Harry Potter The legend of Harry Potter ReRwrite!


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Important speech
**** Scene change ****
/*/*/ Time Jump /*/*/
Chapter 01
The start of a legend...
June 30 1987
Harry Potter, seven year olds is slowly swinging on the playfield a few blocks from his home. NO, he thought to himself: NOT home, its hell! I absolutely loathe those people. They werenÆt even family he thought matter-of-factly. How had he discovered this little fact? Harry had been very frustrated at the time, and as by magic, the door of his cupboard had clicked open. He didnÆt know how he had done it, but he didnÆt really care at the time. Not ignoring a gift, he left his sorry excuse for a bedroom and slowly stalked to the kitchen door. Vernon and petunia had to be discussing something important, normally they wouldnÆt lock the door.

The conversation he heard would change his life forever!
I HATE doing this Vernon. You know as well as I do that what we are doing is wrong, why canÆt you see that? She continued talking: even though Harry is like them that doesnÆt excuse it, ignore the boy yes, let him work yes, make sure he knows his place yes, but we are taking it too far.

SHUT UP WOMAN! I will not allow you to go easy on the boy. We will do what we were paid for. When he finally reaches the age of eleven in a few years, he will be out of our hair for ten months a year. As long as we do it so that he will trust my old man, then we have done our job.

We will keep treating them like we are doing, and with a bit luck, the blocks my old man put on them will be reinforced by our treatment. And when he finally does what he is meant to do, we will be rid of him for good. What about his twin?
Petunia, I donÆt know what is gotten in to you, but why are you crawling back? You know what we will receive if we manage to do this!
And before I forget: DO NOT MENTION HIS TWIN. If he ever discovers that the other boy is his twin brother, we can be in for a lot of trouble. We have corrupted the boy enough for them to hate each other. Besides, as long as that boy entitled as our son, we can do what we want. The brat is spoiled as hell, and when spoiled brat meets real world, he will be crushed, hopefully very painfully. Now cÆmon, IÆm in for a good <censored>. I want another kid, and this time one of our own.
End FlashBack

Harry had quickly retreated to his cupboard and had over thought what he had heard them saying. He was MAGICAL? Dudley was the ONLY one related to him? Not only that, but Dudley was his TWIN brother? That would make a lot of sense. He had noticed he sometimes knew what Dudley would say. Maybe it was like twin speak he had seen on TV? Dudley was being manipulated by Vernon to be crushed in the cruellest way imaginableà The part where he was magical didnÆt surprise him.
After all, he had discovered a long time ago that he could manipulate the length and colour of his hair. He could change the colour of his eyes, and all kinds of cool stuff.

He could even make his eyes flash a scary red. Now THAT was cool.

Harry didnÆt know what to do. One week had passed already, and he had been thinking about it ever since. A plan started to form in his mind, which would get rid of those adults. There was only one unknown element in said plan: his unknowingly twin brother: Dudley. Dudley Potter. Yes, it sounded just right.

He decided to a typical: wait and see tactic. Maybe he could drop a few subtitle hints? Then again, Dudley had never showed much intelligence. And then there was the fact that Dudley and Harry had been ignoring each other forà months. Now that Harry thought about it, when did Dudley leave him alone? Harry did decide to try and experiment with his magic. He wanted to control his hair and other features on mere thought.
He even æborrowedÆ a few comic books from Dudley to get a few ideas.

Starting that day, the beginning of a legend would start to unfold.

31 July 1987
One month had passed since the day he had started to practice his magic. Nothing had changed, and the Dursleys had once again ignored his birthday. Dudley confused him. The guy only bothered him when Vernon and petunia were there. Harry didnÆt bother to call them aunt or uncle in his thoughts, even though he had to call them that out loud.

Harry had worked on his plan for a full month. Every free moment he ordered his thoughts and thought on his plan, to see it from an outsider position. He thought it was good already, but it wasnÆt perfect, and it still had many big flaws, some he couldnÆt fix because of his age, others he simply couldnÆt because he didnÆt have the resources. Harry was waiting for Dudley to act. The fact that his behavior had changed said enough to give the guy a change.
Harry figured that Dudley must have figured ûsomething- out. He smiled gently at the thought.

If Harry had to admit something good, it was his cooking skills. He had a talent for it. That was something both his Aunt and Uncle err I mean Petunia and Vernon agreed upon.

Finally, just when he would call that dinner was ready; Dudley entered the kitchen and said very quietly: happy birthday Harry. We need to talk soon and very quickly.
Then he turned around and did as he had said nothing, demanding more food more quickly. Harry had panicked for a moment, they couldnÆt know about his plans could they? He hadnÆt put it down on paper; he had his plan in his mind. Protected by a few nasty traps he had thought of after reading a few comic books. No. there was no way in hell they could know about it. He had been careful not to act any differently or more confident.

Finally, five days later Harry was once again swinging at his favorite spot when Dudley came to him. Harry stopped swinging and said: we should go behind those trees so we are more hidden from view. I agree was all what Dudley replied.

With Dudley behind large trees on the playground
Harry looked at the person that had tormented him for as long as he could remember. Then something changed in Dudley. He seemed to ægrowÆ smarter. His eyes got a greener colour, and his hair seemed to get a bit out of control.

Dudley was watching the feelings play by in Harry's face. Harry watched Dudley as he watched him with calm eyes, shining with intelligence he never had thought possible.
Oi, isnÆt that a little hard on little old me?
Harry snapped out of his thoughts and stared at him. How did he- know what I was thinking Dudley finished with a grin? Argh muttered Harry; you have been watching too much anime, especially Naruto. OY Naruto is good, donÆt offend Naruto-sama. He gave an amused smirk after that. Harry raised his eyebrows and thought silently: it has finally happened, Dudley has gone mad. And then: oh no they are going to blame me! What am I going to do? While Harry was panicking Dudley was watching again in silence wondering if he had broken him.

Harry pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and decided to get straight to the point. Harry took a deep breath and pulled his mask that he used when he was with Vernon and petunia and asked: what was the reason you wanted to talk to me? I see then said Dudley; straight to the point is it now? He stated this more then asked so Harry kept quiet.

Okay then, there are in fact several things we need to discuss. And IÆm not planning on leaving here, until we discussed said problems. Firstly and most importantly I have been fooling you for two years. Two years ago was the first time I actually realised that the way Vernon and petunia were treating you was wrong. So I asked questions, a question here, a question there. Let me tell you that a five year old, isnÆt taken serious even when said five year old asks serious questions.

As I was saying said Dudley staring at Harry while he was talking to make sure he listened: I asked questions. And when I was done I decided that your treatment wasnÆt normal. Since then I have been gathering evidence against Petunia and Vernon. You noticed I called them not mum and dad? ThatÆs because I discovered they arenÆt my parents. I knew that offered Harry with a grin. I overheard them talking a good month ago, what I heard, IÆm sure you not even know.
Harry smirked and continued: did I mention that we are twins? He asked this on the most causal voice he could manage and it took Dudley ten seconds to catch and process it, and to choke out a shocked: WHAT? After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, Dudley asked: does this mean we get to do that twin speech thing from TV?

Harry looked at him, blinked, and promptly started to laugh his ass off.
It didnÆt take long for Dudley to start laughing as well.
The tension that was there seconds ago, had completely vanished. Banned; like it was never there.

Damnit Dudley, Harry said you can be funny at times. But seriously, now: are we okay with each other? But let me tell you what I heard exactly, and what I made of it. Alright, the first thing I think is important; is the fact that Petunia had doubts in their treatment against me. However, she gave up in the end, but the fact that she did try makes here somewhat good in my book.
Harry, are you crazy? The way she treats you isnÆt right, not by a long shot. The fact that she had doubts is probably because we are getting older and smarter. No, I donÆt think she deserves any mercy at all.

The next point continued Harry is the fact they were paid for something. I donÆt know if they still get money, or if it was a single payment. Dudley didnÆt have any comment other then: when we figure out a plan, we should try and get a secret stash of money.

