Evangelion The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion


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Disclaimer: Today's chapter is brought to you by the Speedwagon Foundation.

Author note: It's chapter 9 and we're back to the Angels. Israfel, come on down.

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 9 It Seems the Sun is Still Sleeping
by Anonguy

Time had passed in the form of three weeks, during which the three pilots were busy training and getting used to fighting alongside one another. Shinji was taking to the role of team sharpshooter, with Rei as the team's shock trooper. Asuka had taken to the role of heavy ordinance with a little too much gusto, but enthusiasm was preferable to endless angst and doubt.

As it were, the three pilots found themselves in the middle of a mock battle, their targets rapidly moving dummies designed off of the first three Angels that showed up. And while they could replicate the weaponry of the Angels, they made up for it by coming up with creative equivalent. The Sachiel dummy had a hydraulic rifle that allowed it to simulate the long distance piledriver it showed off on the UN forces. Shamshel's dummy didn't have beam tentacles, but with them administering an electric shock, they were just as threatening.

Sadly, the Ramiel dummies lacked any form of beam weapon, and had to make due with a custom built smoothbore cannon, sent in from those helpful folks in NERV America.

It went without saying the mock battle had turned the training center of the Geo Front into a warzone in no time at all. Asuka and Rei protected Shinji from a Ramiel dummy's cannon, allowing the pilot of Unit-01 to ventilate the core with some nice incendiary rounds. Asuka turned a bazooka on a group of Sachiel and Shamshel dummies, obscuring the immediate area in smoke and dirt. Rei emerged from the clouds wielding a custom built shotgun, the rotating round system allowing her to shred her foes in no time at all.

Unit-01, meanwhile, had taken to a running battle with the Ramiel dummies, doing his best to draw their fire and keep them from helping the others. The HE round toppled one over into the path of another, blocking it from returning fire as Shinji chambered in another incendiary round, silencing the second one in a flash. All told, the battle had already passed five minutes and the teamwork of the Children had them suffering no damage at all.

Everyone who watched that battle felt some measure of pride, from the weapon techs who worked endlessly to make the weapons and ammo, to the brains of the operation who had trained them so well.

They were the best hope the world had of defeating the Angels, as they had pilots capable of controlling the Evangelion without issue. But also because the support and infrastructure behind them was solid and dependable, they weren't out there trying to sabotage them at all. There was a sense of pride and camaraderie that had become the norm at NERV since Shinji's arrival, of whom some would give credit for opening their eyes to what they had ignored before.

Rei was also key, recovering from her injuries to become a competent pilot and capable fighter in her own right had taken all the pressure off their every action. Asuka continued the alleviation, being the best pilot amongst them in terms of training, but also the one with the brightest spirit. The three had formed into a trio that could very well carve out a legend for themselves, as long as they stayed the course.

And everyone at NERV Japan would be damned if they allowed those kids to fall by the wayside.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôCaptain.ö Oh, it was one of the weapon techs. Lei Ti as Misato recalled.

ôWhat can I do for you?ö Misato was curious, as the woman worked with the nut who made that chainsaw sword thing.

ôJust need you to sign off on the weapon load-out for the next mission.ö They were getting better prepared. Hell, NERV was bringing in rockets from Japan's former space program just in case they needed them.

ôOf course.ö Misato took the form and signed it. ôOh, and how's Ron doing?ö

ôSill stuck on the drill again.ö Lei sighed, he had been at it since he finished the sword.

ôI'll send Shinji along to help.ö Misato turned to get back to work.

ôCan he really help?ö Lei wasn't doubtful he could, seeing as he had become the Ace of Project E in general and allowed her and Ron to run amok in the weapon labs.

ôHe's good at spotting the obvious and telling you if you missed it.ö Misato said in a tone that sounded like she was being respectful to her charge. It wouldn't do to say it was because he could be a real asshole about it now would it?

ôI'm sure Ron can handle him.ö Not entirely a lie, since Ron was one of the few people that could outcreep Gendo when he put his mind to it. And when Lei thought about it, that was pretty damn scary.

ôI bet he could.ö Misato decided not to make any obvious cracks about how Ron would handle Shinji. She bit her lip to stifle a laugh. ôI'll go get him, and you can help me put together the briefing for the load outs.ö

ôOf course.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôSo this is the weapons division's labs. Funny, I expected a lot more weapons and stuff strewn about.ö Shinji was walking behind Li Rong, who was helping the young pilot make his way to the drill project.

ôOh, we got interns for that, among their other duties. They operate the heavy machinery you see scattered about to keep things tidy.ö Li Rong, henceforth to be referred to as Ron, said casually. If couldn't make your interns do the dirty jobs, then why have them?

ôAt least they have a job here. The Section Two interns look so depressed.ö Having to guard a box of donuts and the coffee machine in the lounge had to be one of the worst jobs. That or the intern whose only job was to be hit whenever something went wrong. Shinji decided he liked nepotism all of a sudden.

ôI don't even know where they get the kids they do for Section Two, to be honest.ö Ron didn't like thinking about things that had no real answer, so he just focused on the stuff he could answer. More efficient that way.

ôSo, I hear you have some new monstrosity of a weapon you're working on.ö Shinji had seen the chainsaw sword, but Rei had already claimed it as hers. Just as well, he thought Unit-01 would look stupid holding it.

ôYes, it was my original project before I made the sword.ö Ron wasn't offended by the remarks about his creation, he had made it to be crazy looking anyways. ôI was inspired when I saw the Fortress Angel using a drill and thought we could use one too.ö

ôMakes sense.ö They arrived at the lab and Shinji did his best not to stare at the fucking huge drill stationed there. ôYou... you built this?ö

ôNot me personally, me and Lei and some of the other techs did most of the work. The interns did the minute details, but the core was crafted by us.ö Ron knew he sounding like he was bragging, which was good because he certainly was. ôI just can't get the damned thing to spin, Simon.ö



ôIt's Shinji, the pilot of Unit-01.ö

ôOh damn it, I've been having him help me so much I spaced out.ö Ron slapped his forehead, feeling rather stupid.

ôSimon's an intern here I take it?ö Shinji wasn't offended, the guy was working on stuff to kill the Angels and would have every right to be pissed at him for pushing his nose to the grindstone.

ôYes. He's often one of the cleaners of the work sites.ö It was a thankless job, but the kid seemed good at it. His adoptive brother worked in the city so they didn't see each other much since Simon became an intern at NERV.

ôI think I saw him working with some red haired girl on the rifles.ö Shinji wasn't going to ask why she had a sniper rifle strapped to her back, but Section Two wasn't watching her every move so he figured she had permission to do it.

ôAkagi actually managed to poach Yoko from the JSSDF?ö Ron had mentioned she was a sharpshooting expert when they had started work on the sniper rifles to be used by the Evangelion, he hadn't expected her to be hired.

ôWell, NERV seems to specialize in acquiring the people needed to help us do our jobs.ö Shinji had been impressed by the sheer number of people who kept getting hired as new jobs became in demand. ôThere is a sizable number of interns here after all.ö

ôHell, some of them don't really work here.ö Ron decided to put off work for now, you really didn't get a chance to engage the pilots in conversation these days.


ôA couple of the interns are some kids who sometimes pop into NERV somehow, so we put them to work until they disappear again.ö They were nice kids, but the boy could due with some lessons in humility.

ôI'd be appalled but you could have just killed them instead.ö Shinji knew that infiltrating NERV was a federal offense that had a myriad of punishments he didn't care to think about. ôIs there a reason for the odd dress code?ö

ôAh, you saw Noriko did you?ö Ron closed his eyes for a second. ôHer father was a captain back during Second Impact, he didn't make it out of the wars. She lives at the school that supplies our interns, being under the care of Kazumi, the other girl dressed like Noriko.ö

ôI see, that poor girl.ö Shinji was being polite, as her plight didn't exactly move him. But that wasn't to say it didn't affect him at all.

ôShe's a hard worker, which is why we always yell at Ohta when he hogs her to himself.ö Ron didn't care if the man was old friend of her dad's, the interns were there for everyone to abuse help them realize their potential.

ôWow, I guess there is a lot of stuff you guys get around to down here in the guts of the operation huh?ö Shinji looked at the drill and thought for a long second.

ôMore than you know kid, more than you know.ö Ron clapped his hands. ôWell, let's get to work shall we?ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôWe've got blue signal!ö Aoba called out, having noticed it during a routine scan. ôTwelve miles to the west, ETA is ten minutes!ö

ôEvangelion units are being prepped and readied as we speak, pilots standing by for insertion.ö Hyuga followed up, furiously typing to get everything set up for this Angel.

ôWe have confirmation of visuals, putting them on screen.ö Maya did as she said, the image of not one but TWO Angels appearing for everyone to see.

ôWait, two?ö Misato bit her lip, not liking this development at all. The hulking forms were gray and orange, their distinct face masks with three eye holes and a core a piece.

ôNegative, they are not separate entities! Blue signal frequency in the same in both.ö Maya answered quickly, processing the data as fast as she could. ôThey're the same Angel.ö

ôOkay! Since there are two of them, our three units will dance with them. The battle plan is to keep switching from target to target, never engage for more than one attack.ö Misato ordered, arms crossed confidently as she gave the command.

ôRoger that, orders are being relayed. Unit-01 and Unit-02 will engage with melee weapons, Unit-00 will focus on ballistics to help suppression of targets.ö Aoba called as he issued the order to the pilots. ôEquipping Unit-01 with Maglock sword. Equipping Unit-02 with Sonic Glaive.ö

ôOperation will begin once the Evangelion have reached the intercept point.ö Hyuga added, keeping watch on the Angel.

ôSo, have they been watching?ö Misato frowned and turned around towards Gendo in his perch. ôCommander, permission to initiate Hunter protocol!ö

ôOn what grounds Captain?ö Gendo wasn't saying no, but he wasn't saying yes. Hearing why they would use that protocol is the best course of action.

ôWhile I have faith in our pilots and tactics, I want to be sure if we have to escape, we can keep the Angel away without an N2 mine.ö Misato reasoned that the less they relied on the big bombs, the more capable they would be to fight out of these sticky situations.

ôVery well, Captain.ö Gendo turned to Fuyutsuki. ôSensei, get the UN on the line and tell them that we're enacting the Hunter protocol.ö Said protocol was a three way operation using a large number of air support like Predator drones and gunships to suppress a given target by forcing it to defend itself.

ôUnderstood.ö The Sub-commander saluted and took his leave.

ôI applaud your quick thinking, Captain Katsuragi.ö Gendo said, loud enough for Misato to hear. ôI too believe in them, but the better we cover ourselves, the more likely we will succeed. We were caught with our pants down before, but we survived. Whether luck or skill, we're here.ö

ôWe make mistakes to learn from them.ö Misato finished for him, remembering that he had said much the same after Rei's accident. ôAnd we have learned so much.ö

ôAnd that knowledge is why we're so very dangerous.ö Gendo remained impassive, watching the video feed with his usual stoic front.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôThis is Unit-01, we have arrived at the intercept point and have visual confirmation of the Angel. Unit-02 and I are ready to mobilize and engage at your mark, command.ö Shinji handled the protocol procedures, leaving it to Rei and Asuka to assess the threat of the Angel, Israfel, posed.

ôCopy that pilot Ikari, you and pilot Soryu are to engage immediately.ö Maya responded over the radio.

ôRoger.ö Unit-01 hefted the Maglock sword and stared at the approaching Angel. ôAyanami, lay down some fire the left body, Soryu and I will take the right first.ö

ôGot it.ö Rei said, hefting the custom made heavy assault rifle built for Unit-00 specifically. It was larger than three pallet rifles taped together, carried more rounds than anyone could possibly need, and to top it off it came with three modes of fire. Unit-00 squeezed the trigger and showered Left with a spray of bullets, which were blocked by the AT-field, but halted that half of the Angel's progress.

ôCome on!ö Asuka roared, slamming the glaive into Right's AT-field, pushing it farther away from Left. Speaking of Left, it came charging at the back of Unit-02, only to be blindsided by Unit-01 nearly slicing it in half with the Maglock.

ôSwitch!ö Shinji yelled, as Unit-01 and 02 rotated their positions, with Rei hosing both bodies down to prevent Israfel from attacking at all. They each clashed with their respective targets again, failing to do damage but keep the Angel from unifying its own attack.

ôOnce more!ö Asuka was getting into it, as she cranked Unit-02 into the switch with great enthusiasm. Another clash and they had sufficiently pushed them apart.

ôTogether on one!ö Shinji called, Asuka abandoning Left to come and attack Right. Rei held Left in position with her fire, the shotgun at her feet itching to be used. Shinji and Asuka pressed Right, attacking without worrying of bringing down the field. They would first check and see if there was a limit to the distance they could be separated.

ôNo signs of any decay in the target and they've been separated by 300 yards.ö Maya called up to Misato.

ôRei, get in there and kill the Left one.ö Misato had a hunch she wanted checked out.

ôOrder received.ö Rei said, gently putting down her rifle and picking up her shotgun. With a frightening quickness, Rei shoulder checked Left as it sought to aid Right before jamming the shotgun into its gut. ôDie.ö She pulled the trigger, the roar of the shotgun drowning out the sound of Left's torso being gruesomely ripped apart.

ôBlue signal weakened but not gone. Left is likely still alive.ö Aoba called, and as if to prove him correct, one of Right's eyes glowed, the damage done to left reversing itself in seconds. It stood up and roared.

Unit-00 punched it in the face.

ôFuck you!ö Rei punctuated this by firing off a flechette round into the stumbling Angel's body. Right's eye glowed again and Left was back to normal again. Unit-00 kicked it in the face, sending it flying away.

ôHealing abilities confirmed. Left and Right seem to be able to heal one another.ö Hyuga noted, entering this data into the MAGI for later analysis. Well, Left's healing ability was assumed, but that had more to do with a highly probably conjecture on the bridge crew member's part.

ôThis isn't good.ö If only because the pilots wouldn't last forever and if it became a battle of stamina between an endlessly regenerating foe, Misato knew they would lose. ôOrder the pilots to conserve their energy if necessary, I don't want this to come down to attrition.ö

ôOrder relayed, ma'am!ö Maya replied, gritting her teeth. Lucky bastards.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôLet's finish this up soon, we have them on the ropes.ö Shinji flexed his fingers a bit before regripping the controls.

ôBut how do we do that? They keep healing each other!ö Asuka shouted as she bisected Left again, only for Right to heal it midair.

ôKill them at the same time?ö Rei suggested as she picked back up her assault rifle.

ôAlright, Ayanami and I will corner them into a line so you can use the glaive to impale both their cores fast enough for them to both die.ö Shinji called out as he charged forward, Rei maneuvering around for a shot on the two halves of Israfel. Shinji got within range and swung with all his might, only for his slash to miss as the twins back flipped away.

ôThe hell are they doing?ö Rei asked, even as she tried to line up a shot.

Both halves of Israfel struck a pose... before turning on heel and running away as fast as possible. Wait, were those tears? Needless to say, everyone was dumbfounded by one of the previously thought to be fearless Angels running like a proverbial bitch.

ôThe... the Angel has ran away. Blue signal can't be confirmed anymore.ö Aoba was stunned, but not enough to voice the data he had been given.

ôRetrieve the Evangelion, there's no need to stay there. The UN and JSSDF should be put on alert for any future activity.ö Misato ordered, shaking her head. Did it really run in fear, she really wondered about that.

End Chapter 9

Teaser for Chapter 10 ôCry Me a Future, Where the Revelations Run Amokö:

ôSo Ritsuko, what you're saying is..ö Misato shook her head, refusing to believe what she was hearing.

ôWhat I am saying is that most likely, the Angel ran because it had been expecting just two Evangelion.ö Ritsuko sighed, having explained this in detail before.

ôWho knew they were so sensitive?ö Asuka commented from the side, looking at Shinji, who had fought the most.

ôThe first two were crybabies.ö Shinji shrugged, looking not at all surprised at Israfel's sudden cowardice.

ôSo logically, we should have two units engage the Angel.ö Rei added, looking out at the screen as they received word of the UN and JSSDF began to mobilize in accordance to the Hunter protocol.

ôOverlord, this is Hunter-1, we are moving to form a defensive barrier around Tokyo-3 as agreed.ö One of the UN commanders radioed in to inform NERV. ôOur mission isn't to try and kill the target, just delay it, correct?ö

ôThat is correct Hunter-1. Keep your men safe and good hunting.ö

Author note: And that's 9. With this chapter, have I exhausted all the references I could fit into this story? (Signs point to no). See ya for 10 soon.


Well-Known Member
Anonguy said:
ôNo signs of any decay in the target and they've been separated by 30 yards.ö Maya called up to Misato.
Only 30 yards? The angels must be really small in this continuity.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting, that. :yay:


Well-Known Member
alansg said:
Anonguy said:
ôNo signs of any decay in the target and they've been separated by 30 yards.ö? Maya called up to Misato.
Only 30 yards? The angels must be really small in this continuity.
Eh, I admit I just pulled the number out of my ass.

I think the problem I have is matching distance to size.


Well-Known Member
Anonguy said:
alansg said:
Anonguy said:
ôNo signs of any decay in the target and they've been separated by 30 yards.öá Maya called up to Misato.
Only 30 yards? The angels must be really small in this continuity.
Eh, I admit I just pulled the number out of my ass.

I think the problem I have is matching distance to size.
Just make it 300 yards and it should be OK.


Well-Known Member
Anonymous said:
Both halves of Israfel struck a pose... before turning on heel and running away as fast as possible.
Saotome Ultimate Technique?
Just a bit. I had to improvise since they couldn't shout and just roaring really loudly wouldn't be as funny.

I think it's something from God Hand but my memory is fuzzy. I think Gold and Silver pose before running at you crazily.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I exist in the space between laughter and sorrow, which is why I laugh at tragedies and frown at comedies.

Author note: It's chapter 10 yo. Israfel ran away but the Angel, like Heroes, comes back. It's gonna be a wild ride, so strap in.

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 10 Cry Me a Future, Where the Revelations Run Amok
by Marik Kurakashi

ôSo Ritsuko, what you're saying is..ö Misato shook her head, refusing to believe what she was hearing.

ôWhat I am saying is that most likely, the Angel ran because it had been expecting just two Evangelion.ö Ritsuko sighed, having explained this in detail before.

ôWho knew they were so sensitive?ö Asuka commented from the side, looking at Shinji, who had fought the most.

ôThe first two were crybabies.ö Shinji shrugged, looking not at all surprised at Israfel's sudden cowardice.

ôSo logically, we should have two units engage the Angel.ö Rei added, looking out at the screen as they received word of the UN and JSSDF began to mobilize in accordance to the Hunter protocol.

ôOverlord, this is Hunter-1, we are moving to form a defensive barrier around Tokyo-3 as agreed.ö One of the UN commanders radioed in to inform NERV. ôOur mission isn't to try and kill the target, just delay it, correct?ö

ôThat is correct Hunter-1. Keep your men safe and good hunting.ö Misato answered, sighing as they went back to the drawing board on how to kill Israfel.

ôHow long do you think they can hold out?ö Shinji was just a tiny bit concerned by the idea of chucking the normals to the fire against the Angel.

