TFF Rising: Halloween Havoc Epilogue


Well-Known Member
OOC: Since some people have requested that we postpone the conclusion of Halloween Havoc, I've decided to just go straight on to writing up the epilogue which would be the same no matter how the final battle is played out. Feel free to add your own epilogues here as well. Oh, as usual, this was written in collaboration with Eterna.

Shortly after the end of the battle...

Back in Endscape....

A slightly chilly wind blew across the endless snow-laden plains. It blew a few flecks of snow off a rather old-looking sign post that read 'Endsville - thataway'. Under it was a rather ornate bench on which two girls in black dresses sat.

Before them stood two similar looking girls, both glancing between one another and the girls on the bench.

"Is this schizophrenia or MPD?" Eterna asked, pointing at the girls on the bench.

"Beats me." Zeni shrugged. "Though it's obvious that we're talking to ourselves."

"I've been watching." One of the girls said, her voice as monotonous as ever. "Your actions were satisfactory. Not efficient, but satisfactory."

"....satisfactory, she says..." Eterna sighed. "And I suppose you're saying you could have done better?"

"Very much so." The other girl answered. She seemed thoughtful for a moment before she added, "I must admit, I could not have done any better with the popcorn."

Eterna grinned. Zeni facepalmed.

"I'm assuming you're Eterna's past counterpart?" Zeni sighed, eyeing the girl who had commented on the popcorn.

"Yes, I am." A small smile suddenly lit up past!Eterna's features. "Popcorn?" She asked, offering a tub to Zeni.


"If you weren't already dead, I'd kill you." Zeni said, facing Eterna, as past!Eterna's muffled voice reverberated from inside the tub of popcorn that was now upside down on her head. The one assumed to be past!Zeni merely sighed without paying her twin any attention.

"How long does it take for the bus to come by here?" A voice asked.

"Wait for the snow to melt, Solarman." Zeni said, without turning around to face the source of the voice. "Then you may actually start hoping on some distant chance that a bus may come by."

"Man...." Solarman sighed. Zeni was bad enough. Her twin made it worse. And now there were two sets of couldn't get any worse. If they told him this were hell, he'd believe it, and he'd call it outright cruel, even by hell's standards. "I don't want to be stuck here for all eternity....not with you people..."

"Heh, join the club." Eterna said. "What about you, Parker?" Eterna asked, looking around at Parker who was admiring the light's effect on the rather tacky looking red pitchfork he had in one hand. He seemed to have grown a pointy tail and a pair of pointy ears too while he had been away.

"Me? I'm just chillin'." Parker said, offhandedly.

....a rather cold wind blew by, as if emphasizing the rather cold reception of the joke.

"....hey, that was a funny one. You should at least appreciate other people's attempts at humour." Parker said darkly.

"....So I'm in hell with the boiler turned" Solarman sighed. "Why'd you two had to go and die? Couldn't you have done hell a favour and stayed alive somehow?"

"We cannot die until our duties are fulfilled." past!Zeni said.

" case you haven't heard, we died. That's why we're here." Zeni said, shaking her head at her own past counterpart. "This time, there isn't a body to return to, isn't that obvious?"

"You are misunderstanding my point." past!Zeni said, coldly, glaring up at Zeni. "You cannot die in every sense of the word until you have completed your duty."

" we're still alive...?" Eterna asked.

"No." past!Zeni said.

"Is this Freudian?" Eterna asked.

"No, you idiot." past!Zeni replied, giving her a distasteful look. "I thought a few thousand years would have made you a little smarter...but growing a brain IS impossible, it appears."

".....did you just mock me?" Eterna asked, her eyebrows twitching dangerously.

"Which part of 'idiot' did you not understand, moron?" past!Zeni asked.


" we don't know where Endsville is anymore." Solarman sighed, watching as Eterna hammered past!Zeni into the snow with the sign post.

"A few thousand years really doesn't make a difference, does it?" Zeni sighed, as past!Eterna got off the bench as past!Zeni grabbed it and proceeded to hammer Eterna back with it.