They made a few referrals to an old man. I suspect that this old man is Vernon's dad.

Finally, Harry said the final two points. Because of the treatment, they are hoping we will reinforce our æcoresÆ. I suspect they meant the source of our magic; and last but not least, and this time Harry grinned a smile that would do voldemort proud: revenge.

This time Dudley gave his full attention. I am trying to think of a way to see if we can get rid of those blocks butà
Well, said Dudley slowly, I read several fanfictions in where Naruto mediates to talk to the Kyuubi. Maybe we can try the same? It does make a bit sense after all. Oi do you think we can do the same attacks from Naruto? Harry shrugged and said: we can try, but remember that that is just fiction.

I know muttered Dudley, I know!
And the final issue: REVENGE! You said you have been gathering evidence?
This time it was Dudley's turn to shrug and reply: Yhea, but its nothing heart breaking, only things like you get nothing for your birthday, or the fact you sleep in a cupboard, stuff like that. Speaking of that, when we get home you will get my spare room.

Harry blinked and slowly said: erh why? Dudley grinned and said: that room gets messed up every time IÆm done with it. So you can clean it up every time IÆm done. Harry grinned; do you think that will work? I donÆt know, but it better will.

It doesnÆt matter said Harry. Because of the things we know now, IÆm planning to change our lives for the better. OUR lives Dudley asked? Even though I made your life hell you still forgive me? I thought that not even the fact we are twins would made you forgive meà
It wasnÆt your fault Dudley. You didnÆt know, and neither did I know, so no harm was done.

That reminds me said Dudley, I discovered something cool a few months ago. It is a network of tunnels underground. And it seemingly abandoned for years!
We could see if we can clean it up and figure out a way to transport some supplies to them. Did you explore it already so far? Dudley shook his head and said: no I havenÆt done that yet. That place gives me the creeps to tell you the truth. Harry nodded and said: you need to use your special status with Petunia and Vernon to get some books. Be careful not to let them realize your up to something though.

Dudley nodded and then asked: what is the plan? Harry smiled and said: before we do ANYTHING we have to prepare very carefully. You will be an incredible help, but for now I keep the biggest part of my plans to myself. My plan isnÆt perfect by a long shot, and when I feel itÆs good enough that itÆs the basis, IÆll share it with you. This is what I can tell you though: we need to gather a lot of money, thatÆs the first and most important thing I can think of for the moment.

After that we can start buying supplies and transport them to those tunnels IF they are safe. Another aspect is that we both need to figure out a way to practise our magic, and see what we can against that block.

Then Harry became the child he was and whined: I wonder why we donÆt look a like though; it would be a great way to confuse them! Dudley just chuckled and said: Not every twin looks like each other Harry. DonÆt you think itÆs likely that this block has something to do with it? Dudley seemed to think this over and then said: you may have a point, but we canÆt do anything about it at this point. And even then, IÆm much fatter then you, not that IÆm planning to stay like this. IÆm going to ask our sport teacher if I can do some extra safe training to lose some fat, before I look like a buffalo like that man!

We need to change the way we treat each other. We can probably manage it in a year or so. Then we can just drop the act and be done with it.

June 25 1990
Three years had passed since that day, and since then they had done quit a bit to prepare their revenge. It took them the full three years to completely trust each other.

First six months
It took six months to slowly change the way they treated each other with Vernon and Petunia. On top of that, they visited those tunnels as often as they could to explore them. It took them six months to completely explore them, and come to the conclusion the base was quit old, and was some short of space ship. They would use the next six months to focus on cleaning the tunnels, or at least those they used.

One year later
Harry and Dudley were very content. Now that they had finished the most important things like exploring and cleaning up the tunnels and making sure Vernon and Petunia were used of them treating the other like a friend, they could focus on the next issue. The blocks that were present on their core.

They tried to meditate, and it worked like a charm. It still took them both six months before they managed to stay in the trance, but they managed.
Dudley wanted to help Dudley getting rid of the block, so when Harry was in his trance, Dudley simply tried to enter in a trance but with Harry.
He didnÆt know that what he had just done was supposedly impossible.

When Harry along with Dudley materialized in the hearth of his core, Harry was surprised to say the least! So you finally managed it he yelled happily! Dudley nodded and said: letÆs get to work.

Harry and Dudley focused on the core, and they realized that the core existed of two parts, a clone of Dudley, and a clone of Harry.
They examined the chains that held them down and finally, they discovered two chains that were the main ones. If they got rid of those specific chains then the rest should vanish in time. How they knew that, neither boy knew, they just knew it.

Lets get to it said Harry. Dudley simply nodded, and they both started to focus on the chains, trying to weaken it, to make it release the hold on the core. After what seemed like hours, (in reality only thirty minutes) both chains broke, and Dudley and Harry were ejected from were they were.
Both boys opened their eyes simultaneously and promptly fell asleep.

After they got rid of the cores, both Dudley and Harry felt a lot better. Not only that, but their appearance started to change a lot. After six months, they looked much more alike, but thanks to the skill of Harry, he could change his appearance to make sure they didnÆt look alike when they were with Petunia and Vernon. It would be too risky for that yet.

Two years later
Dudley had kept his promise, two years had passed, and he had indeed lost quit a bit of weight. He had spent every piece of free time he had left working out to lose some weight. And after two years, you could see the result. However, Dudley wasnÆt the only one that had gained the benefits of that. Harry also had gained quit a bit of muscles, and now that he ate enough, he wasnÆt as thin either.
They sparred quit a bit with each other, and they both loved every second of it!

It took the third and final year, for them master the use of their magic.
They still need quit a bit of work, but they could control it and use it at will. Harry could summon things out of thin air. Which he called conjuring; it was a word he found in a RPG game. He could manipulate things, make them sharper, make them bigger, transform them into something else if he really concentrated.

Dudley on the other hand found that he could copy things and they would not vanish after a few hours. For example, he tried copying a note of money, and see if it would disappear. It wouldnÆt. After a week time it still was there.
Over the three years, Harry made several phone calls to make preparations to complete their revenge, such as informing certain offices to keep an eye out andà well, too much detail to write out anyway.

By the time the third year started, they both had climbed to the best in class. Both Dudley and Harry had become quit popular, and younger and older students alike came to them when it came to something they didnÆt understand. Harry and Dudley worked very hard to get those results, and neither was willing to use a magical tool, to fake their results. They felt that, if they couldnÆt get results the normal way it just wasnÆt right.

If you would ask what their subject would be, then Harry would say he wasnÆt particular bad in anything specific. But if he HAD to answer, then it definitely was making spells of his own creation and transfiguration.

Dudley on the other hand, was quit talented in fixing things. Whatever he got his hands on, was fixed sooner or later, and usually a bit improved as well.

Potter HQ
The next day, they were back in Potter HQ as they privately called it, Harry promptly explained his plans to Dudley and he asked him to try and enter his mind, but warned him to back off if he was hurt. When Dudley inquired of the why of it, Harry explained that he figured out a way to set up some defenses, and Dudley agreed to test it out. Before Dudley could enter his mind Harry said: when you encounter my defenses, they wonÆt attack you. I will materialize with you, but I wonÆt say anything. I will tell you what they do, and maybe give an example. You tell me then how you would break the defense, and if it is successful, I let you trough to the next. I have to warn you though, that if you feel odd, then get the hell out.

Dudley nodded his agreement.