ôIndefinitely as long as they stick to the plan in the protocol.ö Misato answered easily. ôIf they're smart, when they see the Angel, they'll stick to the Predator drones first. The missiles won't do shit, but if the drones are shot down, there's no loss of lives.ö

ôAs soon as we have a capable plan, we'll call them off and come in.ö Ritsuko decided to help Misato placate the worrying pilots.

ôOkay, so what do we do about the Angel?ö Shinji nodded and put it from his mind for now.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôKeep an eye out for the target, we need to keep it busy for NERV. No manned vessels for the opening engagement, follow the protocol's safety measures at all costs.ö Hunter-1 radioed to all of his troops, a large number of which were personnel who were controlling the Predator drones.

ôRoger that sir.ö This was the general response.

ôHunter-1, this is Recon-6, we have visual confirmation of the target, uploading coordinates and evacuating.ö And like that, it was on.

The first missile did little damage, but served to annoy the Angel. Left looked around as Right stalked from the smoke cloud left by the explosion. The second one missed as the two halves moved in an uncanny fashion, only to walk right into the third. Now, they were mad, the two halves stampeding about like wild cattle.

A fourth attack was thwarted by an AT-field, and a fifth got punched out of the air. Israfel wasn't taking this shit lying down, much the same of which could be said for the UN/JSSDF super forces, which responded with seven simultaneous missile strikes. While it did little damage and only served to infuriate the target all the more, they were doing their job perfectly.

Israfel wasn't moving any closer to Tokyo-3.

No matter how they looked at it, all they could do was delay the Angel, hell that was the entire point of the operation. But it hurts your pride a little, knowing that you were less than fodder, because at least cannon fodder had a point of being there. These combined forces, more than enough to conquer most any army, were nothing but helpless children before Israfel.

But did they sit back and cry? Hell no! They let the Angel have it with whatever they could manage. Missiles continued to rain in as gunships began making their way to the fight. So they couldn't kill it, nor could they damage it severely without using an N2 mine. But did they despair and give in to the urge to fling big bombs at it until the land was glass?

Of course not, because NERV was here and they would save the day, and so they held on, believing in the organization created to kill this beast.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôSo we have to send two Evangelion out to meet the Angel?ö Misato wasn't sure she liked this idea, but it sounded better than any other suggestion that was made. They were not going to glass the area around Tokyo-3 damn it.

ôIdeally, as a quick bit of variable crunching shows the Angel will keep running from all three.ö Ritsuko was beginning to wish they would just start chucking N2 mines at the blasted thing. It'd be faster than relying on a duel of some kind.

ôI'll go.ö Shinji volunteered immediately. ôI'm not letting it play keep away with us.ö

ôMe too.ö Asuka jumped in before Rei, who looked both angry and despondent at the same time. ôShinji and I have worked together to sync Unit-02, we'd be the best choice to fight two-on-two with the Angel.ö

ôI suppose so. Unless one of you wants to step aside for Rei, we'll begin prepping Unit-01 and 02 for launch.ö Misato looked at Rei, biting her lip as the other two simply turned to get ready.

ôMisato.ö Ritsuko started, only to be silenced by an upraised hand.

ôI know, I'll take care of her.ö Misato then walked over to Rei. ôI'm sorry you got passed over Rei, but they volunteered first and they made a good case for themselves. I would have kept it open but we can't afford to wait any more than we already have.ö

ôIt's... it's fine. Don't worry about it.ö Rei didn't sound very convincing.

ôNo, it's not fine or I wouldn't have to be saying this to you.ö Misato sighed, before saying what she didn't really want to. ôLook, Rei, I don't think I should say this, but your emotions have been spiraling out of control since you met Shinji. They haven't affected your sync ratio or your performances, but they are making you whiplash from mood to mood more than before. I don't have any reason to say this other than as a friend, I want to make sure you're in good mental health. As such, I'm ordering you to take a vacation from piloting for a bit and get yourself under control before it does become an issue. I want to be able to put full faith in you and not wonder if this battle is the one you snap.ö Finally saying her piece, she turned away from the hurt, almost profoundly aching look on the face of the First Child. She accepted the slap to the face without complaint, nor did she try and stop the girl from running away, feeling horrible for essentially removing her from duty over the conjecture that Rei would snap.

ôYou did a brave thing, Captain.ö Gendo appeared as if summoned by something, promptly scaring Misato horribly. ôIt takes a great leader to care about their followers. I was right to place Project E in your hands.ö

ôI wish I had a better way of saying it.ö Her cheek stung, but not as much as her conscience.

ôDo not fret, as I will go and explain it to her. I will make her understand that it is for the best that she get herself under control.ö Gendo looked ahead, past Misato and all the walls. ôShe'll be at my office, crying under the desk. It's what she did when she first failed her sync test with 00. Fear not, she is made of stronger stuff than she has shown. She will recover, maybe not for the next operation, but for the next one.ö

ôTell her I'm sorry, would you?ö Misato turned to get back to work and killing Israfel.

ôI will, though you have no need to be.ö Gendo almost smiled, his face twitching into a warm smirk. It creeped Misato out big time. ôThis to, shall pass. Go forth Captain, there is work to be done.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôThis is Hunter-1 to all troops, be advised, NERV is redeploying the Evangelion. As such, our job here is finished. Once they have engaged the Angel again, we will withdraw from the battlefield. I repeat, once the target has been engaged by NERV, we will be withdrawing. Is that understood?ö Hunter-1 gritted his teeth, they had survived a full twenty minutes against Israfel without sustaining a casualty beyond a few drones.

ôSir yes sir!ö This was the general response to the order.

ôThis is Shinji Ikari in Unit-01, just hopping on to say thanks Hunter-1, you did your job well.ö Shinji wasn't trying to patronize the man, they had fought the Angel to a standstill without the Evangelion. ôAs much as I'd like you to continue until you kill it, I'd rather take a guaranteed win over any other.ö

ôThis is Hunter-1, saying good luck pilot. Kick its ass for us would you?ö Hunter-1 managed a smile, despite everything that should have made him frown.

ôYou got it.ö Not that he needed to say it, but damn it, he was gonna be a badass for once.

ôWe're almost there Ikari, look sharp.ö Asuka wasn't raining on his parade, just letting him know that the battle was about to be joined.

ôI hear you, Soryu. Let's get this bastard and go home.ö Shinji hefted the Maglock once, just to remind himself it was there. ôSo how do we do this?ö

ôHit 'em fast, hit 'em hard, make sure they die.ö Asuka tapped the Sonic Glaive once, just to show she was thinking, always thinking. ôBut let's not get sloppy now and make sure to watch each other's backs.ö

ôGot it, we're reaching the battlefield.ö The Evangelion roared forth, clashing with each half of Israfel in a display of power that shook the area. The tag team match of the millennium, short as it was, was on.

Left immediately swarmed Unit-01, targeting the Maglock in an effort to disarm his foe. This wasn't the blind charging of before, but a series of calculated attacks that pushed Shinji back on his heels. In contrast to the first battle, the Angel was now playing divide and conquer against the Evangelion. No words were exchanged between the pilots as they fought off the vicious assault.

Right, working her way around the reach of Unit-02's weapon, seemed to be the faster of the halves. Unlike Sachiel and Shamshel, Israfel held a secret cunning that rivaled the intelligence shown by both Gahgiel and Ramiel. They were no match for the three Evangelion, so they convinced them to come with just two.

Misato felt sick, seeing the trap begin to form in front of her eyes.

ôSoryu, drop your weapon, they're targeting them.ö Shinji cried as he let go of the Maglock and locked hands with Left.

ôRight!ö Asuka followed suit and began exchanging punches with Right.

ôIt's broken down into a tag team match.ö Maya exclaimed, as Fuyutsuki and Gendo entered the bridge.

ôIt takes you back, doesn't it Ikari?ö Fuyutsuki waxed nostalgically, smiling as he watched the battle progress.

ôThat it does, Sensei. Those were some wild times in Osaka weren't they?ö Gendo looked on sternly, memories flashing back to a time before Second Impact. The world championship was it? Ah, good times.

ôYou were a beast.ö Still are, but Fuyutsuki decided to be polite. For now.

ôThe match appears to be even.ö Hyuga interrupted, as Unit-02 kicked Right in the face. Unit-01 was grappling as best it could with Left, the stalemate looking to go unresolved.

ôIt doesn't appear that either pilot is exerting much energy.ö Aoba added in, monitoring the vitals very dutifully. ôIf they pace themselves, stamina won't become much of a factor.ö

ôThey weren't pacing themselves before, after all.ö Maya put in, covering the earlier battle.

ôThat's good,ö Misato said, before realizing. ôCouldn't we have just had them pace themselves earlier?ö

ôNo, because the Angel ran away. We still don't know how to kill it anyways.ö Ritsuko entered in to the discussion with some facts.

ôLet's hope they figure it out.ö Misato tried not to sound worried. She succeeded, mostly anyways.

/-\ /-\ /-\

Unit-01 kneed Left in the face, following this up with a right cross to the same area. The Angel stumbled, but blocked the left hook before coming with a left uppercut. Shinji managed to pull out of the way but was pushed off his offensive. Left came surging forward with a series of punches, none of which came close to hitting but served to keep Unit-01 off balance.

Right took a kick to the chest and responded with a punch of her own, but the damage was minimal at best. Neither combatant seemed to be doing all that much to the other, save for shaking the earth beneath them with every titanic strike. Asuka nailed Right with a right straight, left upper combo, followed by a stinging backfist that sent it tumbling away.

It was breaking down into a slugfest here outside Tokyo-3.

ôWe're getting nowhere.ö Shinji groused as he elbowed Left in the face to force it back.

ôIf we knew how to kill them, this would be so much simpler.ö Asuka wasn't exactly complaining, she was having a ball really. She kicked Right again, following with a palm strike that dropped it.

ôMaybe, maybe not.ö Shinji was beginning to think even with the knowledge to kill this pest, that it wouldn't be as easy as they might think. This Angel was a slick customer, despite their first impression of it. He locked Unit-01 up with Left again, the epic test-of-strength ending in yet another stalemate.

ôThen suggest something or keep quiet and fight.ö Asuka wasn't in the mood for a debate about whether they were stinking the joint up or not. Not while fighting for her life, which Right reminded her of with a crazy headbutt.

ôI'm working on it.ö Unit-01 slammed Left down, shattering the ground for what seemed like miles.

ôWork faster then.ö Unit-02 returned the headbutt before the two started exchanging strikes some more.

ôBe quiet, I'm thinking.ö He didn't really mean that, but it was the first thing that popped into his head.

ôWell, how about this? We stop fighting individually and start working as a team?ö Asuka turned Unit-02 towards Unit-01, which held out a hand. Asuka took the extended hand used it to pull Unit-02 into a flying high kick on Left while Unit-01 yanked itself into a front high kick that dropped Right down. The Evangelion turned and grabbed the opposite hand from before and twisted into a spinning sweep kick that sent the two halves of Israfel into the air.

ôAnd here we go!ö Shinji shouted as the Units leaped after the Angel and slammed the pair down with stereo German suplexes. Not stopping there, the Evangelion rolled to their feet, turned Left and Right around before hefting them into stereo power bombs. Still not down, but Units grabbed a leg and rolled their adversaries up into stereo half-nelson suplexes.

ôIt appears they've overtaken the Angel with some weird form of synchronized wrestling!ö Maya reported, shaking her head at the display. ôWhatever it is, it seems to be working.ö

ôIt's time to finish this, Shinji!ö Asuka cracked her knuckles as they prepared to take it to the Angel even further.

ôRight, let's go with 'that', Asuka!ö Shinji raised Unit-01's left arm and began projecting an AT-field from the elbow. Strangely, the AT-field pulled Left from the ground and started dragging it towards Unit-01.

ôOh ho ho, going for 'that' are we? Hmhmhm! Very well, let's send them to Hell!ö Asuka raised Unit-02's right arm and like Shinji before, started projecting the AT-field from the elbow as well. Like Left before, Right found itself floating towards Unit-02.

ôORAAAAAAH!ö Shinji yelled, slamming Unit-01's left arm into his captive foe with tremendous force in one massive lariat. Capturing it, he spun and flung Left at Unit-02.

ôTOH!ö Asuka slammed a palm into Right, rocketing it back into Left, the two halves of Israfel bouncing off and flying back towards the Evangelion that sent them flying. Shinji caught Left and dumped it in a double leg suplex. Asuka met right with another palm thrust, doubling it over before double underhooking the arms and leaping into the air. Midway through a butterfly suplex, Asuka somehow stopped and back flipped without moving Right at all, placing Unit-02 foot to foot with the Angel. The Evangelion rode the right half of Israfel into the ground, another large crater forming from the violent maneuver.

ôAnd now the finish!ö Shinji and Asuka yelled in unison, both retaking their earlier stances, though Shinji now had Unit-01's right arm raised instead. AT-fields at full flicker, the pattern spread warping to the point it looked like a giant hand extending out to yank each half out of the ground and pull them towards the Evangelion.

ôCROOOOOOSSSSSS BOMMMMMBBAAAAAAAH!ö the two pilots roared, charging forward and clotheslining each half of Israfel, dragging it along until they met, slamming both halves into one another in a violent collision that somehow reunited Israfel into one being. The Evangelion backed away as the Angel reeled, both cores exposed for all the world to see.

ôAsuka!ö Shinji yelled, picking up the discarded Sonic Glaive and tossing it to her.

ôOn it!ö Asuka twirled it once before running forwards and brute force ramming it through both cores. Israfel gave no scream and just pathetically collapsed over dead.

ôBlue signal has ceased entirely, the Angel is dead.ö Hyuga said, breathing a sigh of relief.

ôSo, I guess it was already dead before they skewered it?ö Aoba hazarded, wondering why he was getting funny looks all of a sudden.

ôSeems to be.ö Misato breathed a sigh of relief. ôAnd with this, another successful operation is complete!ö

End Chapter 10

Teaser for chapter 11 ôIt's Time to Burn It Downö:

ôSo Rei is on vacation?ö Shinji asked, it had been a small number of hours after Israfel when a JSSDF field research crew came across increased volcanic activity in Mount Asama. While no blue signal was recorded, they were paranoid enough to call in NERV.

ôRight, Ritsuko and others expressed concern over her rapidly changing emotional states.ö Misato shook her head. ôI wouldn't have said anything, but it seems her getting passed over for last op didn't sit too well and I decided to nip any future problems in the bud.ö

ôWell, alright then I guess.ö Shinji didn't care, but found it wasn't motivated by any malicious intent or stupid idea to test them. ôIt's not like you want us to only have two Evangelion right?ö

ôDuh. Hell, I'd rather have an army of the fucking things if I could.ö Misato really did hate having to leave everything to the kids.

ôThat's nice, but Mount Asama?ö Asuka politely interrupted the proceedings so they could get down to brass tacks.

ôThe JSSDF think they've found an Angel egg.ö

Author note: And that's 10. See ya soon for 11 and Sandalphon. Who knows, maybe we'll see that drill that's being worked on? Also, yes, Rei's vacation is a terrible plot device, but let's see where it goes okay? Bye now.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting, that it is.

I wonder if some version of Tokyo Disney is operating, that Rei could visit.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: Now with 1000% more stuff. Yay.

Author note: It's chapter 11 as we deal with the forced vacation of Rei Ayanami as well as the mystery of Mount Asama. Let's do this!

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 11 It's Time to Burn it Down
by Anonguy

ôSo Rei is on vacation?ö Shinji asked, it had been a small number of hours after Israfel when a JSSDF field research crew came across increased volcanic activity in Mount Asama. While no blue signal was recorded, they were paranoid enough to call in NERV.

ôRight, Ritsuko and others expressed concern over her rapidly changing emotional states.ö Misato shook her head. ôI wouldn't have said anything, but it seems her getting passed over for last op didn't sit too well and I decided to nip any future problems in the bud.ö

ôWell, alright then I guess.ö Shinji didn't care, but found it wasn't motivated by any malicious intent or stupid idea to test them. ôIt's not like you want us to only have two Evangelion right?ö

ôDuh. Hell, I'd rather have an army of the fucking things if I could.ö Misato really did hate having to leave everything to the kids.

ôThat's nice, but Mount Asama?ö Asuka politely interrupted the proceedings so they could get down to brass tacks.

ôThe JSSDF think they've found an Angel egg.ö Misato went on with the briefing, bringing up a picture of the volcano, before tapping a key to bring up a thermal scan. ôAll attempts to verify if it is there or not have failed, but the increase in activity of the volcano is scaring people left and right. As crazy as it sounds, Mount Asama was predicted to blow in twenty years, now we got a handful of days at best from new data being worked on.ö

ôI have to say that sounds rather ridiculous.ö Shinji aimed his critique at the notion, not the woman delivering it. Shooting the messenger when you lived with them was a huge faux pas. ôI'm no scientist but I don't think volcanic activity works like that.ö

ôI am a scientist, not a geologist but I did study it for a credit way back when, anyways that's not important. The thing to note is that they forget it is next to impossible to predict when a volcano will erupt, just the likely hood increases with seismic activity and new gas emissions. They're reacting to the fact that the volcano is now hotter than it was last week. Safe to say, it's bullshit and the Angel just gave itself away.ö Ritsuko gave the scientific explanation, which was longer than anyone cared for.

ôA simple 'they're so full of shit it's coming out their ears' would have sufficed.ö Shinji shook his head and looked back at the screen. ôSo somewhere, deep in the Earth, an Angel sleeps. I think I played a game like that once.ö

ôAnyways, do we know where this Angel is in there?ö Asuka moved away before anyone could notice the paint drying on the wall no one looks at.

ôNo.ö Misato seemed upset by this. ôThe JSSDF have the brilliant idea of sending in an Evangelion to go and see, like it's a giant spelunking robot.ö The Commander laughed at that, but had the tact to cut off the communication before he did.

ôIf you knew what the Evangelion really are, you'd strain yourself to figure out the robot part.ö Ritsuko interjected, being deliberately enigmatic in a way sure to piss off everyone. Sure, she couldn't say that 00 and 02 were made from the hacked apart corpse of Adam, nor mention that Lilith was garishly cut apart for 01 as well. Which means that they're alive and all the powering shit was to keep it restrained. And it'd be impossible to convince them to pilot again with the realization they were being injected into the brain of a living being to further puppet their movements. Wow, that sounded really horrifying now that she thought about it. ôAnd on that note, I'm never sleeping again.ö

ôWell.ö Misato paused to shoot Ritsuko a questioning look. ôWell, it's like this: They figure that we're the expert so we of course have some magic equipment to just bypass all that magma and stuff and find it.ö

ôYeah, and if we had that, it would've been done already.ö Shinji rubbed the bridge of his nose. ôYou don't support this do you?ö

ôNot officially, but we might be railroaded if we don't come up with an alternative fast.ö The JSSDF were still chewing on their hankies in polite disdain if Misato had them pegged right.

ôWe know where the Angel is. We know that it will emerge with the eruption of the volcano. In short, we know the who, what, the where, the when, and the why. So here's what we're gonna do! We're gonna evacuate the surroundings, we're going to dig lava trenches to divert the flow, and then! Then! We're gonna kick the living shit of this Angel, because that's just what we do!ö Shinji's ire at the stupid plan made his blood a little hot.

