The FFN plagiarism thread


Well-Known Member
Sometimes it's obvious, especially if it's a plagiarism of a story that's well known, but a few others seem to try either slip under the radar, while some are just plain daft.

I mean This one Originally seems like it's just in shitty english. I had to google it to figure out that it was actually a plagiarisation of "The Phoenix on the Sword" by Robert E. Howard. It's public domain. (Find here at project Gutenberg)

I wouldn't have even realised it, had I not thought to google a single line in it that seemed familiar, and anachronistic as hell. I'dve just assumed that the author wasn't doing to well with a Croatian -> English dictionary... It makes me wonder how many of these actually manage to slip under the radar

I'd also like to draw attention to the 'author', who posts here from time to time...

EDIT: FFN snarfled it after I reported it, but Screenshots!


Well-Known Member
Ooooh nice.

Special offer: Two pitchforks for the price of one! Buy now, stab later! :D


Well-Known Member
Wait. actually took down a fic for a valid reason? Damn it, now I have to go get that soaring pig back.


Well-Known Member
grant said:
Wait. actually took down a fic for a valid reason? Damn it, now I have to go get that soaring pig back.
Well, it's possible the 'author' took it down when he realised he'd been rumbled.... it did go down rather fast.


Well-Known Member
When it concerns FFN, always assume it wasn't the mods. Always a safe bet given how non-existent they are.

Of course, if it was the mods, it would prove that FFN still had them. Not enough if this was the case obviously.


Well-Known Member
And <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Another</a>

Plagiarised off <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>this</a>

Looking at the reviews makes me wonder if a load isn't slipping by. Fuck... I might register an alt and plagiarise one of my own fics, see if anyone cops it.

i'd bet money no-one would.


Well-Known Member
The summary in the original author's page says the 'plagiarist' may be/is adopting the story.


Well-Known Member
Ah.... probably sshould've read that. Never mind. Still, the first three chapters appear to have been posted as if he'd written them himself and....

I'm bored and need an easy flame.
I must admit, I can imagine there'd be some potential amusement in taking a classic piece of literature, changing the characters to those of <Fandom>, and just seeing how long it takes for people to notice.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Not exactly Plagerism... but just caught this in the FanFiction.NET Category feed:

Feed: FanFiction.Net -- Normal -- Ranma
Title: Wild Horses and Pokegirls? Author: FanFiction.Net
Author: Litewarior
Category: Ranma
Language: English, Rated: M
Genres: Adventure/General
Pairing: Ranma
Chapters: 1, Words: 1,704, Reviews: 0 Published: 4-26-11
Status: In-Progress
Can Ranma return home when he has to learn to rely on others just to survive? Not my story, just a reposting.?
Even if person is admitting they did not write it, heck even if they had permission, it is still against FF.NET rules to do this.


Well-Known Member
Considering it is an NC-17 story and easily found elsewhere, you should report it.


Well-Known Member
#13 seems to be backing off the no-sex rule*, but still report it just because.

*Either they're quietly ignoring them or they just haven't actually noticed them. It's hard to tell sometimes.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
grant said: seems to be backing off the no-sex rule*, but still report it just because.

*Either they're quietly ignoring them or they just haven't actually noticed them. It's hard to tell sometimes.
Well... I reported it the other day... so far still there, though that is not unexpected... it takes tiem for them to get to a story. Here is my post in comments section:

Reported for abuse. Not only are you not the author (even if you did have permission which you do not, the site rules do not allow for it), the material contained within the story was banned from the site. I know this not just from 'common sense', but way back when this site got rid of adult content stories... this was one of them.
So far though, from responses, most posters are supporting the guy and have referred to me as a douche and a troll... And it mentioned me as being someone whom should be ignored...

Yeah... Lets see:

I barely remeber reading the orginal posting of this but, Im kinda glad your reposting it for new people to enjoy. I really enjoyed it & wished someone would make a conintuation of it even if it didn't have much point. Hope you don't get in trouble for the douche reporting you.
Thanks for posting this, I can't find it on the old website and they won't post it on the new one. You may want to put it in the crossover section though. Ignore the Anon reviewer, I've found plenty of Pokegirl stories here and I haven't seen them be deleted yet. Not to mention the sheer amount of "Adult Content" this person is just a Troll. If you don't like the story don't read it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I reported it too. But it will probably stay up unless there are more people that do report it.

As for the other stuff? That is just typical internet stupidity.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
shiki said:
Well, I reported it too. But it will probably stay up unless there are more people that do report it.

As for the other stuff? That is just typical internet stupidity.