"Nope." past!Eterna chuckled, watching as Eterna and past!Zeni squared off ala Sephiroth Vs. Cloud with the bench and signpost.

"...RAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!" Solarman screamed, tearing his hair out as he ran, grabbed the signpost out of Eterna's hands, and proceeded to hammer the crap out both her and past!Zeni.

"....they tried to convert him to yaoi just before he died." Parker explained.

"Ah...." Zeni and past!Eterna nodded with sympathy as they watched Solarman stomp up and down on Eterna and past!Zeni's snowy grave.

"Zeni!" A voice called out from the horizon.

"Ah, prince charming...." past!Eterna sighed, shaking her head. "Well, as long as you don't slobber all over lover boy again, Zeni." She said, eyeing Zeni.

"'re here." Unknown managed in between pants as he slowed down upon reaching the group. "Where's Eterna?"

A hand suddenly shot out of the snow by Unknown's feet and grabbed his ankle, zombie-style. Unknown watched calmly as Eterna dragged herself out of the snow before straightening up beside them. "....ah, lover boy." She said, acknowledging Unknown's presence.

"I see we see eye to eye." past!Eterna said, nodding at Eterna. Suddenly, the two were best friends.

"Zeni....I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." Unknown said, holding Zeni close. "It was my fault...all my fault..."

"Shhh...." Zeni returned the hug. "Don't worry Unknown....I assure you, it was no fault of yours. If you need somebody to blame, it'd be Eterna."

"Hey!" Eterna perked up. "I resent the implication."

"But now, I will never let you go." Unknown said. "Even if I have to follow you to hell, I will."

Past!Eterna and past!Zeni, who had somehow dug herself out of her shallow grave, looked at one another, sighed, shook their heads, before sneaking away quietly.

"But you can't follow me to hell, Unknown..." Zeni said kindly as she slowly pulled away from Unknown to gaze up into his eyes. "You have a life to live....and TFFA needs you. Everything has collapsed into chaos and the people of TFFA will need strong hands to guide them towards recovery. It is a new world for you out there..."

"But....a world without you, Zeni..." Unknown said. "There is no worth in such a world..."

"In time, you will understand what I mean..." Zeni sighs, as tears started to flow down her cheek once more. "I have died....and you still live. You must move on, for my sake, and the world's." She said, blinking away her tears and smiling bravely at Unknown.

" can't..." Unknown said, as Zeni pulled herself away from him.

"Good bye, still have a life and a it, for the sake of those who've died to give TFFA a future." Zeni said, smiling as brightly as she could manage as Eterna came up to her and grasped her hand in her's.

"Zeni!" Unknown shouted, as a sudden blizzard swept through the plains, obscuring Zeni and Eterna from his sight. "Zeni! Don't do this to me! No! NO!" He shouted into the blizzard as he blindly walked forwards, hoping to catch Zeni before she dissappeared. No, it can't end like this. They can't part like this.

Then, as suddenly as it descended, the blizzard lifted, leaving nothing but the expansive snow-laden plain that stretched away as far as the eye can see. "ZEEEEEENIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" Unknown shouted into the void.

"....damn he's persistent..." Eterna sighed. Past!Eterna and past!Zeni both nodded sagely in agreement beside Eterna. They were all huddled closely together behind a rather inconspicous snow drift a distance away from where Unknown was. "You understand why we have to do this, right?" Eterna asked, looking around at Zeni, whose tears was flowing freely.

Zeni gulped back some tears as she nodded reluctantly. "It's hard..." Zeni mumbled.

"Don't worry...he'll get over it someday..." Eterna sighed, patting Zeni on the back. "And so will you."

"Are you two ready?" past!Eterna asked.

"Yeah...let's go." Eterna sighed, nodding, resigning herself to her fate. "Are you ready, Zeni?"

Zeni nodded quietly as she wiped away what remained of her tears before smiling up at Eterna, "Yeah....let's go..." she said, grasping the hand Eterna offered.

"Together." Eterna added. And thus the two, resigned to their fate, set forth.