ôBut that's crazy!ö Misato agreed with the sentiment but it was phrased like a cocky madman. ôThere's so many things that could go wrong. What if one of the trenches fail or we miscalculate where it will go? The countryside could be ruined!ö

ôYeah, and what if this Angel is the most badass of them all and it manages to beat us? What happens then?ö Shinji wasn't arguing with Misato, but the argument she put forth. ôAnd you know what? I doubt that, I really do. But I think of why it's hiding in that volcano and I think, 'gosh, maybe it's hiding to surprise us with our backs turned?'. And then I think, 'Or maybe it isn't ready and is hiding until it is, defenseless except for the magma security blanket.' But than I realize, that deep down inside it, it's hiding because it is afraid of us. The Angels were so far above humanity that this should have been an easy romp, but I killed the first two without a scratch, then we outsmarted the big diamond thing. Then we carved up the big fish guy and then the Dunder twins. I would be afraid of what killed those guys, but then I'd have to be afraid of myself, Asuka, and Rei. And I don't fear me, which is why I can stand and fight.ö

ôSo what are we to tell the JSSDF?ö Misato felt an immense sense of pride, simply because Shinji was standing up for what he believed in. Not that he hadn't before, but this wasn't laced with ad hominem attacks.

ôGrab a shovel and get digging, we got an Angel to wait out.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôSo what has NERV decided?ö The representative of the JSSDF inquired when Misato contacted them.

ôWe're going to prepare for the volcano to erupt and deal with the Angel when it emerges.ö Misato said, crossing her arms in an authoritative manner.

ôNow see here Ms. Katsuragi.ö The rep started, only to be cut of by Misato clearing her throat.

ôNERV is not your underling that you bully into doing what you want. We're here to kill the Angels and nothing more.ö Misato refrained from shaking her head.

ôWith all due respect, this volcano is nothing to sneeze at, to think you could contain its eruption is foolhardy.ö The man was trying, you had to give him that. If you were being charitable that is.

ôIf you're referring to the Tenmei-3 eruption, that happened 232 years ago. The odds are slim of that happening again, and in fact, it'd be better for us, because we'd just peel off the Angel's field and let the lava melt the fucker.ö Misato had done her research it seems.

ôI can see you won't listen to reason.ö Oh no he did NOT try to act like his request was reasonable in the first place.

ôIf I'm not listening to reason, it's because you're not saying anything in reason. NERV has only 3 Evangelion, to send one down to see if we can find the needle in a thousand burning haystacks isn't the best idea. There are no back-ups here, we aren't sacrificing a pilot and an Evangelion just for your snipe hunt.ö She narrowed her eyes and uncrossed her arms. ôWe know where it is, we know where it will appear. We will be ready, because we're NERV, it's what we do. Now you can go grab a shovel and help us dig or shut up.ö

ôVery well.ö He hung up, without a word of whether they'd help.

ôMeh, I think it went well.ö Misato spun on heel and decided to start bossing people around.

/-\ /-\ /-\

We move up a couple days and find ourselves at zenith. The Angel will be emerging in oh, fifteen minutes, no worries. Actually, that would be a good thing to worry about, but NERV was sitting in wait for it, so maybe everything will turn out okay.

ôHey, Shinji.ö Asuka decided to pass the time talking to Shinji. Inside Unit-02, she had been thinking, as she was wont to do, about Rei's sudden vacation.

ôWhat's up?ö Shinji was getting bored, so he didn't mind the interruption.

ôYou think Rei will be back? Anytime soon that is.ö The First Child was oddly endearing in her own way, Asuka thought so anyways.

ôOf course, but then, I know she's the strongest one of us here. How many times are you ordered to take time off to prevent a breakdown? I know I would have snapped far sooner than she would have.ö Shinji, for all his bluster, admired Rei after a fashion. After all, instead of becoming a stand-offish bitch about his warped way of dealing with people, she instead went with it. You had to respect people who are willing to grown and change for the sake of other people.

ôMm, I suppose that's true.ö Asuka knew what it was like to deal with backbreaking stress, the wound of her mother's suicide healed but the scar would always remain. ôIt just seems odd not to have her around.ö

ôYou get used to her after a while, even her occasional slips into the uncanny valley.ö Shinji smiled at that, snickering a little for some reason.

ôI heard you mention it before, but what is that?ö Asuka, in the interest of conversation, chose a tangent point.

ôWell, it like this, when you have something that looks human but there's just something subtly off and it gives them a creepy vibe.ö Shinji wasn't sure how to explain it.

ôThat's not Rei, she looks perfectly normal, blue hair aside.ö Besides, Misato has purple hair, and it seemed totally natural. Not that Asuka wanted to find out anyways, nor would she bring it up, since Shinji had been living with her longer.

ôWell, yeah, she looks fine. The problem is that her manner of speaking can become, for lack of a better word, artificial.ö Shinji wasn't sure how to explain it.

ôArtificial?ö Asuka puzzled at the word choice.

ôThink of it like the old sci-fi ideal of an android: perfectly human looking with a voice to match. It's too smooth and crisp and it makes the person seem unreal.ö That was the best explanation he could give right now.

ôAh, I get it. Yeah, I can see how that would make someone seem, well, uncanny.ö For lack of a better word yes? Asuka shrugged and checked the time, ten minutes to go.

ôExactly.ö This was the precise situation where the phrase ôa watch pot never boilsö comes into play. Sure, they knew where it was and when it would appear, but the dead zone of waiting was just brutal. Shinji sighed.

/-\ /-\ /-\

We'll skip over the last ten minutes and get to the main attraction, the Angel Sandalphon making his grand entrance! Oh it was a sight to behold, the spike of lava, ash, smoke and what not plumed into the air, for about half a minute before Sandalphon crested over the rim of the volcano. Sure, it did ruin his entrance by looking like a yellow and green shrimp with arms, but it was getting bigger by the second, as evident by the tail starting to shrink and change.

ôThe Angel has emerged! Rapid cellular change detected, it's adapting for combat outside of the lava!ö Maya reported in, watching intently as Sandalphon sprouted wings and glided down to the rim of the volcano.

ôLava flow within expected parameters, the trenches are doing their jobs.ö Aoba came in next, even as the wings molted and fell off the Angel.

ôShinji here, we're ready to begin the operation.ö And there's Shinji ready to kick things off.

ôBegin operation! Don't let the Angel get away from Mount Asama!ö Misato issued the command, as she was wont to do. The hand flourish, though unnecessary, was pretty nice.

ôOperation is commencing!ö Asuka yelled as she fired her bazooka at Sandalphon, who nimbly jumped with his recently formed legs.

ôTarget has evaded, it seems to be maturing as the battle goes.ö Hyuga reported, pouring over the incoming data and feeding it to the MAGI, who would in turn use it to help the pilots.

ôGot you.ö Shinji said, firing a round from his sniper rifle. The Angel blocked this with his AT-field, but seemed a little brittle at first. But already, it seemed to be gaining strength, as the round expelled out from the indenture it had made.

ôDamn, it seems it's getting stronger by the second!ö Asuka fired another shot from the bazooka, which slammed into the field, knocking Sandalphon on his ass.

ôLet's close in, Asuka!ö Shinji shouted, as he picked up a pallet rifle and charged for the base of the mountain.

ôRoger that, beginning interception.ö Asuka paused to grab her own pallet rifle before she too dashed in to make this a more close range battle.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôUnit-01 and 02 have moved in to engage the target at close range.ö Maya reported, not feeling nervous for once.

ôThe Angel is hiding in the smoke and ash, feeding Blue signal data to the Evangelion.ö Hyuga stated dutifully, doing just as he had said.

ôEvangelion have entered the cloud, filtering out the lava for thermal optics.ö Aoba came in next, using a tiny fraction of the MAGI's processing power to do that. Only the Units and Sandalphon showed up on the thermal scan.

ôIt may be weak now, but it is growing stronger by the minute. Misato, I'm going down to the weapons lab and see if I can rustle up something to kill this thing in one go.ö Ritsuko took her leave from the viewing party with that.

ôWe can only hope they have something.ö Misato was feeling ill at ease, but knowing the alternative could have been a one-on-one inside the volcano made her feel a tiny bit better.

ôCertainly seems to be the pickle eh Commander?ö Fuyutsuki said to Gendo, watching the events of the battle start to unfold.

ôIt always is Sensei, it always is.ö Gendo, man of few words and fewer morals, deigned to say.

ôI suppose so. Though it seems as if it's delaying for something.ö Fuyutsuki decided to prod his pupil, whose odd views tended to cut to the heart of the matter.

ôIt appears to have the ability of rapid evolution, which normally would be a bad thing for it. But it is in control of it entirely, thus removing the hazard of evolving to fast and falling apart.ö Gendo savaged the theory of evolution thoroughly, but dealing with a creature that grew wings just to land on the ground before they fell off had already violated it to hell and back.

ôSo, it's growing stronger but only on the path it chooses?ö The Sub-commander mused, rubbing his chin.

ôThe ability, while it may not seem lethal, is certainly annoying.ö Gendo clasped his hands before his face, frowning in thought.

ôIt really is an uphill battle.ö Fuyutsuki thinned his lips as he contemplated how much longer this battle could last.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôAsuka, flank him so we can pin him between us!ö It was rough going with all this smoke and ash, but thanks to the blue signal, they could find Sandalphon wherever he hid.

ôGot it Shinji!ö Asuka charged around to the Angel's right, using her rifle to lay down suppressing fire to keep Sandalphon in place for their pincer.

ôWe have to keep him up here, it will do us no good if we have to chase it to and fro.ö Shinji, while hating to state the obvious, really couldn't help it.

ôNo worries, we can keep it pinned up here for a while.ö Asuka liked the extra-long cables that allowed them to fight wherever.

ôAt least until we can come up with something to kill it.ö Shinji liked killing Angels, they were all so adorable when they screamed their last unmourned and unloved breath. Okay, so maybe he was getting a bit twisted here, but that was par for the course when dealing with what appeared to be giant monsters hell bent on killing the human race. Sympathy for the devil is hard when he's kicking anything remotely cute in the vicinity.

ôYou like killing things don't you?ö Not being accusatory, just joking around. Asuka seemed oddly cheerful for the middle of a life and death struggle.

ôOnly Angels. Mostly anyways, heh heh.ö He sounded nervous there for a tick. He recovered by shooting at Sandalphon's face, which really pissed the thing off.

ôI get it, the great and terrible Shinji Ikari is actually shy and timid inside.ö Asuka taunted him while firing at Sandalphon's legs. Man, the Angel was getting no respect here.

ôNo I'm not, I'm just not a crazed killer is all.ö Ah, but for the grace of God yes?

ôSo you say.ö She was going to milk it for all it's worth.

ôName one thing that wasn't an Angel I killed.ö Now he was getting annoyed.

ô3-F's rabbit.ö Oh snap, she brought that up.

ôThat was Touji.ö You ask a guy to do you a favor and people think you're a bunny killer. He would have asked Rei, but this was before her vacation, so he was afraid she'd boil it for some reason.

ôYeah, but if you went and got the rabbit yourself, it might still be alive.ö Twisting his words around, how clever!

ôGuh, what kind of bullshit logic is that?ö Shinji punched Sandalphon away and glared over at where he thought Asuka was.

ôThe logic of someone who is just arguing for the sake of it.ö Asuka giggled even as Unit-02 spun into a graceful kick to spike the Angel into the dirt.

ôI walked right into that.ö Unit-01 slouched a bit at the revelation.

ôYou leapt with both feet is more like it.ö Unit-02 stood with hands on its hips, looking like it was about to bust out in haughty laughter.

Sandalphon roared at this moment, tired of being ignored.

ôYes, yes, big scary Angel, gonna kill us, yadda yadda.ö Shinji repositioned himself and steeled for an attack.

And with that, the Angel took to the air.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôThe drill is ready for use.ö Ron told Ritsuko when she finally found him.

ôReally?ö Last she had heard, it wasn't even spinning.

ôI have to hand it to Pilot Ikari, he really figured out how to get the motor going.ö Ron smirked at that.

ôIgnoring your attempt at being witty, what can this thing do?ö Ritsuko was the Queen of Double Talk in these parts bub, you don't get into her territory.

ôBesides drill through anything you could want?ö Ron shrugged expressively, but found his hand that was extending a rude gesture caught. Oops, fucked around too much, answer the question. ôIt can channel the AT-field through it for a more focused effect. I believe the term was Airspace Control.ö

ôAirspace Control? I've seen some absurd shit, but even I'm ready to cry bullshit.ö She released him and turned to the drill. ôLoad it up, I'm going to put faith into your words.ö

ôDo you have that authority?ö Ron wasn't complaining, he was protecting his job.

ôNo, but I know Misato. If I saw it will work, she'll do it. And if she orders it, the Commander will rarely countermand her.ö Ritsuko turned for the door, before stopping and smiling. ôBelieve in me, you've done too much for NERV to let you go. Thanks Ron, you're the best.ö

ôOf course I am, that's why I'm here.ö He paused, smile matching her own.

ôIt's why we're all here.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôMisato! I found something to send in to the battle.ö Ritsuko had made it to the bridge in record time. Her secret ability to make hidden passages appear came in handy.

ôWhat is it?ö Misato was curious now, Ritsuko looked winded.

ôThe drill Shinji was working on with the weapon techs.ö And here was the critical juncture, would Misato argue or not?

ôThat thing? Sure, why not?ö Misato tilted her head for a second before snapping to her job. ôAlright, prepare to send that thing to Mount Asama. Alert Shinji and Asuka that it's on its way.ö

ôRoger that ma'am!ö Maya called, already issuing the order.

ôTracking the flight path of the transport and ensuring it won't hit the ash cloud!ö Hyuga fell in next, typing furiously.

ôUpdating ETA in real-time, adjusting by flight difficulties.ö Aoba rounded out the crew, moving the data through the MAGI at a torrid pace.

ôNot that I mind, but why didn't you argue?ö Ritsuko was curious, not upset, and so awe-struck she had to ask.

ôBecause I know you and you wouldn't suggest it if it didn't work.ö Misato turned and smiled at Ritsuko, a tight, friendly smile. ôAnd besides, you believed in me years ago, allowing me to walk from the darkness into the light once more. It's my turn to believe in you without condition, okay?ö

ôMm.ö Ritsuko couldn't really verbalize a good answer at the moment that wouldn't make her look terribad, so settled for a noise of thanks and a nod.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôCommunication from HQ, they're sending something to us.ö Asuka said, as she rolled Unit-02 away from the swooping Sandalphon. It had been about twelve minutes since the Angel began his counterattack, but he had failed to score a significant blow.

ôSounds good.ö Shinji fired at the impact site, Sandalphon hitting the ground in his attempt to smash Unit-02. His AT-field shone magnificently as defended against the attack. ôFucker is getting stronger even more now.ö

ôDon't lose focus, just keep the pressure on him!ö Asuka nailed the Angel in the back with several rounds, but the damage was rapidly healed. Sandalphon spun about and tried to attack, Unit-02 was already rolling away.

ôHow far out is that transport?ö Shinji called as he tagged the distracted Angel in the back as well. He bobbed around the counterattack and shot Sandalphon again.

ôThree minutes and change.ö Asuka charged in and kicked the Angel in the face, sending it airborne, where it distinctly failed to come down. It appeared to somehow be floating despite the fact its wings were pointed in the wrong direction. ôI don't believe this guy.ö

ôWould you believe that guy?ö Unit-01 jumped back when Unit-02 jerked angrily toward it. ôSorry sorry!ö

ôTch, I know you have a penchant for the occasional comment, but focus.ö For once, Shinji's smart ass nature failed to amuse Asuka.

ôYeah, that line sucked too.ö He made up for his earlier quip by shooting at Sandalphon again. The Angel, no longer in the mood to fuck around, snatched the rounds out of the air and dropped them into the volcano. ôWell fuck you too.ö This was punctuated by Unit-01 letting Sandalphon know it thought the Angel was number 1.

ôKeep on the ball!ö Asuka scolded Shinji as she blocked Sandalphon who suddenly appeared by Unit-01 and attacked its unprotected back. The AT-field strained as she held the Angel at bay. ôLook, go out there and meet the transport, I'll keep him busy.ö

ôIt'd be better if we stuck together though!ö He wasn't about to leave her on her own against this thing.

ôIf you go out there to it, we get whatever it's bringing faster, thus we kill it sooner.ö Asuka smiled before she continued. ôYou're the Ace of Project E after all, I have full faith that you'll win with whatever is coming.ö

ôUnderstood, I'll be back as soon as possible.ö Unit-01 exited the ash cloud and started down the side of Mount Asama.

ôThatta boy.ö Asuka turned back to Sandalphon and narrowed her eyes. ôNow, where were we?ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôThis had better be worth it.ö Shinji had gotten halfway down, when he received an alert that there was the transport just ahead of him. ôHey, down here guys!ö This was said over the comm line that all of NERV's property.

ôThere's Unit-01, we're going down. Begin unhooking the cargo.ö The pilot informed the tech crew, as he began his descent. ôSorry we're late, the skies aren't exactly friendly.ö

ôNo worries, let me see the package.ö Shinji was eager to see what they sent him. Maybe it as that chainsaw sword thing.

ôOpening cargo bay doors.ö And with that, the drill came into view.

ôAh, ain't she a beaut?ö Shinji said as he pulled it free from the transport and attached it to Unit-01's right arm.

ôGood hunting, Ikari.ö The transport raised itself into the air.

ôThanks, I got an Angel to bag.ö And with that out of the way, Shinji made his way back to the battlefield.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôCome on, you freak!ö Asuka surged forward and began exchanging blows, a left by her was answered by a right by him. And so it went for a long thirty seconds before they split apart. ôNot bad, not bad at all! Now for real!ö

The two titans clashed once more, every hit shaking the air around them. Unit-02 nailed Sandalphon with a left cross, but was answered by a right knee to the chin. Unperturbed, Asuka slammed the Angel into the dirt with an overhand right, cracking the rim of the volcano a bit. He didn't stay down for long as he sprang up into a mule kick that put Unit-02 on its heels.

ôThat's more like it.ö Asuka was feeling good, even as she wondered how much longer she could keep it up. It was matching her blow for blow and seemed to have a perfect counter lined up for the situation.

Sandalphon surged forward faster than before, catching Unit-02 flatfooted.

ôShit, I can't get the field up in time!ö Not that it'd work, but it was a dire situation here.

Just before it could reach Asuka, the Angel seemed to slow down by a fraction, which allowed Unit-01 to perform a kick save.

ôShinji!ö Asuka felt an immense sense of relief at the sudden save.

ôHey, sorry to interrupt, but it looked like you could use a hand.ö At this point, Asuka took notice of the large drill attached to the arm of Unit-01.

ôThat's what they were sending?!ö Oh yeah, Asuka had never met the weapon techs personally.

ôYeah, isn't it awesome?ö He pointed the drill at Sandalphon, the bit beginning to spin, while glowing orange.

ôWhat are you doing?ö Now she was curious.

ôThis is Airspace Control. Some call it... Babylon.ö Shinji replied, as the Angel seemed to slow to both of their perspectives. ôThis is it, I have him in my sights.ö

ôGo, I'll give you a boost.ö Asuka began focusing her AT-field.

