insane just by being near yo?"

"Such questions are irrelevant on the road to enlightenment."

"'re indigestion, aren't you?"

Before the glowing being before him could reply, Zero's cell began to ring.

"Would you mind if I took this call?"Zero asked flippantly, trying to draw a reaction from his strange new companion.

Optimus did not respond, though Zero got the distinct impression of consent.



"Hi Nel. What's up?"

"Where are you?"

"I'm transcending both time and space. You should be glad I splurged on changing services. Our old one only covered conventional existence."

"Never mind that. You're supposed to go to Zaraki's Bar. Someone left a message for you at the house. It looked really important! You'd better hurry, the meeting is about to start!"

"That's not until an hour ago."


"Sorry. Time's a little confusing here... Anyways, by the time the meeting starts I'll have already been there. I think. Bye!"

Zero hung up before he further bewildered his companion with the nonlinearity of his current location.

"So Indigestion, it looks like I'll see you another time!" Zero cheerfully waved as he faded from the nonexistent plane. Almost immediately, he found himself sitting at Zaraki's, the bartender idly cleaning a glass.

"Hm... I guess I'll have a drink. Nothing better to do until the meeting starts in... 40 minutes?"

Manifesting a book, Zero settled into an unobtrusive booth near the back, intent on enjoying his drink and literature until everyone else showed up.
Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 8:47 PM

David gave Ray a dirty look, seeming to hear him describing David as an emo. "Oi, you." he said. "I take it much unkindly, that thou, Raymond, shouldst cast my honourable personage in the same mould as that villainous Uchiha git." he said, in a mock Shakespearian fashion as he finished his beer.


Well-Known Member
Night One, Zaraki's Bar, 8:50 PM

Lighave walks into the Bar Watching the antics of the man who had just entered right before him and laughs to himself at the savage beating that Peon #16 had just received from the unknown man. He walks by the fallen Peon #7 and sits in one of the booths and watches the show unfold.