Harry Potter The King Who Lived (Working Title) HP/FFXV Crossover Idea



The Original M2J
A/N: This is something that's been running around in my head for a while and I finally decided to get it out. Admittedly, I can't claim full credit for the idea. This was inspired by TheDivineDemon at Twisting The Hellmouth and his fic idea Stand By Me in a Field of Blue. Let me know what you guys think about this idea.
"You all right, Harry?" Ron asked.

"I'm fine." This was the typical response.

Of course, Harry was anything but fine. The strange dreams he'd always had were becoming more frequent... More vivid. Ever since the incident with the dementors at the end of the previous year; when the vision shifted from his parents being engulfed in green light, his mother begging Voldemort to spare his life to visions of a beautiful blonde girl whose last moments were spent ensuring his survival in a different way against another type of unstoppable monster; his mysterious dreams had become much more real.

Not the dreams with mysterious green light or a vague sense of flying. But dreams where he wasn't himself, but the Prince of a far off land, similar, but much different from everything Harry had ever known.

Looking to his friends, Harry wondered when and how he'd tell them about these strange dreams. Dreams where he had friends similar and yet very different from his own. Hermione, who's book eating brain was without peer and whose cooking skills would more than likely burn a house down while simply attempting to boil water. Neville, whose seemingly cowardly exterior hid a nerve of steel that would allow the boy have Harry's back no matter the circumstance. Whose way with plants had helped them survive once before. Ron, who never let his friends take themselves too seriously. Who would pull Hermione from her books, who wouldn't let Neville focus too long on his insecurities, who wouldn't let Harry be bogged down by his destiny... Who couldn't take a decent picture if his life depended on it.

How could he tell his friends that he only chose them to be his friends because they reminded him so much of people he'd only known in dreams?

As they boarded, helping each other load on their trunks, Harry caught a flash of color. He did a double take and tried not to be disappointed. The hair was the same color, but the girl who was sitting alone in the compartment was not her. He tried not to let the slight breaking his heart show as his heartbeat slowed to normal levels.

"That's Loony Lovegood," Ron said tactlessly.

"Who?" Harry inquired, welcome for the distraction.

"Luna Lovegood, who some people call 'Loony'," Ron replied. Harry was both startled and annoyed by this statement. Startled because of her name, annoyed because he knew what it was liked to be bullied and called names. Something must have shown on his face, as Ron became concerned. "Harry, you sure you're all right?"

Harry didn't reply, instead opting to open the compartment while knocking on the door. He tried not to be nervous as he addressed the mysterious Luna. "D-Do... Would you mind if we joined you?"

Ron, Neville and Hermione looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to think. Harry couldn't blame them. He was a fairly closed off person. Between his dreams and the Dursleys, he perferred to keep to himself, letting precious few people in. The three of them were on a very exclusive list. And while he'd made an effort for Ron's family, moreso for Ginny than the others, since she too reminded him of one of the dream people, he still kept himself slightly apart. Despite his social shortcomings, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley never let his distance bother them, nor did they ever give him any indication that he was being bothersome or a burden- making him feel as welcome as he'd allow himself to feel.

He'd made it a point to tell them how much he appreciated all that they'd done for him.

Harry didn't think it was possible, but it seemed as if the almost perpetual look of surprise on Luna's face became even moreso. She smiled at him. It was a nice smile, he'd easily decided. "Sure. It will almost be like having friends."

Harry hated that the statement was so matter of fact and was determined to have a chat with Ron about it later. While Luna didn't quite feel like one of the dream people, not really, he felt the same sense of protectiveness over her than he did for Ron's sister. He wasn't entirely sure how someone like her could feel such unending optimism.

"Thank you," Harry said gratefully.

"You're Harry Potter," Luna stated the obvious. "I thought you'd be taller."

Harry smiled, which only got wider when he heard Hermione let out a snort.

"You're Hermione Granger," Luna said as Hermione brought the stranger girl's attention to herself. "Most Ravenclaws don't like you. They hate being considered second best, academically. Especially to a Gryffindor."

"I'm sorry?" Hermione replied somewhat confused as to whether she should be feeling guilty, concerned or smug.