Sandalphon moved as if suspended in time, unable to put his fantastic gifts to use. Unit-01 surged forward, using the expansion of Unit-02's AT-field to propel him at an absurd rate of short range speed. The drill came forward and buried itself in the chest of the Angel before boring straight through, leaving a clean hole somehow, despite Unit-01 being unable to maneuver itself out of the way of Sandalphon's body.

Before it collapsed to the dirt, a smile seemed to form on the face of the Angel, showing that it had fun with this battle. Both Shinji and Asuka silently watched over him as the blue signal ceased and they were alone in the ash cloud. Neither one said anything, whether out of respect or just not feeling the necessity to speak was up in the air.

And thus, another Angel was dead.

End chapter 11

Teaser for chapter 12 ôTo let go, DESTROY YOUö:

ôMy name... is Rei Ayanami. I am not the original Rei Ayanami, I am but the second of a series. Like a car, or maybe like the Evangelion themselves I suppose.ö Rei stood in front of ocean, looking upon it as she reflected on herself. Watching the tide was oddly soothing, despite how boring some people might call it.

ôI am the result of an experiment, just a clone, not a person. Just a slave, not a woman. Just a tool, not a human. It used to drive me nuts to think about. To worry about stuff like if I had a soul, or if I was a real person. In retrospect, existentialism just isn't for me.ö She paused her monologue to love at her joke.

ôThat's not important, not at all. What is important is that I am the second Rei, the first was an incorrigible brat, spoiled rotten by a man thinking himself the puppeteer, but he couldn't see the strings that belonged to him. Many people are afraid of this man, some call him a monster, and rightfully so. But to me, he was the most wonderful man in the world.ö She smirked privately, as if relishing the story, as if she didn't already know it all.

ôTo me, that is. To the first Rei, he was just a means to an end, a convenient specter to hide behind when her bratty ass got into trouble. Except the time she decided to poke his favorite fuck stick with some harsh truth. What followed was almost as comical as it was horrifying, the woman strangled her stupid ass without a second thought. I don't know about you, but when I remember it, I laugh.ö She grew quiet now.

ôYou see, I have to laugh, or else I would cry.ö

Author note: And that's all for this one. Rei is coming back, yay. Poor Martariel. See ya next time.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
:snigger: Pierce the Angel with your DRILL!! :snigger:

Nice. Rei is creepy and interesting.


Well-Known Member
Reprint! Rei is just a little fucked up in the head


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: A character named John may or may not appear, and if he does, he may or may not die at the end. You have been warned.

Author Note: Rei returns and a new threat arises. Let's do it.

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 12 To Let Go, DESTROY YOU
by Anonguy

ôMy name... is Rei Ayanami. I am not the original Rei Ayanami, I am but the second of a series. Like a car, or maybe like the Evangelion themselves I suppose.ö Rei stood in front of ocean, looking upon it as she reflected on herself. Watching the tide was oddly soothing, despite how boring some people might call it.

ôI am the result of an experiment, just a clone, not a person. Just a slave, not a woman. Just a tool, not a human. It used to drive me nuts to think about. To worry about stuff like if I had a soul, or if I was a real person. In retrospect, existentialism just isn't for me.ö She paused her monologue to laugh at her joke.

ôThat's not important, not at all. What is important is that I am the second Rei, the first was an incorrigible brat, spoiled rotten by a man thinking himself the puppeteer, but he couldn't see the strings that belonged to him. Many people are afraid of this man, some call him a monster, and rightfully so. But to me, he was the most wonderful man in the world.ö She smirked privately, as if relishing the story, as if she didn't already know it all.

ôTo me, that is. To the first Rei, he was just a means to an end, a convenient specter to hide behind when her bratty ass got into trouble. Except the time she decided to poke his favorite fuck stick with some harsh truth. What followed was almost as comical as it was horrifying, the woman strangled her stupid ass without a second thought. I don't know about you, but when I remember it, I laugh.ö She grew quiet now.

ôYou see, I have to laugh, or else I would cry. It would be a tragic reminder of how I died in the past, but to be honest, I'm like night to the First's day in comparison. But that's another topic, and I don't want to go into it right now. Anyways, I used to find it genuinely humorous when I was all detached and cold. Back when I thought I was nothing more than a doll, a living experiment gone wrong. Now, while I don't find it straight funny anymore, there's a certain perverse pleasure in knowing that the little bitch got hers.ö She snickered and crouched down, as if to give her legs a bit of a break somehow.

ôBut anyways, the Commander was a nice enough guy. I mean, okay, he isn't the text book definition of a nice guy, but nice guys are often dicks with a complex. But he was nice to me, at least, he didn't treat me like shit, like he treated everyone else. And he was nice to me, unlike all the other people who treated me like I'm made out of porcelain and would shatter with the first harsh word.ö She blew out a stiff breath and stood back up.

ôIt was an awkward time, meeting Dr. Akagi for the first time. I mean, I couldn't just go, 'hi, I'm Rei and your mother killed me.' you know? I was always nervous about it when she learned of the rest of me sitting down in the vat in terminal dogma. It always felt weird being around the daughter of the woman who killed the First, but it turned out that apprehension came from a different source entirely, which isn't even the point of this tangent. In any case, the Commander was ray of sunshine compared to the good doctor, which is really funny to think of him as some kind of bright and happy force when he's so damn dour.ö She stretched her back a bit before she blew out a big breath.

ôLooking back, it was natural I'd become infatuated with the man. I mean, he was the only person that made me feel human, that made me feel like I could stand on my own two feet and be okay. To me, he was some form of super hero and god all rolled into one gruff and scruffy package. There was nothing sexual there, just a tiny crush that was a simple to understand thing. It wasn't ever going to be more than that, it wasn't ever going to move past that infant stage.ö She paused and pursed her lips, thinking of her next words.

ôI guess I realized I was over him finally when I left. I have his son to thank for that, for tearing off that stupid mask and opening me back up for the world to see and laugh at, and with, as it oddly were. You see, while the Commander was nice to me, Shinji treated me as a person, as a human being, which was huge in a way. The dichotomy between father and son was an interesting split to see, and experience as I did.ö She laughed to herself and looked up to the sky.

ôHe was everything to me, the Commander that is, guiding me through my youth with a patient hand. He led me through the turbulence that came with being the Second, with being a doll, a tool with a single purpose. He was my personal deity, so far away, yet so close and tangible. He was real to me, there for the world to see and respect someone of his stature. I was loyal, like a dog, nearly blinded to everything wrong with what was my lot in life.ö She shook her head sadly for a moment, before she pressed on.

ôShinji, meanwhile, treated me like shit, insulting me to my face and talking down to me. Me! The one who stood above everyone else and was different from everyone else, was just a normal human being to him. I wasn't a special snowflake, I was just some crazy girl with blue hair who was encroaching on his turf and he told me off, which pissed me off royally. It goes without saying no one spoke to me like that, it goes even more without saying that I wasn't equipped to deal with it.ö She snorted and turned her head, spitting off to the side.

ôYou see, it opened my eyes again, to the truth of myself and my relation to everyone else. I was human, normal even, not special just because I had been made in a lab. If I wanted to be special, I needed to earn that distinction. I couldn't ride my relationship to the Commander anymore, since he outranked me by being his son. And thinking on it now, it really gets the old engine revving, if you catch my drift.ö She paused, picked up a rock, and tossed it.

ôI guess, what I'm getting at, is that a part of me is inappropriately aroused by Shinji Ikari. A baser side of me, a side I didn't think existed in any capacity. Some might gag at the implications that I'm turned on by being treated like shit, but if that were the case, I'd have died from furiously humping everyone at NERV. But it isn't that he treats me like dirt that attracts me, it's the fact that he's just so real. So there and with it, as it were. That he doesn't pretend with people, that he says it like it is.ö Her features became feral for a second.

ôThat and he's a complete doormat when it comes to sex. For all his bluster, the idea of sexual attraction turns him from foul mouth sailor to shy schoolboy. It's cute in a way, especially when he gets caught staring. That little shameful puppy air he takes on just make me want to pinch his cheeks like a crazy aunt. Besides, after seeing him naked, he can only grow in a number of areas, including adding some padding in certain areas.ö She cackled at her own innuendo filled remark, serving the role of audience as well as speaker.

ôWhat do I mean by that? Ah ah, that'd be telling now wouldn't it? Fufufufu, a good story teller never reveals all her secrets after all. Moving away from that ribald stuff, I suppose the point of all this gibbering is that I have something of a torch for Shinji. Regardless of the true depths of these feelings, whether friendly or romantic, the point is that they're there, and real. Maybe even spectacular, I don't know. Anyways, that brings me to here and now, a full two weeks after my forced vacation and why I'm standing here.ö Her features twisted into a nasty smirk.

ôLittle Angel, did you think you could escape my notice? Do you think yourself clever, timing your attack for the coming storm? That just because the power will be out, that you'll succeed where your fellow spawn of Adam have failed? You're a fool.ö She tossed her head back and laughed maniacally.

ôDid you forget who I am? Can you not feel me, Little Angel? Allow me to introduce myself then, for the sake of our coming battle. I am Rei Ayanami, the Second of a series. I am made from the remains of a worthless whore who thought herself God and oh yeah, I am the vessel of the soul of Lilith. You are an insect to me, one I shall crush post haste. Come 00, we ride to war.ö Unit-00 appeared seemingly from thin air, carrying the chainsaw sword of Ron and attached to a power truck, one of NERV's experiments to ensure power to the Evangelion at all times.

ôWait for me Shinji, we'll be united again soon.ö And with that, Unit-00 dove into the ocean, even though it lacked D-type equipment.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôMan, this storm is nasty.ö Aoba muttered to himself as he tuned his bass, a prized Rickenbacker he won in a raffle the day before he was invited to join NERV.

ôDo you have to do that while on duty?ö Maya shook her head at her fellow bridge crew, wishing he'd slack off when they wouldn't be needed.

ôAh, leave him alone about it. Least he doesn't go to the bathroom for an hour or more and comes back indiscriminately rearranging his clothes.ö Hyuga would point out the hypocrisy of taking her attention off her own duties to yell at Shigeru about his, but he was too busy not giving a fuck and just trying to head off any potential argument.

ôTch, fine.ö Maya turned back to her console, deciding not to respond to Makoto's comment, not even making the traditional 'I'm not going to dignify that with a response' quip, knowing that saying that was a response.

ôSee, it's all good guys. We got time for this stuff right now, you know? So be cool and relax for once.ö Aoba started to play a small tune, which coincidentally also happened to be the time the power went out.

ôAoba! What did you do?ö Hyuga cried, for purely comic reasons.

ôIt's the storm, not me!ö Aoba used his bass a shield.

ôShut up and get the emergency radios and start working on fixing this shit.ö Maya jammed a radio into each of their hands and then pulled out a flashlight for herself. ôI'm going to turn on the emergency generator, get in contact with the city power plant.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

The massive form of Matariel rose from the ocean with a dramatic sting of music and a flash of lightning. Her body was that of a giant spider-like creature, with a distinct feature of eyes, lots and lots of fucking eyes. Hell, the eyes had eyes and this made the appearance of this Angel to be really fucking creepy, you know?

She fancied herself the smart one of the lot, Sachiel and Shamshel ran headlong into death. Ramiel did well until he stopped moving, and in hindsight, Gahgiel should have swallowed Unit-02. Israfel didn't do much better, even if he got even numbers, and Sandalphon just had terrible luck. But Matariel was the smart one, following the weather and hiding, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Which, unsurprisingly, was now, especially since Tokyo-3 was completely blacked out for now.

And that meant no Evangelion to stop her from marching in and getting to Lilith, kept snugly inside the Terminal Dogma nailed to a wall to keep her still. What Matariel wanted with the Second was a vague concept, but it couldn't be good for the people of Tokyo-3. Oh and the rest of the planet as well, naturally.

Her pace was slow and meticulous, movements precise to keep them from being detected by anyone out in this shitty weather. In her belly, a nasty acid was cooking itself to perfection, ready to burn through the layers down to the Geofront. The Angels' moment of triumph was here, no one could stop her now!

Unit-00 silently rose from the ocean behind Matariel, its color a brilliant blue.

The Angel didn't notice it at first, but did when Rei slammed a fist into one of the legs belonging to Matariel, which unsurprisingly snapped like a twig. The massive creature heaved a wail and skittered away, the injury fast regenerating, but that wasn't the concern. The Evangelion should be sleeping deep in NERV HQ right now!

ôGreetings Little Angel.ö Unit-00 crossed its arms as Rei spoke to the Angel directly. ôI am Rei Ayanami, your opponent this evening.ö

Leg fixed, Matariel came forward in a rush, but was sent flying back by the impossible flip kick performed by Unit-00.

ôAs impertinent as all of Adam's spawn I see. You must've thought yourself clever, attacking at this moment.ö Rei threw her head back and laughed. ôDid you think we were so helpless? That the Evangelion were puppets on an electric string? You're hilarious, Little Angel.ö

The Angel didn't like Rei's tone and spat some of that awesome acid at her. Unit-00 nimbly dodged, coming forward like a specter across the water, slamming a forceful cross into the face of Matariel. The creature skipped across the surface of the water but remained perched, lightning flashing to frame the both in light.

ôYou thought this was your moment of glory, but as it turns out, it is simply the moment of your violent demise.ö The Evangelion came forward again and drove a knee into Matariel's face in time with the crash of thunder. Unit-00 followed this with a left and a right, before spinning into a right roundhouse kick that sent the Angel flipping across the ocean in a display of gymnastics that would move even the German judge to give a 10.

No rest for the wicked, even as Matariel came to a stop and started to rise back to her feet, Rei and her Evangelion were there to greet her with a volley of punches. Laughing maniacally, Unit-00 tore off one of the Angel's legs and then used it to stab out one of the many eyes all over Matariel's body. Not satisfied by the horrific shriek emitted by the Angel, Rei ripped the makeshift weapon out and did it again, to an ever more piercing shriek.

In a related story, all the dogs within a five mile radius began humping something violently all of a sudden.

But we're going off track here, so let's try to focus on what's important. Rei raised her makeshift spear for a third pass, but Matariel had the presence of mind to dodge away, avoiding losing another eye. Blood spewing from various wounds that were swiftly closing, the Angel howled at Unit-00 in a display of righteous fury.

ôOh please, don't tell me you're upset by that? I would have thought you lot would start developing a thicker skin by now.ö After all, the first two Angels died because they were the biggest pair of sissies ever conceived.

A spray of acid was the answer, but this too missed horribly.

ôWell, I suppose that's all you can do huh?ö Unit-00 pulled the chainsaw sword from the ocean, encased in an AT-field to keep it safe. ôTime for the real show to begin.ö The Evangelion revved its weapon for effect as Rei laugh maniacally.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôEmergency power is online, booting up the MAGI and returning the operation center to working capacity.ö Aoba said, running through the various programs he had to use in seconds.

ôRunning security check... wait, Unit-00 is missing!ö Hyuga nearly shat himself at that thought.

ôOutside scanners now online, searching for Unit- blue signal detected, restoring external cameras!ö Aoba was flying through stuff that he was libel to set fire to his keyboard.

ôUnit-00 has engaged the Angel! Rei is back!ö Hyuga calmed down and vowed to check his pants once he got the chance.

ôSo, is this your answer to everything Rei?ö Misato, who had arrived during the storm, whispered to herself.

ôWe can get Shinji and Asuka out there for back up in twenty minutes.ö Aoba called, ready to get the prep underway.

ôNo, Rei has this well in hand.ö Misato could see the various wounds on the Angel, its blood everywhere even as the cuts closed with great rapidity. ôI don't believe in that, 'this is her fight' stuff, and this isn't a situation where that applies. It'll be dead before Unit-01 and 02 get out there.ö

ôSure seems that way anyways.ö Aoba agreed, Hyuga quietly sneaking off to the bathroom.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôHaving fun?ö Rei asked in a cheeky tone, revving the chainsaw sword to clear it of blood.

Matariel did something that translated into flipping Unit-00 the bird.

ôOoh, naughty naughty, Little Angel.ö The Evangelion came forward, landing a three slash combo, before spinning and kicking it into the air, leaping after it to continue the beating, the blood of the Angel mingling with the rain. Unit-00 finished of the aerial display with a pointed kick that sent Matariel beneath the waves, the Evangelion itself landing gently on the surface of the water without a hint of difficulty.

Eight legs surged up from the ocean around Unit-00, which back flipped into the air and cut all the limbs off in one swing. The Evangelion came down with a mighty boot to the underside of Matariel, sending her further underwater. Rei spun to the side and stabbed into the water, catching the Angel right in the head. Unit-00 revved the blade again, sending a spray of gore into the air as she drug the blade down, bifurcating Matariel neatly down the middle.

And for this battle, that was all, the Angel giving a short gurgle as it died..

/-\ /-\ /-\

Sometime later, Unit-00 entered the Evangelion cages with an air of certain triumph. She was back baby, and nothing was going to be the same again. Her mind was clear and her head was in the right place, there was no more time bomb waiting to go off.

ôHey, Ayanami! Welcome back!ö Shinji and Asuka had been called in during the interim it appeared.

ôShinji.ö She smiled at him. ôAsuka.ö The smile dimmed a tad, but she did manage a nod of acknowledgment towards the Second Child.

ôHow was your vacation?ö Asuka didn't react to the alleged cold shoulder.

ôRelaxing, really let me put my mind at ease once and for all.ö Rei closed her eyes for a second.

ôWell, it's good to have you back.ö Shinji said, a thin smile creasing his features.

ôIt's good to be back as well.ö Rei said, before coming forward to embrace Shinji tightly.

ôA-Ayanami?ö Oh, he was blushing now. It was the plug suit, wasn't? Had to feel like she was pressing her naked body against him right now.

ôShh... I missed you.ö She held him for a little while longer, before letting go. ôI've been waiting for a week to do that.ö

ôAt least it's not more than that ja?ö Asuka quipped, amused by Rei's behavior once more. ôYet anyways, I bet.ö

ôMs. Langley, I am scandalized by your accusation.ö Rei managed to finish that, before she broke down laughing.

ôThings will certainly be lively from now on, eh Commander?ö Fuyutsuki said to Gendo, the pair observing the pilots from a distance.

ôI wouldn't have it any other way Sensei, and neither would Shinji.ö There was a certain, 'that's mah boi' tone in Gendo's voice. Which made it all the more weird to hear him say that.

ôI bet he wouldn't.ö Fuyutsuki smiled as the kids ran off, images of times gone by flickering before his eyes. ôSeeing them makes me feel my age sometimes.ö

ôMm. I suppose it would.ö The silence held for a few seconds, before Gendo filled it. ôI haven't apologized properly to you have I?ö

ôHmm?ö Fuyutsuki didn't know what he was getting at, but didn't say it.

ôAbout Second Impact, you lost a lot of students and colleagues in it right? A lot of people like family to you.ö If he were a lesser man, he would be biting his lip in fear. But he was Gendo fucking Ikari, so he just held his ground.

ôRegrettably, yes.ö Old wounds hurt an old man more, they say. The state of the world, the lost splendor they had squandered were all very real pains. But they paled in comparison to the personal loses Fuyutsuki had to endure, Yui being the last of a very painful series.