Dudley materialized in a white room. It had more then twenty doors. Twenty doors, alike to each detail.
Dudley just said: I would just open a door I guess he stated.
Hm... Well, this tactic is more a distraction then anything else, there is only one good door, and the rest are fake.
The door to your left; is the right one. Normally, if it is an unwanted attacker, the doors keep switching. So an attacker couldnÆt open all doors really quickly.
What about brute force Dudley asked?
What if I tried a multiple attack spell? Five doors a spell or so, would they repair themselves?
Try it.
Dudley nodded and concentrated. His hands started to glow in a white colour.
Blazing freezing hell! A strong white beam erupted from Dudley's hand and hit five doors.
Each door was frozen solid.
Dudley tried to open a different door, but the frozen doors didnÆt change.
Hm, you might have a good point, but if the attacker froze the right door?
Dudley shrugged and tried a different approach. This was one of his more powerful attacks.
Dudley what are you doing?
I am going to try to blast my way trough the walls.
Harry used every bit of mental strength he had, to kick Dudley out none too friendly. Harry was angry, he had warned Dudley to be careful, and such a brutal attack would hurt them both. Or so he thought. he didnÆt want to risk it though.

WHAT THE HELL DID YOU KICK ME OUT FOR Dudley roared? You said you wanted me to try out your defenses. So a brutal attack would do the trick!
Dudley paused.
Maybe that wasnÆt such a good idea?
He paused again.
Okay, please tell me why I did that?

Harry blinked, and blinked.
Still blinking, and blinking.
A long ten minutes later he finally said: one of my defenses is to confuse the attacker in making a wrong decision. I thought I had disabled it, but apparently it still affected you. IÆm sorry Dudley; I didnÆt think it would affect you like that.
Dudley shrugged and said: hey, you DID warn me right? No harm done.
I suggest you tell me your defenses first before-
I wonÆt tell it, you have to see it.
I will make sure I disable it the next time. And if you are going to do something odd, I will kick you out again.

But for now, IÆll simply teach you how I did it. An important part is that you let your core guide you andà
Dudley and Harry practiced for the next few months, and while Harry managed to improve what he had, it didnÆt work for Dudley.

Two months before the end of third yearà
Maybe it doesnÆt work for you because you are using my strategy?
Ignore my own strategy and figure out your own. What is for you the best way to stop any attack? Remember, your mind, is your world. You are god in your mind. Whatever defense you figure out is yours, since you can control everything.

When two weeks later, Dudley still had problems; Harry finally got fed up and said: I think I should visit your core again. Maybe those nasty chains havenÆt vanished yet? If they havenÆt, then we have the cause of your problems.

Dudley hesitated, what about the few defenses I managed to put up? IÆm not even sure I can turn them off? Then I just have to take that change, Harry stated. If it gets to dangerous, you can kick me out like we practices earlier. Dudley finally agreed, but not before warning him of the few defenses he had managed to put up.

Harry was surprised to say the least; Dudley had gone for quantity instead of quality. There were dozens of all kind nasty looking creatures patrolling the æhall waysÆ of his mind.
Harry carefully manoeuvred trough them, making sure not to make a hostile move.

Finally, Harry reached Dudley's core. What he saw shocked him to the bone, his core was chained up.
Completely chained up. Harry noticed the old remains aside the core, but new shiny chains were still firmly in place.
Dudley can you hear me? Harry said out loud.
A shiny image of Dudley appeared and asked: whatÆs wrong?
DonÆt you see anything wrong with your core?
No, I donÆt see anything wrong. Except for the few remains of those chains, thatÆs all I see.
Your core is still tied up. The core has barely place to move. IÆm really surprised you could do magic at ALL. It shouldnÆt be possibleà
Wait a minute, does this mean it is the same for me?
Argh, it doesnÆt matter. IÆm going to see If I can get rid of it.
Make sure you control those beasts Dudley; I donÆt want to be attacked, while IÆm concentrating.
Roger that.
Harry concentrated, and used a spell, he had recently created.
Sabiru-kousen! (Rusty beam)

He pointed his fingers at the chain. His thumb, his point finger and middle finger on both hands. Six thick beams erupted from them and attacked the chains in a pattern that Harry mentally directed.

The chain resisted, and glowed in an attempt to survive the attack, but Harry wouldnÆt let go, and he increased the power of the beams even more.
Finally the chains gave away, and every chain started to rust really quickly. In a matter of seconds, the chains were so rusted, that a mere touch dissolved them into powder.

This time, Harry had a good change to observe how the core looked like. He hoped that this time, the chains were really gone.
He pointed his wise fingers and the few remains, and after that collected the powder, and banished it.

Harry looked back at the core, and was surprised to see not æoneÆ but two cores. Wait, how could Dudley have two cores? He doesnÆt have two cores Harry. We are one core, but we represent the two people he trusts the most. The first is you, and the second is himself. It is usual an animal, that we represent, but that can still change. There isnÆt really a limit in how much æpiecesÆ we can be so to speak. But we still are one core.

We can help Dudley to get his mind safe, just let us help him and try to enter his mind in a few weeks. I think its time now to leave and to observe your own core when you are fully rested.

What happened after that; was difficult to put in words. As soon as Harry opened his eyes, he realized that the entire room was going crazy. And that they would have to clean up that mess when they woke up.

Dudley fainted, and Harry brought him to one of the bedrooms they had managed to make and fell asleep before he realized it. It was two days later that both boys woke up.

Part 02
Plan Of revenge; INITIATE!!!
Ironically, or not the time both boys fainted from exhaustion was only a week away from their birthday. And their plan was supposed to start on the day they became ten years old. Both boys hadnÆt been æhomeÆ for more then three days, and neither was planning to be home anyway. LetÆs see how long it would take for them to report both disappearances!
When the boys finally had recovered enough, they prepared to discuss what happened exactly.
And? What was wrong with it? Dudley finally asked.
The chains were somehow restored to full strength. I am REALLY surprised you could do magic at ALL. I used one of my new spells, and got rid of the chains completely. Once you are feeling healthy enough again, you need to check my own core too.

Lets see if I can do magic better this time Dudley promptly suggested? ThatÆs fine with me, but you better keep it something basic. You have a lot more power now. Remember that little fact. Dudley thought for a moment before he knew what to do. He walked to a part of the wall and focused. Change! The wall started to shift and in its place was a video screen. Step one complete muttered Dudley silently, he again focused and said again: change! The entrance of their hiding place was nicely hidden. And just above the entrance a small camera shifted and a moment later the video screen showed what the video was monitoring. Is THAT something small asked Harry?
Dudley blinked and then grinned sheepishly. IÆm sorry, but I just had a need to do what I just did. Something told me what to do, IÆm not sure why. Harry sighed and said: well we now know that you are at least powerful enough to create a security network that way.
What about our revenge did you finish the last steps? Harry nodded and said: I did that a few hours ago. I woke up before you did, and after I came back, I was really tired again. So the second time we woke up together. I got all the supplies needed, the only thing we need to do now is wait.

The Day of Judgment Has Arrived!
A random post office:
Oy john! We have a Top-Priority level 1 letter for the Scotland Yard department.
John looked up and accepted the package. It was a discrete package with a short note on top of it:

=Start Note=
For those that it might concern: send it to the closest police office. We might not be alive to see the result, but we can at least try to punish our captors.
=End Note=

It was so short and to the point that the people of the post office couldnÆt help but realize it was not a joke.
OY john, get your but moving to Scotland Yard! John nodded and accepted the package. Once he was seated in his post-mobile as he personally called it. (But never out loud, he didnÆt want to be sued because of name-rip-off or whatever)
He took something out of his pocket and muttered a silent word: analysis. The results were what john made to shift the car in high gear and go to the Scotland Yard with risk that he was given a high fine. He didnÆt care though; he now knew that this package was authentic.
--Scotland Yard Head-Quarters London--
One hour later he entered the police station, and demanded to see the commissioner. John was a retired high ranked police officer, and he had captured enough of his own thugs in his career to make sure he had made a name for himself.

His current job had two parts. On one hand he was the post clerk that sent the more urgent post to its destination and on the other he was an unofficial cop that patrolled the neighbourhood and reported serious offences.

There was only one situation where he was allowed to contact the person that had his old job as high Commissioner. When John entered the office of his successor he was still deep in thought. He had a feeling that his retirement was about to be cancelled. The reason he was so good at his job was because he was a wizard. And a damned good one as well!
He had left that world years ago, and preferred to live in the modern muggle world instead.