"That's our Hermione for ya," Ron replied proudly with a grin, nudging the bushy haired bookworm playfully.

"Ronald Weasley. You're more handsome when you're not being rude," Luna replied, not pulling any punches.

Ron looked like he didn't know how to respond, but Harry was certain it would be in a negative way. Catching the red head's eye, Harry nonverbally warned his friend off. Ron merely shrugged, as he hadn't been certain what he was going to say to her anyway.

"And you're Neville Longbottom," Luna continued. "I overheard Hannah Abbott tell Susan Bones last year that she was disappointed you never asked her to Hogsmeade."

Neville blushed in embarassment.

"Go, Nev!" Ron nudged Neville, who promptly shoved him away.

"I'm Luna Cidrella Lovegood. But you can call me 'Loony'. Lots of people do," Luna replied.

Harry was glad to see Luna's blunt honesty made Ron uncomfortable. Of course, it had the same effect on him, Hermione and Neville as well.

"I think we'll just stick with calling you 'Luna', if it's all the same to you," Harry replied.

"If you wish," Luna acknowledged as she went back to reading her magazine.

It didn't take long for the quartet to settle into Luna's compartment. Ron, Hermione and Neville were chatting about innocuous topics, while Luna continued to read her magazine in silence, as the train got underway. Harry, meanwhile, was silent, trying to think of a way to broach the subject on his mind without sounding too crazy.

"What did you want to talk to me about, Your Highness?" Luna asked, directly addressing him.

The inquiry was so unexpected that he jumped slightly. "Pardon?"

"I was asking about what you wanted to talk to me about... Do you prefer 'Your Highness' or 'Your Majesty'?" Luna replied, completely lacking in selfconsciousness. "Do you feel more like a prince or a king?"

Harry could see Ron giving him an 'I Told You So' look.

Harry ignored it.

"I'm not either of those things," Harry responded.

"Not anymore, I suppose," Luna said in agreement.

"How...?" Harry started to ask, but couldn't figure out a way to coherently ask any of all he wanted to ask about.

"The Eidolons told me," Luna stated as if talking about the weather.

"Harry?" Hermione asked in concern. Neville and Ron simply looked confused. It was no surprise that Hermione was the first to pick-up that something was off about this conversation. This was not how he wanted to introduce the topic of his vision-like dreams to his friends.

"I'm not her, I'm afraid," Luna replied. Her smile shifted from being enigmatic to comiserating and compassionate. Harry looked away in an attempt to not show Luna just how much her words disappointed him. Instinctively, he'd known already who she wasn't, but he'd hoped.

"Not who?" Hermione asked Luna.

"His Oracle," Luna replied. Harry's friends were now looking back and forth between them, each of them wondering what she knew about their reclusive friend and how she knew it.

"Harry?" This time it was Neville who spoke up.

Harry continued to look out the window. This was not how he had wanted this to go. He was not in the slightest bit prepared for the conversation he was going to have to have with his friends. Despite himself, he couldn't bring himself to be mad at Luna. He wanted to be, but he just couldn't do it.

Pushing aside Neville's and the other's concern, he addressed Luna, though couldn't bring himself to look at her. He was hoping his feigned nonchalance would put his friends at ease. He highly doubted it would work, but tried anyway. "Those... What did you call them?"


"Those Eidolons... What all have they told you?" Harry inquired, trying to keep the hope out of his voice.

Luna's expression became regretful. Harry pretended not to notice. "I don't know who she is. They wouldn't say. But they have said that you'll be reunited with her soon. The Eidolons are hoping the two of you have a much happier ending this time."

"Harry, what's going on?" Ron asked, his tone equal parts worried and irritated.

"It's... Complicated..." Harry replied with a nonanswer in an attempt to stall for time. As much as he trusted his friends, and he trusted them absolutely, he didn't want to share this with them. Not yet. It was just too personal.

It was Luna who answered for him. As much as he felt like he should be irritated at her for doing so, he was more relieved that he wouldn't have to talk about... Her...

"He has memories of a past life."

Ron and Neville looked sceptical. Hermione, however, was more intrigued. "Like reincarnation?"

Luna shook her head. "More like transmigration. Reincarnation would be simply moving along the 'X' axis. In this case, the memories have moved along the 'Y' and the 'Z' axis as well."

