The Tuxedo Mask


Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailormoon.

Summary: Darian/Mamoru grew up like he probably should have, in the foster care system. Through the eyes of various sailor scouts see him grow up into what he should have been. Kami help the Negaverse.

Anyone who reads my post know that I don' stop till I reach 15,000 words. I'll post a snippet a day. If anyone helps with the spelling I would be grateful. That's why I post.


A bright light appears, I move away. It comes closer, and I try to escape. Something pushes me towards it, but I donÆt want to move. I am comfortable where I am and I canÆt find a good reason to be anywhere else. ItÆs warm in here, itÆs my sanctuary. ItÆs small, but I know it know its mine.

ôPush.ö Someone says.

I struggle, and I curl into myself. Something wraps around my neck and I struggle to pull it free. ItÆs not working and the walls around me are pushing. I cry, I try to tell the walls to stop, that itÆs going to kill me, but they donÆt listen. They never listen, but that doesnÆt mean IÆll stop screaming.

Something tells me that things are going to be alright, and I feel that the voice is telling the truth. What reason could it have to lie? Why would it life? I am completely helpless, and being helplessly pushed at the same time.

ôOne more time,ö someone says from the outside, and the walls contract further. My eyes slowly open and I look at horror where I am. This has never happened before. ôYou can do it, dear. Just one more time.ö

My hands and legs are crushed into myself that I am afraid the pressure is going to burst me at the seams, but I try to hold on. Light, itÆs so bright. Light, itÆs so yellow. Light, I am a dead fellow. Oh, why did it have to be today, why today of all days! Why did the walls decide to collapse today?

I thought we were friends, but apparently we werenÆt.

My head slowly goes through the wall, and the light blinds me. I can see some strange shapes, but they are so large, so tall, that I canÆt help by cry in fear. My body is being pushed out of the wall, and the same voice is screaming, ôAlmost out, one more time!ö And thatÆs it. I am out.

My eternal slumber is no more.

I still donÆt open my eyes, if I do that I might find that IÆve arrived in a world of eternal hell, a place where nightmares come from, but gentle hands touch my eyes and I slowly, yet reluctantly, I open them.

ôSheàshe has such beautiful eyes, doesnÆt she?ö The same voice tells someone else. ôSheÆs so pale. IÆve never seen a baby this pale before. Is she mixed?ö

Someone laughs, and I continue to shut my eyes, my small hands struggling to rise, but they just arenÆt moving.

ôNo, sheÆs not.ö I hear laughter, ôBut come to think of it, what color are her eyes?

ôBlue,ö the person says, slowly my eyes are forced open, and I can see where I am. The lights are blinding, but they are becoming dimmer. ôCome on little miss, say hi to your parents.ö

With that I feel my body being picked up, and gently given to some giant who stares at my form with such warmth that I canÆt help but cry.

ôLet me hold her,ö the person says. She has blue hair, long and wavy. SheÆs wearing a hospital gown around herself and she has her arms stretched out. The person holding me puts me on those gentle hands, and she cradles me close to her breast. ôMine, you are mine.ö

She smiles and I see tears slowly fall down her face. Her hands caress my cheeks and I giggle. I donÆt know why, I just do. But it may have something to do with the mood this personÆs displaying.

Somehow I know this lady is important, someone I should know.

Someone comes up behind the two of us, and the lady stares at that person. I canÆt see him, but I know itÆs a male. The shadow he casts is enormous, but not fearsome. ôDid everything go alright?ö he asks hesitantly. ôDid you have any trouble, dear?ö

The crying lady who has me pressed to her soft chest smiles. ôNo, no dear. Everything went fine.ö She gently pushed me to the man, who flinches, as if he is stung. The man is reluctant to reach out, an expression as if I am some kind of alien being. ôDonÆt be afraid, itÆs our daughter.ö

And there it is. I know who those two are.

They are my parents.

ôI named her Usagi.ö

The man puts his hand on the sheets that are curled around my body and slowly brings me to his face. He has a gentle face, a very simple complexion, with thick glasses which give him a friendly air. ôMy daughter,ö he says, and he laughs. ôMy daughter!ö

The lady laughs and the person who delivered me laughs as well. Soon the entire room is full of laughing and hooting, and the boring looking man who is supposed to be my father hooting uncontrollable. ôSheÆs beautiful! Have you ever seen a baby this beautiful before?ö

My mother shakes her head, wiping off the tears from her face. ôNo, dear, IÆm sure I havenÆt.ö

ôUsagi,ö he says, testing out the sound. ôItÆs a nice name. Bunny?ö

ôYes,ö the mother replies. ôSheÆs so white isnÆt she, almost like snow.ö

My father laughs one more time and hands me back to the tall blue haired woman, who has me on her breasts protectively. ôDear, donÆt you have work?ö

My father grins. ôOh, I want to see my boss try to fire me. IÆve never taken a sick day in my life, and itÆs about time I start cashing those days in.ö He pats my head and I stir a little. ôBut I have a reason to now.ö

My mother laughs, and kisses him on the cheek. ôThings arenÆt going to be the same again.ö

ôProbably not,ö my father says, his smile is infectious. ôI welcome it.ö

My eyes trail across the hospital room, and I feel at peace. There is nothing about this scene that can ruin it, nothing that could upset this moment, and yet as I look outside the door I can feel something is about happen.