He had left the magical world about ten years after he graduated. People called him of all people a risk of going dark. Urhg, If he wanted to use the so called dark magic, then he could, but he wouldnÆt unless in self defense.

He had left just after voldemort was defeated by Harry Potter.
The muggles had no idea of the situation, and had no idea how to react or what to do, so they needed at least one wizard on their side. And he volunteered himself to be said wizard.

John? John!? JOoOHN!? John snapped out of his thoughts and realized that Joe, his successor had finished his phone call. Joe was one of the few who knew about John his secret. Normally that wasnÆt allowed, but Joe was good at his job, and needed to know about JohnÆs secret.

John pushed the package towards Joe and said: this is an priority case evidence. Whatever is in this package, it is all true evidence.
Joe accepted the package, and said: it is best we do this according to procedure you know.

John hesitantly agreed and said: as long this is going to be processed right away I donÆt care. And before I forget: I have a feeling this is personal for me. How IÆm not sure yet, but my gut is telling me that I need to solve this case. Joe sighed and said: you do know that you are supposedly retired and thus have the status of civilian right?
John shrugged. There are two lives at stake. Lets not waste anymore time at useless discussions.

An hour later a team of specialists opened the package, to preserve any possible proof. As soon as it was open, two big bundles of photographs catched their eyes. It was obvious that the photos were done in secret.
The content on the photos was quit shocking. It showed a young boy sleeping in a CUPBOARD. And it was obvious this was a normal procedure. The date was from three years ago.
(The date is automatically printed on the backside of the photo)
Other photographs showed the same boy cleaning, cooking, doing the garden. Normally this wasnÆt abnormal, but in the photos it was obvious that he was forced to do so and that he was doing it a long time.
The earliest photo was the boy that seemed four years old, when according to the date, he should be six, meaning the boy had the appearance of a four year old boy!

Joe turned his eyes away and said: IÆm putting you on this case as you requested however do so in secret. I will support you any way I can, but remember I canÆt cover you for everything.
I know said John donÆt worry.

I have the impression they have the same gift as I have. And itÆs quit powerful as well. If my intuition is right then I donÆt think your police will find them. I suggest keeping this quiet by all means Joe. If this goes into the media à I donÆt want them to know about this. Joe nodded and both men exited the research-office-department and went into a secured door.

**** Potter HQ ****
Dudley and Harry were having the time of their lives. Dudley had put a small charm on the package, so they had heard everything that had been said in the office. Vernon and Petunia would finally get what they deserved. They only had to do the final piece on the cake. A potion that would force them to speak the truth. It wasnÆt an easy thing, but they both managed it. It was a more powerful version then the modern truth serum because it did not have an anti-dote. The truth serum would work for at least one year when you brewed it according to the old recipe. If you brewed it more powerful, it could work for decades. Harry and Dudley had decided they would brew it strong enough to last at least ten years. That would be punishment enough. Both boys finally went to take a nap with the recording charm on a piece of paper, so everything that would be said was written down.

**** Scotland Yard Office ****
John and Joe let out a sigh of relief. Joe had originally worked below John, and in their time they had developed a sign language. As soon as they had started their conversation, John had signed to Joe that it had a charm on it. Joe confirmed that he had understood, and he had followed johns lead. Once they had entered the research department, and had put his people to work they started their real conversation. What the bloody hell is going on John? John sighed and said: there is a listening charm on the package, but itÆs been spelled in a weird way. The spell is over everything but it isnÆt cast on every photo apart. I canÆt explain it. Joe raised his eyes on this. John had the best results at Hogwarts in a LONG time. John sighed and muttered more to himself then to Joe: and the weirdest part is that it has my signature on it. I canÆt explain it.

Joe blinked.
And blinked again,
It has YOUR signature on the package? How is that possible? John sighed and said: I have no clue. But I DO plan to find out.

Plan of revenge: Complete success!

Harry and Dudley were celebrating. Their revenge had been a complete and utter success. The arrest had been so devastating; authorities had received an extra ten million pounds to prevent any situation as Harry's.
The Dursleys had their five minute fame on TV even if that wasnÆt exactly what they wanted. Vernon and Petunia had been sent to one of the most secure prisons in Britain.

Dudley and Harry were assumed missing, and large search actions had been set up with no result. Harry and Dudley did feel bad, so they carefully sent a video message to the main research team.

They told them they were absolutely safe, and were taking care of themselves. They had plenty of experience in doing that. They testified about anything they thought was useful if the adult Dursleys tried to get out early. They told the authorities, they would allow the video to be published in the media, minus some personal facts, so the public could know about pathetic excuses for human beings as the Dursleys, and hopefully prevent something alike again.

They also cautioned the researchers there was an old man that had tried to convince his aunt and uncle to do what they did, and they expected him to be still alive under an alibi. Truthfully, they couldnÆt say that the old man was a wizard, since they would never believe that.

However, both Dudley and Harry knew there was a wizard police officer that worked with them, so they included a charmed video to make sure only the wizard-cop would find it. (Not an auror)

The second video explained more detailed about the old man, and the fact he tried to memory charm the Dursleys. Thankfully, the charms that both boys had left behind, did not tolerate such behavior, and the old man was forcefully removed from the property. To top it all, the old man didnÆt give up. In fact he tried again three times. Harry and Dudley heard him mutter something about blood wards. That made them research the term, which led them to the discovery that there was some sort of protection around the area of the Dursleys.

The protection was focused in protecting the adults. Why? Why was the protection based on the adults and not on them? They were used to activate the blood wards in the first place! The protection was a bit twisted. It did not matter if the members of the house hated or loved each other. As long as the adults were willing to accept the boys, the blood magic worked in full capacity.

While Harry and Dudley had been experimenting with magic, they had only read what they had been interested in. now, after the blood magic thing they started to really research the books at their disposal.

And it was like that, that Harry and Dudley discovered the place to buy their magical things: Diagon alley!!

The end of augustà
Both boys were sitting in their study room. Both were reading when Harry looked at Dudley and said: Dudley, I think we forgot something. Dudley looked up and simply asked: what? Our school work. We wonÆt be able to go to college if we havenÆt finished elementary school. Dudley hit himself on the head and said: dammit you are right! Maybe we could hire a private teacher? Yhea right replied Harry, and what for an adult do you think is willing to live underground, for a whole year for free? Just as he had finished that sentence the secondary alarm went off.
That meant someone either had discovered the entrance of the network, or they were very close to the entrance.

Both boys looked at the other in panic. Then they grinned. Yes you read it correctly, they grinned. And not a nice smile but a: the cat just at the canary smile or the: the cat is just about to eat the canary. Well, you get the picture.

With Dudley
Dudley ran as fast as his legs could carry him to the main security room.
The main security room was the hearth of the entire complex, and was the most fortified of them all. They had spent a lot of time concentrating on the defenses of their base. Both boys knew exactly what would happen if an intruder would force their way trough. First, a few nagging traps would slow them down. Then the traps grew more serious. And the moment they had entered about forty percent in the base, all traps would go to level two, which meant that all traps were more deadly.

The point was that Harry and Dudley thought that any uninvited intruder wouldnÆt get trough unharmed. The full defenses of the base were much more serious, but took quit a bit of power.

As far as Dudley and Harry could see, the crystal was still at seventy percent, but charging the entire base to full capacity took the crystal down a whole five percent.

Dudley hurried to the computer consoles, and started his own program he had written that he privately called: The Terminator Dudley version 1.0.

He chuckled every time he called it that. He shook his head and concentrated on his job. He activated the security cameras, and the first barriers to trap the intruder. Of course if the man was magical, then it wouldnÆt keep him for long, or that was Dudley's opinion. This was also a perfection opportunity to test their defenses. Dudley frowned. The man was just a few steps before the trap. Dudley couldnÆt lock down the main entrance because he hadnÆt been able to figure out a silent and quick way to do that. The stranger was saying something. Dudley cursed and activated his audio programs to hear what the guy was saying. Just as he activated the program, he heard the door slide open and Harry entered the room with a large supply of their weapons.

