The Last Son of Tomorrow


Well-Known Member
MTing said:
Man, Batman is gonna have a field day with what Terry just revealed. When Superman tells Batman that Terry, the unknown, knows League secret identities, Terry's probably not going to be able to Batsuit up for quite some time.
I wonder if Batman's going to suggest to Ollie to shave his beard off, and wear a fake beard as a part of his costume.
nick012000 said:
MTing said:
Man, Batman is gonna have a field day with what Terry just revealed. When Superman tells Batman that Terry, the unknown, knows League secret identities, Terry's probably not going to be able to Batsuit up for quite some time.
I wonder if Batman's going to suggest to Ollie to shave his beard off, and wear a fake beard as a part of his costume.
Only if he wears on too.
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
nick012000 said:
MTing said:
Man, Batman is gonna have a field day with what Terry just revealed. When Superman tells Batman that Terry, the unknown, knows League secret identities, Terry's probably not going to be able to Batsuit up for quite some time.
I wonder if Batman's going to suggest to Ollie to shave his beard off, and wear a fake beard as a part of his costume.
Only if he wears on too.
For some reason, I can't help but laugh when I picture everybody with a fake beard.


Well-Known Member
How many others are watching Terry and what he does?

I mean, Lex must want to Kidnap him so badly.

I would not be surprised if Al' Ghul with his League of Shadows does not show up again.

Using Viruses to do his work for him would be tempting.

How many Government Agencies must want him to hand over everything, The "Your country Needs You, Work for Us." bit.


Well-Known Member
Logically, wouldn't Superman be harder to pin down? I mean, one day Superman just appeared in Metropolis. Anyone would assume that Superman must live in Metropolis since he spends so much time there. But Lex Luthor, as a smart person, would over think things. Does Superman actually live here or does he just fly in to misdirect people? He's been shown to be able to fly quite fast.

A wrong assumption would be that Superman just found Earth as an adult and decided to look after it kinda like Martian Manhunter.

:eek:t: How come there's never any groups that go after heroes for child endangerment? Kid Flash, Robin and Speedy were all 12 years old when they started.


Well-Known Member
I think the brains of a lot of people are going to be hurting from working too hard.


Well-Known Member
“The top secret, heavily guarded facility that’s illegally studying superpowers by experimenting on people. And what you did.” Superman said, some heat coming back into his voice.

“Ah, yes; it’s all coming back to me now.” Terry said, faking a revelation. “At some point, I’ll need to build some way to defend any civilian parties that shall go unnamed from the revenge of upset villains, but there wasn’t time and since I couldn’t be sure how much Luthor knows or doesn’t know, I didn’t want to risk it if I don’t have to and decided to handle the operation independently in a way that couldn’t be traced back to you. But since I also needed to break into a facility with a lot of unknowns and secrets, as well as save and transport anyone found inside, I needed either a superhero or a swat team—and since I wanted to keep things quiet so no one would have any time to fudge with the evidence, move it somewhere else, or worse, dispose of it, I mainly needed the superhero.”

“Bring us back to the problem of what Luthor might know,” Superman guessed.

“Exactly. The ideal choice was, of course, a hero Luthor wouldn’t know about, but as all heroes inevitably gain reputations and enemies, people like that are probably pretty hard to find, especially given how large we can probably assume Luthor’s information network is—and, unfortunately, I didn’t exactly have time to scour the globe when innocent people could be suffering or even dying. So I just fell back on my usual strategy of ‘If it doesn’t exist and it should, then make one.’”

Superman closed his eyes for a moment and Terry could tell by his expression that he was putting a truly Herculean effort into not sighing and putting his face in his hands.

“You built a superhero, Terry?” He asked a moment later, opening his eyes again, his voice a mixture of exhaustion, muted disbelief, and resignation.

“It was the only way,” Terry said seriously.

“I somehow doubt that…”

“It was the way that provided me with the greatest amount of amusement,” He rectified.

“Now that I believe,” Superman nodded. “So…you built a cyborg, then?”

“Please. She’s so much more than that. Behold the Mother Box!” He told his friend as he took out his longtime companion and held her up for him to see. A moment later, Mother Box greeted the Kryptonian with an bored, beeping greeting.

Superman tilted his head slowly to one side.

“It looks like a really weird remote,” He noted and Mother Box proceeded to tell him what he could go do with a remote in a language he didn’t understand.

“You’ll make her upset if you keep insulting her like that, Superman,” Terry said, gently patting Mother Box. “She’s very, very advanced technology—probably alien technology, though I didn’t have time to ask when it was given too me.”

“Alien?” Superman said, suddenly interested.

“Not Kryptonian,” Terry shook his head. “I’m pretty much certain on that front, though I’m not completely sure who did create her. Well, rather, the answers she gave me mean nothing to me. Have you ever heard of the ‘New Gods?’”

“New Gods…? Wonder Woman has told me enough about her Gods to make me believe they probably exist—or, at least, existed at some point—but I’ve never heard of any New Gods, much less ones from other planets. Is it just a boast or do you think they really are gods?”

It probably said something about both of their lifestyles that when they heard about a group claiming to be deities, the first thing they did was discuss whether they were truly gods or not, Terry noted.

“I wouldn’t know, but if there’s one thing I can say for sure, it’s that Mother Box is advanced enough that anyone who could build her could probably could probably make most planets worship him as a deity, if nothing else. She’s more than a machine, Supes. If the Gods made I-pods that were alive? Way beyond that. Even I’m not certain about the extent of what she can do.”

That, at least, wasn’t a lie. Hell, even amongst the New Gods he’d met, to whom they were much common and taken for granted, no one had truly understood the Mother Boxes, not even their own maker Himon.

“We’re getting off-topic,” Superman said, shaking himself. “You said you made a Superhero, and…well, no offence to Mother Box, but she seems to lack any limbs or means of propulsion.”

“Well, rather than build, a more accurate way of putting it would be that I put all the pieces together. As you said, Mother Box lacks a body that can move on its own—so I built her one. I’m not sure why no one else thought to do that before, but I suppose that if there were a bunch of Mother Boxes acting on their own, they’d probably be running the place by now.”

“And knowing that, you built her body anyway.”

“Eh, there’s nothing to worry about. You’re not going to take over the world are you, Mother Box?”

She beeped.

“Well, there you go.”

Superman frown at them.

“She said it would be too easy to take over the world through me, so there’s just no point.” Terry translated.

Superman continued to frown.

“And I made sure everything was safe and am sure of her loyalties,” He added, sighing. “She was just joking; I’m not stupid enough to give an alien supercomputer a highly advanced cybernetic body if I wasn’t sure it was safe, Supes.”

“Okay,” Superman said, letting that slide. “I really want to ask where you got an alien supercomputer, but we’re still off-topic, so you’ll have to tell me later. You built the alien supercomputer a highly advanced cybernetic body—“

He paused for a moment to close his eyes and mutter something before continuing, making Terry smile.

“Who I’m guessing you then sent to infiltrate the Prometheus Institute. Then what happened?”


Well-Known Member
Glad to see you updating this!

Terry's really laying all his cards on the table huh? Or at least that's what it looks like...

Really gotta reread the whole thing to catch up on this story.

Anyways, awesome snippet!