TFFA Interdimensional Aid


Well-Known Member
Don't know how this popped into my head, all I know is it did.

It occurs to me that TFF is not always under threat by Yaoi fangirls, Trolls, Zombies, or other threat to its security. And given the number of powerful and (occasionally) selfless individuals in TFF, they must do something with all their free time.

And thus, the idea of the TFFA Interdimensional Aid Society was born.

Essentially, teams of 2-4 TFFers are sent through a dimensional rift for the purpose of bettering other dimensions, either for pthe pupose of helping them out, or to strengthen them against the threat of Yaoi incursion.

Still TFF doesn't want a quick fix by blowng up whatever major threat exists, since that doesn't prepare the dimension for the threat of future attacks, so there are a few rules in place:

1: Power levels are limited to that of the indigenous people. This is determined by the average power levels of the population, excluding abberations. (So you can fight Saiyans with Saiyan level power, but you'll be a regular human if you go to a High School Setting, even if Goku lives a few miles away.)

1:a: Exceptions may be made based on unusual circumstances, or unexpected threat of imminent destruction.

2: Power Restrictions can be released one time per person per mission.

3: A second use of unrestricted powers will result in automatic recall after the current issue is resolved.

4: Direct revelation of knowledge pertaining to other dimensions, or highly classified information pertaining to the mission dimension is forbidden. If an individual could plausibly find the information on their own, revelation of said information is to be judged on a case by case basis. Aiding in the discovery of said information is permitted.

5. Conquest of mission dimensions if strictly forbidden.

6. Additional rules may be assigned on a case by case basis, and no two dimensions are alike.

If I missed any key rules, please add them.

A couple ideas for missions, since these seem like they would be interesting:

Neon Genesis Evangelion
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

So, what do you guys think? This would essentially be corroboration for writing a group self insert, but since it still could be interesting to play/write/read.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... what other worlds could benefit? Maybe that one from Basilisk: Kouga Ninja Scrolls?


Well-Known Member
Fate Stay Night/the Nasuverse would be nice, provided you ignore canon's pesky restrictions.

For some reason, the Sakura Card Captors universe also comes to mind, though I really don't know why.


Well-Known Member
Would we have an interdimentional tavern for the possible adventurers to gather together over an ale? With a board to post up your party member requests?

"1 Super Computervirus + 1 Daywalker Vampire LFG! Need H34LER! No N00BS!"


Well-Known Member
Sample Aid Project:

World: The Melanchoily of Haruhi Suzumiya

-Stabilize Haruhi Suzumiya's mindset to reduce Chaos Energy readings. If levels remain as they are, they are likely to attract Yaoi Fangirls

-Prevent interaction between Haruhi Suzumiya and Yaoi Fangirls

-Power levels and technology is restricted to native levels.
-Exceptions to this restriction are as follows:
-Encounter with Yaoi Forces
-Manifestation of "Closed Space"
-Imminent Destruction/Recreation of World (This may result in recall/replacement of agents, pending investigation of circumstances leading up to this situation.)
-Concealment of
-Violation of restrictions outside of these circumstances will result in reassessment of deployment. Subsequent Violations may result in immediate recall.

-Applications for further lifting of restrictions are accepted.

Sample Aid Project 2:

World: Neon Genesis Evangelion

-Prevent Third Impact

-Prevent Yaoi forces from acquiring any and all technology regarding Evangelions.

-Power levels and technology is restricted to native levels.
-Exceptions to this restriction are as follows:
-Encounter with Yaoi Forces
-Imminent Execution of Third Impact
-Angel attack, provided all Surveillance is disabled, and all other means of defense are exhausted.
-Concealment of an agent's presence/abilities, asuming said use is not in violation of Restrictions.
-Violation of restrictions outside of these circumstances will result in reassessment of deployment. Subsequent Violations may result in immediate recall.

-Applications for further lifting of restrictions are not accepted, unless agent can demonstrate their absolute necessity in upcoming events, and that use of abilities will not be recorded by native forces.