With Harry
Harry sprinted into the other direction and entered their weapon chamber.
They didnÆt have many weapons because neither felt comfortable in using guns.
They did buy a few pressure guns, they would be able to harm if fired, but wouldnÆt be lethal. Of course, if you shoot someone in the head with a bullet like that, it would be likely the victim would never wake up again. Harry was the one who had purchased a few guns of this type so they didnÆt have to waste time in reloading the guns. If this intruder was hostile, then they had to knock him out at the least. After that they would figure out what the guy wanted after he was secured. Harry now had loaded four handguns and two machine-guns that fired those bullets you see on a shoot stand.

Harry didnÆt want to have REAL weapons, these were enough. They had one real weapon, with live iron bullets. But Dudley and Harry had both agreed to NOT use it unless the intruder was a serial killer out for their blood. Said guns were their heavy weapons. They would use those if the intruder didnÆt want to talk. They had a few lighter weapons as well. Sling shots. Wellà improved, magical slingshots to be precise. This was something that Dudley was proud of. How Dudley had done it, he didnÆt know at first, but it appeared that the slingshot fired æstunÆ bullets. They didnÆt know how to explain it otherwise.

Harry snapped out of his thoughts and looked at his watch. Damn he had wasted five minutes; he had to go back to Dudley quickly! Harry put the weapons away and quickly locked the weapon room down and then hurried to the security room.
The door opened with a slide and after it closed again, he locked it down with their agreed codes. If the intruder would manage to break trough, then hopefully their concealed security room would be overlooked.

Harry looked at Dudley and noticed he had just activated their audio programs.
-I repeat myself: I know that you two have taken control of this base Harry and Dudley. I have no weapons. I will keep my hands in plain sight. How do I know this is a question you will be asking? I am not a native member of this reality/world. I am from a different world. Obviously IÆm no alien, IÆm human. But this base has a large part to do with it. I never thought that someone was able to enter it.
Should we answer asked Harry quietly? I think we should. Or at least get him to set a few more steps. If we can stun him with our slingshots, we can make sure he hasnÆt any devices on him. My scans arenÆt clear, and if I canÆt use my other equipment IÆm at a loss if he speaks the truth. The man was repeating his words again and just as he had finished Dudley activated their microphone.
Oy, you donÆt have to repeat yourself over and over again you know. We have heard you just fine. Just wait there and donÆt move a muscle, and when we have decided we let you know. Or better yet, if you follow the hallway there is a turn to the right. There is a seat of stone. Go there and make yourself comfortable.

The man froze for a moment and then slowly walked forward without any sudden movements.

Back with H&D
DonÆt activate the first trap yet, let him come deeper. After he takes that turn we can activate the trap. It will slow him down if he tries to run.
Harry nodded and kept watching the video screen at what the guy was doing.
The man did what he was told and once he took the turn, he did indeed encounter a seat of stone. The man chuckled privately. Those boys had protected his old base very tightly.

Part 04
**** Resting place nr 01 ****

John was sitting on the bank waiting for the two kids to show up. He instinctively knew that the ûinactive- traps he had sensed earlier were now activated. The traps werenÆt meant to keep him there for long, they were purely meant to slow him down. These kids are pure smarter then one would think of them he mused silently. His mood grew more serious as he thought how to tackle the problem he now had. How was he to prove his story to them? He didnÆt even remember everything. He sighed; he knew he could be very useful to them.

How could he prove that he was honest with them? A wizard oath maybe? But they wouldnÆt know the limitations of an oath like that, and would probably think he was trying to fool them. John sighed again, and then figured he best had let them come to him. He knew for a fact that if he wanted too, he could easily go to the control room. After all, it was his old base of operations. John was so deep in his thoughts, that he didnÆt hear the two boys approaching. Nor did he hear the amused cough.

And nor did he hear the silent: ôerhm excuse meö No, John was to deep in thought for him to hear that. He was abruptly forced out of his thoughts when a bucket of ûice cold- water was dumped over him.
Maybe it was the fact that he just cursed, maybe it was for a different reason entirely, but for that moment all three men present just laughed their asses off. When Harry finally regained himself he asked: why are you laughing anyway? You are supposed to curse us, and make a funny face so we can laugh at your situation you know.

Harry had said this so matter-of-factly that John started to laugh again. This time, both boys just glared at him, which caused him to laugh even harder. Harry, do you think this guy is crazy or something? Dudley asked silently? Harry shook his head and replied: no I think we have been had somehow, but I canÆt figure out how exactly. The tension that had been there minutes before, had vanished entirely, and Dudley finally decided to get to the point. Maybe it is time to introduce yourself and to explain to us how you are here, and more important: WHY you are here.

John coughed and nodded. Fine then he said with a small pout on his face.
Growing serious now, he finally started: I am John Potter. The reason I could find this base, well ship should be a better name for it, is because this ship is err was mine. I arrived in this time on this ship when I was eight. I come from the future, but my memories are locked away in some way.
The only thing I still remember is that my mission was to protect the boy who lived. But since you gained a twin somehow, IÆm not sure what to do right now. Anyway, I was supposed to arrive with a full crew, around seventy people, but when I awoke, the ship was completely abandoned.

It seemed abandoned in a hurry, and I have no idea if there is anyone else of my ship in this time. When did you arrive in this time?

John sighed and replied: I came here in the year 1580.
And I came originally from 2275. According to what I remember is that, the timeline was messed up and that the magical community had been wiped out almost completely.

I do not know why, this happened, or how this happened, but I DO know that I canÆt die before I help you in some way.

Dudley's eyes narrowed and asked: so is that the reason you help us?
HELL no, John said. I intend to help you because I want too. I like to help you out.

Since the moment I remembered that little detail, I have worked on remembering everything. Sadly, enough I havenÆt made any progress at all.
I know for a fact that it is blocked and locked in some way I canÆt fix.

There was a long moment of silence before Dudley said: wait a moment said Dudley, did you say POTTER? John gave a short nod.
Another silence and Harry chuckled slightly. When Dudley stared at him he said: he told his name almost twenty minutes ago, and only now you ask that question.

You said you couldnÆt access the computers, so why is it, that we can access the computers? John was shocked and excited at the same time.
You can access the computers?
DidnÆt I just tell you that?

John ignored the question and kept asking: you can access the complete database? The one with the history and everything?
Harry blinked and said, to what we have seen, the database is incredible extended. It took us hours to read enough to understand how the base err ship worked.

Does that mean this ship can go in space? WouldnÆt that be the perfect hideout? ûDudley-

Yhea way to go genius, and how are we supposed to get back to earth?
Dudley blinked and said: easy, we simply use the teleport system.
This time it was Harry's turn to blink.
YOU IDIOT, you KNOW that this system is dangerous! We canÆt even think of using it before we understand COMPLTETELY what it does!

I AM THE IDIOT AM I roared Dudley back, it seems to me you are to chicken to experiment with it. If you would use logic, then it would say that the transport system transports you to wherever you want.

OH YHEA, didnÆt John just say he came here from the future? So who Is to say that the transport ship couldnÆt be used to go in the past HUH???

Harry and Dudley glared at each other before taking a deep breath. Finished yelling asked Harry? Dudley nodded and asked what about you?

Uhuh no problems here!

John stared at both boys and then said: back to the database, itÆs possible we are talking about two different things. You see, its not that I couldnÆt access it, but more that I couldnÆt understand the language.

I spent three long years trying to make sense of the language. When I became eleven, I received my invitation for Hogwarts, and so I went. It was strange, that they didnÆt seem to think it strange. The Potter family was almost gone at the time, and so it was partly up to me to restore it. I spent a century and a half leading the family, and then I left. I checked back now and then, but when I did check back twenty years ago, the Potter family was gone with the exception of a small family.