Because, within that instant, I saw a black haired boy wearing a toy white mask get wheeled away into the emergency room, crying, ôMy mother, where is my mother?ö The boy is restrained in his chair, and he continues, ôI have to go back; she might still be in the car.ö

He almost tips over the chair. ôLet me go, I have to save her. Let me go, let me go, let me go!ö For a moment he stops. "Let me go, please....or I'll hurt you."

And he disappears from my sight.


Well-Known Member
Interesting though if you're using the anime or manga and not the dub their is no Negaverse.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
AbyssalDaemon said:
Interesting though if you're using the anime or manga and not the dub their is no Negaverse.
... and 'Senshi' means 'soldier' or 'warrior', not 'scout'. Scout was used in the dub, because they didn't want to call a bunch of fourteen-year-old girls 'warriors'.


Well-Known Member
@Daemon: Ahh, really? What were they called then? Most fics I read seem to use the Nega-verse. Thanks for the catch though.

@Prince: Senshi, gottcha. I was debating on that or warriors, Senshi will probably make more sense to the readers. Were they fourteen or fifteen? I was under the impression high school freshman there are 15, am I wrong?

Time is running out.

With every day that passes I forget more and more about who I am, and who I was. I am trapped in this fragile form with no one to talk to. All I can do is stay still in this room, where the hospital patience look at me sleep from time to time.

I want to tell them to get me out of here, I want to tell them to leave, but I canÆt. I canÆt talk, heck I can barely whisper.

I had a name, and it wasnÆt Usagi, back in the Moon, back where I came from. Moon Kingdom? Is that that it was called? Maybe, I donÆt know. EverythingÆs so hazy. My past is a blur and the people I used to know seem only but a shadow, fading as the light of reality comes in.

My eyes open to watch another day pass.

A nurse is by my side, she is putting something in my see-through-box, I believe it is what they call a blanket, honestly I am not sure. It feels comfortable and thank her with my giggle. She smiles and touches my cheek affectionately. She tells me I am adorable and I try to smile I really do, but, again, all that comes out is that odd giggle babies give when they are happy.

Am I becoming a baby? I think I am.

As my memories of being a Moon Princess fades, something new takes its place. Whatever this place is, I know itÆs not my home. This isnÆt my Kingdom and the people here use technology that I only read about in history books. I feel so primitive, trapped like this. Being monitored by machines that need archaic forms of energy just to stay powered.

But what can I do?

All thatÆs going to happen if I struggle is a loss of energy, and if I lose my energy then IÆll fall asleep and lose even more of my memories. Still itÆs nice to have a bit of logic in my mind, I can make inferences and decision about the people who watch me, and really try to puzzle them out.

Like that boy who walks around in crutches.

The one who wears the strange opera mask, and black cape. He seems to be the most interesting person in this ward. I see him sometimes pace up and down the corridors, as if heÆs frustrated about something. HeÆs probably is worrying about his parents. Poor guy, I hope his parents are okay.

ôMamoru-chan,ö where are you?ö a dark haired nurse calls out, ôitÆs time for your medicine.ö

ôI took it already,ö he says through his strange opera mask. ôYou just didnÆt see me. I have special powers.ö

The nurse laughs, trying to humor him. ôOf course you do, dear.ö She grabs his small hand, and walks him out.

I giggle seeing his head bowed like that. HeÆs a brave kid, he refuses to be put in a wheel chair, even if he is clearly in pain.

I wonder why he wears that opera mask though?

Does he want to be some kind of superhero? One would have a better custom then that, even If heÆs just a kid with poor taste in fashion. Fashion, I used to love that stuff, but I can hardly remember what I used to wear. Was it white? Was it silk?

I think it was but I am not sure.

I wish I knew. It seems kinda important. Oh no, more memories going away.

The next day Mamoru continues his regular routine of walking back and forth in the corridor, and I do mine: watching him walk back and forth in the corridor. Yes, very exciting. WhatÆs interesting is that he removed one of the casts on his feet and is trying to walk without the crutches. He falls a lot, and it makes me laugh, and sad at the same time.

I donÆt know why he is doing this, why he wants to get better so quickly.

ôMamoru-chan, can you please not leave without our permission,ö the same nurse tells him, ôyou can see your parents when you are all better.ö There is nervousness in her voice that IÆve never heard before.ö

ôYou said if I could walk without the crutches I can see them,ö he points out. Smart kid, only 4 and already thinking like an adult. ôYou said ôMamoru-chan, mommy and daddy want you to get all betterö thatÆs why I canÆt see them. You told me that two weeks ago.ö

Two weeks is a long time to spend in the ER. ThereÆs something not right about this. I donÆt think IÆve ever seen anyone with the description of this boyÆs parents come out of there. But, I do know that two people were wheeled inàoh dear.

ôPatience, Mamoru-chan. It wonÆt be long now.ö The brunette tries to help him back to his room, which, if I am not mistaken, is on the other side of the wing. How the boy manages to walk all the way up here I have no idea. Maybe, I am just reading that map of the hospital on the wall wrong. ôCÆmon, give me your hand.ö

The two walk away, and I look at the ceiling trying to hold onto the last remains of my memories. Two more days, I give it two more days before I forget everything. ItÆs frightening, and lonely, yet oddly relieving, perhaps I had memories that I wanted to forget, and this is my only chance.

