The MOTHER of all xovers!!!


Well-Known Member
I challenge the members of TFF to discuss and design the plots for the mother of all x-overs!
A party of six heroes, from various games/anime/books/movies or comics.
up against the typical bad guys!

Death, angst, all of it should be included!

I challenge you, now who is brave enough to accept?


Well-Known Member
heh, I've already had this idea *smirk* I shall put up my design for you when I get back to my house after work. Be prepared :p
Meh. Massive multicrossovers where more and more series are added just for the sake of adding more series are automatic FAIL.

The most series in a single story that I've ever seen work is four, and it was not haphazardly put together at all, which this idea here would all but require.


Well-Known Member
I didn't expect an answer so soon though, however recheck the portal in konoha thread, where I posted a possible idea for a good xover, well more like an idea where naruto could end up in the story.

Naruto finds a portal (duh) and ends up in a room with dozens upon dozens of mirrors. Each mirror has a computer terminal where he can look up the details of said world/mirror.
When he enters a mirror he has a certain objective, how he handles the objective is his choice, is he gonna go on a killing spree, or is he going to peace-if-fy the mission and get the world on his side?

When he leaves a world, he will lose the powers he MIGHT have gained, or more precisely, the powers will be ineffective, and will lose more then eighty percent of their full potential.

It might be possible he can't leave the world until he completed said mission.
(A good question is if he knows the mission before he enters, or if he doesn't know it at all)
Naruto can choose where/when/?who? he is in said world. (can you imagine naruto as dumbledore in any of the HP books? (CHAOS)

Now, I think the 'party' should have a certain amount of characters, either six or eight.
A couple of roles, I can say out of my head, and that are crucial in any party.

(1) A healer /medic
(2)A scout Stealth Specialist? (thief included) infiltration assassination?
(3) combat/magic specialist
(4) Taijutsu specialist
(5) Seal specialist?
(6) Engineer, scientist, Tech expert
(6) A summoner character
(7) Red/blue/green mage?
(8) Gunner? (far support long distance support)
(9) element specialist?

That's all I can think of right now.




Well-Known Member
I'd have to agree with NDF on this one. Multi-crossovers where the crossed-over elements are more than just cameos are just 'FAIL' by default.

Not that I don't like the idea. I love the idea of crossovers. But not everyone knows as many different fandoms as many of us do. You can't enjoy a crossover where there is one or two elements you're not familiar with. The bigger the crossover, the bigger the chances of this happening.

But if you'd really like to go on with this massive crossover idea, I'll suggest one thing - do not centralize it around one fandom. From what I see, you're going to make Naruto the 'main character' of sorts. I'm quite sure it won't appeal to the fans of other fandoms. Neither will it appeal to the more experienced Naruto fanfic writers and readers.

The only way you can make this work is by exploiting the crack potential of this idea, I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Anything can be done as long as your smart about it, have some people to keep your imagination grounds, and handle the characters. Just because it's been done horrible 300 times doesn't mean it can;t be done right. :sisi:

Anyway this is a concept I was playing around with for a while in many different forms, the original idea being what kingdark has suggested. I already have a whole bunch of ideas, knowing I likely wouldn't be able to spend the time needed to do this justice (IE not leaving it unfinished for long periods of time)and to be honest I was having trouble writing scenes where I kill off so many characters I like... I'm a softly like that sometimes.

anyway the idea.

The idea comes as representing the multiverse as a whole, where every world is connected in the great scheme of things. And in this respect they are connected by potals. Some are obvious, some are hidden but every world has one. The villain (an OC as of my original idea) conquered his galaxy and rules it with an iron fist and an army of faceless beasts. He discovers through captured research of the multiverse. The concept that even if he lived forever he could not conquer everything angers him and he becomes obsessive. Years and years of works of scientists captured from hundreds of worlds he finally comes with a means to satisfy his blood lust... setting up a system to send his endless army through all the portals at once.

Now all of that would be shown in background... the first chapters would be about the aftermath. My Concept had starting chapter dedicated to one series, starting with before the invasion, during the invasion, and finally a last stand. Of which one character (maybe sometimes two) would be sparred and teleported away. The savior is Washu (and possible one or two other characters who would only be there as support roles) who has holed up in her pocket dimensional lab, which as it has been created by Washu herself has no connection to any world she doesn't want to. It's sort of a safe house, home base the group could work from as they try to disable the system that the OC villain has set up. The key being is the group can obtain the power source that it is using to create the endless army they could use it to power of some artifacts and possibly fix the damage that had been done...

Basically the story would follow the small group of warriors as they work at a chance to restore their worlds and in the process get to know each other through character interactions. Some worlds would be totally controlled and they would have to sneak about and use guerrilla tactics. Other worlds would be on a more even footing with the beasts and there would be more epic fights. Plus the occasional omake of worlds that are ridiculously overpowered and the armies don;t stand a chance. (IE like Nippon ichi netherworlds or DBZ with the people taking turns blasting the hordes betting that they can take out more in one shot.)

My original series of choice were ones I know well...

Ranma 1/2
Love Hina
and such

Basically there was only going to be 6-8 warriors that would actually go out and fight and then a few that would be back at the base monitoring things, maybe contacting for tactics or updates of where they group needed to go. The villains they would be fighting would either be OCs or canon villains of that world that turned traitor for power.

Also with the character interactions I saw somethings in mind that some may die, others finding that even on restoring there old world they find they don't fit there anymore. But those that do get chosen will not be instant fodder to die in the first mission, should anymore die it should be suitably dramatic and maybe sometimes sudden.

that's the base concept, a little vague I know but this was the best place I could send it out there. If people like it and are willing to help maybe someone or myself could write it. With the assistance of TTFers brainstorming.
Tenchi is ridiculously overpowered far beyond the Z Senshi's wildest fantasies. It's also so convoluted that you need a damn list to keep track of all the continuities. AUTO FAIL.