"What about me? I'm not going to end up staying here forever with you, right?" Solarman asked, glancing at Parker who was now testing the sharpness of his pitchfork.

"Oh? Me? No, off course not." Parker waived Solarman off as if he was just being silly. "There are far more interesting things in store for you, my friend."

"....which is...?" Solarman asked, not liking the sound of 'interesting things' and, especially, 'my friend'. If somebody were to use the words 'my friend', it usually didn't bode well for said 'friend'.

"....observe." Parker said, as another blizzard descended upon them.

"Oh, hell no!" Solarman shouted. "Not there! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

....and then there was peace....


6 Weeks after the conclusion of the battle...

It has been a busy 6 weeks for the citizens of TFFA. There wasn't much time to look into the past and grieve for the dead as everyone had to fight hard to provide a future for those who still lived. Reconstruction had begun with much vigour as, slowly but surely, TFFA City slowly rose up from the ashes once more.

For the most of the surviving TFFers, school had started up again, with the city eager to get everyone back into the usual pattern of daily life as soon as possible. And thus we find our heroes once again donning their school uniforms as they face yet another new day and another new to survive the rigours of school life.

"Jeez....why'd they have to give us the term exams now?" Legacy groaned as he flicked through the pages of his math textbook as the group made their way up the street towards their new make-shift high school building. Somehow, it seemed that all his knowledge of maths and sciences had burned up 6 weeks ago in the flames of his demonic power. "Couldn't they have waited a bit longer? We just survived a frickin' war, dammit."

"It's important to try and get the city back in shape as soon as possible." Epsilon said. "One of the ways is to recover basic functions such as education...hence why we go to school. Besides, you like school, don't you, Len-chan, Barasuishou-chan?" He asked his little sisters who were walking along on either side of him, their hands in his.

"As long as I get to go to school with you, Onii-chan." Len said brightly.

"And as long as we get to see Ryoko-neesama too!" Barasuishou added.

"...." Unknown remained silent as he kept up pace with the others.

"Hey, Unknown...." Locke said. "Uhhh..." He searched around for something to say, before he received a nudge from Nikolaus who merely shook his head in silence.

The group quietened down as a group of small children approached them, coming down the opposite direction. In their midst were two somewhat older girls, who appeared to be twins, who were doing their best to herd the group of children down the street.

"Come, children, stay together, hold your partner's hands." The boys heard one of the older girls say to the group as they passed.

"Wait..." Unknown paused. "...Zeni?" Unknown suddenly turned around to look at the girls who just passed them.

"Oh no...not again..." Locke sighed. "Look, we've been over this time and time again, Unknown..." He said sympathetically.

"ZENI!" Unknown called after the girl as he ran after her, hoping against hope that he was right...that some miracle had occured...that she was....

The girl turned around to face Unknown as she blinked her emerald green eyes, her pale-blonde hair flying in the gentle breeze.

"Oh, were you calling for me?" The girl asked. "I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken."

"Oh, they go to our school, Zen." Her twin said, pointing out Unknown, Legacy, Locke, Nikolaus, and Epsilon's uniforms.

"Oh, you're right, Ei-chan." The girl named Zen said. The boys all glanced at one another, giving each other knowing looks.

"Hey, my name's Locke!" Locke said, pushing Unknown aside. "What's your....ULP!" He gasped as Unknown pushed him away by his face as he gazed back at the girl named Zen.

"Hi, my name's Zen." Zen said, before gesturing at her twin, "And this Ei-chan."

"Yosha!" Ei-chan greeted the group. "We're going to be schoolmates, so let's get along!"

"And these are...well....the mob known as 'the kids'." Zen said, sweatdropping as she gestured at the group of children who were chatting animatedly behind them. "They are orphans from the war. We're taking care of them at the shrine." She said in a low voice to the boys before straightening up and smiling brightly. "So yeah, Yoroshiku-ne."

"Name's Nikolaus." Nikolaus said, nodding at Zen and Ei-chan.