Hermione looked like she had a thousand and one questions she wanted to ask. Harry, however, had other concerns. "The Eidolons... What are they?"

Luna bit her lip in worry, shooting a brief glance at Harry. "They are guardians."

"Guardians of what?" Ron bluntly asked.

"Life." Luna answered.

"Astrals," Harry said with a small amount of distaste.

While his past self hadn't blamed them for the destiny that befell him and the Oracle, he'd been too preoccupied by his duty to do so, Harry had no such distractions. He didn't hate them- at least he didn't think so- but they definitely weren't on his Christmas card list. They'd done what they'd done for the greater good and, admittedly, on some level, Harry understood. But that didn't mean he liked being manipulated into paying the price for saving the world, even if he'd have taken those actions anyway if it meant his friends could live happily ever after. That they were manipulating this life, like they had his previous one, did not sit well with him.

"Yes, but no. Mostly no," Luna replied.

Hermione looked like she wanted to ask, but Harry cut her off. "I... I don't want to talk about it. I will, just... Not right now..."

Wary of Harry's reaction, Neville decided to bite the bullet and ask Luna one of the questions that was no doubt on all of their minds. "What are Astrals?"

"They are similar to Eidolons, but not of this world. Similar, but not the same," Luna replied smoothly. "Like Eidolons, Aeons or Guardian Forces, they are beings of great power. Their primary purpose is to protect, but sometimes that power can be perverted or even misused or they can lose their way."

Harry closed his eyes, remembering the heat of the flames generated by one such Astral who'd lost his way. He wasn't certain he wanted the help of the Eidolons, but for now, he decided, he'd withhold judgement. If Luna was right, the Eidolons were not Astrals and thus could not be blamed for the actions of their counterparts, even if they were cut from the same cloth.

He'd had enough of that sort of thing at the Dursleys.

That didn't mean he'd trust them.

If not for their stubborness, The Oracle might not have needed to die. If not for their manipulations to ensure that the Oracle, the King of Light and the Founder-King followed their plans, perhaps so many people who had died, might not have needed to. He didn't even want to think about the ten years his other self had spent trapped inside a crystal while the whole world was plunged into an endless night and overrun by demons.

Despite the fact that he couldn't think of one, Harry couldn't help but think that there had to have been a different way to save the world... A better way. He shook off the feeling. There could be nothing gained by dealing in 'What ifs'. His past self had learned that the hard way after what happened in Altissia when she...

Whe She died.
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Eidolons- A discussion
Okay, so I'm hoping for some input on a detail of the story that will be an intregal part of it.

The Eidolons.

So the Final Fantasy anthology has given us a lot to work with, with the various "Summons" they've had through out the games. In fact, more and more these beings are actually becoming Characters in their own right. Ifirit was a plot point in FF8. Garnet and Eiko's stories in FF9 revolved around them. As did Yuna and Tidus' story- particularly Valefor and Bahamut- in FFX. The FFXIII Trilogy and FFXV saw them become actual characters.

My aim is to continue the trend. As I said before, I have no current plans for them to act as a Summon (many of them would be incredibly OP), but I do want them as fully actualized characters with their own voice- not unlike Shiva/Gentiana in FFXV. Only without the extreme arrogance shown by the other Astrals, like Leviathan. Much like in FFXIII, I want certain Eidolons to gravitate towards certain characters.

One problem I'm facing is the fact that certain Summons have changed between games. The Lightning Summon, for instance, has been Ramuh (FF7, FF9, FFXV), Quezacotl (FF8), Ixion (FFX) and Odin (FFXIII).

Aside from choosing which Summons to use in this fic as Eidolongs, is figuring out which Eidolon chooses to go with whom. Also, in the event that I do end up using an Eidolon as a Summon, I'm considering them, like Shiva/Gentiana, having two seperate appearances. One where they directly interact with mortals and another where they rain holy/unholy vengeance on their paired match's enemies. So far, Ifirit, Shiva and Bahamut are locked in.

In the case of Ifirit, he's always had a bestial appearance- more so in some games (FF8, FFX) and less so in others (FF7, FFXV). In this case, his smaller more mortal form would take this to the logical extreme, where he'd be lionine, large, muscular with a wild mane that looks like it's on fire. Perhaps his tail, like Red XIII's would be have a small flame on the end.