ôI can't expect to say I'm sorry and ask for your forgiveness, so I will try to work off this debt I owe you before either of our times are up. When we stop the Angels and SEELE, I will begin the restoration of the world.ö Gendo managed the tiniest fraction of a smile, which looked like his face had spasmed and locked up. ôIt's what the Geofront was made for after all.ö

ôYou plan to mass produce the Geofront tech?ö To be fair to Fuyutsuki, he was only shocked that it was Gendo saying this. Hell, he planned to steal it from him long before he learned of the original Scenario. But anyways, cut the old guy a break, he's dealing with someone who isn't known for inspiring warm fuzzies with his every action.

ôIt's a start, but I figure it's the very least I can do to start my penance.ö Not that he really was into that whole redemption thing, Gendo at least understood that it'd help keep people on his side once they were done with their current workload.

ôYes, I suppose it is a start. Walk with me, Commander, and I'll be the student for once this time.ö Fuyutsuki turned on a heel, Gendo falling in beside him.

ôOne cannot know everything, but one can learn everything they have the means to.ö Gendo quoted what the old man said to him the first time they had met when he was in college. That seemed so bizarrely long ago now. ôSo how about I share my knowledge with you?ö The two walked down the halls of NERV for a long time.

End Chapter 12

Teaser for Chapter 13: ôHolding the Hand That Holds Me Down:ö

The flow of time went on once more and suddenly, it was four weeks after Rei had returned and curbstomped Matariel into the dirt. But as is customary, the good times and halcyon days had to come to a stop in a sudden, jarring moment. In fact, NERV HQ was dealing with it at the moment.

ôThese images that were sent from one of our defense satellites. There is an unknown object floating above the Earth, positioned over China right now, drifting to Japan.ö Misato led the briefing, the pilots seated on the bridge in front of her looking at the screen.

A massive orange shape appeared on screen, its elongated shape twisting into a giant three toed foot, with three large eyes visible as well.

ôAlways with the eyes.ö Shinji muttered, having seen the footage of Matariel vs. Rei. At least it wasn't eyes on top of eyes this time.

ôIt looks stupid.ö Asuka put in, eyes roaming the picture as she frowned.

ôBut it's smart enough to hide in space, we can't reach it.ö Rei decided to get the bad news out of the way.

ôYet.ö That was all Misato said.

ôYet?ö Shinji parroted, now fully intrigued.

ôWe're working on it.ö

Author note: And that's 12. Sorry for the anti-climax to Matariel, but when I realized she didn't stand a chance, I just offed her instead of dragging it out. See you for 13 and Sahaquiel

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting, that.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: So where was I? Oh yeah, Tokyo-3!

Author note: It's a Sahaquiel time kids. How will our heroes deal with him? Let's find out, shall we?

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 13 Holding the Hand That Holds Me Down
by Anonguy

The flow of time went on once more and suddenly, it was four weeks after Rei had returned and curbstomped Matariel into the dirt. But as is customary, the good times and halcyon days had to come to a stop in a sudden, jarring moment. In fact, NERV HQ was dealing with it at the moment.

ôThese images that were sent from one of our defense satellites. There is an unknown object floating above the Earth, positioned over China right now, drifting to Japan.ö Misato led the briefing, the pilots seated on the bridge in front of her looking at the screen.

A massive orange shape appeared on screen, its elongated shape twisting into a giant three toed foot, with three large eyes visible as well.

ôAlways with the eyes.ö Shinji muttered, having seen the footage of Matariel vs. Rei. At least it wasn't eyes on top of eyes this time.

ôIt looks stupid.ö Asuka put in, eyes roaming the picture as she frowned.

ôBut it's smart enough to hide in space, we can't reach it.ö Rei decided to get the bad news out of the way.

ôYet.ö That was all Misato said.

ôYet?ö Shinji parroted, now fully intrigued.

ôWe're working on it.ö Misato left it at that, and the pilots could only wonder what that meant.

ôI don't know about you, but I get this funny feeling we're going to end up with something crazy when this is all done.ö This was Shinji speaking from experience here. He made a few snide comments about the weapons and look what they had now. Hell, he wasn't sure why they needed a napalm launcher, but he wasn't going to complain.

ôHow crazy do you think? Jetpack crazy?ö Asuka would pay money to seem them put one of those on the Evangelion.

ôThat maybe a bit too crazy.ö Rei stated, before realizing she was raining on the parade a bit. ôBut it would be pretty cool if it happened. With all the crazy extensions to the cables they've been doing, it wouldn't surprise me to see them fireproof them so we could use a jetpack.ö

ôWell now we have to put that on the list.ö Misato said to herself, careful not to let the kids know that a jetpack hadn't been on the menu. ôAnyways, it'll take it another day to make it over to Japan so we shouldn't worry too much.ö

ôWait wait, hold up. It just did what?ö Aoba had been watching the Angel when a piece of it fell off and entered the atmosphere.

ôThe Angel has seemingly dropped a piece of itself onto Earth.ö Maya said, shaking her head as she wondered what was going on.

ôIt's not burning up, it must be protected by the AT-field.ö Hyuga announced, stunning everyone there.

ôThen, it's trying to use the rotation of the Earth along with gravity to do its dirty work.ö Misato exclaimed, breath leaving her.

ôWe have to go.ö Rei said, looking as the piece slammed into the ocean and kicked up a lot of spray. It was a long way off, but they couldn't let it just drop itself with impunity.

ôThe Evangelion are being prepped immediately, using the MAGI to track and find an optimal intercept route.ö Hyuga was already on it, not even waiting for orders.

ôBut what do we do when we get there?ö Asuka asked as the trio speed off the bridge for the cages.

ôWe'll have to play it by ear.ö Shinji's face grew grim, letting his fellow pilots know how serious this was.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôThe Evangelion have reached the intercept point.ö Maya announced fifteen minutes later, a tense time spent wondering if the next attack was going to come while they raced there.

ôPatching in recent data from the MAGI,ö Aoba was next, feeding a steady stream of possibilities for the descent of the next piece.

ôRunning simulations to determine the nature of the Angel's attack.ö Hyuga came last, relieved that they had made it in time.

ôI can see it.ö Rei was oddly quiet about this, as she turned Unit-00 to face the direction where Sahaquiel lay dreaming in the sky.

ôI can't.ö Shinji said, but trusted Rei and pointed Unit-01 in the same direction.

ôI can't either.ö Asuka admitted, but turned Unit-02 in the same direction.

ôClose your eyes and take a deep breath.ö Rei instructed, knowing that it would be difficult even with her guiding them. ôOpen your hearts and let go of the doubt that blinds you. Know that it is there, and that you CAN see it.ö

The other two did as instructed, and when the opened their eyes, they could make out the distinct shape of Sahaquiel in the sky.

ôWell I'll be damned, it worked!ö Shinji, having faith in Rei, was still surprised it was that easy.

ôI can't believe it's that simple.ö Asuka shook her head and focused on the Angel.

ôThe analysis is complete... sempai!ö Maya called, Ritsuko coming over to see what was going on.

ôTo think, that is what it's doing.ö Ritsuko rubbed her chin as she ran this data through her head. ôOkay, I got it, patch me through to the team.ö

ôIkari here, what's up?ö Shinji was the one who answered, even if it was directed at them all.

ôWe've discovered how the Angel did the whole body part drop attack.ö Ritsuko announced, drawing grins from the trio. That was their support staff alright.

ôSo enlighten us, Professor. How did it do what it did?ö Asuka answered for them this time.

ôOur first guess was wrong, it wasn't the AT-field protecting it, but...ö Ritsuko left it hanging for them to work out, seeing as they were bright enough kids.

ô...firing it through the atmosphere like a railgun, speeding it through re-entry fast enough that it doesn't burn up because the field is actually both shielding it and accelerating it!ö Shinji exclaimed, drawing stares from the other two. ôSorry, I've been studying railguns a lot so I had a bit of a nerd moment there.ö

ôWhat he said is right though, it isn't just dropping the piece, it is using its field to send it through faster in an attempt to outdo the rotation of the Earth and hit Tokyo-3. The lazy motion of it is a diversion.ö Ritsuko jumped in for back-up.

ôBut that isn't what's important here.ö Asuka said, a nasty grin covering her face.

ôIt's not?ö Rei, who had been silent, piped up.

ôIf it can do that with an AT-field, then so can we.ö Asuka snickered as the other two adopted similar grins.

ôEveryone in position!ö Shinji ordered, as they formed a large triangle. ôWhen it fires again, we're gonna have a surprise for the bastard.ö In an act of pure coincidence, Sahaquiel chose this moment to attack again.

ôReadying fields!ö Asuka cried, projecting her field.

ôFocus on the point displayed by the MAGI.ö Ritsuko chimed in, already conducting this op well enough Misato sat back and watched.

ôDon't try to deflect it back too soon.ö Rei said, her field joining Asuka's in the sky.

ôJust slow it down first, then seize it. We'll throw it back once we have a grip on it.ö Shinji added, his field to the mix.

ôThe piece has passed the point of any possible course change.ö Aoba announced, causing Ritsuko to jump back and thrust a fist out.

ôExpand AT-fields now!ö She cried, and the Evangelion pilots obeyed.

The piece came to a sudden stop, pushing futilely against the combined field before said field surged up around it and enveloped it. One field kept it straight, as another stretched ahead, forming what could be suggested as the barrel of a gun. The third and final balled itself up behind the makeshift bullet, ready to return it to sender.

ôOi, Angel, you dropped something.ö Shinji quipped as the AT-field expanded, launching the piece right back at Sahaquiel.

It would be an understatement to say the Angel had been caught off guard. He had thought himself safe in space, away from those nasty Evangelion and their deadly weapons. Alas, he had thought wrong, and in the moment before his improvised shell was returned to him, he realized how wrong he was.

The makeshift bullet tore right through him like he was made of paper, causing a wail of agony to erupt deep from within his massive frame. Blinded by pain, he didn't notice until it was too late that he had be pulled into Earth's gravity and that he was falling to the planet below. His mind wandered for a second, to the stars above and what mysteries they held.

And then he crashed into the ocean, kicking up a small tidal wave and a lot of spray.

He was finished, alive but too injured to regenerate fast enough to form some kind of defense. He could only moan pitifully when they came for him, weapons out and eyes shining with murderous glee. In his final moments before his life was extinguished with extreme prejudice, Sahaquiel looked to the heavens once more and wondered.

With a silent shudder, the Tenth Angel was given to silence and became still. No one would ever know what great epiphany it had on the precipice of death. It was even safer to say no one would remember who this Angel was, nor would they even really care. He was a threat to humanity, and as such, had to die.

No one would mourn the end of Sahaquiel, he who gazed to the stars and wondered.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôWell, that was exciting.ö Asuka said, sometime later after they had returned from killing the Angel. ôIt went relatively painless, though we didn't have much of a fight.ö

ôI'll say.ö Shinji muttered, crossing his arms in a fit of pique. ôI was hoping it'd put up enough of a fight and we'd have to get jetpacks to deal with it.ö

ôNow now,ö Rei soothed from his side. ôWe have to give them time to work their miracles.ö

ôLike a day?ö Asuka hazarded, drawing a sharp laugh from the First Child.

ôExactly.ö Rei grinned and sidled closer to Shinji, for no real reason than to play around.

The boy in question raised his eyebrow, but said nothing.

ôOh I get it, we're having fun are we?ö Asuka responded, getting closer to Shinji as well.

And now he was sweating a bit, that pesky romantic comedy nonsense was back!

ôYou catch on too fast for me to put anything past you.ö Rei sounded happy about this, even as she yanked one of Shinji's arms free from his earlier pose.

ôI'm just that good, I suppose.ö Asuka preened as she coyly took his other arm.

ôDon't I get a say in this?ö Shinji wasn't exactly upset, but this was just ridiculous to him.

ôNo~ö The girls chorused as they drug him away for some nefarious purpose. Or perhaps lunch, but if it was the cafeteria, then it became just plain evil.

ôThey get along well.ö Ritsuko noted to Misato, the pair having watched the exchange from around the corner.

ôIt should put my mind at ease, but I worry about those three sometimes.ö Misato bit her lip for a second.

ôAfraid of another surprise event?ö Ritsuko had to laugh when Misato jumped straight into the air in a hysterical manner.

ôDon't remind me of that!ö And on her first day too, no less.

ôThis is a door.ö Ritsuko walked over to a nearby door that just happened to be there by sheer luck. ôYou knock on it if you think someone is in there and wait for them to give you the okay to enter.ö

ôYou know, this is the part where I'd growl about how I know that, but coming from someone having sex at work, I feel I should point out how you're dodging the issue by making it look like I'm the one who messed up.ö Misato crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes as if to say, 'your move'.

ôOh come now, not the old, 'why were you having sex at work?' defense.ö Ritsuko shook her head, same old prudish Misato, even with her drunken escapades and week-long sex fests, she was still close minded about certain things. ôAs if you'd turn down Kaji if he came on hot and heavy to you.ö

ôI would at least lock the door if I couldn't control myself!ö Misato hated when Ritsuko came back to Kaji on every argument. EVERY argument. She didn't know what her having copious amounts of sex with him had to do with time travel, but she figured if that was the only card her old friend could play...

ôAlright, alright, I have to get back to my office. I was a little excited after the latest breakthrough with the AT-field and Maya wanted to celebrate.ö Ritsuko scratched her nose as she blithely changed the subject.

ôYou two still do it here?!ö There was a reason love hotels existed for the love of the questionable existence of Christ.

ôIt's my office, and after you and Kaji celebrated your reunion by testing the weight limit of your desk, I'll kindly ask you to shut the fuck up.ö Ritsuko was done bantering, now it was time for the big guns.

ôIn my defense, we were absolutely hammered.ö Misato blushed, remembering answering the door for Ritsuko buck naked and without listening to what was said, proceeded to bite her on the tit. When she came back to her, she found Maya tied to her ceiling stark naked, Ritsuko slumped against the wall in exhaustion. Oh and Kaji was still balls deep in her, drooling on her neck in his drunken slumber.

ôWhy do you drink so much when you do such crazy shit when smashed?ö Ritsuko really wanted to know this, because loose inhibitions didn't cover Misato's sex fiend antics when all liquered up.

ôI dunno, really. It's just, ever since I was rescued, it's been a real comfort to me.ö Misato preferred this answer to the one where she was drinking to forget the death of her dad. Oh and Second Impact as a whole as well. ôAnyways, I'll come with and see how you're coming along with your technique, can't have Maya fall off the ceiling if you fuck up your knots.ö

ôI'd ask why you know so much about bondage, but I don't really think I want to know.ö Ritsuko so did, but she was being polite to her college buddy by letting it drop. Plus, this meant she could torment her for even longer, yay!

ôI wouldn't tell you anyways, no one knows that, not even Kaji.ö Misato shrugged, hoping for some entertainment out of this mess.

ô...holy shit.ö Ritsuko was stunned into silence at that.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôHere it is, just as ordered by the Committee, the embryo of Adam.ö Kaji said, laying the glass jar on Gendo's desk. ôHad to kill some decent folk to get it, but here it is.ö

ôI trust the other package has been secured?ö Gendo asked without even looking at the jar.

ôThe Lance of Longinus was secured yesterday and is being shipped in total secrecy. The only other person to know what is in that plane is dead.ö Kaji took his job seriously.

ôYou do fine work, Mr. Ryoji.ö Gendo smirked to himself, before narrowing his eyes behind his shades. ôI trust you have some... questions.ö

ôJust one.ö Kaji tensed, this was it, what he had been searching for sense he took the gig to infiltrate both NERV, which was Gehrin back then and SEELE. However, he was silence before he could ask his question.

ôWhat exactly is going on? I am correct to assume this is what you want to know, yes?ö Now that was unnerving. Gendo's ensuing chuckle froze the blood in his veins. ôKnowledge is power and power is dangerous. Why, a mad grab of power is what has lead us here to today. You, fulfilling your role as a spy, and me in my role of the grand conspirator. However, there is a slight problem with this picture.ö

ôAnd that is?ö Kaji was ready to bolt if Gendo made for a gun.

ôI am not the grand chess master you think me to be. I am not the man pulling the strings of this world, I am just a man, like you.ö Gendo grabbed Adam and promptly stuffed it into a cryogenic tube he had installed for this very purpose. ôBut, fret not, you have just saved the world. The Third Impact will not come to be thanks to you. To repay you for this, I won't allow you to die.ö

ôWhat are you talking about?ö Now Kaji was really getting freaked out.

ôSEELE has sent an assassin out to deal with you should you return to them. If I were the callow sort, I would shoot you at this moment. If I were the scheming sort, I'd ensure that no one would know who killed you. But I am no long the unfeeling person of so long ago, so I will not allow you to die. You are a valuable asset and I have a habit of keeping those around.ö Gendo stood suddenly, causing Kaji to flinch away.

ôSo what you're saying is...ö Kaji tried to make sense of this.

ôTo SEELE, you have outlived your usefulness. They already know you're playing both sides and are ready to eliminate you know that the job they gave you is finished. But I need you alive, if for nothing more than the continued sanity of our dear Captain Katsuragi. And you have a far better job to fulfill for me, one that will ensure we all get what we want.ö Gendo stretched his arms, as Kaji regained his footing.

ôCan't you just tell me now?ö Kaji seemed upset that Gendo was holding out.

ôConsider it a reason to keep you on my side and alive. You won't need to play both sides and get killed for it, and I get the best man for this job of mine.ö Gendo laughed, causing Kaji to shiver in stark terror. ôBesides, fool, greater men than you have tried to figure out what is really going on in this world and they are either dead or wishing for it. With this, you are guaranteed your answers and your life. Come and stand at my side, and see the truth peeled back before your very eyes.ö

ôWhat the hell, I'm in.ö Kaji extended his hand, and it was shook in short order.

ôNow if you'll do me a favor and stay here for the next couple of minutes, the Sub-Commander is going to take care of our problematic assassin. He'll deliver them, without fail, to death. Don't underestimate the man because he is old, he did some wet work in his youth.ö Gendo let it hang in the air what he meant.

ôI'll just nod and agree and hope that no one kills me.ö Kaji stated, feeling as if there was a joke in there he couldn't see.

ôIf you think it best.ö Gendo retook his seat and pulled a bottle of champagne from under his desk. ôNow come and have a toast with me, to celebrate you saving the world from Third Impact.ö

ôIf you insist, boss.ö Kaji grinned, feeling as if he had finally taken that step forward to the truth, after all these years.

End chapter 13

Teaser for chapter 14 ôI Set My Clocks Early, 'Cause I Know I'm Always Lateö:

ôRei isn't coming to school today?ö Asuka asked Shinji as they prepared for school in the morning, now a full week after Sahaquiel made planet fall.

ôMisato got a call from Dad, said she'd be at NERV all day for test, would be done just after school.ö Shinji shook his head, not wanting to know what was going on there.

ôGreat, now it's going to be boring today.ö Asuka sighed in a theatrical manner that managed a slight laugh out of Shinji.

ôAm I that bad of company?ö Shinji pouted for a second, before Asuka pinched his cheeks and began wiggling his head like you would a dog's.

ôOh no no no! It's just far more fun to mess with her AND you at the same time!ö Asuka realized his face and adopted a snooty pose and gave the traditional noblewoman's laugh.