"I'm Epsilon." Epsilon said. "And these are Len and Barusuishou." He said gesturing at....where are they? He looked around frantically before noticing that his sisters had merged themselves with the mob of youngsters and were quickly getting to know one another. "Well....those two..." He said, pointing in their general direction.

"Legacy here." Legacy said, smiling at the twins, while nudging Unknown.

"Oh...uhh...yeah, Unknown..." Unknown muttered under his breath.

"Nice to meet you all." Zen and Ei-chan smiled brightly.

"I'd love to stay and chat, but we've got an exam coming up in a moment..." Locke said, inching away somewhat uneasily.

"Yeah, at our rate, we're going to die..." Nikolaus laughed uneasily.

"Well, don't die." Zen said. "I might still have a use for you." She said brightly. "Ok, see you folks. We've got to get the children to their school." She said, ushering the children along.

A silent breeze blew by as the group watched the children and the twins dissappear around a corner. As the chattering of the children grew fainter, Locke spoke up. "....this is creepy..."

"No...." Unknown said. " TFF."

OOC: Sorry if I got anyone out of character or if you didn't like any of the scenes. I'll be sure to edit and change stuff, if you so wish.


Well-Known Member
I like it.

EDIT: Though maybe have my character be a bit of an ass to U1 and Zeni when they get all emotional.


Well-Known Member
I laid on the roof of Hinata-Sou with my arms behind my head looking at the clouds. Finally after all that crap was over I was able to take a break. After a...regrettable instance in the hospital everything turned out alright. As well as they could anyway.

I could hear the sounds of Motoko training from somewhere down below. Was supposed to be training with her but..we all ready did enough training yesterday! And I don't give a damn how effective that rock I threw in the last battle was, I'm not training with the damn thing! Not ever!

Calm down idiot..that's what ya came to do on the roof. Ya here we go back to normal. Wait a minute..that idiot Keitaro's trying to climb up the roof on the ladder. This should be funny.

I 'accidently' twitched my foot a little to the right knocking both ladder, and nerd right back down to the ground.

Hearing the thud and scream I chuckled quietly to myself. Rest, relaxation, and looting all the homes of the dead ensured I'd never have to go to school or get some shitty 9 to 5 job ever. On top of all that me and Motoko we're actually getting along for once!

(Ah yes life was good.) I think to myself as I gaze up at the clouds.
David watched with a weary sigh as Keitaro once again fell off the ladder to the ground. He turned at spoke to his companion. "Honestly, can't you help the poor sod? After all, you are his Promise Girl..."

Mutsumi shrugged sadly. "Some things he has to do himself..." she said.

David siged again, then pulled a cellphone from his jacket. "Ops? I'm coming back in. The mission is over for now..." He turned, and walked down the steps, vanishing into a portal about halfway down.


Well-Known Member
'Oh fuck, my head hurts.' I realise as I raise myself up from where I'm laying. Then I come to another realization I don't know who or where the fuck I am. i see a small door with a latch that I grab and pull with my right arm and nearly send flying. Note to self: be careful with my right arm. I pull myself from the small spce that I recognize as the back seat of some kind of car. I scramble to my feet and walk over to the front of the car and get a good look at it. it's amazing.

The car is black with strips of black metal bolted over the original black metal of the car. the windows have rusted criss crossing metal about an inch away from it that would block entrance and exit from inside the car from the window. the lights had chrome skeleton fingers over them so that the light was split three ways. The main windsheild had a red tint to the top that continued along the sides and met at the bottom. On closer examination of the roof i see that there are strips of metal bolted to what apears to be canvas. It seemed this was a convertable. On the hood there was a small chrome skull. I go and take a look inside and see that the keys are still in the ignition. I look at the seats and discover that they are black leather.

I hop in the driver side seat and turn the keys in the ignition to start up this black beauty, not being abe to find it in myself to give a fuck that this wasn't my car. In the passenger side seat there is some nake skin stuff that looks like it could fit me. On the dash there is a note I grab it but can't uite make out what is written on it except for the name Parker that I decide is now my name. I peal out down the road towards a city called TFF, that is if the signs on the side of the road can be trusted. The dude on the radio says that they're about to play To be Loved by Papa Roach. I start hitting the chrome chain link steering wheel as it plays.