Bahamut, in FFX was a child. In FFXV he was a Knight in heavy plate that bore a resemblance to a dragon, like is in every appearance. For this fic, I'm thinking of Bahamut actually be a she. A Dragon Knight, or Lancer, not unlike Aranea Highwind (FFXV).

I was also thinking of including the Moogle/Chocobo Summon from the Original FF7 as Eidolons. Underpowered, for sure, but I think they'd make fun additions. One thing I want to do with this duo, is split them apart. The Chocobo would just be a regular animal, albiet a unique one of a kind animal, but he wouldn't communicate with words. The moogle, on the other hand, would only communicate through Pokemon speak. As the absolute friendliest of the Eidolons, he'd be the only one to interact with everyone for certain, but the only ones who would be able to understand him when he talks are Harry, Luna and the Lunafreya Transmigrant.

So far, as far as pairing up Eidolons with certain characters, Harry, Luna and the Lunafreya Transmigrant are the only ones who will interact with every single Eidolon. Most of the other Eidolons will only interact with their chosen mortal, outside of the main three who have been chosen by all of the Eidolons.

This is what I've thought of thus far.

Harry-Boco (Chocobo Eidolon)
Luna- Kupo (Moogle Eidolon)
Ron- Ifirit (Fire Eidolon)
Neville- Bahamut (Dragon Eidolon)

The being said, I'm not against an Eidolon not interacting with the characters beyond Harry, Luna and the Lunafreya Transmigrant (and even then, not being on friendly terms with the trio). Or even a character having an affinity to more than one Eidolon (particularly Harry). Or even an Eidolon that has taking a liking to multiple mortals.

Let me hear some of your guy's input on how I can develope these potential characters.
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Harry and the Unnamed Eidolon
"Hello, Noctis."

At the sound of the familiar voice, Harry lashed out. Before he was even conscious of what he was doing, he spun around, jewel encrusted goblin silver sword in hand, swinging it swiftly and true. However, in the very moment the sword would have sliced through the man, he exploded into a swarm of locusts, flying directly at Harry, bypassing him, only to reform into a man behind him.

"How rude." The man stated.

Harry quickly turned around, bringing the sword around with an overhanded swing, only for the man to block it with a blade of his own- a rusted katana. However, where Harry held his blade in a two handed grip, the man was lazily holding his sword with one, and did not look like he was even straining to hold Harry in place.

Harry's furious expression met the man's smirk. There was no doubt that the man before him was someone Harry had mixed feelings about.

Ardyn Lucis Caelum.

The man had been every bit as much of a pawn of Bahamut's machinations has Noctis and... The Oracle had been. Still, between the death of King Regis Lucis Caelum and the Fall of Insomnia, the capture of Prompto, tricking Noctis into initiating the Endless Night, Ignis' crippling injury, and the destruction of Altissia and Tenebrae and the death of... The man had, had much to answer for.

In a surprising show of strength, Ardyn pushed Harry back. Harry backpedalled, but kept his balance, keeping his blade between the two of them. Ardyn's sword, however, melted into dust.

"Is that any way to great a guest, Noct?" Ardyn asked mockingly.

Harry took a moment to calm himself. It would not be beneficial to him to lose his head, either literally or figuratively. While the dreams of his past life had stepped up in frequency after the dementor incident, they had exponentially increased in intensity after Luna had revealed the existence of the Eidolons and confirmed that Harry's dreams were real. He remembered the smell of salt in the air; the pain of hitting the ground after Leviathan had smacked him out of the air; the helplessness of being forced to watch as Ardyn...

In the aftermath of what happened in Altissia, Noctis had shutdown. He'd hoped to get some closure in Tenebrae, only it was on fire and overrun by demons by the time he, Ignis and Gladiolus had arrived by train. From that point on, there had been too much to do to dwell on it. It had taken a significant portion of his time in the crystal for Noctis to fully process and grieve for... For Her. Harry, being hit with the full force of Noctis' emotions as those events happened, hadn't had the time to fully process them himself. Even knowing that She was out there in the world somewhere and would be reunited with him soon, hadn't helped in the slightest. However, where Noctis had spent most of his grieving waffling between stages one and four, Harry skipped straight to stage two.

