Naruto The Most Wanted


Well-Known Member
Being a ninja is a dangerous life style and Naruto decided that it wasn't for him, he wanted to live a long full life and die old but he will always be sought out and used for his power as a weapon for any ninja village or just killed by the ninja villages because no matter where he goes they will try to find him and bring him back or kill him.


A young boy was on a swing, swinging all alone at dusk his spiky blonde hair flowing in the air while his blue eyes stared up into the dark sky looking at the stars a frown on his face thinking about his day.  Its been a few weeks since he started the ninja academy at the age of 7 in the hidden ninja village known as Konohagakure in the country known as Land of Fire.  While swinging he looked at a family that was leaving the park and one of the parents looked at him and he heard, "What is that monster doing here, he should just die."

The boy mumbled out, "I'm not a monster my name is Naruto Uzumaki." after he said that he decided to head back to his apartment where he lived alone when he felt something, something that he could tell wasn't charka which was taught in the ninja academy; something different he couldn't figure it out but he look up into the darkening sky trying to figure out what he was feeling but after a minute or so he shrugged his shoulders and started moving again.

When Naruto woke up the next day it was the weekend and there was no school today he decided to read one of his school books to pass some time and after an hour or two he came upon this quote by one of the founding fathers of Konohagakure, "Citizens of Konohagakure view everyone as family because you would do everything to protect your family." after Naruto read that he started at it for a few minutes and then he heard a deep voice speak suddenly which startled him, "Would families call a child they don't know monster or demon."

Once Naruto heard that voice he yelled out and spun around looking for who was talking to him but he didn't see anything with his eye wide open.  He shook his head back and forth looking around his body shaking when he saw nothing he stuttered out, "Who-who-who's there? Are you a ghost?" Naruto heard a laugh and then, "No boy, I'm what you would call a. . . Guardian spirit." Naruto's eyes widen and he whispered out, "I have a guardian spirit? Isnt that the same  thing as a ghost?" after he finished talking his face took on a freighted look after he said ghost.  Laughter was heard all around him, "Hahaha, no little one guardian spirits are not ghosts, we are immortal spirits that watch over some people and once I heard you read that quote I decided to speak out to you."

Naruto's face scrunched up in curiosity and asked, "Why were you guarding me from a quote said by one of the founding fathers of this village?"  His spirit answered him but with a different tone in its voice which Naruto couldn't tell what kind of tone it was about, "Why protect people that hate you?  They would be glad when you leave the village and end up dead like most ninja's do when they go on missions."  there was a few seconds of silence before the spirit continued, "Being a ninja has a high death rate and low life span, three leaders of this village died in battle there are ninja deaths reported everyday. . .  And everyone hates you for some reason that you don't know about so they will be glad you died 'protecting' them because you will be gone." it spat out in an angry tone.  The seven year old was quiet for a bit but said, "B-but the old man says I can be a strong ninja and change the minds of the people that hate me!.

Naruto heard his spirit laugh again but longer and after the long laugh he was told, "Of course he would say that, he's the leader of this village and he is always looking for more soldiers to die for this wretched village!" Naruto could feel the anger of his spirit and it started yelling he covered his ears up but it did nothing to smother the voice, "HE IS A NINJA THEY KILL AND LIE TO COME OUT ON TOP!  THEY WILL USE ANYTHING AS A TOOL OR WEAPON AND WHEN THEY CAN'T ANYMORE THEY GET ANOTHER ONE! HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT YOU HE LIES ABOUT WHY THE VILLAGERS HATE YOU HE LIES THAT HE DOESN'T KNOW YOUR PARENTS!" Naruto was on the ground shaking in pain from the yelling and whimpering, "I'm sorry little one I let my anger get the best of me for a moment, being a ninja will mean your death so all you need to do is just fail out of the academy and leave the village.  You will have enough knowledge on how to survive while traveling to a new home, because home is where the heart is and you heart doesn't consider Konohagkure home." Naruto pulled himself up and sat on his couch and ask, "Will you help me, I don't think I can do this by myself?" He couldn't see his spirit but it had a big grin on its face and he heard, "Of course just listen to me and you can live a peaceful life."


Its been five years since Naruto started hearing his guardian spirit and it opened his eyes to the way he saw the world he lived in.  He listened to the voice when it told him to kill some people that abused him and the Hokage found out about the voice that was speaking to him during the investigation.  A member from the Yamanaka Clan called Inoichi was ordered to go through his mind to see how much the Nine Tails was influencing Naruto and see if contact can be prevented, it didn't end good at all.


Inoichi walked into a room which had a table and chairs on both sides and in one chair was a young boy who was Naruto with a scowl on his face with handcuffs binding him to the table so he couldn't escape.  He started to explain to Naruto what he will be doing, "From what I read a voice you heard told you to murder those people, can you tell me why" a minute or two passed and Inoichi spoke up, "Will you answer the question Naruto?" that got a reply from the boy, "No, the voice told me not to answer so I wont answer." Inoichi looked at the window and then looked back to Naruto and said, "If you wont answer me I will be forced to look into your mind to see why you did it and who this 'voice' you hear is." a minute passed with nothing but a scowling face looking at the table when Inoichi decided to use his mind walking skills and dove into the child's mind.

He arrived in a corridor filled with pipes and about ankle deep water; he walked forward going deeper down the corridor when he came upon an open area.  He continued forward until he saw a cage and big red eyes were watching him; he got closer and during his walk the eyes never left him and when he was in front of the cage at a comfortable distance he spoke up, "Why are you talking to Naruto and why did you tell him to kill those people?"