I see Mamoru walk this time, yes, with both legs, to the ER. He stops, and stands in front of it. HeÆs still wearing that silly mask and cap like some kind of Renaissance superhero, making a decision to the enter the room.

The male nurses arenÆt around, so I donÆt think anyone is going to stop him.

æDonÆt go in,Æ I try to say. Of course all that comes out are giggles, I am starting to really hate those.

He shakes his head, and walks into the room, opening the doors slowly. There is a pause, and for a second nothing happens. I sigh in relief, thinking that maybe his parents are just a sleep. Maybe the car accident they were in wasnÆt as bad as what I hear some of the nurses say.

ôNo, no, nooo, father, wake up, father! Father, please wake up.ö There is a crash and I hear sirens ring.

The male nurses are running down the hallway and into the ER. I tilt my head in my container, and look through the looking glass to see them dragging him out.

Kicking and screaming the boyÆs putting up one hell of a fight and I root him on.

ôHeÆs not waking up, my dadÆs not waking up!ö he screams. ôSomeone wake him up, please! You have to save my dad. Please, help him!ö Without his left leg in cast he is free to kick, ouch. He swipes at everyone that comes near him, and I am impressed by the force he hits one of the guards with.

ôWhat an arm!ö A security guard says, holding him by the scruff of his neck. ôTakaru, you okay?ö

ôYeah, I guess.ö The security guard Mamoru knocked down touches his cheek. ôThere is a bruise there, huh?ö

ôAfraid so,ö his friend replies. ôKid, stop struggling!ö

ôLet me go!ö

ôItÆs for your own good, ahh, shit!ö Mamoru just nailed him in the balls, the guard lets go and the masked boy runs away from the security and male nurses. He doesnÆt make it past the corridor, and at least two men are holding him down, and, surprisingly, the have a hard time containing him.

ôMorphine, get the morphine! Kami, this kid is something else,ö he shouts, ôsomeone get it now!ö

ôYou sure, heÆs just a kid.Æ


ôPlease, no, not the needles. IàfatheràIÆll saveàyou..ö

I too close my eyes, I donÆt want to see this. My consolation is that when I wake up. I probably wonÆt remember this again, I wonÆt remember anything, IÆll be a normal baby, a normal human. IÆll grow up into a normal person, and everything will be alright.

I donÆt think Mamoru will have the same fate.


Well-Known Member
It's normally called the Dark Kingdom. Wikimoon is a fairly good site to look through for Sailor Moon info and isn't that bad either. Here's also a forum that I made on on some of the worst misconceptions and fanon that tend to appears in the series.


Well-Known Member
I am always in favor of making things darker and more interesting.

Oh, and I like Usagi-hime's POV slowly losing her memories. Very good there.

But I have a question, why is Mamo-chan wearing a cape and mask already? Does he still have HIS memories?


Well-Known Member
@Guru: Oh, no he really doesn't have his memories!

I was just going to explain the mask and the cape. It's a pretty common theme among kids, and you'll see what I mean in this post. Usagi POV I thought was a good idea for a start of the story, this way it doesn't make her seem as naive as she is in canon. I don't plan to change the personality of any of the characters. It's just to show that despite her flaws, Usagi was a Princess in the past with a rich though process, and she can be the same in the future as well. In a far, far distant future. Yes, this story will be dark, and serious. I never understand why Momaru grew up so stable in canon, not after all the weird stuff he's been through.

Glad you found it interesting!

@Daemon:Wow, thanks Daemon, very nice source! I just spent the last couple minutes reading your forum over. I like your explanation about the Dark Kingdom being located in the bottom of the Arctic. I almost forgot about that, but it's coming back to me from that last scene in season one where she combines her power with Momaru's to defeat the Queen, with that theme song in the back ground.

oh yeah, I am also aware that Mamoru's parents died in a car crash when Usagi was four, at least in the movies. At the same time I've been told there doesn't make any sense, because that would imply him and Usagi have known each other for a very, very long time.

Making his parents die when Usagi is born also allows for him to stay in the state ward system a lot longer.

Let me know if I mess up any of the names and places.

HeÆd always been tremendously strong for his age, and with that strength came a strange burden: the need to protect others.

When someone was bullied, when someone was being hurt, Mamoru had the intense urge to go out of his way to help them. He couldnÆt just stand by like anyone else, no, not him. He had to get in on the action and take out the bad guy. Take them out by force, with such viciousness and brutality that it made the Principle in his pre-school wary of him, despite his good behavior in most classes.

ôYou see, the problem is we like him but if he keeps up this hero complex, then we are going to have to let him go,ö the Principle said. ôThe bullies he seeks to defeat are just kids, and, well, Mamoru is the one who, 9/10 times, who ends up brutalizing them.ö

His parents had just shook their heads at the man. ôThatÆs just the way he is. Ever since he was young, not sure why though. It isnÆt like either of us are particularly heroic, if you get my meaning.ö

The Principle had told them he didnÆt particularly care, but the man did give them a warning. ôWe appreciate that your son thinks he is a good Samaritan, and though I donÆt have any problems with him personally, I have to concede with the parents of the children he hurt.ö

ôI donÆt see what the problem is,ö his father had said.