Well-Known Member
Zenithos said:
6 Weeks after the conclusion of the battle...

It has been a busy two weeks for the citizens of TFFA.
OOC: Wait, what? How did 6 = 2? :wacko:
Oh, and LL, I hope you don't mind that I borrowed your character for a bit. If you do, just let me know and I'll edit you out.
I'll post my two weeks epilogue a bit later.

Xaosite nearly collapsed to the groud. It had been contrived. It had been ridiculous. But it had worked, and that was what was most important in the end. They had won. Though not without losses. With the enemy finally defeated, he could spare the energy to repair his body, the crack fic energy restoring his body to whole.

"Do you think they're gone? Like, forever gone?" LL asked.

"To be honest, no. This part of the story is where we reminice, but later on they come back, but not that we can prove it. I think, anyways. Hell, I'm tired. Let's head back to the ladies, huh? They're probably a bit worried." He answered.

LL reached over and clasped him on the shoulder, preparing to teleport back inside. "But look, we're both fine, right?"

"Yeah, but ---"


"--- as you may recall, I blew myself to pieces, literally! And you were dead! It was only for a few minutes, but still..."

"Uh, dude?"


"You may want to shut up now."

"What do you MEAN, blown to pieces/dead for a few minutes??!?"

Both males turned around to meet the appalled and angry faces of Tohno, Mihoshi, and Shampoo. "He was just joking! Right, Xaosite?" LL cried out, his tone carrying a desperate edge.

Xaosite waved his hands back and forth. "Right, right! I was totally making it up about me nearly killing myself with a retributive strike, or the GMF turning LL to cinders!"

LL slapped Xaosite across the back of his head. "Dude, what the hell?"

"I rolled a one on my bluff check." Xaosite muttered sheepishly.

Shampoo marched up, glaring at the two. Then, fixing an even more fierce glare on LL, she grapped him by the coller and pulled him down into a kiss. Then, just as suddenly, she pushed him away, though still keeping ahold of his collar. "I very, very glad you make it back. Now, we going to have long, LONG talk. Got it?" Without waiting for a reply, she began to drag LL off.

Tohno and Mihoshi remained staring at Xaosite, eyes teary and angry. "You! We werrre so worrried about you!" "Yeah! It's not fair at all that you got to run off like that, leaving us behind!"

Xaosite knew that this was one battle he could not win, especially not two against one. Still, he said, "Tohno, Mihoshi, I agree. I shouldn't have done that. But you know what? I'd do it again, in a heartbeat. I'm not about to risk your lives like that. We lost some good people out there, and I don't want that to happen to you."

They did not see particularly moved. "Yeah, but what about YOU? I know that you're a god and all, but even you aren't totally invulnerable!" Mihoshi cried.

Tohno's voice wavered as she sobbed out, "I believe in you! You saved me, you guide me, you help me, you'rrre my best frrriend! If you werrre gone, I don't know what I'd do!" Then, all of a sudden, she leaped forward and wapped her arms around him, giving him a deep kiss.

Xaosite's eyes widened, then closed as he wrapped his arms around Tohno. A moment passed, then---

"What about me?" Mihoshi said, watching eagerly.

"It's good to be a god." Xaosite thought.

Later, after all the built up emotion had been expressed, Tohno piped up. "Xaosite-sama! What about the prrrisonerrr?"

"Prisoner? Oh yeah, her! Hand her over, will ya?" Tohno reached into her pocket, and pulled the d20 that contained the tiny Soifon.

Looking down at her, after a moment, Xaosite nodded. "Well, whatever mental influences were placed on her, they're gone now. She's back to her regular self, not that that's much an improvement." He said with a smirk.

Soifon's reaction was to shake her fist at him, glaring as best she could in such a state. Xaosite crushed the die, and Soifon fell to the ground, quickly growing back to her full size.

"You! Bastard!" Stalking up to him, she stared him straight in the eye. Then she slapped him across the face. "That was for leaving those two behind to worry!" Then she slapped him again. "And that was for turning me into a pocket sized prisoner!" Then, without another word, she vanished, using shunpo to leave.

