The Looney Tunes Show


Well-Known Member
I decided to allow you all to see this for yourselves. I post the following without further comment.

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Lola's return</a>

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Double Date part 1</a>

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Double Date part 2</a>

Edit: yandere sense....tingling

<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>That's my duck</a>


Well-Known Member
Well... at least it isn't Loonatics Unleashed?


Well-Known Member
....fair enough.


<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>DMV part 1</a>


Lazy Bastard...
Eh, I kinda like it. It don't touch the original Looney Tunes of course, but... eh it's not bad. At least it's not Loonatics Unleashed. And Daffy's still funny.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of hit or miss with me so far. I like Lola but crazy non-violent Yandere are fun to watch. Daffy's still begging for a punch to the face with most of his antics so that's nothing new.

My thing is, a low key sitcome setting just seems like such an odd fit for the lonney tunes. The whole thing makes me nostalgic for Tiny Toons in all honesty.
Especially little sneezer.

Lil Sneezer: "I also play Bar Mitzvahs!"


Well-Known Member
I like the relationship Daffy has with that female duck(Tina, I think her name is?). That's comic gold.


Tina: (simpily blows a bubblegum bubble, which than pops. Continues to chew)

Say whatever you will, I laughed at that.


Well-Known Member
I want to see more Old School insane Daffy. The Daffy that existed before he was just a foil for Bugs. The one the drove hunters insane in how own right and was running from the Little Man from the Draft Board. I miss the Daffy that was the crazy to Porky's straight man rather and a greedy craven little coward. I still remember the horrible last live action movie with Brendan Frazier where Daffy manned up and saved the day because he remembered "Hey wait, I am Duck Dodgers," and beat Marvin the Martian. I want more of that. The Daffy that remembers what it is to be more than a selfish quasi-villain because Elmer and Yosemite Sam are too stupid to be interesting.

Well that, and Green Lantern Daffy. Because Daffy beating Sinestro was hilarious.


California Crackpot
DhampyrX2 said:
I want to see more Old School insane Daffy. The Daffy that existed before he was just a foil for Bugs. The one the drove hunters insane in how own right and was running from the Little Man from the Draft Board. I miss the Daffy that was the crazy to Porky's straight man rather and a greedy craven little coward. I still remember the horrible last live action movie with Brendan Frazier where Daffy manned up and saved the day because he remembered "Hey wait, I am Duck Dodgers," and beat Marvin the Martian. I want more of that. The Daffy that remembers what it is to be more than a selfish quasi-villain because Elmer and Yosemite Sam are too stupid to be interesting.

Well that, and Green Lantern Daffy. Because Daffy beating Sinestro was hilarious.
The Little Man From The Draft Board VS Daffy is one of the greats.

And yes, GL!Daffy is also awesome.

I do watch, but mostly for the Merry Melodies shorts. "I'm A Martian" was GREAT. Fukken hillarious, that. And "Cock of the Walk", "We're In Love", and the Taz song... also funny.

On the whole, it's not a bad show, funny and decent in places, okay in others.


Lazy Bastard...
Because the guys doing the show are basing her off Kristen Wiig, her VA and have never seen Space Jam.