ôTwo broken arms, six bloody noses, and one busted pelvis, I donÆt even want to go into details on the last one.ö The Principle ticked off. ôPlease, try to understand that if we see him do this again, we are going to have to expel him.ö

So Mamoru came up with a brilliant idea to get around not being seen.

He put on a mask.

Soon, the kids in the playground whispered to each other about a mysterious masked boy who came out of the shadows to take down the wicked. Bullies watched their backs even more closely now that Mamoru-chan had stopped hassling them, only for something even more terrifying to come their way.

The Principle and the Teachers were pretty sure who it was that continued these acts of heroism, there werenÆt a lot of four year olds that could break bone, actually, there shouldnÆt logically be any children of that age with that kind of power.

Yet that was Ichiba Mamoru for you and as long as the other kids couldnÆt identify him, they were content to let him play.

ôI am a superhero, dad,ö heÆd told his parents when they were picking him up for school, ôsee today there was this kid and he was big, and he tried to hurt To-chan, and I sneak up behind him andà.ö He would go on and on about his exploits. His parents listening patiently. Yet that day he asked a question that made even his parents wary. ôCan I have a cape, dad?ö

ôA cape, son?ö his father had said. ôWhat are you going to do with a cape? DoesnÆt the mask hide your secret identity?ö His father laughed. ôA cape would just get in the way, wouldnÆt it?ö

ôNo it wouldnÆt,ö Mamoru had shouted, ôyou donÆt know anything about being a superhero! A capes makes you stronger, everyone knows that.ö Mamoru giggled. ôEveryone!ö

So he got a cape, and he became stronger.

And then the administration called in his parents, and he was pulled out of the school, despite being several years younger than the rest of his classmates.

The mask actually did hide much of his identity, and being tall for his age allowed him to blend in pretty well, but it became real easy to figure out who was sneaking up behind you from the shadows when the particular boy came into class wearing a cape like he was count Dracula.

His parents werenÆt angry, they actually found the situation hilarious. ôStill like the hero business?ö he asked his son, as they drove out of the school. ôNot much of an award, being kicked out of the school, donÆt you think?ö

ôNo, I guess not,ö Mamaru said sullenly.öItÆs not fair, dad. I was the good guy. I had a mask, a cape, and everything.ö He was oddly less energetic then he usually was. ôBut no one liked me when they found out I was the one beating up the bad guys, they said I was the bad guy!ö

ôYou arenÆt the bad guy, dear,ö his mother said, trying to calm him down. ôYou were just a bit enthusiastic, thatÆs all. WeÆll talk to the school board, your father will find a way. WonÆt you, husband.ö His mother touched his fatherÆs shoulders, while he drove. ôHusband?ö

ôSorry, dear. I have a hard time seeing through this fog,ö his father tried o slow the car down. ôI thought the weather forecast said zero percent chance of rain? Yet itÆs raining, and fog. I can hardly see whatÆs in front of us. Let me turn on the fog lights.ö His father tried that but the fog was so thick the lights barely penetrated.

ôDad, I am scared.ö Thunder and Lightning ignited the skies and Mamoru covered his hears. He was still wearing his mask and cape, the same clothes that the teachers found him wearing when he was punching the snot out of a bully twice his height. ôI donÆt like thunder.ö

ôNo many do, Momaru-chan,ö his mother told him. She turned around and smiled. ôDonÆt worry, it will all go away soon.ö

ôDear, can you see anything past those lights,ö his father interrupted. ôIs that another car?ö

ôI am not sure, maybe you should pull over,ö his mother said. ôWait, no, thatÆs not another light. Dear, thatÆs-ô

Something impacted their front bumper and their car swerved toe side. Mamoru held onto to the seat, internally glad that heÆd been wearing his seat belt. ôMomaru, hold on!ö He could hear his mother scream. ôHold onto something!ö

Mamoru did as was instructed but he still impacted the back of his motherÆs seat. His white opera mask cracked a bit, but the rest of his face was relatively unharmed. ôWhatÆs going on?ö Mamoru asked. ôDad, are you alright?ö He looked at his dad. His dad wasnÆt moving. ôDad?ö

ôMamoru, we have to get out of here,ö his mother said, ôplease get out, IÆll get your father.

ôMamoru panicking, but did just that. He unfastened his seat belt, and jumped out of the car window. HeÆd kept it open. He looked behind him to see his mother opening her door from her end, and try to drag his father out.

He sighed. They were going to make it out okay.

Until he heard a loud noise, a nose so enormous it sent tremors through the ground. He could see the pieces of ash vault and gravel shake, and hear the sound of thunder deafen.

He knew what this sound was, it wasnÆt good.