"Ardyn..." Harry said through clenched teeth. It was taking quite the effort to keep his anger in check and not just make another attempt at stabbing the man. "I'm not Noctis anymore. What are you doing here, Ardyn? Noctis died killing you!"

Ardyn chuckled. "Noctis, Harry... You are who you are. Whatever I call you won't change that. As for the rest... One of three. You'd best step up your game if you are to live up to your titles. I'm not Ardyn Lucis Caelum any more than you are Noctis Lucis Caelum. In fact, I'm less, as at least you and Noctis share the same soul."

"You're an Eidolon. I don't trust your kind as it is. You're not doing much to make me trust you by looking like Him," Harry pointed out in irritation.

Ardyn laughed. "If you truly take umbrage with how I look, you only have yourself to blame. I appear before everyone differently. Unlike the rest of my brethern whose forms are locked and differ very little from one incarnation to the next, my form is influenced by what you associate my... Sphere of Influence with. This is the form that you chose for me. And regardless of the reverence my brethern hold for you and yours, I am not beholden to you, Prince Harry, any more than you are beholden to me. Ours is a relationship of necessity, until it isn't. We need you and you need us."

That statement only served to make Harry even more angry and distrustful of the Eidolons. "I refuse to be your pawn!"

"Oh, Harry... Eidolons and mortals alike are Instruments of Fate. For the time being, our fates are entwined with yours," Ardyn replied. "There are only three individuals, two other than yourself, to whom I would potentially swear my loyalty to. All three of you are equally unworthy of me at this time. Only once you have become worthy and have defeated me, your final enemy, will you gain my loyalty."

"Then what's the point of introducing yourself?" Harry asked demandingly.

"To take your measure," Ardyn explained. "You leave much to be desired, Young Prince. Of the three, you are currently the least worthy of me."

"Is that all you have to say?" Harry spat.

"Everything comes with a price, Young Prince," Ardyn replied. "The Oracle only asked for one thing in return for hers and your service. For the two of you to be reunited in happiness. While you did not state as such, your soul was very much in tune with hers. The Astrals, our counterparts on Eos, could have chosen to allow you to pass on and claim your happiness as your final reward, but they didn't. Instead, they turned you both over to us. While the two of you have been given a second chance at life to find your happiness with each other, there is a price to be paid. In the days to come, you both will have a role to play."

Harry gave into his impulse and stabbed Ardyn, who once more dematerialized in a swarm of locusts, shifting away from Harry's blade and reforming. "Haven't you had enough of using us!?"

Ardyn ignored the question, gracing Harry with that damnable smirk of his. "Until we meet again, I suggest you put that sword away before you poke someone's eye out." He then burst into a swarm of locusts and faded into nothingness.

It was at that point Harry realized he was holding the Sword of Gryffindor. He'd been so enraged at the presence of Ardyn, or the Eidolon that looked like him, that he hadn't realized he'd had it in his hand. Although, how it got there was a mystery even to Harry as he hadn't been holding it at all until Ardyn had revealed himself. So startled was he by the sword's presence in his hand, that he dropped it, only for it to disappear in a small burst of light.

Harry stared at his hand in disbelief. He'd unknowingly managed to summon the Sword of Gryffindor. Somehow, he had gained a small fraction of Noctis' power. Concentrating on his hand, he attempted to do so again, with no success. Even falling back onto disjointed memories of his previous life afforded him no success.

He shook his head. It was a mystery for another time. For the time being, Harry felt it prudent to inform his friends and Luna of his encounter with an Unnamed Eidolon. The first of their kind to reveal themselves to someone other than Luna. His excitement at the prospect of being reunited with Lu... His once betrothed, was severely dampened by presence of a passively agressive Eidolon that wore the face of the man who'd... Been responsible for what had happened to her.
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Luna and the Dream


The Original M2J
A woman sat at the zenith of Stoatshead Hill, blue flowers never seen on Earth all around her. The sky was a blinding endless field of white. Her blonde hair was tied back in a loose braid and her dress was black as night.