This time I couldnÆt interfere, because said Potters were in hiding.
Now, I COULD break whatever protections they used because of my extensive magical knowledge, but I couldnÆt interfere because I didnÆt had the time.

Rumour had it that the children of the couple had died in birth.
When voldemort attacked them, and they were killed, I knew for a fact I was the only Potter left, so I left the magical world with the goal, not to return, EVER. Obviously, I was wrong. Since that moment I lived in the muggle world and have worked my way up in the ranks of the police forces.

Dudley blinked and slowly asked: how old are you then?
John sighed and replied I think IÆm close to 412 years old.

The problem is, I donÆt know how old I that I REALLY am. I age very slowly, and for all I know, I could be close to a thousand years, which could explain why I canÆt exactly remember this much.

Add to that the fact that I can appear almost any age that I want, an ability I discovered a two hundred years ago, then I think you can figure out the rest.
Look, said Harry, IÆm going to be blunt with you, my gut tells me to trust you, but how do I know this isnÆt a story to get us to trust you? John shook his head sadly and said: I have been thinking of that ever since I came here. If you know of a way, tell me and IÆll do it.

Harry shook his head and said: you told us you have plenty of knowledge about magic. Then prove it. Tell us about a way, that magical person uses if there is a similar situation. John sighed and replied promptly: there is the magical oath. But I didnÆt think you would go for that, since you donÆt know about a magical oath, and thus we are going in circles. Harry smiled, and said: even so, it doesnÆt matter. Normally, if you do an act of magic, there has to be a sign that the magic has worked, and thus if you do this oath, and there is a visible ¼reaction of the magic, then it is likely the oath will work as you word it.

John opened his mouth to say something, and then he closed it. Damn he muttered silently. You are right. I didnÆt even think of that. Alright he said, with new determination in his eyes, tell me how to say the oath, and you will have it.

Finally after ten minutes it was decided.

I John Potter, hereby swear upon my magic and honour that everything I have told Harry Potter and Dudley Potter is the truth to my knowledge.
I will try my best to tell them anything they want to know, and will support them anyway I can ûif possible-.
Hereby I swear. Now let it be done!

John glowed for a few seconds, then a bright beam hit Dudley and Harry for less then a second, a wire of white light connected them and then the light vanished.
Harry was perplexed, and slowly asked: was that supposed to happen?
John slowly nodded and said I think so. The reaction was bit bright, but that could be for several reasons, he trailed offà

Harry nodded and said: well, welcome to the family I guess he said slowly. He trailed off and then asked: does this mean you are our grandfather?
John blinked and then gave a sincere smile and said: I think that means it does.

You donÆt have to call me like that though, calling me grandpa makes me feel soàold. Harry snorted and said mockingly but you ARE old. John replied before he could help himself: why you littleà And so it happened that the three surviving Potters playfully insulted each other like they had done it for years.

Some place else in a high room in a beautiful castle, an old man was seething in anger. He had tried everything he could think of to trace the blasted Harry Potter. He couldnÆt afford to let the boy have confidence. If he had, then he wouldnÆt look at him as a grandpa figure. The old man sighed and then thought: at least I know the boy is still alive, if he wasnÆt, then the name wouldnÆt appear on the scroll of first years.

He turned around, and opened said scroll. His eyes widened at the sight:

Harry Potter -- > Status: Pending
Dudley Potter -- > Status: Pending

The old man blinked and cursed under his breath, this could mean only one thing: they were considering going to a different school! He HAD to trace them so he could convince them to go to Hogwarts.
The old man smiled softly, and his red bird companion gave a disgusted sound.

The old man looked up and smirked, oh so you broke my charm again did you? We canÆt have that now CAN we? Birdimerius the old man muttered. A translucent chain erupted out of his wand and chained the bird and connected the other side to him. The bird fought it, but he lost as usual.

DonÆt worry my friend he said, once that boy has done his thing, I can make my move. He chuckled, and deep in the mind of the bird was growing a deep disgust for this man he had once considered worthy. Before the controlling curse took control of him, the bird used his last remaining will power to send a mental message to John.
DonÆt trust Albus, IÆm controlled by him unwillingly, danger, Potters Arghà

*** Potter HQ ****
John, who had been playfully sparring with his newfound family snapped up and received the mental message from one of his oldest friends.
He had to reign in his anger very quickly. His eyes flashed and he spoke only one name:
Albus Dumbledore, prepare to DIE!
End Part 04


Well-Known Member
*** Potter HQ ****
John, who had been playfully sparring with his newfound family snapped up and received the mental message from one of his oldest friends.
He had to reign in his anger very quickly. His eyes flashed and he spoke only one name:
Albus Dumbledore, prepare to DIE!
End Part 04
And now the story continues.

Part 05
With the Potters an hour before events of last chapter
Since the oath had worked, both Harry and Dudley looked at the other and then both vanished.
John blinked and then the two real versions entered the lounge. You can come to the hearth of the base now Dudley said, we disabled the defenses to let you trough. John nodded and followed them instantly. Once they had entered the lounge, John was impressed what they had done. It wasnÆt long before they were laughing at each other again.
Sparring with each other ûwith words mind you-. Just as John was going to give a retort at what Dudley had just said he froze and listened in horror to the message his old friend gave him.

His anger swelled up again, as Albus was part of the reason the Potter family had died. He tried to control his anger as much as he could and finally he said: Albus Dumbledore, prepare to DIE!
Harry and Dudley now could see how a REALLY powerful wizard looked like when he was angry. They both backed away, since they knew they didnÆt stand a change against such power.
They realized that John wasnÆt angry at them, but at this Albus character.

John stood up his anger flashing and a strong breeze travelled trough the room, which was impossible since the room lay underground. Finally after five minutes, John managed to get his magic back under control and said: we have a situation.

When I was younger I met this beautiful bird named Fawkes. He is what you call a phoenix. He and I were friends for years, but then I met this wizard named Albus Dumbledore. The kid had great potential, and Fawkes had taken a liking towards the boy. So Fawkes told me he wanted to stick with Albus, to guide him because he foresaw a hard life for him. I told my friend to go as I had plans of my own, and so we went our separate ways. However, a few years ago, I tried to call my old friend, and when he finally appeared, he told me to bugger off.

Not in so many words, but he did tell me that. I always had the feeling he didnÆt want to say that, but he fire-flamed away before I could ask him anything.
Since then he ignored my calls. The phoenix is bonded to the head of the Potter family, that means the oldest of you two John continued. How do I call him? Said Dudley? Wait a minute said Harry, who says you are the oldest? I donÆt say anything, maybe I am, and maybe I am not. If I try to call him, and he doesnÆt respond, then you are the oldest.

If I do call him, and he does respond, then that makes me the oldest. Actually offered John, since you are a twin, that means Fawkes decided who will be the ôleaderö. He has a good sense in that area. The fact you are a twin, will reinforce the call. If he is controlled in some manner, can you break it? John nodded confidently and said: I am confident I can break anything the old man tried on Fawkes. Just focus on the familiar of the Potter family. Ask him to come, tell him that you are his bonded by right, and no magic can change that fact.

Both boys concentrated, and John was presented with the most beautiful magic he had seen in years. Blue wires appeared around them, and whirled around them in random directions. The blue colour was from Dudley John just knew by instinct.
Another colour appeared and this one was red. John knew that this one was also from Dudley. That meant that he had two animal forms. John felt proud for him, and watched in awe as Harry his colours appeared.

The next colours that appeared were Grey, green and red. John frowned, red and green were opposites of each other, like day and night.
That meant he could use darker magic, without feeling their immediate effects, well the REALLY dark magic, like necromancy.

The grey colour meant that he had come into contact with more questionable magics. These three colours belonged to Harry obviously. John wondered if this meant he had three animal forms? Then an ugly black brown colour appeared. It attacked the nicer colours in fury. John knew by instinct that the ugly brown black colours represented the controlling magic over Fawkes.