ôNot now Mamoru! I have to get your father out of the car!ö


ôMamoru, this isnÆt the time!ö

ôMom, there is a truck coming!ö

Mamoru ran towards his parents, and grabbed one his fatherÆs arm. His motherÆs face turned pale, and she struggled to bring her husband out of the car. ôOh, no, o, no!ö his mother chanted. ôPlease, kami. Dear, wake up! We are in the middle of the road, wake up!ö

ôMom, pull!ö Momaru said, his strange power kicking in. ôI canÆt do this on my own.ö His fatherÆs tall form slowly started to move, with the help of both of them he was out. ôOne more pull mom, just one more!ö

ôI am trying, son,ö she said, her hands trembling. ôOh, Mamoru-chan, I am trying.ö

ôWell, try harder!ö



ôMamoru-chan, itÆs here!ö She let go of her husband and with all the force she could muster she pushed her son out of the way of a truck, its large honks making his ears shake, as it rammed through their vehicle.

Mamoru watched in horror as the truck plowed through his mother, and their car, leaving a film of blood on the road. He stared in dread as the truck kept going, ignoring the cries he let out as he saw a small streak of crimson trail past the broken car.

Sadness. Anger. Hatred. Guilt. Feelings of such negativity filled him then and there, his eyes started to water, and his heart shook violent. Rain poured down his Face, and thunder tore the sky apart. It was like the weather was mimicking the agony in his soul.

ôNoàmomàö Mamoru fainted.


In the present Mamoru looks out the window, staring at nothing but the vast blue sky. His mask removed, and his cape hanged on a nearby rack. He doesnÆt feel much like a hero, he doesnÆt feel much like anything.

Someone stands behind him with some pills and Mamoru looks at them with his glassy eyes. ôItÆs time for my medicine, isnÆt it?ö

ôYou have to take them, Mamoru-chan, itÆll make you feel better.ö She doesnÆt look him in the eye, and Mamoru knows why. She lied to him, she didnÆt know that he already knew they his parents wereàöDo you need someone to talk to?ö

Mamoru thought about that. ôMaybeàyes, yes I do.ö He looked sullenly at the ground. ôMy dad was he dead when you brought him in.ö

The nurse hesitated, shocked that the boy had come towards such a graphic conclusion. ôNo, he was alive. I am not sure if we should talk about this.ö She shifted in her seat, hoping the boy wouldnÆt press the issue.

For a four year old he seemed to be very intelligent, perhaps a little too intelligent. How much heÆd already figured about his situation she wasnÆt sure, but sheÆd be damned if she gave him any information that could possibly scar him. ôHow about a game, would you like to play a game?ö


ôWould you like a snack?ö


ôWould you like-ô

ôI would like my dad back, I would like my mom back,ö he said gloomily, his eyes slowly coming back to life, tears gathered behind those dark orbs as he put his hands on his face. ôCan you give them back?ö he didnÆt look at her. ôCan you please bring them back? Please?ö

The nurse didnÆt know what to say.

She remained silent.

Ten minutes passed and not a word was exchanged between the two.

ôSo,ö he said after a long moment. ôWhere are you supposed to take me?ö


Well-Known Member
ôGive it back, right now,ö he said slowly, ôI mean it this time.ö

ôOr what, chibi?ö a tall greasy handsome boy of nine said, ôyou gonna cry?ö

ôNo, IÆll make you cry,ö the shorter boy replied, clenching and clenching his shaking fists. ôIf you donÆt give me back my mask..youÆre going to regret it.ö

ôBig talk, for a little man,ö the youth said, laughing at the much shorter, much thinner boy. ôWhat makes you think I am afraid of you, Mamoru-chan?ö There was no affection in the suffix. If anything there was great mockery. ôHow about this, you bend down, on your knees, and apologize to my friend over there.ö

He pointed to another nine year old, this one slightly shorter, just as handsome but with a black eye. ôThen weÆll decide if you deserve this mask back,ö he tossed the mask in the air, and caught it with his other hand. He looked at the mask from different angles. ôWhat the hell is this, seriously, what an ugly looking mask.ö He snicker at the shorter boy. ôWhat hero are you supposed to be? Kamen rider?ö

ôItÆs the Phantom,ö Mamoru replied, trying his best not to shout, ô I am the Phantom!ö

ôAhahah,ö the nine year old laughed, clutching his stomach, ôSeriously, the Phantom? Oi, guys, this kid wants to be a that freak that lives in the theater, you know, the lonely ass that skulks around at night.ö

The youth sneered at Mamoru. ôKami, youÆre not going to make it here.ö He leaned towards Mamoru. ôRich kids like you, in this orphanage, donÆt belong.ö The youth grinned. ôSo why donÆt you just die like your rich papa, eh?ö

Mamoru replied with a deadly right hook to the boyÆs leaned jaw, sending him crashing to the ground with such immense force that the taller kidÆs friends backed away in alarm. Mamoru wasted no time, he was on the youth in a heartbeat, straddling his chest and pounding his face in fast simultaneous hooks.

ôHoly shit, someone get the matron! MamoruÆs gone berserk again!ö an overweight girl screamed.

ôNo, you get her. I am not getting in that kids way, the dudeÆs a maniac! This is the third time this week, and heÆs only been here for 8 days,ö a tall dark haired girl replied, backing away towards the wall.

ôDonÆt they have some kind of screening process to filter out the crazies?ö another girl replied, this one with curly brown hair. ôMan, and heÆs such a shrimp too.ö

ôWhatÆs all the commotion!ö someone shouted from the next hall way. ôWhy are you kids gathered here, weÆre supposed to have dinner right now.ö The tall matron finally got to the scene, and gasped. ôOh, no, not you again!ö

She hovered over Mamoru, and screamed at him, ôStop this right now!

