Akamatsuverse The Melancholy of Negi Springfield


Well-Known Member
an idea that popped in my head from the You are Negi Springfield challange thread here's is a possible opening for it.

The Melancholy of Negi Springfield

What did I do in a pervious life to be mistreated as such, here I was walking home from high school after returning from that Alternate Universe Nagato and the Universal Data Entity created to test a theory they had, and the next thing I know I wake up in another world in a strange body, and whatÆs worse I know the body IÆm in, NegimaÆs very own Harem master Negi Springfield bound for Mahora Academy, oh joy.


Well-Known Member
Oh, nice start, I must say.

A little question....how did Kyon know it's Negi's body he woke up in? Him trying to find out whats happening and going through his usual 'Kyon frustration TM' would be be quite interesting to see. It seems like a waste of a good opportunity to lay down some good old Kyon fashion melodramatics. But, hey, it's your fic.

And please don't forget Haruhi. We need more Haruhi!
I've only just started reading the novels, so I don't know enough about characterization to comment, nor is there enough for me to comment based on any of my other writing skills. So I'll just wait until there's more to review.


Well-Known Member
Zenithos said:
Oh, nice start, I must say.

A little question....how did Kyon know it's Negi's body he woke up in? Him trying to find out whats happening and going through his usual 'Kyon frustration TM' would be be quite interesting to see. It seems like a waste of a good opportunity to lay down some good old Kyon fashion melodramatics. But, hey, it's your fic.

And please don't forget Haruhi. We need more Haruhi!
oh don't worry the rest of the SOS dan is there in one way or another, and as for the kyon melodramtic please note this is very rought I pressed that out in about 2 or 3 minutes I'll probably change it for the final release and as for how he got there I'll leave that to Koizumi to to explain it.


Well-Known Member
here's a revamped verions of the first couple of paragraphs.

The Malencholy of Negi Springfield

Where am I, the last thing I can coherently remember was walking home from school after the grueling experience of being in yet another pocket universe cause Nagato wanted to test something. I guess I shouldnÆt be complaining to much, any place without Suzumiya Haruhi is a slight improvement despite the fact there is more to her than meets the eye.

At some unknown reason I head to the bathroom on this airplane, wait a second an air plane. This suddenly struck me like a ton of bricks I head back to my seat and look out the window; sure enough I was seventeen thousand feet up in the air flying over what looked like Europe heading east.


Well-Known Member
Not to blast this idea but... have you ever flown in an airplane before?
If you look out the window you see LAND. LAND that's realy hard to identify. You might be able to identify features if you were familiar with them and the plane was flying low, but otherwise...
Seeing what looks like europe...Go look at a world map. You wouldn't be able to tell when europe ends and asia begins by just looking at the ground.
...Well, you might see part of an old Iron Curtain wall, but you're WAY to high to even see it.


Well-Known Member
You do realise that there isn't much chance of this being updated any time soon.


Well-Known Member
I was five years old when I last flew on a plane, I'm currently 24 years old yeah it's been awhile, also I've not abondond this idea college stuff does come first for me unfortunally.