The grey green and red colours seemed to support the blue and red colours in an effort to defeat the ugly brown black. At first they seemed to win, but then the ugly colours made an assault of its own. John realized something, if Fawkes wasnÆt here, then that meant he couldnÆt remove whatever that was controlling him, not only that, but if the magic was so powerful, that it could fight the natural bond with the Potters, then he needed to act quickly!
He decided to put his own magic to use. One adult Potter, and two kid Potters should be enough to overwhelm the chains that controlled Fawkes.

His own colours were purple and green both colours changed into their respective animals: a hawk and a fiery wolf. Together they attacked the brown black magic that had changed into a fiery cobra and a scorpion. Finally, the combined might of the three powers overwhelmed the controlling magic, and it vanished with a loud BANG.

The old man also known as Albus Dumbledore stared in shock at Fawkes. The Potter children had overwhelmed the bond! It was impossible for them to do hat with the block on their cores! Even if they somehow had got rid of the block, he had made sure that it needed adult support. Albus paled, that meant there was still a Potter alive!

He stared at the phoenix who looked at him in triumph and sent a short mental message: you didnÆt really think that your magic could keep my proper bonded from calling me do you? You will get yours soon enough Albus Dumbledore. That is something I will personally guarantee you off.

With that Fawkes flamed away to the source of the call. He hoped that John would forgive him.

Potter HQ
Harry and Dudley fainted after that effort. John smiled proud at them, and took them gently from the floor and put them in their beds. When he returned in the main room, he saw his old friend looking at him. John, Fawkes started hesitantly. John smiled and said: donÆt say anything old friend, I always knew that you didnÆt mean it when you said that. DonÆt worry, the revenge we will have on Dumbledore will come. I have no doubts he is calling in all kind of favours right now to ensure anything we try will go down the drain.
Fawkes nodded his agreement. Then he asked: but didnÆt you ædieÆ in the eyes of the magical community? John blinked and said only one word: shit. Are you strong enough to give me a lift Fawkes? Said bird gave a nod and said: IÆll have the strength to bring you to the ministry, donÆt worry. I am not going to abandon my rightfully bonded.

John grabbed the paws of Fawkes, and in a whirl of flames they both vanished, neither noticing two set of eyes watching and hearing the whole conversation.
What do you think they are going to do? IÆm not sure, but I trust John. LetÆs get some sleep for now. His partner nodded his agreement and both boys went back in their room and fell asleep in minutes.

The Ministry
John Potter entered the ministry with all the dignity he had.
Every department he passed, people paused to watch him, and then ask quietly who that man was. And why he looked like a Potter? Which was supposedly impossible since the only Potter left was the boy who livedà

John entered the hearth of the ministry, the office of the minister.
Two aurors were standing before the office of the minister and stopped John from entering the office. IÆm sorry sir, but the minister is having a meeting, you canÆt enter.
John simply stared at them and said: by right of the Potter family, and according to the magical law page seven hundred and fifty chapter four paragraph two, a member of any old family can always talk to the minister unless a war is being fought or an emergency has been called. Not only that, but the minister owes me a life-debt. The two aurors hesitated, and John promptly said: you tried to stop me, but I caught you by surprise, and thatÆs the reason I got past you twoà Both guards smiled and stepped aside. If they could bother the incompetent minister in this, they would do so in an instant. No auror like the minister because he was ûbeing blunt- an incompetent fool that couldnÆt lead candy shop.

John entered the office and instantly recognized the current Malfoy leader pointing his wand at the minister. Imp- John reacted instinctively and quietly said: stupefy! The Malfoy leader collapsed into unconsciousness. John went outside the office and said: I caught the Lucius Malfoy casting an imperious curse on the minister. I suggest you take him into custody. And, if I find out, that evidence has been misplaced, you will be guarding the statue of magical friendships and cooperation for the rest of your career. The aurors smiled and said donÆt worry sir, well make sure this gentlemen wonÆt escape his punishment this time around.
John re-entered the office with the minister still staring blankly at the wall.
Erh said John, excuse me minister Fudge. Fudge seemed to ignore him, so John waved his hand a few times before his eyes. Finite Incantatem john muttered silently. Whatever that it was that had its influence over fudge, it ended as soon as John had finished his spell.
I find Lucius Malfoy gui- ergh?
The minister seemed to blink a few times and the said slowly: John, please tell me why I am sitting in this office, and what the FUCK is going on?
Now it was JohnÆs turn to blink.

What do you remember?
I remember that I wanted to find Lucius guilty! That PRICK tried to bribe me! I did NOT become minister so a punk like him could BRIBE me!!!!
John felt a big headache coming up. The minister had been under a controlling spell for more then nine years, and NOBODY noticed it!

I think minister that youÆll find you did quit a bit of thinks that wasnÆt typical you. I suggest you have a meeting with the department head of law enforcement.

Fudge nodded quickly. However, what I am coming to you for is just as important.
John realized that Fudge was behind things for nine years, so he couldnÆt help him even if he wanted too! Damn it he cursed.
The headache was coming with a vengeance.

Look, Cornelius, Albus Dumbledore isnÆt the master of light as he makes everyone think. He will be coming to you for a matter, act like you will do it, but be sure to be on your guard. This matter of mine isnÆt within your power to help right now. In fact, as long as you havenÆt read up until today you wonÆt be able to help me.

Cornelius sighed and said: I have messed up a lot havenÆt I? And I canÆt announce this because it will mean that I am not able to resist mind control. He sighed; perhaps it is best that I let someone else more competent be minister.
Cornelius! John snapped! Cornelius snapped out of it and shook his head. What did I do he asked? JohnÆs headache had just increased to the level of nuclear explosion.
What the FUCK am I going to do now he wondered?

Meditate old friend, John finally said. And donÆt let anyone except Madame Bones inside your office. Fudge nodded and pressed a button and said: could you please ask madam bones to come to my office? ItÆs urgent. John sighed again and figured, it might be better if he sticked around.

When Amelia entered the office, she looked at John, and promptly fainted.
Now, there wasnÆt much that could make the head of law department faint, but when you see a very old, and very close friend you thought to be dead for years, then that is a reason to faint.

John growled in frustration, is everything going to against me these days?
Enervate John snartled, he had to vent his frustration, and an innocent spell like that didnÆt hurt anyone! Amelia woke up abruptly. She wondered for a moment why she was here, and then she remembered: she had seen one of her oldest friends, that couldnÆt possibly alive!

Before you say something, yes, I AM John Potter, and yes IÆm still alive.
And NO I did NOT die that day. That was so I could live my live for a while without external sources knocking on my door.
Amelia frowned then blinked, then frowned again and then she laughed. In fact, she started laughing so hard, that it started to hurt her in the sides.
You always had a way in saying things John, she chuckled happily.
Fine then, I had my fun, now could you tell me what is going on? Why is Lucius Malfoy in prison?

I can answer that offered Cornelius. That FUCKING bastard had me put under the imperious spell for more then NINE years! What was still left of the smile from earlier vanished at that moment. Are you saying that our minister has been put under the imperious from more then nine years without us noticing?

Actually said John, it wasnÆt the imperius curse, he did try to get him under imperius right now, I caught him red handed, but after that, I cast a Finite Incantatem and Cornelius snapped out whatever it was that was controlling him.
Lucius however DID try to imperius him.

Which reminds me: I want custody of Harry Potter and his twin brother Dudley Potter. Since I was declared death, this could bring up some problems, so I want that fixed. DonÆt worry John, Cornelius offered; IÆll work this out for you. But first I need to review the stupid decisions I have made the last nine years.
Amelia blinked and asked hesitantly: did you just call yourself stupid?

Well, just look at these decisions! No sane person would make these laws! I mean cÆmon, I donÆt really like muggles, but look at law five c paragraphà
IÆm going to go now John offered. Be careful not to let anyone enter without authorization will you? Sure replied Cornelius while he was rereading said law again, and cursing himself while he was doing it. Oh, said John before he exited the office, I would suggest you check the arrests made with voldemorts first rise, there could be a few blunders there too. I recall that Sirius black was sent to prison without a trial whatsoever, even though the evidence was overwhelming, I suggest you check it, just in case you know?