Mamoru didnÆt stop, but slowed down his fists. His white mask, bloody, with a shade of crimson, lay on the floor. ôIÆll punish you if you donÆt stop, do you hear me?ö

Mamoru slowed down, his bloody fist slowly decreasing in speed until it was but a gentle tap on a broken face. He turned around to face the matron with his angry eyes, holding barely restrained carnage. ôYes, maÆma.ö

The matron sighed in relief, that was one disaster averted. She looked at her charge up and down with fury and tried hard not to bash the boyÆs head in, after seeing the state he put the nine year old. ôGo outside of this room, IÆll talk to you in the hall.ö

ôBut he started-ô

ôIn the hall! Right now!ö she screamed.

Mamoru glared at her, and bent down to pick up his mask. the same mask his father bought for him in the Phantom of the Opera play they had seen a few months ago.

At the time he was having a hard period deciding what his superhero mask would look like.

He didnÆt want to be just any superhero, he wanted one that hide in the darkness, one that lurked in the shadows. Something that showed him for who he was, a tragic hero willing to sacrifice himself for the good of others, and yet never get the appreciation he deserved.

Then he saw the Phantom of the Opera and almost cried seeing the tragic life the man lived. Protecting the one he loved, while being scorned for the circumstances he found himself in.

WasnÆt that like him? WasnÆt that what the children in the playgrounds did to him? He tried to help them, and all they did was hate him for it!

When the Matron finally arrived she snarled at him like an angry demon. ôIf you have a conflict, you tell an adult. You do not try to kill one of my wards!ö She slammed a hand on the fall, making him jump slightly. ôDo you understand me?ö

Mamorus nodded, his eyes defiant.öYes, I do.ö Still he had to say it. ôBut I am a defender of justice!ö

ôYou are a four year old boy with a cape, get that through your head!ö she replied, roaring. She couldnÆt believe this! This was the third time she had to talk to him about fights.

Shizuka didnÆt hate the boy, but why couldnÆt he listen? ôThere isnÆt anything heroic about beating one of your peers to death, despite how much they may toy with you. We do not settle our disputes with violence in this orphanage. I run a tight ship, and as long as you live here, you will learn to behave.ö

ôYes, maÆam,ö he said, gritting his teeth. His eyes held so much fury that for a second the Matron thought he was going to strike her. ôLoud, and clear.ö

The Matrons eyes narrowed. ôGood, see that you do.ö

She went walked back into the room, shaking her head. ôKami, boy. There is something wrong with you,ö then in a whisper, ôheroes donÆt exist, they never did.ö

Deleted member 5249

oh yeah, I am also aware that Mamoru's parents died in a car crash when Usagi was four, at least in the movies. At the same time I've been told there doesn't make any sense, because that would imply him and Usagi have known each other for a very, very long time.
Just a question. Would you remember some girl you met in a hospital for five minutes? Neither of them remembered the incident until Fiore came around and they didn't even say their names to each other during said meeting IIRC.

Oh and one interesting aspect (along with every interesting aspect) that the anime removed about Mamoru was the fact he became a pretty infamous thief because of his desperate search for the ginzuishou. He actually leaked the existence of the Ginzuishou to the general public as a very priceless jewel so he could find it quicker.


Well-Known Member
@SeiyaxUsagi: Probably not, how convenient is that excuse for the mangakaka and anime cartoonists that they've forgotten each other since they were kids. You can't say it's all sort of fishy.

I really don't want to get into the discussion of movie compared with anime, the movies end up really screwing up the anime time lines as you probably know, so I am just going to go with the original theory that Mamoru's parent's died in a car crash before he could get a good memory of them. It makes more sense to me since the kid has so many blanks in his past memories.

Thanks for letting me know about the theif part, it'll really help out the story in the next few posts. 6 more posts and I am done chapter 1, which is basically his life growing up, and then the story can start.


ôWeÆve been over this a hundred times, you donÆt steal!ö the matron shouts. ôUnder no circumstances will I condone thievery in this place!ö

ôBut he stole that from me, why canÆt I steal it back?ö Mamoru shouts, ôit only seems fair. I take back what is mine.ö

ôThat doesnÆt belong to you, nothing here belongs to you. You have to share what you have with everyone else,ö she tells him, shaking her head.öMamoru, why do you keep doing this? Why donÆt you listen to me?ö

ôI am listening to you, I havenÆt hurt anyone.ö

She snorts. ôThat should be a given, no one else in this place is nearly as violent. You can learn something from the children here.ö

ôLike how to be a wuss,ö he mutters, ôI donÆt get why I am the one in trouble. Why do you allow the bigger kids to always get away with the hurting the smaller ones?ö

ôThere are no bigger kids hurting the weaker in this place, Mamoru. Please get that through your head. Has a single child here hurt you? Can you name one? No, I donÆt suppose you can. They may taunt you, they may try to goad you, but the children here solve their problems by telling an adult.ö She stops to wipe of some dirt from his face. ôPlease, I am trying to help you.ö

ôIàI know.ö He really did, that was the major problem. Whenever he saw something bad, he had to even the score. If someone stole something from someone else he tried to steal it back. If someone made fun of someone else, well, he just beat the guy up. ôI am trying, miss. I really am.ö

The matron softly sighed and patted his head. ôGo to bed, Mamoru. WeÆll take about this tomorrow.ö

Mamoru walked back to his floor, and did just that. A girl with long red hair said æthankyou for bringing back my bearÆ but he ignored her. He was too tired after the lecture heÆd been given.


