The Dream Sword in Kingdom Hearts


Well-Known Member
Well quite some time ago (Trust me it's been years this was before I'd even heard inklings of KH 2 or Dirge of Cerberus) I got to thinking about Kingdom Hearts, more specifically about the Dream Sword, Dream shield, etc. But my thought was if Donald and Goofy were able to get the Staff and Shield respectively, could something have happened to the Dream Sword; something beside it being the Keyblade anyway.

Well that thought and the one that the producer/director/developer/whoever, originally wanted Vincent in the game (Or so I had heard), and wondering how the FF characters had gotten there without extrapolating that this was an alternate universe sort of deal. Add in a bowl of ice cream and a late night, and you get this beginning to a fic.


Vincent looked up to the sky and could see the Highwind overhead circling above the almost empty city of Midgar. It had taken off without him when Vincent had turned back to make sure none of the monsters that had been plaguing the city got onboard the air ship.

Now Vincent was making his way to an old lab in sector 4 that he had known of in the time that he had been a Turk, so that he could possibly get at the weapons cache and helicopter that were stored there. He wondered if the lab was still there at all. He checked over the small arsenal he carried with him. Two revolvers stashed in thigh holsters, Death Penalty was on his hip, the shotgun was hidden behind his back under his cloak, and the Sniper CR was over the cloak in its own holster.

The guns weighed him down but Vincent felt ready for most ranges and styles of combat that could be presented to him. Faintly he could hear the humming of machines and the cries of Shinra soldiers that had somehow survived the holocaust that assaulted Midgar as he listened for the tall tell æwhumphÆ the preceded some of the monsters when they appeared.

He made his way up to a roadway similar to the one that Cloud and the others had used to escape Shinra long ago. Suddenly a beam of light shined down on him from the Highwind, it seemed that the rest of AVALANCHE had finally noticed him. However, this also attracted the attention of the monsters and they streamed from all directions into a wide circle about him.

The Highwind circled lower trying to maneuver a rope ladder to him, but the monsters noticed it as well and leapt for it, only to explode in midair as the bullets from VincentÆs revolvers ripped through their dark bodies

As if signaled by a force only they could perceive the monsters rushed him. Vincent was a blur of motion: blocking, kicking, ducking, and shooting his way through the mob. In moments the revolvers were empty and he dropped them to the ground, drawing the Shotgun and Death Penalty with the quick efficiency of long years of experience.

The sea of shadowy bodies rippled as Vincent decimated their ranks, but for every one he killed, four more rose from the ground in its place. All too quickly Vincent was out of ammunition for the two weapons and had resorted to using the guns as blunt weapons. For the most part he was able to parry the attackersÆ blows.

As one they all backed off, once more forming a wide circle around him once again. A tall figure with a staff stepped foreword. She was paler than he, with a dark raven perched atop her shoulder as well as a strange headdress crowning her pointed cold features with eyes that looked upon him as if he were nothing.

ôWell fought,ö She spoke, Vincent eyes narrowed, was she the one who had set the dark monsters on the planet?

ôWe give you a single chance to live- because we can feel your darkness... Join us, or perish.ö In response Vincent holstered his guns and drew the Sniper CR in one fluid motion sighting on a target that was only eight meters away, her forehead. As Vincent let fly with a round, a monster leapt in front of her, taking the bullet.

She didnÆt seem perturbed with his choice of response at all; in fact she looked nearly amused.

ôAn ill-fated choice. Take him.ö Taller more muscular versions of the monsters Vincent had been faring against rose all around him, their antennae canted backward in a zigzag pattern. He tensed ready to fight again, but the creatures hesitated.

From one side the sea of dark bodies rippled once again, parting before the stride of someone coming closer to Vincent and the black clad women. If Vincent did not have such rigid emotional control he might have stared, or somehow grown paler than he was already. He eyed the long steel blade that jutted to one side of the figure and the currently folded black wing.

A strangled cry from above signaled that Cloud had also seen the one winged angel and that he and the others had made it to the deck of the Highwind and were peering over the side, but what shocked everyone, Vincent included, was that he had Aeris seemingly asleep in his arms. Vincent heard the sounds of struggle above him, Cloud was likely being held back by the others, he would never survive the fall to roadway

ôVINCENT!!ö He looked up automatically to see the Buster sword scythe down behind him and through the body of one of the larger monsters that had been sneaking up to him. The sniper rifle was ill suited to even attempt to fight at this poor distance, so Vincent re-holstered it and took advantage of the bladed weapon behind him. Pulling it from the ground silently thanking Tifa as he got into a ready stance.

Sephiroth smirked before setting Aeris upon the ground and stepping foreword drawing the Masemune. Vincent was dimly aware that the creatures were staying well clear of both Sephiroth and Aeris.

The woman frowned and withdrew through a swirling portal she called forth with a wave of her hand. The creatures almost as one sunk into the ground

Sephiroth stepped forward; only he, Vincent, and Aeris were left on the ground. That is until bullets from BarretÆs gunarm and thrown grenades from Tifa rained down on the platinum haired man, but Cloud quickly stopped them saying that they could have hit Aeris.