"Mummy!" a young girl shouted. The girl looked to be only six years old in appearance as she ran up the hill, barefoot and wearing a white sundress. She was followed by a small flying moogle. "Mummy, I've missed you!"

Her hair was equally golden blonde as her mothers. However, she had her father's silver colored eyes, which were wide open, as if the young girl was in a constant state of surprise. She glomped onto the woman, by all indications her mother, and held her tightly. The woman reciprocated the clench.

"I know, Moonbeam, but it was necessary," the woman soothed the girl. "As powerful as I am, Luna, it is far more difficult for me to manifest on the physical plane than it is for the others."

"But now Harry hates you!" Luna cried with a pout.

"He was always going to hate and mistrust us. I'm merely giving him an excuse to do so," Not-Luna's Mother replied.

"But why? If you need to work together, why let him hate you?" Luna asked.

"Because this is the best way forward," Not-Luna's Mother answered.

"I disagree," said a deep voice. It belonged to a red lion-like creature. His proud mane was a glowing orange and yellow and the colors shifted as if it was made of fire. Then end of his tale was a simple flame. His large cat-like eyes were yellow and red. He was the bestial Eidolon of Fire and Pride. He was Ifirit. "Enflaming the ire of the King of Magic is counter-productive to our aims."

The moogle that had been trailing after Luna, landed on his head. "Kupo!"

The single, two syllable word said more than it implied as the moogle also showed it's disapproval of their leader's plan.

"More than any other being, alive or dead, I am far more aware of the grim realities of our world. Of Magic. Of Fate," Not-Luna's mother stated. "If the King of Magic is to truly succeed, he needs to contront and take control of destiny, independantly of us. For far too long, we have been inactive in this world. We, moreso than any mortal, are bound to Fate's whims. If we are to have a say in our destiny, we need Mortals- a specific mortal, Harry Potter, to intercede on our behalf. The only way to do that is to have him take control of his own fate and, by extension, our own."

"I can see the logic in it," A buxom woman with long white hair responded. She was a full figured woman, who wore armor that only accentuated her assets. Her winged helmet looked draconic and her spear also had draconian design influences. Her gauntlets had taloned finger tips and the greaves of her boots were shaped like a dragons paws. She was the Draconic Eidolon of Honor and Valor, Bahamut. "But you play a dangerous game, Eldest."

Not-Luna's Mother, sometimes referred to as Eldest by her siblings- a title bestowed upon her for the obvious reason, conceded the Dragon Knight's point. "I know, Bahamut, but what else can I do? Three potential Chosen Ones, two of whom would see the world to it's end, either through stagnation or destruction. Harry Potter is our best hope, but not while he is being held back by his Brothers-in-Fate."

"Is there truly no other way, Eldest?" asked their mutual sister, Shiva, Eidolon of Ice and Magic. She was completely nude and was completely comfortable in being so, having transcended the need for clothing. Her pale blue skin glittered, her eyes were like bright sapphires and her dark blue hair was done up in a series of elaborate and intricate braids and reached down to her ankles. The only adornments on her body were a series of glittering gold bangles and anklets on her arms and legs respectively and glittering earrings, with a single golden stud on her left eyebrow. Her hair was also held in place with a number of jeweled, golden hair fasteners. Her finger and toe nails were painted blue with snow flake designs on them, though she had white painted lips and eye shadow.

"There are plenty of other paths we could follow, Shiva. Some of them would even see the King of Magic succeed in completing his own personal destiny and reuniting with his lady love, living a full and happy life. One he richly deserves for his deeds in this life alone," Eldest admitted. "But those are not the optimum paths he or we could take."

The moogle frowned. "Kupo!"

"No we don't, but I'm going to any way. A time of great upheaval is coming and if the world is to stand a chance, it's going to need us. As we are now, we'll be unable to act. We've languished over the centuries. We are no longer as we once were," Eldest stated firmly. "For far too long, we have held ourselved apart from humanity and the physical world."

"We had reason to do so," Ifirit argued. "Our interference was causing more harm than good. We all agreed, some more reluctantly than most, that our separation from the humans was for the best."

"At the time, it was the best decision we could make," Eldest agreed. "But that time has passed. We are older and, hopefully, wiser than we were back then."