ôStick together, thatÆs the plan,ö the guy Mamoru beat up when he first arrived said, turning to glare at the shorter boy. ôThe kids here are going to try to piss you off, donÆt let them.ö

ôKind of like you,ö Mamoru retorted. ôLike when you stole my mask last year?ö

ôI was going to give it back,ö the tall boy shot back. ôBut you had to be such an ass about it.ö

ôI wasnÆt an ass! And I hurt you because you talked about my dad.ö

ôWell maybe it was because you wouldnÆt stop bragginÆ about him, ever though of that. There are kids here who never knew there parents.ö He snarled, gritting his teeth. ôYou were an insensitive asshole, kid.ö

ôNo, I wasnÆt!ö

ôGuys, shut up!ö a tall girl with red hair shouted, she combed her locks and hit the dark haired boy in the back . ôThis is your first day of elementary, donÆt mess this up.ö

ôI am trying not to ,ö Mamoru replied, ôand why do you have to walk us here anyway. I know I can get to school by myself.ö

ôPolicy, the older kids are supposed to drop you guys off every day and pick you up,ö she retorted smiling. ôUntil you become a big boy weÆre gonna do this all the time.ö

ôYouÆre only a year older than me!ö

ôOh yeah, well I am a lot bigger.ö

ôIÆll grow,ö the boy replied, ôSomeday IÆll be bigger than you.ö

ôHa, not likely. The only thing thatÆs gonna grow is those chubby cheeks of yours.ö

ôNo kidding.ö The tall boy replied. ô You can stand to lose a few bounds, shrimpy,ö He snickered, but stopped laughing when he saw Mamoru glare. ôWhao, calm down. It wasnÆt me who started it this time.ö

ôI am not fat!ö

ôàactually you kind of are.ö The curly red headed girl said, pinched his belly. ôWhich is weird since I donÆt see you eat a lot.ö

ôItÆs just the way I am , my mom said I was special.ö He swatted her hand away, and looked gloomy.

ôSure you are,ö the older boy snickered. ôWith a cape, mask, and all that.ö

ôDonÆt talk about my mask!ö

ôGuh, not that mask again,ö the red headed girl groaned. ôCanÆt you throw away that ugly thing? ItÆs terrible on the eyes.ö

In response Mamoru put the mask on his face and glared at her, though she couldnÆt see it. ôItÆs not ugly , itÆs cool!ö

ôThis is going to be one of those days,ö the greasy haired boy said. ôKid, if you couldnÆt take me talking about your dead papa, or that sideshow maskà I canÆt wait to see how youÆre gonna handle the kids in school.


ôI am sorryà.yesàokayàyesàsorryànoàthis wonÆt happen again.ö The matron put the phone down and fumed. ôYou couldnÆt make it through the day without breaking someoneÆs nose, could you?ö

ôNo, miss.ö

ôWas it so much to ask?ö she didnÆt raise her voice, she was just asking him a question. ôDid you really have to do that? Did you really have to hurt not one, not two, not three, not fouràbut all the boyÆs in your class?ö

He didnÆt respond to her.

ôàkami, just go to bed. I have some papers to fill out.ö As Mamoru walked out of her office the matron surprised him. ôIt was nice of you to defend Risa-chan.ö She was still looking at her desk. ôBut you still have to clean out all the rooms for the next month.ö

Mamoru looked stunned, for a fraction of a second, but then realized what she said about the second part. ôAll of it, maÆam?ö

She looked up from her paper work and grimaced, almost evilly. ôEvery inch, boy. Then she smiled, her eyes crinkling like a cold villain. "Every last inch.ö


Well-Known Member
ôMy name is Haruna, are you listening to me?ö she asked. ôI wanted to thank you what you did yesterday, you know, at school.ö

ôJust doing my job,ö Mamoru muttered. ôCan you pass me that sponge?ö

ôSure, no problem!ö she answered, reaching down to get the filthy sponge that looked as if it was starting to grow fungus. ôWhy are you doing this?ö

ôBeat up some kid who tried to steal my cape,ö he said, still not looking at her. ôThought heÆd gotten away with it, but I found him in the hall with a bunch of his friends and one thing led to another. You know how these things go.ö

ôI guess.ö She really had no idea. ôPeople talk about you.ö

ôHere, or in school?ö he asked, trying to get some of the stains off the toilet seat. ôCanÆt be anything good.ö

ôWell, everywhere, I guess. Depends who you talk to.ö She walked behind him and poured some water in the toilet. ôCan I help?ö

He turned around, his dark eyes looking puzzled. ôYou really want to help?ö


ôClean the toilets?ö


The boy wasnÆt sure what to say, he sighed. ôAlright grab some soap and join me.ö