Well-Known Member
I made a list so you would know what I was planning for main characters I was considering 6-_- if I didn't do that it would be even more vague.


Well-Known Member
Zenithos said:
From what I see, you're going to make Naruto the 'main character' of sorts. I'm quite sure it won't appeal to the fans of other fandoms. Neither will it appeal to the more experienced Naruto fanfic writers and readers.
Did I imply that naruto was to be the main character? If I did, I apologize, I was simply referring to a possible idea of explaining the xover. I have a slightly different idea I want to change about your idea Ryogas_BF.

The portals are still hidden, possibly protected by ancient/magical/ high technological traps. However, to activate the portal, you need a certain stone. This stone is rare on each world, and needs 'power' aka experience or some sort of sacrifice to power the stone up.

This way, the characters can't simply bounce from world A to B to C and then back to A.
That is why I created this thread, it was to discuss the worlds / anime / games that were to take part. For example, if you use parts of KH (kingdom hearts) then you already have a known concept.

The plot and such could be discussed here as well.
Ryogas_BF, would you be willing to contact me on msn?


Well-Known Member
Well my orginal idea was that these portal were jammed by the army, with the villian constantly pumping havening captured every portal for his own use the heroes couldn't use them to just bounce around. They would have to close them. Any due to the interfereance washu could one teleport them in rare breaks, so most of the would be one way until mission was accomplished. so it would me more like A - B... stuck on B... finish and come back to A. Though there could be exceptions here and there from sake of mixing it up.

The stoes Idea is interesting but then that would throw off the plan of attack, if he had to go from world to wold seeking the stones to get to the next is would take him several lifetimes to control it all... Though the slower encroachment would add this to more of a all out war comapred to te rebel vs empire feel with the group finding world untouched as of yet and trying to form alliances before the baddies arrived *shrug* that could work too

But as stated it is hard to connect multiple worlds together as smoothly as KH did without copying... I was hoping to disassociate with that as bringing KH into the mix would just be too ridiculous and overshadow the attempt as another 'anime kingdom hearts!' thing. Multi cross mixxing with multi cross... seems a little much to put on an author's plate.

Who the main character's could be would be a huge debate as though there is room for main Cameos the main group would be hotly debated amoung authors that care about the idea. You want to have a diverse group of persona and skills to make the interactions entertaining but not have characters that were 'saved' that would not be able to handle what needed to be done. My list would likely differ then your own but discussion is the best means to get it all out there.

If I have MSN I would gladly. I normally use Yahoo or AIM myself. I could set up an account I suppose and add it to my trillian list...

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Nononono... If you are to bring different main characters from different fandom, it's not like the story can focus just on one of them. Otherwise, it's Autofail.

Well... We have to crossover, hn?

Then... I think the limit of characters is 5/6.

Naruto, of course.

Then... Cloud Strife, I suppose.

From books... Mmmh... Maybe a D&D character? Drizz't?

Again from Anime. I'd say Edward Elric.

Again from Games. Luigi. ^^

Last one... I'd suggest Justing from Grandia1 or Ryudo from Grandia2. I like Justin the best, though.


Well-Known Member
why cloud strife?

if anyone else has suggestions add the job they would/should/could get in the story, it would be easier to picture it then.


Well-Known Member
Tempting. Very tempting.

For the list of individuals I'd pick, supposing that I ever manage to write something in this level...

-Sephie of Meridian (Crossgen comics)
-Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)
-R. Daneel Olivaw (Foundation)
-Sergeant Schlock (Schlock Mercenary)
-Brooklyn (Disney's Gargoyles)
-Pre-time skip Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

The sheer action of putting these characters together would mean that the story would either be made of awesome or epic fail.

The second option looks more likely, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Just one minor suggestion - If you do want your fics to be read, don't use obscure series. Moreover, don't use obscure characters. A multi-crossover has a higher chance of success if the readers know all the different fandoms you've mixed in...and the way to achieve that is to use mainstream series only.

Put it this way, the probability of a reader knowing ALL the fandoms you've mixed in diminshes as you add more fandoms. And the more obscure the fandoms, the farther the probability drops.

There are two ways of going about this -

1) Use utterly mainstream titles only such as Naruto, Evangelion, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, Negima, etc. Mainstream titles have the largest number of fans and there is a larger chance that a fan of one title may be the fan of many other mainstream ones.

2) Specify a certain genre and use only popular series within that genre. Say, mecha - use NGE, gundam wing, gundam seed, and other popular mecha titles. This way, you'll be targeting mecha fans who would most likely have a broad knowledge of mecha titles. Say you decide to go with 'school life', you'd use School Rumble, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu, School Days, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, Kanon, Clannad, etc.

...but if you're only writing this for fun and you don't mind if nobody reads your fics, then I suppose you could do whatever you like, really :lol:


Well-Known Member
The biggest fanfic I've seen in terms of xovered series...
Hmm... Le'see...There was Naruto, Laharl, Dante,Some main-char from some Res-evil, some other guy form the afore mentioned series...Then...Uh...Two swordsmen from Tales of symphonia; The one with double swords and the flirty one who every one suspected of being gay...

That's just counting the ones I remember from the good guy team...

It was some RPG Duelling league-ish thingy where all these charcaters were summoned into fight in a tournament. Not that fantastic but keept me happy. Oh yeah, MId-boss was a crossdresser in it.