Almost casually Sephiroth set a COMET 2 spell on the airship and most of the others were busy with damage control. While he was distracted Vincent ran foreword Buster sword clasped firmly in hand, as a Turk, Vincent had basic working knowledge and training of several different weapons and vehicles.

Although VincentÆs knowledge of swords mostly pertained to fencing, as his body had been more suited to it, but his own Mako enhanced strength allowed him to lift the Buster Sword as easily as Cloud could.

Sephiroth laughed mockingly and easily parried VincentÆs thrust, responding with a hard overhead cut and then a vicious assault of slashes and thrusts. Vincent fell back unable to cope with the attacks, blocking and parrying for all he was worth as he slowly approached the side of the road way.

Vincent was three feet away from the edge when Sephiroth stepped back and readied himself for the final blow, a one hand thrust. Just in time Vincent planted his weapon in the ground as the MasemuneÆs tip skittered up the flat side of the blade turned improvised shield, twisting around Vincent was able to bring the sword out of the ground and out into empty air as he spun in place to cut at SephirothÆs exposed right side.

But the sword twisted about in his grip and instead clubbed Sephiroth with the flat of the blade sending him stumbling to the side probably with bruised or broken ribs. Vincent dashed towards AerisÆ still form scooping her up and bracing the Buster sword on his back, he ran heading for the outskirts of the city.

The Highwind descended flying parallel to the raised road. With one hand he brought the sword up, it wavered somewhat and then he brought it down hard using the weapon as a pole vault and awkwardly launching himself into the air.

The wind whipped about him as he reached the apex of the load-hampered jump and started to descend towards the deck. There was a sudden jerk on the buster sword that wrenched his arm badly. He dropped the weapon as he fell to the deck, it spun on the surface of the Highwind, and Vincent landed badly on his back and cried out as his shoulder spasmed. Vincent found that he wasnÆt breathing well especially with Aeris on top of him, but she was quickly extricated and they were both taken below.

Vincent vaguely noticed that the Buster Sword was smoking slightly and badly cracked with spider webs of hairline fractures. It seemed like hours before his back met with one of the beds aboard the Highwind, it was one of the rooms closer to the center of the ship where they kept the spare materia. Tifa was holding a cup of something out to him, he took it; albeit shakily; and drank, then he slept a blessedly dreamless sleep.

He awoke to shouting and the ship was rocking badly, he looked to the side to see Cloud taking Aeris from the bed beside his. To his surprise she was awake and looked over at him for a moment before being carried out of the room.

There was more shouting and the sound of fighting, he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and looked back toward the bed Aeris had been using. Reacting instantly he rolled to the side and off his own bed as a claw impaled the spot where his abdomen would have been.

As he hit the ground Vincent didnÆt feel the hard jolt he was expecting, there was a coldness at his back and he was slowly sinking into darkness that writhed around him restricting his movement.

He yelled in alarm and reached out to grab something, anything, he could use to pull himself out. VincentÆs claw found the beds mattress and easily slashed through it; his other hand fell upon the neck of a bag of materia and other equipment. Darkness flowed around his human hand, locking the bag in place. The last thing Vincent saw where the dead yellow eyes of one of the monsters, peering down at him from atop the bed.


Well I wanted to send Vincent somewhere though I really couldnÆt decide on anywhere in particular, he would eventually meet up with the Dream Sword (and likely use it as an off hand weapon if at all), but beyond that I was stumped. So IÆve dragged it up from the depths of my computer to post here.


Well-Known Member
Mm. Vincent as a swordfighter ... nah. Somehow it doesn't really fit the guy. He's already got a melee weapon, and it's one he's neither going to be letting go of anytime soon, nor, for that matter, one he's able to let go of.

I'd imagine his style as acrobatic, taking advantage of the fact that he likely does have better reflexes than either Cloud or Sephy, though maybe without the sheer amount of pure physical strength. You know, sort of an insanely fast and chaotic knife-fighter - which is something he could have as a backup if he does run out of ammunition. Trench knife with spiked knuckleguard in his right, that claw of his working the left ... blender. Frappe. Something the size of a Buster Sword especially would do more to hinder than to help, IMO. Bog him down.

Still, the fight sequence is pretty damn cool, which in itself makes up for a lot. And there's far too few 'Vincent in Kingdom Hearts' sort of fics out there. Those that are there usually don't give him enough credit anyway. Pity.

Any chance of seeing more of this getting written?



Well-Known Member
You do have a point, though with what IÆd imagine the size difference between Vincent and Sora, the Dream sword might be more like a long dagger to him. He might even have to fire primarily with his left hand since the Dream sword keeps replacing whatever he draw with his right.

Or I might not be that cruel.

Thanks for the compliment on the fight scene, I can usually write a decent one of those, and as for writing more of the fic. Well, any suggestions as to where to send Vinny?


Well-Known Member
GhostElder said:
Thanks for the compliment on the fight scene, I can usually write a decent one of those, and as for writing more of the fic. Well, any suggestions as to where to send Vinny?
Send him to Traverse Town, there is a pretty interesting piece of fanart with him playing protector for Kairi while on a rooftop