The last airbender


Well-Known Member
I wonder just how much control M Night had over this thing, considering that his last two movies flopped. Cause if the studio says you got to make it 3-D and 100 minuets long, what are you going to do? either way he will take the blame for it film's failure. The only way he might redeem himself is if they release a 2 hour + Director's Cut around Christmas.

But this is the problem with adaptations, you have a property that fans love, and you have a studio that wants to milk it for every dollar it can, and often they don't care who they piss off to do it... Its the main reason they have been shoving 3D down our throats.


Well-Known Member
InternetLOL said:
Is that... is that Zhao? :huh:

You're saying that Zhao (or whoever that is) is the shining highlight of the movie.... :wacko:


Well-Known Member
biigoh said:
Is that... is that Zhao?á :huh:

You're saying that Zhao (or whoever that is) is the shining highlight of the movie....á :wacko:
That's Zhao. Zhao is the shining highlight of the movie, yes.

He's played by Aasif Mandvi (from The Daily Show), which is part of what made him awesome - you've got a very sarcastic guy playing a cartoonish villain, and doing it as straight and sincere as you could ask. It's great, pretty much the only good thing in the entire movie.

He's even got a cloak with a ruffle of raven feathers for a collar.


Well-Known Member
To be fair to M. Night, this disappointment may not be his fault.

His first three movies showed that he did have talent and skill in his profession. Even if he then lost his head up his ass in his next three films.

That may be what cost him this time. Whatever clout he had must have disappeared by the time he accepted this project. Why else would there be four other producer credits (none the original creators), but that he needed them? Or at least couldn't afford to reject them.

And then the studio is Paramount.

Assuming M. Night knew that any hope of future work (never mind pull) required a successful picture this time, I got the feeling that there were a few too many cooks doing the stirring.

The story goes that M. Night was turned on to this by his daughter. I'm surprised that he didn't take the film and have his daughter preview it. She might have been able to warn him. Or maybe he did but was helpless to fix it.

Or maybe I'm too willing to give the benefit of a doubt and it is his fault.


Well-Known Member
Ahem. The following is a brief rant. Please excuse the opinionated, rude suggestions of Grant.

Hollywood seems to be going through a VERY strange phase right now where they take popular franchises and rewrite them so drastically that they can't even be considered the same franchise. The Chun-li movie, Dragonball Evolution, Prince of Persia, Doom etc. At least the Catwoman movie has the excuse that it wasn't originally intended as a Catwoman movie. I don't know who the hell decides to do this, I don't know why they think it would go well and frankly I don't care. All I know is, it sucks.

And what the hell is wrong with the casting!? Dragonball at least had the (pathetic) excuse that Goku was originally an alien. Where does Avatar get off turning Inuits into Caucasians? Hollywood is post-racial all right, as long as you're a hot Asian or a tough African.

The rant has now ended, we return you to the comment.

I wasn't expecting much. Boy did I not get it. No Toph. The ruin of Iroh. The aforementioned racial issues. And the choice of Shyamalan. He has made good movies in the past. He did The Sixth Sense. He did Signs (I hated it but I recognize that in general it was a good movie). But later movies have clearly shown that he wasn't the best choice.

The movie might be good when you just want some action sequences, but for that I direct you to Terminator and Transformers.


Well-Known Member
Uh, grant, while I didn't see (and I am glad i didn't), Toph didn't show up until book 2. Besides, what would she have bended had she been there?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of plotholes, how in the hell are we supposed to accept the 100 years of war if out of all the firebenders seen in the movie, only 2 have the ability to produce their own fire (well, 4 assuming Ozai and Azula can as well). WTF? Were all the other benders nerfed as well?


Well-Known Member
Seed00 said:
Uh, grant, while I didn't see (and I am glad i didn't), Toph didn't show up until book 2. Besides, what would she have bended had she been there?
I was hoping for a cameo or something at the end, not Ozai talking about a comet in three years. I didn't really mind Ozai, but if they're going to depower Katara and remove the Kyoshi warriors then I was at least hoping for Toph.


Well-Known Member
I was going to go see this this weekend. Thank you, TFF, for sparing me the pain.


Well-Known Member
Just do what 8/10s of the population is going to do in about six months, dl it and watch with a mixture of laughter and screams.
My mom announced this morning she wanted to take everyone to see it. I convinced her to just buy Book 1 of the series instead.

Great success!


Well-Known Member
Few complaints.

As for the aforementioned Chun-li movie, HOW THE FUCK HARD IS IT TO FIND A CHINESE ACTRESS WITH KUNGFU EXPERIENCE?!?!?!?!? No, HAD to pick a caucasian.

PoP: SoT wasn't bad. It was nothing like the source material, but it wasn't BAD. There were bad parts, and then there were excellent parts.

TLA was terrible. So many things made no sense at all (most of these have already been mentioned) but the one that REALLY threw me was when the NARRATOR cuts in, and spends the better part of 5 minutes TELLING the viewers what's been happening FOR WEEKS after the whole group reaches the Northern Water City (whatever the name is. I like ATLA, but I've only seen a few episodes so the names escape me).
TELLING! That's for kids movies, and barely then. SHOWING is what film and artistry are about. The audience is supposed to grasp what they are seeing, not accept what they are being told.
I don't know who's in charge in Hollywood lately, but they have been going crazy. Everything should be turned over to Pixar. Every single film they've made has been a blockbuster, and most were actually pretty good even for adults.


Well-Known Member
Remember the end of "The Ember Island Players," when all of the characters were saying how bad the play was, except for the effects?

Do you think they were trying to tell us something?

Wavy Crockett

Well-Known Member
Sooo, did anyone noticed that the narrator (Katara) introduced Aang through narration before Aang actually introduced himself at the Southern Air Temple?

Yeah, the writing's shit.
WhiteKnightLeo said:
Everything should be turned over to Pixar.
I will murder you and eat your heart.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
Remember the end of "The Ember Island Players," when all of the characters were saying how bad the play was, except for the effects?

Do you think they were trying to tell us something?
Oh god...........the makers of Avatar predicted this..........and made a PARODY about it BEFOREHAND! God fucking bless them.


Well-Known Member

I think the girl playing Azula is hotter than the girl playing Katara. Cute though. barely.