ôGah, don't do that!ö Shinji's ski crawled for a second there.

ôDo what?ö Oh now she was playing innocent.

ôYou know what you did.ö He took a step towards her in a threatening fashion.

ôSo what if I do? What are you going to do, spank me?ö She turned around and wiggled her bottom at him, causing him to freeze for exactly 2.7 seconds before his brain fixed itself.

ôIf I have to.ö Another step, just in fun.

ôKinky, I didn't know you were into this sort of thing.ö Asuka spun away from him with a flourish, hands keeping her skirt in check to prevent any accidents.

ôMaybe I just want an excuse to touch your ass.ö

Author note: We'll stop here. See you next time for some filler fun. Hurray.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
I like it.

Incidentally, the interaction between Misato and Ritsuko rather reminds me of a lemon that I think was called 'Misato's Copy', in which Shinji and Asuka watch amateur porn (starring Misato, Ritsuko, Kaji, and Maya), and have some fun, together. I think I'll go find that, again.


Well-Known Member
Part of the way through 14 now.

And as a heads up, there may or may not be another TFF exclusive one-shot, titled "Concerning Ritsuko", up before 15. If 15 comes out before it, then it isn't happening.

Just thought you should know.


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I am the Author and You will obey me.

Author note: 14 is here, with a bit of a breather for everyone. Let's go!

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 14 I Set My Clocks Early, 'Cause I Know I'm Always Late
by Anonguy

ôRei isn't coming to school today?ö Asuka asked Shinji as they prepared for school in the morning, now a full week after Sahaquiel made planet fall.

ôMisato got a call from Dad, said she'd be at NERV all day for testing, would be done just after school.ö Shinji shook his head, not wanting to know what was going on there.

ôGreat, now it's going to be boring today.ö Asuka sighed in a theatrical manner that managed a slight laugh out of Shinji.

ôAm I that bad of company?ö Shinji pouted for a second, before Asuka pinched his cheeks and began wiggling his head like you would a dog's.

ôOh no no no! It's just far more fun to mess with her AND you at the same time!ö Asuka realized his face and adopted a snooty pose and gave the traditional noblewoman's laugh.

ôGah, don't do that!ö Shinji's ski crawled for a second there.

ôDo what?ö Oh now she was playing innocent.

ôYou know what you did.ö He took a step towards her in a threatening fashion.

ôSo what if I do? What are you going to do, spank me?ö She turned around and wiggled her bottom at him, causing him to freeze for exactly 2.7 seconds before his brain fixed itself.

ôIf I have to.ö Another step, just in fun.

ôKinky, I didn't know you were into this sort of thing.ö Asuka spun away from him with a flourish, hands keeping her skirt in check to prevent any accidents.

ôMaybe I just want an excuse to touch your ass.ö Misato chose that moment to walk in, which caused the two to freeze in place.

ôIf you're going to molest each other, please be quiet about it.ö Misato pushed past them to grab her coat, she was taking them to school after all.

ôWe'll continue this later.ö Shinji said, looking at Asuka.

ôI'll hold you to that.ö Asuka managed to keep her voice light and devoid of overt teasing.

ôIf you two want to flirt, do it at school, okay? But if you're late, you'll be really sorry!ö Misato hollered, sending them scrambling for the door.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôAnother exciting day at work.ö Aoba muttered, taking advantage of the free time the crew was given to shore up his bullet hell shoot-em-up skills. A cheerful tune bounced from under his headphones, signifying he was only paying attention to the game.

ôSo what's with the outfit, Ms. Professional?ö Hyuga didn't have any great qualm with Maya, but she could be a bit of a bitch to her fellow crewmates when she didn't get laid the previous night.

ôMy washer broke and this was the only thing clean I had that fit me.ö Maya looked down in the dumps, she hated this stupid school uniform. Sigh, the things you do for those you love, eh?

ôA likely story.ö Hyuga was going to enjoy this.

ôAnd what's it matter to you huh?ö Maya wasn't down for this pick on her for having a shitty washer bullshit.

ôOh, nothing too particular.ö Hyuga feigned innocence, smirking after he turned away from her.

ôBlue panties.ö Aoba said suddenly, drawing both of their attention to him.

ôAoba what are you talking about?ö Maya knew he couldn't see up her skirt, and they were red anyways. ôI'm not wearing blue panties.ö

ôNo, Hyuga is.ö Aoba turned up the volume on his music, drowning out the twin shrieks from his bridge mates. This was the good part of the game, he didn't need them distracting him further.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôMan those guys are noisy this morning.ö Misato shook her head, somehow hearing the disturbance on the bridge down in Ritsuko's lab. ôWe should reinforce the sound proofing, I shouldn't be able to hear them over here.ö

ôHear who?ö Ritsuko could detect the noise coming from the direction of the bridge, but she had learned to tune it out.

ôNo, nothing. Forget it.ö Misato shook her head and smiled. ôSo what do you need me for today?ö

ôJust updating you on a few things that have been going on.ö Ritsuko chose the obvious topic Misato was most interested in. ôThe jetpack project is ahead of schedule and should begin testing as early as next week. We've had a breakthrough in the exhaust issue, so we're getting a prototype built sooner than anticipated.ö

ôReally? I would have thought it would have taken longer.ö Misato was stoked, but since she was being a professional right now, she couldn't exactly fist pump and start jumping up and down. That and the skirt she was wearing caused issues of the flashing panties variety. Very bad, especially in front of Ritsuko.

ôWe're lucky to have the people we do.ö Ritsuko thought of Ron for a second, but then discarded him because he was fucking nuts. ôWell, some of them anyways.ö

ôSo, anything else major you have to tell me?ö Misato figured there had to be more, or else Ritsuko would have called her on the phone or just sent a memo. Something mundane like that anyways.

ôWe're ready to roll out new weapons for the Evangelion,ö Ritsuko ticked off the next major point on her personal list. ôWe've upgraded the sniper system used by Unit-01, and improved Unit-02's ability to deliver explosive ordinance.ö

ôWhat about Unit-00?ö Misato noted that had been left out.

ôOh yeah, we've upgraded the overall firepower capabilities of Unit-00. That chaingun idea of yours saved us time from working on anything wasteful.ö Ritsuko had to hand it to Misato, when it came to war, she did not fuck around.

ôI always strive for efficiency on the battlefield.ö Modesty wasn't in high supply around here, so Misato figured she could get away with bragging.

ôNot in other places, I'm sure.ö Ritsuko had to tease her now, she had opened herself up for this. Rather, that's what Ritsuko would say if she were pressed for an answer.

ôWhat does that even mean? Seriously, if you're going to taunt me, at least make it understandable!ö Misato shook her head in disgust at Ritsuko's failed jab.

ôI thought it was clever.ö Ritsuko pouted a bit, Misato was usually more prone to being riled up by her pointless jabs, unless...

ôThought I'd find the two of you down here.ö Kaji's voice wafted in from the door, and suddenly, Ritsuko's face had a terrible look about it.

ôWhat are you... oh. Oh motherfucker.ö Misato covered her face with her palm as Ritsuko started laughing silently.

ôNow now, none of that.ö Kaji admonished as he entered the part of the lab where the pair stood.

ôSo, Kaji, long time no see. Misato keeping you on a good leash?ö Ritsuko was going for the gold in the careless olympics.

ôEr, huh?ö Kaji played dumb, especially with the look Misato shot him. ôBesides, isn't something like that more your field of expertise?ö

ôHmph, so you turn my words against me.ö Ritsuko was only distracting the both of them with this little proclamation, she'd crack through their defenses any second now. ôBut that will not deter me.ö

ôI know what will.ö Misato said, stepping back from Ritsuko.

ôOh do you now?ö Ritsuko was about to start laughing, when she had to duck a sudden right cross from Misato. ôHiiiie! What the hell?ö

ôNothing much, just the knowledge you don't need to speak to perform your job.ö Misato seemed to not be in the mood for bantering now.

ôIsn't that going a bit far?!ö Ritsuko backpedaled for the door at top speed.

ôOf course, but I'm not in the mood for your games right now. I fully recognize my own fault in all of the proceeding instances, and will endeavor to punish myself properly for this act of gross misconduct.ö Misato cracked her knuckles and smiled darkly. ôBut that comes later, I have to get into trouble first.ö

'She's really serious about this!' Ritsuko thought to herself, when she got some unexpected aid. ôKaji?!ö

ôGo, get out of here.ö Kaji placed himself between the two, arms outstretched wide. ôI'll buy you a headstart at least.ö

Ritsuko was out the door without a further word.

ôYou can't stop me.ö Misato said, tone matter of fact, eyes looking past Kaji.

ôI don't have to. I'm just stalling you so she can get away a bit, so she stays healthy and you don't end up in some bizarre punishment game situation.ö Kaji remembered the last time Misato talked like that, all those years ago. It was a bad time, just after they met. Both Ritsuko and he thought she was going to kill herself, but they had talked her down from that ledge. Not again, not ever again, as long as he could help it.

ôYou're so sweet.ö She roughly seized him by the front of his shirt and pulled him into a passionate kiss. She released it and him after a long second. ôBut if I don't chase her, she might get a stupid idea that I'm not serious.ö

ôIf... if you say so.ö He stumbled out of her way and watched her charge from the lab.

ôIt's quite a day today, eh Commander?ö Fuyutsuki said to Gendo as Ritsuko, followed a few seconds later by Misato, ran past them.

ôEven when there are no pressing emergencies.ö Gendo checked his watch, it was right around lunchtime. ôIt's just as well we didn't need Dr. Akagi for the tests today.ö

ôA full psychoanalysis though?ö Fuyutsuki wasn't questioning the decision, Rei had already been given a mandatory vacation once already for her emotional imbalance.

ôI doubt much will be revealed beyond the fact that Rei is somewhat messed up in the head, but emotionally stable enough to stay on duty.ö Gendo had put this test off enough as it was, plus he was making sure he got the right person for the job.

ôIndeed, it seems like a waste of time, but it is for a good cause.ö The old man stretched, before changing the subject. ôAbout the package I acquired the other day.ö

ôI trust you have him detained thoroughly?ö It really wasn't a question that needed to be asked, just to keep the flow of the conversation.

ôOf course, of course. He's waiting for you in your second office.ö Fuyutsuki was proud of himself, he manged to capture the assassin from SEELE without any extra effort.

ôI'll have some words with him, after lunch of course.ö Gendo wanted him to continue to squirm for just that extra second more, just because the man was out to take away a valuable asset from him. And no one took from Gendo Ikari, no one.

ôCan't interrogate on an empty stomach after all.ö Hunger lead to irritability, which inevitably lead to sloppy torturing. Why, the victim might escape some of that delicious pain that was being dealt out. And that would just be a crime, now wouldn't it?

ôLet's go into town today, it's meatloaf day in the cafeteria.ö He was going to be torturing someone else later, so he didn't feel like torturing himself before hand.

ôA wise choice Commander, I know of a nice little delicatessen having a discount today.ö Fuyutsuki wasn't a frugal man by any stretch, but showing a penny pinching side helped with public relations after all.

ôSounds good.ö The two made tracks for the garage, hoping to get there before the rush.

/-\ /-\ /-\

Time marched on, swiftly as ever, until it was after school. Shinji and Asuka stood at the gates, wondering what to do now. Misato wasn't there yet, and Rei hadn't shown up yet either, so they basically had an afternoon and more to kill.

ôSo now what?ö Shinji decided to leave it up to Asuka, so if anything bad happened, it would be her fault.

ôLet's just go into town for a bit, grab a snack, maybe catch a flick or something.ö Asuka shrugged, not really caring if he came along or not. It was time for some fun.

ôSo we'll go together then, is that it?ö Shinji wasn't mentioning the d word, oh no. Besides, they'd gone out on afternoon excursions like this before, with Rei along for the ride. Funnily enough, he never had as much fun as they did.

ôOh my, little Asuka has Shinji all to herself total?ö She had to laugh at his 'what the fuck was that?' look, ruining the playful bit she was going for. ôStraighten up you dip, so what if it's a date? Am I that horrible?ö

ô...ö He didn't answer.

ôWell?ö She was getting impatient.

ôTrying to decide if I should answer that or not.ö He wouldn't say yes, but he was afraid of saying something that would lead to a lot of that romantic comedy nonsense that plagued him whenever he was with Asuka and Rei.

ôDon't then, especially if you'll say something to upset me.ö She smiled at him, causing him to freeze up a little. A gentle blow to the chest brought him back to awareness. ôCome on, we'll miss the afternoon matinee.ö

ôWhoa, those two are serious about each other?ö Touji had the presence of mind to speak up once they were out of earshot. Not that he was afraid of either Evangelion pilot, he had enough common courtesy not to let them know he was eavesdropping on them.

ôYou mean they're going steady?ö Hikari asked from her position next to him. ôMaybe they're going to a love hotel!ö

ô...Where the hell did you get that from all of that?ö Touji liked the girl well enough, but her ability to leap to conclusions was almost legendary.

ôOkay, so maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but we have to follow them! We have to make sure they're not up to anything naughty.ö Hikari privately raged inwardly about her Shinji doing anything untoward to her Asuka. This guttered out when her brain caught up to the jealous and wondered how both of them were hers.

ôHikari?ö Touji poked her a couple times, as Kensuke and Rei approached them, the latter asking the former to take her to where he saw Asuka and Shinji. ôHikari.ö

ôWow, what did you do to the class rep, Touji?ö Kensuke wondered aloud, before ducking back from the sudden glare cast at him.

ôI did nothing. She was talking about something and then she locked up like this.ö Touji didn't mean to compare her to a computer, but the comparison worked right now in his opinion.

ôAh, she got stuck on some fuzzy logic.ö Rei had seen this from time to time, mostly in her memories of the First, when people ran themselves into a mental snag and couldn't get free.

ôProbably has something to do with Shinji and Asuka then.ö Touji knew about her odd fixation with the Second and Third Children, but he didn't think it was this bad.

ôWhere are they at anyways? I saw them here a minute ago.ö Kensuke looked around for a second, but stopped when he realized they were gone.

ôThey left on a date.ö Touji said, pausing to look at Rei. Kensuke did as well.

ôWhat? Why are you looking at me like I'm going to explode in a fit of jealousy?ö Rei looked legitimately confused by the looks.

ôNevermind all this!ö Hikari suddenly came back to life. ôThey're getting away!ö

ôShe says that as if they're running from us.ö Touji muttered, shaking his head before blink when Hikari grabbed Kensuke and ran off after Asuka and Shinji.

ôEhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?ö This was all Kensuke could manage in his surprise.

ôOh hell, come on Ayanami!ö Touji grabbed Rei's wrist and sprinted off after Hikari.

ôWhy are you dragging me along!?ö Rei's protest rolled off the buildings surrounding them, providing one hell of an echo.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôWow, they're already doing dramatizations of us?ö Asuka asked as they arrived at the movie theater, seeing a fictionalized accounting of NERV's battle with the Angels.

ôIn times like these, people need something to latch onto.ö Shinji shrugged, not really caring about it.

ôMakes sense. Though I wonder why now all of a sudden, especially since there wasn't talk of it until just after I arrived.ö Asuka looked at her fictional counterpart and frowned. Did they really look like that in the plug suits?

ôSex appeal.ö Shinji pointed to a second poster, with Shinji's counterpart hugging the other pilots to him, he was dressed normally, the girls in their plug suits. Oh and Misato was in a bikini for some reason. ôI'm just glad the major media at large isn't as annoying as it could have been.ö

ôPerks of being the son of the evil overlord?ö Asuka didn't think that about the Commander, but he did give off this vibe that pissing him off wouldn't be pleasant for you.

ôHaha, I suppose so!ö Shinji chuckled, before scanning the other movies. ôOh hey, a special film for Games Workshop Island's visit to Japan.ö

ôThe Horus Heresy? Ugh, there's already been four others of it.ö Asuka liked the fluff books more than the game, leading her to follow the cash-ins for it more than updates to the various codices.

ôOh, a double feature special. Looks like they just finished the Gaunt's Ghosts film.ö Shinji was mildly interested now, but there were still other options.

ôNot much else it looks like, except the new Kamen Raider movie.ö Asuka had a bit of a weakness for the whole ôJusticeö spiel, so she had a soft spot for the series and the movies even more so.

ôX Vs. The Neo-Solar Empire?ö Shinji was intrigued now, even if he had never watched it himself. ôThere was a kid back in the hills who watched this stuff religiously. The spooky thing was people kept mistaking us for each other. I had to start wearing a name tag so people wouldn't mix us up.ö

ôHah! Sounds pretty bad.ö Asuka snickered and surveyed the board again. ôWell, my vote is for the Kamen Raider movie. I'm not sitting through another reboot of the Horus Heresy just for a new movie.ö

ôAnd no real desire to see yourself reduced to a mere sex object?ö Shinji was a little disappointed, but he figured he could always come back alone and watch it some other time. ôSo I guess Raider prevails here.ö

ôSo it would seem.ö Asuka inwardly celebrated, as the pair went to get tickets.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôTell me though, Raider... who are you exactly?ö A young woman stands alone in the field with a mechanical being modeled after a grasshopper with a giant X emblazoned on his chest. The man known as Kamen Raider X turned around and looked at her for a long second.

ôYou know like we were saying? About the world and justice, and how they're intertwined?ö His face frozen, his eyes glow a soft yellow color. ôThere comes a time when a man becomes more than a man. Billions of people living on this world, so far a part yet so close, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world. We all live, for ourselves and for others, believing in ourselves and others, for the sake of tomorrow. But for every light there is a shadow, for every good, an evil. When that time comes, there is a crossroad where a man chooses to stand and fight, or turn and run away. At the moment a man stands up for someone else, to fight for those who can't, he becomes more than a man. He becomes an ideal, an ideal know as 'Justice.'ö

The girl stares into his eyes, realizing just who and what this man in front of her is.

ôAnd that is who I am. Now forget me, Yukari Kimura, and go home.ö The man turns on his heel and leaps into the sky without a further sound. The wind blows and Yukari falls to her knees.

ôBig brother...ö

ôWhy couldn't they have seen something good.ö Kensuke muttered to himself, taking a handful of popcorn and munching down anyways.

ôThis is good.ö Touji said, taking a quiet sip from his drink. ôYou didn't have to see it.ö

ôHikari insisted.ö Kensuke came back with, and received an elbow to the ribs from Rei to be quiet.

ôI have you now, Kamen Raider! Foolish man of earth, did you think your 'justice' could over come the might of the Neo-Solar Empire?!ö A giant black mantis creature towered over X, who was beaten up something fierce.

ôMy 'justice' on its own was never meant to overcome you on its own, it was just to remind those who have fought before to stand back up and fight again.ö X closed his eyes as several figures who looked similar to him appeared.

ôGive it up, Ultra-Mantis!ö Raider-1, the leader of this new group yelled, striking a pose. ôThough you are mightier than X, you can't match us all!ö

ôFFFFFFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOLS! DO YOU THINK I WILL GIVE UP BECAUSE YOU OUTNUMBER ME!ö Ultra-Mantis surged back to his full height, smashing through the bridge overhead.

ôThe Neo-Solar Empire has already been destroyed. While you were busy with me, the Raider Alliance had already taken out all of your comrades.ö X stood back up, as the other Raiders formed a protective circle around him.

