Naruto The race is on....


Well-Known Member
Tsunade notices that a number of male shinobi, especially some who are either extremely talented or have a bloodline are single...and seem to not even be looking for a mate. Being that the Konoha population is still recovering from the Kyuubi attack and the previous major wars, Tsunade sets out a plan...

All of the single male shinobi are to gather in one of the interior parks (You can have someone do a special request for Jiraiya as a joke). Then have the males find out that if one of the kunochi or the female townspeople catches them, they are married.


Race idea taken from "A Different Art" by Metroanime. One of "The Bet" series of stories.

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
God help Naruto if he's still single in this story and Hinata hears of the event.

Actually god help Naruto and anyone(thing) that gets in Hinata's way.

That being said just who would you include in this story, I'm guessing Naruto would be a given. And I suppose Lee would be too (between Gai and Lee, those eyebrows must keep several psycahitrists in business) Jiraiya would probably join in just for laughs/research and I can easily imagine scenes of him getting beaten or run away from.


Well-Known Member
Jiraiya= kunochi with a henge to make herself look like some overweight fat woman to scrare the holy hell out of Jiraiya.


Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of most of the males from the Rookie 9 and various others being told to meet by the Hokage building.

I would think that it could be interesting, especially since most of the shinobi shown in the Naruto series seem to be single. Hell, few of them even seem to be looking for a girlfriend/wife.


Just had a thought, lets add an age limit to the mix. Have the Rookie 9 barely pass that limit.