Then he turned around and exited the office. He sighed and instead of leaving the ministry, he took a side passage and entered a short cut to enter Diagon alley. He had money to withdraw, and make sure that Albus couldnÆt access any of their vaults. And while he was at it, he could access his private vault too. He figured it should have made plenty of interest in the last few centuries. He would use the money too buy plenty of books, so his family could read as much as they wanted. Which reminded him, how should he refer them to? Not grandkids, he didnÆt think that he was old. Sons? No, that might anger them as they could think he was trying to replace their real parents. Brothers?? Perfect he snickered. I am their overprotective, older Brother. That sounded just right!

Just as he entered the bank, he saw that Albus was about to enter the tunnel system with the Potter manager.

Hold that man! He doesnÆt have the PotterÆs permission to enter those vaults!
That was enough for ten goblin guards to appear, disarm Albus and then look at the source of the noise. (Shoot first ask questions later?)

Albus his eyes widened when he recognized John. John knew that he had wasted the element of surprise, now that Albus knew he was still alive

But he figured that it was well worth it.
Sharpner? John said, you are still the Potters manager correct? Said goblin nodded.

Does it not clearly state in the will of James and Lilly Potter that no Potter may enter any vaults unless a Potter is present to give permission in case said Potter is not yet an adult?
As you can see: Albus Dumbledore does NOT have a Potter with him, and he does NOT have permission to enter the Potter vaults. Not only that, but I suspect this wasnÆt the first time now was it?

In the mean while, the goblins were closing the bank, and finishing the customers still present.
Albus knew he had to do something, he now knew why his spell had been overwhelmed, and he also knew he was in a lot of trouble. Then it hit him. He grinned mentally and said: John, my old friend, how is it that you are alive? I thought that you died thirty years ago?
So Dumbledore wanted to play huh? Hah! One doesnÆt become this old and doesnÆt learn to play as well old man he silently thought.
So did I, john replied loudly. However, I recently had a wake up call so to speak. The magical world is going down quickly, and I am here to prevent said downfall. Actually, he silently thought, that will be up to Harry and Dudley, I will be their mentor! It is true that the magical world is going downwards with the pureblood idiocy and all that.
Besides, wasnÆt it because of you I was there in the first place? One would think you would be happy to see me? You look like you know for a fact that I was dead. One wonders how you would know such knowledge since my body was never foundà
It is stated very clearly that the blood protection is based on his last living relative: his aunt Petunia. However, the same thing could be used for his cousin Dudley, or in this story his twin brother. In the end it would have played out the same IF and WHEN Harry never discovered the fact that Dudley is his twin.
Dudley would be corrupted as a spoiled brat and would go to a different school, while Harry goes to Hogwarts. His last living relative, directly by blood is with Dudley in the place of petunia. I hope this explains a few things for you guys.

I realize that Dudley and Harry are acting much smarter for their age at the start of the story. However, this is necessary in the beginning. In cannon, Harry never had a real childhood, and the same is true this time.
Dudley too for other reasons. They are spoiling him, giving him everything he wants on a whine. When Dudley meets real world, he will be in for one hell of a shock.
This is prevented by the fact that Dudley got suspicious and started to ask questions.

ò Magical guardian?
ò Alliance with goblins?
ò Alliance with Werewolves
ò Meet Remus?
ò Meet house elves
ò Make a few alliances with so called ædarkÆ families?
ò Heir can manipulate access to their vaults to prevent any unauthorized access.
ò James& Lilly Potters WILL
ò Sirius is set free!!!


Well-Known Member
As I said in part 05, this is the rewrite to get a few bugs out of it. Any comments, ideas, or ANYTHING else is VERY MUCH appreciated.



Well-Known Member
As I said in part 05, this is the rewrite to get a few bugs out of it. Any comments, ideas, or ANYTHING else is VERY MUCH appreciated.

Very coehisve & together even if a bit much to go through all at once.

as for the other questions.

ò Alliance with goblins?
ò Alliance with Werewolves
ò Make a few alliances with so called ædarkÆ families?

Alliances with various beings/familes sounds good to me simply because when Voldemort comes back it will me that he has that much less resources to draw from to terrorize the wizarding world. Not to mention what Harry/Dudley could learn from each of them.

As for a few other points

ò Magical guardian?
ò James& Lilly Potters WILL
ò Sirius is set free!!!
ò Meet Remus?

It would seem to me that if the knew that time was short they may have update/created wills in the event of something happening to them.
The remaining question is were they suspicious of dumblydork when they wrote it? If they were they might have suggested other families for Harry to foster with perhaps dumbly found a way to prevent the will from being carried out at all resulting his in his placement with the dursley's. Getting Sirius set free may be dependant on if anyone can find Peter once it became common knowledge that he wasn't the secret keeper for the Potters. which may make a good point to intruce Remus who begins looking for Peter once the news gets out.

-- Bones
-- Macgonagall
-- Flitwick
-- Sirius Black & others

The last two points seem dependant on if Harry/Dudley being these heirs have numerous properties which require attention. If it's just a single home/castle/estate there may not be a need for many, many house-elves
ò Meet house elves
This seems like a good security protocol even if they not the heir to some infamous person/family etc.
ò Heir can manipulate access to their vaults to prevent any unauthorized access.


Well-Known Member
Getting Sirius set free may be dependant on if anyone can find Peter once it became common knowledge that he wasn't the secret keeper for the Potters. which may make a good point to intruce Remus who begins looking for Peter once the news gets out.
Erhm, I think you forgot something I wrote:
I would suggest you check the arrests made with voldemorts first rise, there could be a few blunders there too. I recall that Sirius black was sent to prison without a trial whatsoever, even though the evidence was overwhelming, I suggest you check it, just in case you know?
So, when the minister gets up to date, he can order an investigation to the prisoners that did not have a trial.
Nevertheless, if I go that route, it would still start a introduction to Remus.
And i think i made a mistake, earlier I implied that madam bones and John were close friends, but i stated before that, that john hadn't followed events in deccenia.

Oh well, it isn't that important, and its solvable with a flashback explaining a coincidental meeting?

And I really need more comment, good bad i don't care. I am a bit stuck right now, so any comments on how to continue to story.

I have several ideas in mind, but before that, you have to know, that I find it odd so many authors make the Malfoy's seem so stupid.
I mean, they are SLYTHERINS. They always try to get the best with an indirect approach.

I am thinking, that when they feed lucius truth serum, it would appear he is under some sort of spell, cue john casting a few spells to get rid of them, cue lucius is enraged and has a 90 degrees change.
so here are my options or ideas:
note, that these might be spoilers, but hey, this is what the forum is about right? discussions! or should i move this to talk?
err, enough of that, lets get to the juicy stuff.

Dudley & Harry learn more about the magical world, and realize they are hopefully one minded.

D&H decide to gather people to change this, and to update the wizarding world a bit.

Cue 'dark' lord H&d?

Albus manages to pull some strings so he isn't touchable, him being the supreme whatever it is called.

John decides, that since albus managed to stay in power but with a bit face loss, that hogwarts is too dangerous unless H&D are more prepared.
Cue, he contacts, The flamel couple to train them in potions, and contacts an old friend: xxxxxxx to train them in DADA, plus xxxx to teach them self defense.

I am thinking that I could use an element of somthing i read somewhere on the forum

shortly, it said that orochimaru being partly succesful, he could be reborn, and each time he is reborn, A few select people are reborn as well.
so, I could let them appear as an inner self for a few select people.
Thoughs? This could make it intresting if voldie is orochimaru so to speak.


Well-Known Member
whenever someone speaks you need quotation marks like this:

"hi, my name is bob," Said bob.

Ok, notice the " " marks and the comma before the last mark.

If you do that your fic wiill be much clearer. B)