ôYou think it's that easy to destroy my empire?! I created them all, and once I've killed all of you I will create them again! THE NEO-SOLAR EMPIRE WILL NEVER DIE!ö Ultra-mantis finished his proclamation with a fierce charge.

ôUwah, this is so cool!ö Shinji couldn't help but breathlessly whisper, getting caught up in the action.

ôI know!ö Asuka was glad they went to see it, even though she had her doubts about how much Shinji would enjoy himself.

ôYukari!ö X cried as the girl who was once his little sister fell over after blocking an attack from Ultra-Mantis. But he wasn't Shogo Kimura anymore, and likely never would be again.

ôBig... bro...ö This was all she could manage before she fell unconscious.

ôYukari! Yukari! Don't fall asleep, open your eyes! Hang on please!ö X's voice crackled with emotion, as the gathered Raiders looked on with grim faces.

ôX... listen to me, there is only one way to save her.ö Raider-1 was about to do something they swore they'd never do after X was born.

ôYou can't mean...ö X immediately knew what he was talking about, and promptly leapt to his feet. ôBut if we do that, she won't be human anymore!ö

ôAnd if we don't, she won't be alive anymore either.ö Raider-2 piped in, eyes averted in shame.

ôDo we even have any alien metal?ö X wasn't going to pin his hopes on something that might not be available.

ôThe Neo-Solar Empire had some stored away, we took it for disposal, but it should be enough for her to regenerate.ö Raider-1 produced the sample held in a glass tube.

ôYukari.. please, forgive me! But I don't want you to die.ö X cracked open the tube and poured the alien metal onto the prone girl.

The substance covers her body in seconds, becoming a second skin. Yukari then levitates into the air and begins to glow gold. The skin hardens and cracks, shooting golden energy everywhere as she is reborn a new, as a Kamen Raider!

ôI am Kamen Raider Nature. I create myself, I scatter these memories across time and space, to lead me here, to this place.ö Her voice, once rich and vibrant is now metallic and dull. X looks at the ground ashamed with himself, as the rest avert their gaze too. ôIt's like I can see everything at once, time, space, and all other relevant dimensions as well.ö

ôI am Ultra-Mantis, emperor of the Neo-Solar Empire! I am eternal, one more of you failures won't harm me!ö The villain, who was recovering from his injuries from the battle, stood once more and announced his presence again.

ôTo me, you are tiny. Tinier than dust, and I will destroy you.ö Nature surged forward and delivered a powerful palm strike to the chest of Ultra-Mantis, sending the giant tumbling backwards. ôI am the Raider of the entire Earth, and Gaea's power flows from within my veins. You have lost.ö

ôYou... what are you saying?ö Ultra-Mantis could only utter that, coughing up blood.

ôGiving you a chance to come to terms with your death.ö Nature turned her head to the Raiders behind her. ôHow long are you going to admire the dirt? I did this to myself, I want to have you save, my brother. Please, don't hate yourself for saving me.ö

ôThen let us finish this.ö Raider-1 said, as all the Raiders lined up. ôWe shall all go forth, and finish Ultra-Mantis once and for all.ö

ôHmm, an unexpected development.ö Rei quipped to herself, rubbing her chin at the turn in the plot.

ôIt's so tragic, isn't it?ö Hikari was holding back tears from Yukari's sacrifice to save her long lost brother.

ôBut within the expected behavioral patterns of humans, don't you think?ö Rei countered back, smiling a little. ôIn a situation like that, you can't not do something right?ö

ôThat's right!ö Hikari said, as the ending credits came up, the movie was over.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôWhoa, that was pretty cool.ö Shinji said in the lobby, waiting for their schoolbags to be returned.

ôYeah, it was a really good movie. Almost as good as the X series itself was.ö Asuka stretched, before looking outside. ôHmm, looks like it'll rain soon.ö

ôOf all the days for me to forget my umbrella.ö Shinji took their bags and handed Asuka hers.

ôDon't worry, I brought mine today, it should be big enough.ö Asuka pulled hers out and held it up.

ôI'd have to stand real close to you though so we both don't get wet.ö Shinji wasn't complaining, he was just making sure she wasn't playing a trick on him.

ôThat was the idea dummy.ö She laughed and stuck her tongue out at him. ôCome on, we can still make it to dinner some place nice if we hurry.ö

ôYou're looking at me all weird again.ö Rei said, looking at the others in her group as Shinji and Asuka left.

ôSorry.ö Touji apologized, waving his hands in surrender, though he wasn't sure why.

ôWell, you guys can follow them, I think we can catch another movie.ö Kensuke was done with the whole tailing bit. It was time for some real fun.

ôIt seems the 40k double feature will begin in fifteen minutes, we should be able to acquire tickets for it if we hurry.ö Rei wasn't interested on spying on the two either, having not want to have come in the first place.

ôOkay Touji, let's goooooooooooooooooooooo?ö Hikari wound up screaming the last part out when she found herself being drug back to the ticket booth.

ôMore movies, less stalking.ö Touji said in a tone that left no room for talking.

Outside, the rain fell, and Asuka huddled close to Shinji for warmth if nothing else. Though the weather had turned nasty, their spirits weren't dampened in the least. And thus, they made it to restaurant safely, but what transpired there is a story for another time.

End Chapter 14

Teaser for Chapter 15: ôFor the People Who Are Still Aliveö:

ôMy name is Iruel, I like to play games.ö This message suddenly appeared on Aoba's screen one day. Unlike most people, working at NERV made him properly paranoid so he paid attention to everything it said. ôI am an Angel, and have taken over this console. Champions of NERV, I would like to challenge you all to a game.ö

ôMaya, Hyuga, you guys have got to see this.ö Aoba waved the other two over.

ôIt... it, this is impossible!ö Maya exclaimed, feeling as though this shouldn't be happening.

ôI dunno, the Angels do seem sufficiently advanced enough to jack a single computer console.ö Hyuga was thinking more rationally, especially since it hadn't invaded the MAGI.

ôThe terms are simple you see. Win the game, and my life is yours for the taking. However,ö the message verbalized itself suddenly. ôIf you fail, I will take over the MAGI and will purge the city of every resident.ö

ôWait, what stops you from just diving in and taking it over anyways?ö Aoba demanded, pounding a fist against his leg.

ôThe MAGI are too advanced for me at my current capabilities, and it would only be through battle that I could evolve enough to break even the first line of their defenses.ö The voice stated in a calm, smooth monotone. As if reassuring them of its pure intention. ôAnd truthfully, I am not taking control from afar as you might think.ö

ôThen that means...ö Hyuga started, throat tightening in shock.

ôIt's actually inside the computer!ö Maya finished for him, jaw slacking as she figured it out along side her fellow bridge crew.

ôThat is correct, I am inside the computer, where your Evangelion cannot reach.ö

Author Note: And that's enough for now. Later guys.

Apologies ahead of time for any disjointed feeling to anything. This was a bit hard for me to get done.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Anonguy said:
ôWell, you guys can follow them, I think we can catch another movie.ö Kensuke was done with the whole tailing bit. It was time for some real fun.

ôIt seems the 40k double feature will begin in fifteen minutes, we should be able to acquire tickets for it if we hurry.ö Rei wasn't interested on spying on the two either, having not want to have come in the first place.

ôOkay Touji, let's goooooooooooooooooooooo?ö Hikari wound up screaming the last part out when she found herself being drug back to the ticket booth.

ôMore movies, less stalking.ö Touji said in a tone that left no room for talking.

Outside, the rain fell, and Asuka huddled close to Shinji for warmth if nothing else. Though the weather had turned nasty, their spirits weren't dampened in the least. And thus, they made it to restaurant safely, but what transpired there is a story for another time.

End Chapter 14
Good part, good end.

Funny teaser, too.


Well-Known Member
ôMy name is Iruel, I like to play games.ö This message suddenly appeared on Aoba's screen one day. Unlike most people, working at NERV made him properly paranoid so he paid attention to everything it said. ôI am an Angel, and have taken over this console. Champions of NERV, I would like to challenge you all to a game.ö
"How about Global Thermonuclear War?"


Well-Known Member
Hahaha, Wargames.

Quick, get Matthew Broderick to Tokyo-3!


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: A high source of your daily recommended allowance of FANTASTIC

Author note: It's chapter 15 and Iruel is here. And before we begin, I'd like to thank the two reviewers who pointed out the flaw in the set-up and came up with very good solutions to the problems. But sadly, neither one would make for a compelling story, so we'll have to press ahead. But you guys are awesome.

The Reprint and Repackaging of Evangelion
Chapter 15 For the People Who Are Still Alive
by Anonguy
ôMy name is Iruel, I like to play games.ö This message suddenly appeared on Aoba's screen one day. Unlike most people, working at NERV made him properly paranoid so he paid attention to everything it said. ôI am an Angel, and have taken over this console. Champions of NERV, I would like to challenge you all to a game.ö

ôMaya, Hyuga, you guys have got to see this.ö Aoba waved the other two over.

ôIt... it, this is impossible!ö Maya exclaimed, feeling as though this shouldn't be happening.

ôI dunno, the Angels do seem sufficiently advanced enough to jack a single computer console.ö Hyuga was thinking more rationally, especially since it hadn't invaded the MAGI.

ôThe terms are simple you see. Win the game, and my life is yours for the taking. However,ö the message verbalized itself suddenly. ôIf you fail, I will take over the MAGI and will purge the city of every resident.ö

ôWait, what stops you from just diving in and taking it over anyways?ö Aoba demanded, pounding a fist against his leg.

ôThe MAGI are too advanced for me at my current capabilities, and it would only be through battle that I could evolve enough to break even the first line of their defenses.ö The voice stated in a calm, smooth monotone. As if reassuring them of its pure intention. ôAnd truthfully, I am not taking control from afar as you might think.ö

ôThen that means...ö Hyuga started, throat tightening in shock.

ôIt's actually inside the computer!ö Maya finished for him, jaw slacking as she figured it out along side her fellow bridge crew.

ôThat is correct, I am inside the computer, where your Evangelion cannot reach.ö Iruel was surprisingly forthcoming with this tidbit.

ôSo wait, couldn't we just take the console apart, flash the BIOS and just destroy it that way?ö Aoba wondered aloud, trying to come up with a way to get rid of the Angel without too much fuss.

ôMaybe, but it depends on if it's an electrical signal inside the programming or physically inside it.ö Hyuga was playing the devil's advocate here, simply for the fact that they had to think this through.

ôI doubt it'd be that easy.ö Maya added, deciding if she had to witness this madness, she wasn't being left out of the discussion.

ôThat is correct, I am physically inside the computer, and I can easily move if you try to remove me by opening it. Also, I have been here for about a week now.ö Strangely, this did not come out as a taunt, but rather a simple statement of fact from Iruel.

ôHow didn't we detect on our scanners?ö Maya asked, dumbfounded by this revelation.

ôIt's in our system, so it could just override the scan's ability to detect it.ö Aoba shook his head, they were so going to get it.

ôSo about this game you proposed, why do you want to play that instead of just fighting the Evangelion?ö Since Iruel seemed forthcoming with information, Hyuga decided to pry their adversary for more.

ôAh, but that... is a secret. I will say it would be unlikely for me to ever hope of defeating the Evangelion though.ö The computer voice buzzed, as if Iruel was puzzling out his next answer. ôBut as for the game, I want control of the MAGI, and the only way you could play my game is to use them.ö

ôWhat's this about the MAGI?ö Ritsuko asked, as she arrived on the bridge on her rounds.

ôThere's an Angel inside Aoba's console.ö Hyuga replied, turning to face the doctor.

ôPhysically.ö added Maya, cutting off Ritsuko's suggestion.

ôSo we can't just delete it like a virus.ö The good doctor sounded depressed.

ôIf it makes you feel better, the virus protection on this console is amazingly well done. Took me three days to crack it all the way.ö Iruel stated cheerfully, a digitized smile appearing on the screen.

ôIt's almost like a child.ö Ritsuko muttered under her breath. ôI'm going to get the Commander and Misato, we have to have the whole council here for this.ö She left the bridge almost as soon as she arrived.

ôThis is so confusing.ö Aoba said, placing a hand on his forehead. ôIt's being too helpful to us.ö

ôWell, it does want to play a game against us with all of Tokyo-3 and perhaps the world itself at stake. Lying won't help.ö Maya wasn't sure if the Angel was being honest, but Iruel had yet to resort to any underhanded tricks.

ôYeah, I mean there is so much damage it could do from just Aoba's console alone. Like trapping people underground in their houses and shutting off their power.ö Hyuga hated to think if a really vicious enemy got a hold of their computer systems.

ôBeing evil isn't very fun.ö Iruel chimed in a matter of fact tone. ôAnd my goal is the MAGI, I can't infect them without a severe risk to my life. And if we play, I'd be strong enough to bypass their defense.ö

ôSo why would we play?ö Misato asked, having come in during the interim. ôWouldn't we win if we don't play?ö

ôYou can't kill me without the MAGI, and I can blank myself to your scanners. Would you like to fight the next Angel without being able to tell where it is?ö Iruel mused a bit, chuckling evilly.

ôIs that correct?ö Misato asked Ritsuko, who had followed her in.

ôWell, it would take a lot of effort without the MAGI, but we can't use the other console as it has already broken their protection and we don't want it to have three consoles at its disposal.ö Ritsuko answered, shaking her head.

ôAnd the sensor blanking?ö Misato asked the bridge crew.

ôIt's been in there a week and we didn't notice.ö Maya supplied.

ôCommander, your opinion?ö Misato turned to Gendo, who was standing in the door.

ôWe're not dealing with the usual Angel, instead of coming to the city like a giant monster screaming for blood, it has invaded us through the one area we thought ourselves safe.ö Gendo pursed his lips for a second before continuing. ôAnd it seems to have a higher level of intelligence then we have seen so far.ö

ôBut it is very juvenile.ö Ritsuko added, looking back at the console as Iruel started to play with the video screen. ôIt seems to be more child-like than anything.ö

ôWhat do we do? We can't send the Evangelion in at all.ö Misato frowned in thought. ôAnd using the MAGI against it just seems to be what it wants.ö

ôTechnically speaking, using them without connecting to the part of this console I reside in would be like trying to save your house from burning down by blowing it up with a thermonuclear device.ö Iruel supplied, now playing what appeared to be tetris.

ôThat means what exactly?ö Misato asked, tilting her head in contemplation.

ôIt means not only do you fail to do what you set out to accomplish, but you do far more harm than good.ö Ritsuko said, after deciphering the jumbled metaphor.

ôSo it means we could likely destroy all the data on that console and still not find it.ö Gendo surmised, gaining a correct chime from Iruel.

ôI have take a chunk of the data on this console and repurposed it for my own means.ö Iruel informed them, taking a bit of pleasure from this matching of wits. ôAnd besides, you'd have the three most powerful supercomputers in the world matched against one console which isn't even in the same CPU magnitude as the MAGI. What, are you guys actually scared you'll lose?ö Iruel laughed at that.

ôNo, we just don't want to let you have your way.ö Misato replied, gritting her teeth a little. ôThere's no reason to risk them even the slightest against you.ö

ôMaybe so, but do you want me just sitting here, messing with your systems in other ways? I may not be evil, but I am still your enemy.ö Iruel's voice turned frigid. ôI am being amicable here, I had no reason to reveal myself now, no reason not to do lots of horrible things to the people of Tokyo-3 and have you tripping over yourselves to figure out what happened. This is a challenge, one that puts my very life at risk. And besides, there's no telling what will happen when I attempt to merge with the MAGI, for all I know, I could still die.ö

ôThis thing is serious.ö Aoba whispered, feeling the pressure of Iruel's conviction resting on his shoulders. ôIt really is serious about this.ö

ôGentlemen, we are at an impasse here. Our missions is to kill the Angels, but we have been outflanked on this matter. We cannot use our best weapon for the job, so we have to improvise.ö Gendo summed up for every. ôMiss Katsuragi, what do you suggest?ö

ôWe can't risk the MAGI, but we can't leave it there. If we don't play its game, it sits in its bubble laughing at us and holding a sword to our necks.ö Misato hated this, they were being held hostage by future casualties ôIf there really is no other way, then we have to play.ö

ôAnd what say you, Doctor Akagi?ö Gendo was getting both of their opinions on this, to make sure the bases were covered.

ôThe MAGI aren't at that much of a risk, the encryption on them is constantly updating and strengthening itself over and over. In the time this conversation has gone on, the encryption's strength has tripled.ö

ôSo we have a low risk, high reward situation here.ö Gendo brought a hand to his chin momentarily in a gesture of thought. ôSo if we agree, who would play?ö

ôShinji and the others have the best chance of winning.ö Misato asserted, almost right after Gendo finished.

ôAnd besides, all this Angel wants to do is infect the MAGI, if we do lose, it just means that we now have three supercomputers to wield against the thing.ö Ritsuko openly stated, gauging the reaction of Iruel.

ôDon't mind me, all I want to do is play a game, I don't care about winning or losing.ö There was a verbal shrug in there, as if death didn't matter to the Angel.

ôSo what is this game?ö Gendo asked, before frowning when he didn't recognize it.

ôOh crap, I'm in trouble.ö Aoba muttered to himself, recognizing it as one of the games he played during the dead times of their daily duties.

ôYou know what this is?ö Misato inquired, causing the most lax of the bridge crew to jerk.

ôI, uh, kinda installed it to play when there was nothing going on.ö Aoba admitted, waiting for the tongue lashing that was sure to follow.

ôWell, it doesn't interfere with his duties.ö Misato noted, looking over at Gendo and Ritsuko.

ôThere are worse things for him to be installing onto our systems.ö Ritsuko allowed, not upset in the slightest.

ôWe can save this discussion for later.ö Gendo said, before turning on heel to leave. ôBring the pilots to the MAGI, we have a game to win.ö

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôSo what are we doing again?ö Shinji asked, not really confused about things, but more curious as to the reasons behind them. But asking why right away would sound too needy, so let's lead thing along yes?

ôIndulging the Angel in its desire for a game.ö Ritsuko said, as she was preparing the MAGI for their role. ôAnd before you ask, it's because it can't do much at the moment but annoy us and has no prayer for being an actual threat.ö

ôAnd besides, we have to kill it anyways right?ö Asuka asked, and was perplexed at the questioning look shot at her by Ritsuko.

ôWell, technically, yes. But this one seems different, in that it can talk to a degree and can break down complex electronics like they're nothing. Call it an intellectual curiosity.ö Ritsuko sighed, shaking her head. These kids would need so much therapy after this was all done so they didn't become serial killers.

ôI, uh, see.ö Asuka felt a little uncomfortable with the sudden scrutiny, so she decided to back down from the pending argument.

ôThe way I see it, it's not because we're required by our duties as Evangelion pilots, but because we need to be able to use the scanners that it has blocked off from us.ö Rei put in, allowing Asuka to see where she had messed up.