"Are you surrre about this Xaosite-sama?" Tohno asked, concerned.

"I wouldn't worry. After all, I still have this!" Reaching into his dice bag, he pulled out Soifon's zanpakutou. And, attached to the sword, a pair of panties with a black cat motif. He stared confusedly at the panties for a moment. "Huh? When did I get these? I don't even remember looting them, or anything!"

Meanwhile, Soifon sneezed. "Why do I feel a breeze? Why do I... Oh. THAT BASTARD! He! Will! Pay! FOR! THIS!"

"Oh well. Ladies, shall we be off?"


Well-Known Member
He slowly made his way to one of the cool open rooftops of the Academy while humming a song under his breath. Normally, he would be diligently at work or involved in a club activity (either his own or helping out with Len's gymnastics or Barasuishou's Go club) but it was inevitable that he would have to deal with this.

As soon as he opened the door to the rooftop, he felt a familiar sensation and his entire surroundings were bathed in red. 'Fuzetsu......'

Judging from the amount of power being used, the temporal stasis field must be the size of a football stadium. Not too many beings could generate a field that size.


He turned to the source of the female voice, which was standing perfectly balanced on the fence meant to keep students from falling off the rooftop. She was dressed in white robes and had an oversized hat covering her short green hair. "The Master Throne, Hecate...... you know, are you guys in some sort of trend where each new DITE interface is purposely designed to be more boring and monotonic than before?"


"How's Ryoko-chan doing by the way?"

"...... the virus cannot be fully purged however she has been deemed fit to return to active duty."

He nodded once. "Good to hear."

"Why have you ignored the summons?"

"I've been busy. You know how it is with exams and all..."

Her expression changed slightly to one of minor irritation. "These are Class 1 priority summons. You have much to answer for... beginning with the status of the infected Macrospatial Quantum Cosmic Existence interface who addresses you as her elder brother. She contains valuable data which could be used-"

"Look... the bottom line is that she is no longer a threat. I honestly am not going to figure out how her programming interacted with the virus that I infected her with and I do not want to try anything that may jar memories of her previous existence."

Hecate hopped down from the fence and slowly approached the male. "And then there is the viral code that runs inside of you. It must be properly dealt with."

He pushed up his glasses with his right finger. "And it has been dealt with. I assure you that you no longer have to concern yourself with that portion of myself, regardless of the role that the Thought Entity played in creating it. I know I'm not doing myself any favours by not acting like a typical agent but you have to accept that you're not doing yourselves any favours by trying to force me back into the fold when I've evolved beyond that. I will continue to help serve the interests of the big boss so long as they do not cross certain... barriers."

"Such as-" She was cut off as he morphed one of his human arms into a long green insectoid arm which had bits and pieces of metal embedded in the skin. His hand was a mix of green skin, red metal and golden claws.

"Such as pushing sensitive issues into the faces of Len-chan and Barasuishou for starters..."


Well-Known Member
Janus sat on the roof of the TFF Academy, pondering all that had happened over the last few weeks. After the final battle with the Yaoi Force, he had awakened a week later to find himself in permanent possesion of a beautiful pair of white feathered wings.

For some reason, the fusion spell had reacted very badly to that yaoi energy, and though he was no longer emanating holy energy, his body had changed both subtly and not so subtly (i.e., the wings). For one thing, he had an odd urge to eat muffins, though he wasn't quite sure why.

Though he was pretty much unknown to all of those who attended TFFA, he hoped to get to know them better over time. After all, he figured, it's much easier to get acquainted with someone if fireballs and gunfire aren't raining down around you.

"Now where is the kitchen...I haven't eaten anything in over a week, and I want some muffins!"


Well-Known Member
A horde of undead minions, small and large, could be seen moving the recently deceased to various vehicles, for transport to Nikolaus' lab.

"What will you do with their bodies?" Suzuka asked, walking alongside Nikolaus as he walked through the various seens of the cleaning operation.

