The Moshuel Challenge


Well-Known Member
Original challenge by GenocideHeart to Moshuel.


My challenge is to Mosh, who claims he can do a NaruHina fic if he wants to, whereas I claim he's a Hinata hater and thus incapable of doing one that doesn't suck.

The challenge: make a *good* NaruHina fic that doesn't feel forced and has no Hinata bashing whatsoever, not even a little bit (feel free to bash anyone else, even Naruto). If you can, I'll admit you aren't a hater.

1) must have a halfway believable relationship. Duh. I think you know what I mean.

2) no bullshit 'she finds out about the fox by accident'. Naruto has to be the one telling her about Kyuubi. And he needs to have a good reason to do so - either he trusts her or he feels she'd be safer knowing the truth. He may not LOVE her at first, but he's still going to watch out for her.

3) somewhat happy ends are preferred. Ideally, it ends in a real-life way, ie, someone may be happy, but others will probably be hurt. Can't make everyone happy, after all. Think 'Fallen Blade'.

4) I suppose oneshot is fine, but a short fic would be better. No jumping from 'I barely knew ya' to 'OMG LOVE'. Naruto is admittedly starved for affection, but even he will take some time to warm up to her.

5) some sort of conflict would be good. Possibly have Naruto forced to choose, Hinata or Sakura, with the knowledge that relationshiops with the discarded one will be ruined... notb irreparably, but ruined nonetheless.