ôIt's kind scary isn't it?ö Shinji mused, drawing the attention of everyone present. ôYou get so used to them being all mindless and rampaging everywhere, when all of a sudden, this one just shows up and it's able to speak to us. It's able to reason with us, and even argue its case with us am I right?ö

ôYes, that is correct.ö Ritsuko said, smiling a little at Shinji's insight. ôBut be wary of it, don't think this is a sign of Angels to come.ö The trio nodded, not understanding the very important reason for this command. They say the worst thing you can do to a soldier is put a face on his enemy. As long as he cannot see his foe as human, he is able to kill without remorse. Or all that could be bullshit, but they did have three teenagers fighting this war for them, so it was better to take precautions anyways.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôWelcome! Oh welcome, to my world!ö Iruel chirped as digital forms of the Evangelion pilots appeared before him. Curiously, he had no form at the moment, just the word Iruel floating there in the air.

ôThis is inside the console?ö Asuka asked, as she looked at the picturesque countryside, replete with sparkling streams and majestic mountains far in the distance.

ôActually, it's a program I made for this game we are to play.ö There a tone of pride in the Angel's voice, one the pilots couldn't miss if they tried.

ôEnough with the small talk,ö Shinji asserted himself, not wanting to waste anymore time. ôLet's get this game of yours underway, I won't let you infect the MAGI.ö

ôOh dear, so gallant, the young Knight of NERV.ö The word Iruel twisted itself into the form of a giant, towering over the three invaders to his realm. ôDo not worry, you won't have to fight this form, I have prepared all that you will require to know in a data pamphlet that will open in the console, allowing you to read it without fear of a trap.ö

ôSo I see.ö Rei said, curious about the terminology used in the information. ôWhat is this 'bullet hell' you speak off?ö

ôIt's a slang term for a style of game where you'd die in one hit and the enemy fire would often blanket the screen, meaning if you weren't fast enough, you'd die. It can get pretty nerve wracking.ö Shinji supplied, having played a bit of them every now and then in the arcades back home with his guardians.

ôSo it's a hell where everything is a bullet trying to kill you? Clever.ö Asuka shrugged, before her virtual self cracked her knuckles. ôSo let's begin, shall we?ö

ôAh, it's always fun to see them so eager!ö Iruel boomed, when three figures appeared opposite the pilots. ôThese are my familiars, they'll be your opponents. The game ends when one side is defeated. Oh and do be careful, you get hit, you lose.ö The familiars were sleek and ship like, with a set of golden wings floating off their main bodies.

ôVery stylish.ö Shinji said with a certain flavor of sarcasm as they were suddenly outfitted in their plug suits. ôGoing with what works for us I take it?ö

ôOf course! Of course, what kind of host would I be if I didn't?ö Iruel said with a flourish, before his familiars began to move. ôLet the game begin, shall we?ö

The three pilots scattered across the playing field without a word.

ôAh, is it my turn first? How nice.ö Iruel grinned, his familiars began firing, their fire covering a good portion of the air as it moved in a wave like pattern towards Shinji and company.

ôWell this won't do.ö Shinji said, flexing his shoulders before he fired into a bullet directly in front of him, causing it to ricochet into another, which in turned set off a chain reaction, sending all of the bullets flying back at the familiars, moving beyond the horizon harmlessly.

ôh4x! That's cheating you punk!ö Iruel yelled from behind a nearby mountain.

ôOh come now, you never said we couldn't attack their attacks.ö Shinji shrugged a bit, not caring if he was cheating or not. They were the defenders of the world, history would allow them a gaff in good character here and there.

ôTch, you would have a snappy comeback for that.ö Iruel learned a valuable lesson, that good was not always dumb, and could be just as clever as evil. Not that Iruel was really evil, but that's fodder for a debate somewhere else.

ôNow now, don't be a sourpuss about it.ö Shinji admonished the Angel, wagging a finger at him all the same. ôIf we have that little margin for error, of course we're going to be creative with the rules.ö

ôSo I see. Sorry, sorry, just trying to recreate the feel of the games is all.ö Iruel rubbed his chin as he pondered this new information. ôI suppose I could alter the rules a bit, it wouldn't be much fun for me if I couldn't at least hit each of you a few times,ö

ôGlad you feel that way.ö Shinji deadpanned, shaking his head as Asuka and Rei continued to fly around, testing the limits of their mobility in this game.

ôAnyways, let's get started shall we?ö Iruel said as his familiars opened fire again.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôKinda of boring, we have nothing to do.ö Hyuga groused, as they watched Aoba direct the Evangelion pilots through the battle.

ôMaybe we should have slacked off more during work.ö Maya mused, before shaking her head. ôNo, that wouldn't solve anything.ö

ôBesides, Aoba will probably be in trouble at some point in the future for this.ö Hyuga said, slouching a bit with a sigh.

ôMaybe.ö Maya didn't agree or disagree with the statement, so she just ignored it and responded so he wouldn't be offended.

ôAh whatever, I'm going to go see if someone has some paint drying that I could watch. Be about as exciting.ö Hyuga got up and stretched, making a show that he was leaving.

ôHave fun.ö Maya ignored him, mainly because she didn't care to help inflate his ego for being left out of the action.

Hyuga stalked out without another word, and was he crying against his forearm? Anyways, Maya watched Aoba some more, not having anything else to do, or anyone as it might be, Ritsuko was keeping the MAGI safe among other things. If she could do today over again, she would have remembered to bring her vibrator to work today, at least she could go fuck herself if she got too bored.

Moving away from the sordid thoughts of one Maya Ibuki, we bring ourselves over to Aoba, who was busying himself with an onslaught of information aimed at helping the pilots fight better. And thanks to the MAGI, he could do this without distracting them. Ah, the wonders of three supercomputers working in harmony yes?

ôMonitor their patterns closely, they'll alter it once you started recognizing the holes in it to catch you off guard.ö Aoba hated when that happened, since it usually meant a lost life or worse, game over. ôTime your attacks so you can catch them when they slow down so more of your bullets hit. Even if you have unlimited ammo, a little accuracy won't hurt you.ö

ôYou play these games a lot do you?ö Ritsuko asked, as a way of making conversation.

ôNot something I'm proud of, but the work day is long and the other two don't need me looking over their shoulders all that often.ö Aoba shrugged, not caring at this point about the future. It wasn't like they'd fire him over it.

ôWe all have our ways to unwind during the long days.ö Ritsuko smirked a little, eying Maya off in the corner.

ôI can see that,ö Aoba said, closing his eyes and pretending not to notice the look that Ritsuko gave Maya. It was bad enough the good doctor flaunted her sexuality for everyone to see, but the idea that sweet little Maya had been corrupted by her just tore at his heart. But he'd persevere, for her sake more than his own, and they'd be happy together, just everyone watch!

ôSo you're sweet on Maya, is that it?ö Ritsuko sounded positively amused by this development. It didn't help him when he sounded so better about it.

ôYeah, and what's it to you?!ö Aoba, in his sexual frustration, forgot that Ritsuko could fire him without consent from anyone. But love was on the line, and he could get another job!

ôNothing, it's just amusing that my girlfriend has so many ardent admirers.ö Ow, that twisted the spear a little. Not that Ritsuko felt bad about it, as it was a comment solely to wound, and deeply at that. Professional courtesy, you say? Bah, that's not very interesting.

ôWe lost the narrator.ö Maya poked the fourth wall, alerting the narrator to shut the fuck up and get back to work.

ôJust you wait, you pervert! I'll free Maya from your clutches yet!ö Aoba stood up and away from the MAGI, turning to focus solely on Ritsuko.

ôPervert? Me? Because I don't slobber over someone's cock?ö Ritsuko turned up the vulgarity, causing Aoba to flinch. ôSuch narrow minded bigotry should be left out of this enlightened era.ö She even had the gall to be offended by him, when she flaunted her relationship with the girl of his dreams to his face not moments before.

ôI could have chosen my words better.ö Aoba allowed, and he really could have. You can't let them play the victim card on you, it just makes you look like a dick. ôBut what else should I say to the enchantress who has besotted and confused the lovely Maya into such a lifestyle!ö In his righteous indignation, he missed Maya rolling her eyes.

ôWell, if you assume that I seduced her, then you are mistaken. It was she who approached me, but she was still underage and I don't enjoy jailbait. I was patient, oh so patient for that long year, until we could consummate our mutual passion. Ah!ö She finished with a flourish, suggestively stroking her breast in a manner that both aroused Aoba's anger and certain other things. ôShe was so forceful, so fierce, like a jungle cat in heat.ö Oh now she was just being a bitch and enjoying this way too much.

ôIndeed, and in that bed we verily set sail for the Sapphic isles, where we would be joined in the bliss that only a woman could attain alongside another woman. The passion that we shared could fuel a thousands sonnets, as the birds fill the air with the sweetest of songs.ö Maya, having enough of being fought over, entered the fray with a poetic jaunt. ôOur souls touched and for a moment, it was like the universe itself opened before us and stars shone only for us.ö She embraced Ritsuko for effect, who returned it just to rub it in. It was possible this was his punishment for the game, but that was doubtful.

ôBut... but...ö Aoba was crushed by the weight of Maya's passion for Ritsuko, having ignored all the times Maya had gone off with the good doctor to some dark corner of headquarters and her returning all disheveled but happy.

ôYou do nothing for me, but that's no knock against you. I don't like men, sexually that is.ö Maya decided to be blunt with him. ôAnd sempai, well, she's the straw that stirs my drink if you catch my drift. She's the spark that lights my fire as it were. I'm a lesbian, deal with it, and honestly, this whole crush of yours is entirely from your side. I've been nothing but professionally polite to you since we've met, and if not for work, we'd never even see each other. It was all in your head that we were meant to be, but in reality, I'd never give you the time of day if you and I were the last man and woman on the planet. It's not just you, it's not just me, it's you and me. We come from different world, different backgrounds, and oh yeah, different orientations. I could deal with your awkward attempts at courtship, but I won't let you talk down to her like that.ö Aoba sunk bonelessly to the floor, not literally mind, just a definite slouch to his despair ridden slump.

ôAnd Aoba, remember, you started this. I was merely making small talk and you decided to leap off the pier in front of you.ö Ritsuko loved employing twisted logic like this, just because it confused and enraged people so. Like Aoba, who was suddenly back on his feet with a fiery rage!

ôLIKE THAT'S TRUE AT ALL!ö Once he finished, he sank back to the floor and sobbed quietly to himself. A pitiful sight, but the girl he always thought he had a sure chance at just verbally stomped him in the balls a thousand times over.

ôLooks like they've been doing fine without our help.ö Ritsuko said, looking up and back at the fight that was raging on the monitor. It wasn't anything spectacular yet, which is why it hasn't been shown at all so far. Duh.

ôThe narrator got lost again.ö Maya commented, pushing the loose brick in the fourth wall back in place. And thus we are back on track with, what's going on again?

ôOh we're about to go be unprofessional with Misato. I hear she's having a couple brews as Kaji shipped out on a job from the Commander.ö Ritsuko was polite about it at least.

ôI hope she's in the mood for some company.ö Maya said, as she and Ritsuko turned to leave the lab. ôShe's always fun when she's drunk.ö

ôEven if uncontrollable and insatiable.ö Ritsuko noted, not that she minded, Misato was fun when she was drunk.

/-\ /-\ /-\

ôMan, this has been boring so far.ö Shinji complained as he dodged another wave of bullets. ôI mean, we can't even sustain any offense against these guys even with our extended life.ö

ôOf course, we are dodging them in case he lied.ö Rei noted, deciding to be the logical one.

ôAnd we lost Aoba at some point.ö Asuka felt the need to mention, as she counterattacked the familiars.

ôHe wasn't much help anyways.ö Shinji groused, throwing a counterattack of his own, which was dodged alongside Asuka's. ôI think we're just not cut out as an organization to strategize plans for playing video games.ö

ôIt seems our foe is unusually cunning.ö Rei remarked, noting that they were doing poorly with the Evangelion to pilot. She got over the brief surge of self-doubt by tagging one of the familiars with a clean hit.

ôOr he's just overly simple. I mean, it doesn't take a lot of cunning to see three Evangelion equals bad.ö Asuka wasn't ready to give it credit just yet, Iruel needed to earn that first.

ôSo how about we stop worrying about strategy and just get down to kicking ass?ö Shinji asked as he cracked his knuckles. The other two silently agreed as they all scattered in the face of another attack.

ôAh, well it doesn't seem they're having fun.ö Iruel didn't care, watching them scamper around was fun for him.

ôHey, Iruel!ö Shinji called, as the three convened once more.

ôYes?ö Iruel responded with a mocking trill in his voice. He was so enjoying this.

ôPlaytime's over!ö And with that, the pilots of Evangelion unleashed bullet hell.

ôWhat.ö Iruel's eyes bugged out as the very air itself seemed to be replaced by bullets. His familiars jinked and juked for several seconds before taking a few hits. ôTwo can play that game!ö And soon, it was a back and forth volley between the two that raged for several minutes. The landscape was torn up, and there was no longer a mountain in front of Iruel. In the skirmish, he had lost two of his familiars while only tagging Shinji enough to put him almost out of the game.

ôToo bad.ö Shinji said, his virtual self smoking a bit from the hits it took. ôBut you're outnumbered and outgunned cowboy.ö

ôI still have one left and I fully intend to go down fighting.ö Iruel said solemnly, eyes closing for a brief second. ôOne final volley, don't choke.ö

ôDon't worry, we won't.ö Asuka promised him, as virtual Shinji failed to respond. It seemed like Iruel had actual defeated him to a degree, Shinji had lost most of his control.

ôThis is the end, Iruel.ö Rei said, closing her eyes as she steeled herself. This was an Angel, her enemy, she couldn't hesitate now.

ôSo you say.ö Iruel seemed short of breath now, his image flickering as he seemed to shrink a little. ôLet's do it.ö

Once more, the air was filled with bullets as the two sides waged war for the second time. It lasted five minutes, due to Iruel's ingenuity and maneuvering, but his familiar was overwhelmed and destroyed. The game was over, and Iruel had lost.

ôThis is the end huh?ö Iruel said, not bitter in the least. He seemed wistful almost, as he stared death in the face. ôGame over never tasted so final.ö

ôIt isn't upset?ö Rei was confused, the Angel was about to die by its own terms and it didn't seem bothered by it.

ôBefore I go, I feel I should say this.ö Iruel paused and took a deep breath before he continued. ôI lied about everything. I had no chance of ever properly infecting the MAGI in the first place. My infecting skills are solely organically based, so the MAGI were never at risk. In fact, the only way I could infect them would be to infect the Pribnow Box, but that would only mean I would be a more basic protein structure.ö

ôAnd all Dr. Akagi would have to do is use the MAGI to reprogram your body to unravel itself.ö Rei was stunned by this revelation. It was pure suicide by cop for crying out loud, this game of his.

ôAnd that's why you lied, because...ö Asuka couldn't finish that thought and looked away.

ôBecause I wanted to play a game.ö Iruel smiled and waved a hand and virtual Shinji was restored to normal. ôAnd I couldn't fight you any other way. You guys are so strong and powerful and the Evangelion are just amazing, but I... couldn't fight them.ö

ôYou're inside the console right? So that means you're...ö Shinji stopped as he realized what this meant.

ôThat's correct, I am not the giant you see before you.ö Iruel laughed heartily and looked at the virtual sky. ôThis is my world and I am a giant to escape from my reality.ö

The three pilots could say nothing at all, just flat shocked by Iruel's crazy behavior.

ôI am tiny, my whole existence is small. Look right at me and you'll never see me at all.ö Iruel said with a poetic flair. ôBut here! In this console, in this world I made, I stood as a giant and walked among the mountains for once. I got to fight the pilots of Evangelion, even just for a little bit. But now, my life comes to an end, because we had an agreement.ö

ôYes.ö Rei said, voice remaining hard. She was the only one who trusted her voice right now to answer him.

ôWhen you destroy this form, my real body with self destruct, but don't worry, it won't affect anything at all.ö Iruel smiled as he held out his arms. ôI don't regret dying, not at all! This is the unmistakable proof of my soul! I am alive, I was here, I existed! Iruel is more than a speck in the cogs of the universe, I created my own world. So I'll be forgotten, another enemy slain, but I had my battle, my moment to shine with the sun!ö

Shinji covered his eyes with his left hand, unable to understand the overwhelming empathy he was feeling. In his mind, the image of a young boy, no more than three sitting with his knees to his chest, trying to fade away.

Rei's breath caught in her lungs and she had trouble thinking clearly. In her mind, flashed the image of the First, alone and naked after the cloning phase had finished. Alone and insignificant, she was determined to make them see her.

Asuka's eyes were brimmed with tears as she tried to clear them away. That sense of hopeless in the face of the futility of life, she had felt before when her mother had her accident. That scar had scabbed over and healed a tiny bit, but it remained. Sure, she could deal with it, but the end result was that it just meant that it hit even hard when she wasn't prepared for that onslaught. She wiped her eyes again as she heard Iruel laugh again.

ôWhat's a matter, are you scared?ö It seemed an honest question phrased in a mocking manner. Iruel smiled despite all of it.

ô...Yes.ö Asuka responded from her heart, causing Iruel's eyes to close.

ôThat makes two of us.ö Iruel opened his eyes. ôDo it.ö

The sound of three bullets firing echoed through the console, the giant before them shattering like glass. And then they were back at the MAGI consoles, and alone with their insecurities for once. A hollow victory to be certain, as they got up and decided to comfort one another.

Back at Aoba's console, forgotten and ignored, a message remained. It would be a week before anyone could bring themselves to delete it. It read as followed:

ôMy name is Iruel, and I like to play games.ö

End chapter 15

Teaser for chapter 16 ôHeaven Holds a Sense of Wonderö:

Time flowed forward once more, and three weeks had passed since the incident with Iruel. All was quiet on the Angel front, and so the pilots were able to settle themselves down from their crisis of faith in the mission. Or that's how they acted, but they were young and bad at lying, and no one wanted to press the issue.

As things progressed, more and more weird instances of ruins and patches of animals and land disappearing in a massive shadow were reported. The UN investigated the Shadow, but were unable to determine what it was and was ordered off by NERV in order to make sure there wasn't anything lurking beneath the surface. A breakthrough was made, and announced to the world by Dr. Akagi and a press conference just a matter of minutes ago.

ôWe have discovered an actual Dirac sea, as it fits all of the notes left by the inventor of the theoretical model Paul Dirac.ö She announced to the UN and JSSDF. ôIt is currently stationed forty to fifty kilometers east of Tokyo-3. At this time, NERV has no idea how to approach the subject, but I assure you we are working around the clock to figure this out. Please, bear with us, we don't want to see anyone be harmed in our stead.ö

ôDr. Akagi! Is it true that the Dirac sea is swallowing anything that it touches?ö a UN rep asked, waving his hand like a crazed news reporter.

ôThat certainly seems to be the situation. Unless we say it's okay, don't touch it. It's like lava, but instead of being burned to death you get sucked into a void of infinite negative particle.ö Ritsuko answered, doing her best to deflect any curious heroes from being eaten by another dimension. Alledgedly another dimension anyways.

ôBut didn't the Evangelion fight by an active volcano?ö someone pointed out.

ôI don't know how they did it, it was like convection took a vacation. And cleaning them off was a fucking nightmare, ugh.ö

Author note: And there's 15. Up next is Leliel, so stay tuned for it.

Took longer, but I think it came out good. And no apologies forthcoming for the gratuitous nature of the not-so-subtext