"The families of the deceased will be given a proper funeral ceremony. Once that ceremony is over, we will begin using them for either experiments or for food for our minions." Nikolaus said as he stopped and directed a rather confused looking regenerator towards a car that was not already full.

"Are you going to inform their families of what happens to their bodies?"

"Of course not, it is better this way "the bliss of ignorance" and all that."


"We are doing this for the preservation of numerous lives, by using the undead, thousands of lives would be lost for a cause that would not benefit them." Nikolaus now was facing towards her, stopped and had the air of someone who knew this subject matter well.

"So you plan on having this army take over the world?"

"On the contrary, they are to mantain it during the inevitable confusion of a takeover. My plans are much more subtle; you would be surprised at what you can do if you just know how. I know you are going to speak of honor, but this will preserve a great deal of lives." Nikolaus said, his hands gesturing towards the corpses.

"It sounds like you have everything planned out..."

EDIT: OoC: changed some stuff that needed some clarification.


Well-Known Member
Two weeks later found a annoyed Xaosite shuffling papers behind a desk. "I find this most disconcerting. How did I wind up here, anyways?"

Tohno piped up, "You needed a job to stay herrre at the TFFA, since the otherrr gods decided that you should stick arrround and keep watch overrr this land."

"I was being rhetorical."

"Also, the excange rate for gold pieces wasn't very good since a lotta stuff got blown up. We got a house, but that took most of it." Mihoshi added in.

"I was hoping I could use that for something more fun, like start up a combination church/casino."

"Now now, this really isn't the time for that yet. Relax, you'll make enough to start your church! At the rate of teacher's pay, it'll only take a couple hundred years!" Mihoshi said cheerfully, not noticing the blue lines of depression hanging over his head.

"Argh, don't remind me. I'm just glad that I got the job without any trouble. Well, there's the bell. Time to go."

"Oh! We got anotherrr letterrr frrrom that Soifon lady!" Tohno said as they walked down the school hallway.

"Really? What did it say?" He asked.

"Something about how angrrry she is, that she'll make you pay. The usual."


"Welcome class. I'm your math teacher, Xaosite, and these are my teaching assistants, Tohno and Mihoshi. Your first lesson is this: during a test, when you're busy praying, you pray to ME." Xaosite said, sinister grin on his face. He had to admit, there was some fun to be had with this.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
"Ughhh...So BORED!!!" TB cried out while in the dorm of Rokudaime High.

"Great...Just Great... I'm stuck in a sucky school, everybody hates me, and I'm BORED!!! AGHHH!!!"

"JESUS CHRIST, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" a dorm mate cried out.

"UP YOURS, ASSTARD!!!" TB replied, before sighing. He was transfered to one of TFFA's smaller branches because of the fact that most of the dorm houses were crushed during the fight with the GMF.
Ughhh... I just Had to pick the short stick. This sucks! TB sighed again.
These are going to be a couple of LONG, LONG years. hmmm... this sucks.
OoC: Xaosite, that scene with me was fine. I probably would have done something similar to it anyway. no problems.

LL sat on the roof of his apartment building, overlooking the city of TFF, typing casually on his new and improved laptop. Shampoo leaned against his side, watching as the hundreds of various work groups scurried back and forth patching, remodeling and rebuilding all that was damaged.

"What we do now, Airen?" she asked.

LL rolled his head, pondering the question. It had only been a few days since the defeat of the Grandmaster Fangirl and the lose of a few new friends. Hell, he still half-expected to see Zeni jump out from around a corner and stab him in the chest screaming "PAYBACK'S A BITCH, AIN'T IT?!"

Ah, if only...

That alone would have been plenty to think about, but then Shampoo had to find out about his temporary death. This resulted in several hours of yelling, crying, more yelling in Chinese, threats of physical abuse if he ever let it happen again, and a bonbori blow to the head, which in his opinion had been just a little bit uncalled for.

The reunion/makeup activities afterward had been nice though.

But what was there to do now? It was true that there weren't too many 'dull' days here in TFF, but after being involved in a massive war like that, it was difficult to go back to being pseudo-normal. Just another reason why he hated endings.

