The Birth of Revan


Well-Known Member
I was reading the wookieepedia article on Zayne Carrick when Revan's origins were revealed. Below is an extract from the article along with a link to the page.

When Ferroh had returned to his homeplanet of Cathar, he had found that his entire species had vanished off of the face of the world leaving behind the buildings, but nothing else. He followed rumors from other Cathar refugees that the Mandalorians were responsible so the Revanchist leaders, Revan and Malak had investigated the planet, only to be told by the Jedi Council that the Cathar had probably left due to disease and that they should quit their investigation. Just as they were about to disperse, Revan noticed a Mandalorian mask on the ground. As the light struck it, he and the rest of the Jedi present had a vision of the massacre of Cathar refugees by Cassus Fett and his Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders. The Mandalorian force herded the Cathar into the ocean, while the Jedi futilely tried to stop only to realize that it was just a memory of the past. One Mandalorian attempted to stop the ensuing genocide, but Cassus ordered Mandalorian ships to fire on the ocean killing the Cathar and the one dissident Mandalorian. The Jedi reeled in shock from the massacre and Revan took up the fallen Mandalorian's mask, claiming he would take up the one dissident's cause and that he would not take off the mask until justice had been done. He finally took the moniker of Revan. After the revelation of the genocide, the Jedi High Council assented to the Revanchists' cause
Zayne Carrick info page

This explains a lot to me. I mean the person known as Revan has been running around the galaxy for months now, trying to prove to the council that the Mandos are a clear and present danger. Now, because the council wouldn't act, an entire race of people are on the brink of extinction.

I'm not sure I could ever trust that incarnation of the Jedi Council again.


Well-Known Member
Malak and Farrow look awfully smug in the background of that image were he swears revenge. Maybe it was all planned from the beginning?


Well-Known Member
Vassago said:
Malak and Farrow look awfully smug in the background of that image were he swears revenge. Maybe it was all planned from the beginning?
Malak isn't capable of planning that far ahead or being that devious. Malak is a blunt instrument compared to Revan. I think at this point it's less 'smug' and more an anticipation for what is to come. Now Revan and his crew have a clear enemy to fight and a cause that is just. There must be justice for the Kathar, and it will come at the hands of the Jedi.

No wonder Juhani fell for Revan.


Well-Known Member
Ordo said:
No wonder Juhani fell for Revan.
Actually, that was more because he rescued her from a life of slavery when he liberated Taris from the Mandalorians, and drove the Exchange off (temporarily, at least).


Well-Known Member
Dubrichius said:
Ordo said:
No wonder Juhani fell for Revan.
Actually, that was more because he rescued her from a life of slavery when he liberated Taris from the Mandalorians, and drove the Exchange off (temporarily, at least).
Nah, I'm pretty sure she fell for him because of her childhood idealized image of Jedi that Revan just happened to practically embody.