TFF: Planar Chaos - Interest query


Well-Known Member
There is a fact not known to many, a truth of the world that is hidden in plain sight.

Wizards of the Coast maintains the fabric of the (local) multiverse.

There is no reason for the baffled. No explanation for the sceptic. There is but the undeniable reality of what occurs behind closed doors.

Or at least there was until October 2006 at any rate.

It was at this point in time that disaster struck. One of WotC's own primary control systems was hijacked by an inter-dimensional marauder of epic villainy. From this source chaos spread across the respective realities of each and every world of Greater Humanity. Not even the great minds of Maro and Adkin could stop this irresistible force from spreading its taint across the worlds they oversaw.

A Great Enemy had entered the game of universal continuity. It's name?

Yugi Mutou - The Dark Lord of Cheating Bastards.

- DERAIL - When plain insanity just aint enough -

Well this is a crack RPG so I have NO idea how it will turn out once (if) it gets going. The premise will be this...


Beset on all sides by the time travelling minions of the Cheating Bastard, the beleaguered minds of WotC swallowed back their frustration and set to work. The evil had to be contained. In the face of chronic shortages of their newer tools they dredged up old grimoires and antiquated summoning books. Combat personnel of all levels were called up, some fresh out of training and others who had been retired, and then sent out to every front to stem the enemy advance. It was a mobilisation of WotC resources on a level that had never been seen before.

Within days however it became clear to Maro and others that it wasn't going to be enough. It was with regret that Maro dusted off a manila folder that he had never hoped to have to open.

The time had come. Planar Chaos would have be released.


Okay, enough with the zany. Time to set out some of the mechanics I am proposing to start things off (everything open to (re)interpretation and editing).

1. Planar Chaos was released across the multiverse with some of the booster packs containing special card sets. These cards are:

8 Null Cards with no text or designs on them.

The Guide is just that. A basic guide to the situation, what is needed of the person, and how to use the things that they were given. It will be the cause of MUCH cursing and grief in times to come due to its dirth of useful information.

Dimension Integration is a support "World Enchantment" that all WotC active personnel carry around. It "integrates" the carrier into any dimension they walk into at different levels according to the card level. The Lv. 1 cards that were distributed give their holder underwear, clothes and shoes at the level and style of the average person of that dimension (no socks by the way, a little quirk for which R&D has no satisfactory explanation) and the local equivalent of $200 cash in the holder's left pocket.

The (blank), Planeswalker card takes person who comes into contact with it and imprints the morphic signature of a Planeswalker into their identity. First contact with a Lv. 1 also sends the new holder on their first Planeswalk to a dimension that WotC Command have identified as being at most risk.

They come with three default abilities:

+X: Rest one hour (Where X is the holder's toughness).
-7: Imprint (Imprint an observed spell/magical crafting onto one of the Null cards).
-10: Planeswalk - Random, Alternate, Vulnerable.

NOTE: Artefacts and summons can be imprinted as well but there are restrictions as to what kind of artefact can be contained by a Null card. 1. The artefact in question must be legally, voluntarily, indisputably owned by the person imprinting it. 2. The artefact must be less than 2.0x1.0x1.0 (length, width, height) metres in size and 120kgs in weight. 3. The artefact must be independent of any localised power/systems in its function.

Added to this is Power/Toughness scores (vary according to person) and Loyalty (which also varies according to person - average person will have 11). If Toughness or Loyalty reach 0 than that person dies.

E.g. Rove Ashlei, Planeswalker

1/1 (12)

NOTE: "Loyalty" is the substitute for mana. People will have different alignments e.g. A character from Bleach dimension may be strongly inclined towards White and/or Black due to Reiatsu being their native system.

Essentially what this means is that people across the multiverse are opening up booster packs expecting to see cards from the new set, only to find themselves going on unexpected trips across the dimensions.

NOTE: RESTRICTED AREAS - Nanoha Earth and Ranma fall under TSAB jurisdiction. While characters may come OUT of those worlds there will be no (re)entering until the crisis is over. A!MG universe is also under Yggdrassil management and characters cannot come out of or go into those universes AT ALL. >>> Further restrictions? Complaints?

2. The Great Enemy consisting of the Dark Lord of Cheating Bastards and his Immature Horde is running rampant across the dimensions, distorting destinies and the like wherever they go. They are doing this by using a loophole in the Time Spiral Temporal Mechanics Guidance system to dimension hop their forces. The only consolation being that due to the fact that they are using a bastardised system they are being scattered at random across the dimensions.

The Immature Hordes consist of:

A. Whiny Losers - There are thousands upon thousands of these little <s>twerps</s> kids that have been recruited by the Dark Lord and sent out to wreck havoc. Their tools consist of Pow-wow! guns that deal 1 (MtG value) / 200 dmg (Yu-gi-oh value) to whatever they hit and Cursed decks full of Yu-gi-oh cards that they can summon into reality. Most of these decks are full of junk and would never work in reality due to the sheer mess of cards that are in them.

B. Rich Brats - One in every hundred or so of the Whiny Losers ascends to this state by virtue of that universal force known as Glitter. These <s>pricks</s> snobs have decks full of valuable and powerful cards that they have no idea of how to use. They also carry Zap guns that deal 2/500 dmg to whatever they hit. They also wear Brand armour that gives them +1 toughness/+200 life.

C. The Weird and Eternally Estranged Nerd Society / TWEENS - These are the deadliest of the common soldiers of the Dark Lord. Combining decent cards with endless hours spent alone in a dim room playing by themselves, the TWEENS are the shock troops that trample any opposition amongst the Whiny Losers with ease. They carry Ray Guns! that deal 3/900 dmg to whatever they hit and Shiny armour that gives them +4 toughness/+800 life.

Over these <s>fearsome</s> painfully annoying minions stand the Lords.

Barons: The general commanders. Decent cards and may or may not carry Blasters (4/1300 dmg) and Shiny armour according to personal preference. Examples - Weevil Underwood

Counts: The personal agents of the Dark Lord. They are quite dangerous due to having some killer cards and combos. Their equipment varies according to person taste and preference. Examples - Joey Wheeler

The <s>God Hand</s> Hearts: Consisting of Seto Kaiba, Mokuba, Marik, Pegasus and "That Weird Lady who only uses Harpies". These are the elite of the Dark Lord's forces.

The Dark Lord: The Great Enemy himself. His cards are nothing special but his "Cheat Destiny!" ability makes him the most dangerous of them all. Especially when he has Exodia, a summon that WotC rank as having trample and infinite power/toughness.

3. Battles could consist of:

A: Magic style duels (Yu-gi-Oh cards have their power/toughness divided by 400 and rounded up to nearest whole number).

B: Yu-gi-Oh duels (same rules as above except reversed).


D: Whatever the hell we come up with...

4. Other skills... ?

I was thinking that we could bring in other things if we wanted to. Not sure how crazy that will make things though.

So... Anyone interested? Questions? Suggestions? Hopefully this will get fleshed out as we go along but just so you know...

I have not a F-ing clue as to how this is gonna turn out :D


Well-Known Member
I have two tests coming up for final year papers and two assignments to hand in. My brain was dying for some comic relief ;)