Bahamut leveled Eldest with a hard glare. She'd been one of the strongest objectors to separating from the Mortal Plane. "You've seemed content not to act until now. What has changed? Why do you suddenly care now?"

Eldest closed her eyes. "Content, but not satisfied. Don't take my inaction as apathy. Our separation from Mortals was never meant to be permanent. But there never seemed to be an ideal time to reintegrate with them and because of that, Magic has suffered and fallen into obscurity. For a long time, I have sought champions to restore the balance, but each time I was met with nothing but disappointment. Contrary to my advocacy for separating from the Mortal World, my connection to it is stronger to it than yours, than everyone else's. Intricately linked in ways few could understand on a conscious level. I can't fully explain it, not even to myself, but Harry Potter is different and not simply because of his soul. Harry of Earth will far surpass Noctis of Eos if given the chance. Moreso than the magical giants like Myrddin who came before him, Harry Potter has the greatest success to succeed as my champion. But ours will not be a partnership of equals. He will be as much our King as he will be of Magic."

Ifirit frowned disapprovingly. "You intend to make us subservient to mortals. To be nothing more than servants to their whims."

"Kupo!" the Moogle argued.

"Kupo has a point," Bahamut agreed. "They couldn't do any worse than we did when we were worshipped by them as Gods and we treated them as our servants."

"I intend for Eidolons and Mortals to be partners. Equal in all ways," Eldest interjected. "The only one of us to be bound in subservience will be me and ONLY to King Harry. However, he must be strong enough to bind me. Just as I am the most powerful Eidolon to have ever existed, he must be the strongest Mortal in magic and character to be worthy of binding me."

Bahamut giggled in amusement. "Kinky."

Eldest leveled Bahamut with an unamused glare. Her current form was influenced by Luna- the image Luna associated with her Aspect. Something Bahamut was all too aware of, as Eldest's true form held no actual concept of gender.

"Mummy, what did she mean by that?" Luna asked Eldest in a completely innocent and unassuming manner.

Despite not actually being Luna's mother, Eldest held a certain fondness for Luna. A fondness that intensified whenever Eldest took on Luna's mother's form. "I'll tell you when you're older."

Luna closed her eyes and Eldest had to admit, if only to herself, that the child looked absolutely adorable with her face scrunched up in concentration, right up until Luna jumped from being six years old to her actual thirteen years of age. "Will you tell me now, Mummy?"

Eldest leveled Luna with a glare that could only be described as maternal. "No."

"But..." Luna began to protest.

Bahamut got a playful look on her face. "I could..."

"Kupo!" Kupo admonished the Draconic Eidolon, who looked completely unashamed.

"Why not have the Oracle handle this one," Shiva suggested.

Luna frowned. "But I still don't know who she will be. You've refused to tell me."

"You will know, as will Harry, once the time comes," Eldest assured the teenage girl.

Luna pouted cutely. "Why can't you just tell me?"

"You know why, Moonbeam," Eldest replied.

"Even if we wanted to, such matters are not for us to interfere," Ifirit chided her sternly.

Luna frowned. Of all the Eidolons she'd met, Ifirit was her least favorite. His stern, humorless demeanor clashed with her free spirited nature.

"Kupo..." Kupo stated with a frown directed at the bestial Eidolon.

Ifirit merely scoffed at the Moogle. "Coddling her does her no favors."

"Ignore him, Lu. He's grumpy when he hasn't eaten recently," Bahamut said conspiratorily to Luna, though she made no effort to hide what she was saying about the lionine Eidolon. Luna generally liked Bahamut. She was like the bad influence Aunt that every girl was supposed to have. At least according to Bahamut. Actually, Bahamut said she was the "fun" Aunt, but Kupo had said that she was a bad influence. Still, Bahamut was fun, even if her mother- who wasn't really her mother, but looked like her- seemed to generally disapprove of the Dragon Knight.

Ifirit's eyes narrowed. "I don't eat."

"Thus, why he's always grumpy," Bahamut replied, as if she was inparting wisdom of the ages upon Luna, who was by far her most favorite human she's ever interacted with.

Ifirit growled at Bahamut, his mane glowing more brightly, his eyes turning more red than yellow.

Kupo sighed in exasperation. "Kupo..."