A few more moments passed in silence before LL felt an all-too familiar presence behind him.

"Xellos-sama," he greeted without turning to face him. Shampoo favored him with a distrustful glare. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh, you know," the mazoku answered. "Just making my final rounds before returning with my reports to Ju-oh-sama."

LL didn't respond, so Xellos walked forward to stand beside him. "I have to say I'm a bit surprised. Your loyalty is a bit higher than I expected. Still dressing like me and referring to me as 'sama' even after I shot you out of the saddle and crushed your dreams by not making you my apprentice."

LL grinned. "Well, what can I say? This outfit's pretty damn comfortable. And if I let one little rejection from the person I've idolized for twelve years get me down, what sort of apprentice would I eventually make?"

Xellos quirked an eyebrow. "I was under the presumption that I had told you I'd never make you my apprentice."

"Yes, you'd never make me an apprentice 'Mazoku'," LL confirmed, grinning wider. "Therefore, I'm just gonna have to get you to make me your apprentice Trickster."

The second eyebrow rose to join the first. "Is that so?"

"Damn right! I'll prove to you and everyone else that I'm just as good a trickster as you are! You'll be my sensei if it's the last thing I do!"

Xellos just smiled his perpetual smile in return. "Well, I guess time will tell, won't it? But until then...ta-ta." And with a quick wave, he was gone.

"Shampoo say good riddence," the Amazoness grumbled while LL chuckled, pressed a few more keys on his laptop, and clicked 'Send'. "What you do, Airen?"

"Just...proving my point, Shampoo. That's all." Closing his laptop, he stood up and offered a hand to her. "Come on, let's go find the gang and cause a bit of trouble."

"Ju-oh-sama, I'm home!" Xellos announced as he reappeared within his master's lair on Wolfpack Island.

"Ah Xellos," the Beastmaster greeted, spinning around in her chair to face him. "I trust you have plenty of...What in Shabranigdo's Unholy Name are you wearing!?"

Xellos blinked, glanced down at himself and blinked again. Three times.

What once had been his traditional yellow and black priest robes was now a grass Hawaiian skirt and a bright pink tee-shirt, upon which was written "LIFE IS WONDERFUL" in big bright green letters. Beneath it, in smaller cursive writing were the words "Love & Peace From Your #1 Fan, The Master of Mockery ^_^".

And Xellos twitched. Badly.


Well-Known Member
"...... so that's how it is."

"Oi, can't you act a little more surprised? A gasp? An exclamation of 'AWMAHGAWD!! YOU MERGED WITH YOUR VIRAL HALF!!' or something?" Epsilon transformed his right arm back to his normal human limb.


"Come to think of it, that would be a bit much coming out of you, Hecate. But in any case, my little demo back there should be proof enough regarding the virus issue." He shrugged before heading back to the staircase.

"We will be observing you."

"Gee... with at least Asakura or Nagato in each of my classes, that would make it practically impossible for you guys NOT to observe me," replied the male sarcastically before he turned his back on the Master Throne.


He had some time before having to go to the Go club to give Barasuishou some tutoring on the Art of Go. By this time, Nagato-san would be occupied with Suzumiya and of course, Asakura is being treated. Kimidori is involved with Student Council affairs...

"Glory, keep an eye on things, will ya?"


A mere thought was all he needed to open a small sub-space rift which led into a small portable laboratory. It was something he had been able to pick up from that super scientific genius, two weeks after the final fight with the Yaoi Incarnation.

Lying strapped down on the table was the broken and battered MQCE interface, Kirakishou. He had been able to recover the damaged body in the aftermath of the fight. The damage was extensive but he was certain he could salvage something from her.

"Don't worry...... I'll fix you up in no time." Of course, certain changes to her programming would need to be done to prevent her from going after DITE members or accomplishing objectives that would serve the MQCE's interests.

While he hummed another song under his breath as he checked some readings, he didn't notice her open left eye shift ever so slightly to rest on his gaze and croak out oh so quietly...