The two talked about the orphanage and the people in it. When it came to the topic of the girls parentÆs things got a big tricky. ôSee my mom left, and she said she would be back. But then something happened and she never did.ö

Mamorus wanted to ask if they were killed but though better of it. ôOh, yeah. Is she okay?ö

ôNot sure,ö she said sullen. She got up and stretched her arms. ôShe said she was going to be home, but, well, I guess she never made it.ö

ôDoesnÆt sound good,ö the boy answered, ôhope sheÆs fine.ö

ôI am sure sheÆs okay,ö the girl answered. She scratched her nose and looked out the window. ôSheÆll come and get me when she finds her way back.ö

ôFind her way back? Any reason why she canÆt do that?ö Mamoru asked offhanded. ôSheÆs probably old enough to know how to get home okay, donÆt see a reason why youÆd think that.ö

The browned haired didnÆt reply at first. ôShe drinks a lot.ö She took a deep breath. ôI told her not to but ever since my dad left, sheÆs been, what I mean to say is, err, I guess.ö She shook her head. ôNever mind, just forget it.ö

Mamoru decided not to push it. He flushed the toilet and got up stand next to the girl. He noticed she was much taller than him, and thinner as well. ôWell, I guess IÆd say welcome to the orphanage, but I havenÆt lived here long either.ö

ôReally?ö she asked, surprised. ôThe kids here seem to respect me.ö

Mamorus chuckled. ôNo, they really donÆt.ö

He shook his head. ôThey just fear me."

Deleted member 5249

So you`re making Mamoru older or Haruna-Sensei younger? Because she looked like she was in her 30-40`s when the series took place. Way too old to know Mamoru.


Well-Known Member
Don't kids stay in orphanages till they are old enough to be considered adult? And wasn't Mamoru supposed to be around four at the moment?


Well-Known Member
@CB: Yeah, you are correct. In Japan the age is younger than the US, if anyone knows the exact age let me know. As for the second question two years have passed since he came to the orphanage, I'll post dates when I upload this on FFN.

@Usagi: Actually that's the tricky part. Remember GTO? In Japan the average age for teachers is around 20-26, or something like that, I don't know the exact number, or at least during that time period.

Right now I am sure the age is even older. You have to keep in mind the plot takes place somewhere in the booming 80's while Japan's economy was rising. So, yes. They would be able to know each other. Keep in mind that Mamoru is much, much older than Usagi in canon.

I actually made him four years older than her in this story, but I am sure the difference is even greater. I mean the guy was both a computer programmer and medical school student, wtf, that's old! I mean, even if in Japan you get into Medical school after High School, you have to admit that's one hell of an age gap.

Thanks for the catch though, it helps me keep the story canon solid with these little things pointed out.


Mamoru stood still, trying to control his breathing as he looked at his desk. ôWho put this there.ö He turned his small head around the class to glare at them. ôWhich one of you put a ratÆs head on my desk?ö MamoruÆs wicked glare landed on the biggest kid in the room. He pointed to him. ôIt was you wasnÆt it?ö

ôWas it?ö the boy replied, smirking at the small boy. ôCan you prove it?ö

ôI donÆt need proof,ö the Mamoru answered. ôI know it was you.ö

ôStill, youÆre gonna get in trouble if you donÆt give teach a reason,ö he shrugged, still smirking at the smaller, younger boy. ôAnyone here seen me do it?ö

No one rose up to say anything, instead they snickered at Mamoru, some of them hiding their laughter under their hands, while others blatantly grinned at him. Mamoru looked down at the words æmasked freakÆ written in some red blood on the desk, thinking how bad of a joke it was. ôNot funny, guys.ö He slammed his hands against the desk. ôNot funny at all!ö

ôCalm down, Mamoru,ö another kid replied, ôit was just a prank.ö

ôI donÆt like pranks,ö Mamoru said scathingly,ö they are mean, and nasty.ö He picked up the dead rat. ôYou think this is funny?ö The person he held it to backed away. ôDonÆt think I donÆt know what this means.ö

ôOh, weÆre pretty sure you do, little genius,ö a girl snickered, a girl that the boy couldnÆt name, but didnÆt want to know the name either ways. ôWith that big head of yours.ö

ôI donÆt have a big head,ö the boy replied, subconsciously putting his head down so it would stay out of sight, but not letting his eyes leave the person he was talking to.

ôCourse you do, with a big brain too, eh, point-dexter?ö the same bully who put the dead ratÆs head on MamoruÆs desk sneered. ôThink youÆre so smart just because youÆre the teacherÆs favorite.ö

ôTeacherÆs pet,ö someone else said, ôthatÆs what he is.ö

ôI am not a teacherÆs pet,ö MamoruÆs said, though he wasnÆt so sure about that. ôI just respect rules. Why donÆt the rest of you follow them?ö

ôBecause we arenÆt the teacherÆs pet, rich boy!ö the bully barked, laughing at the anger in MamoruÆs face. ôOh, yeah. We also ainÆt the defender of justice, neither.ö

ôNo, youÆre evil,ö Mamoru said, trying not to growl. ôIÆll destroy you.ö

The bully stopped laughing. Actually, no one laughed this time. ôThat a threat?ö

ôMaybe,ö Mamorus said, his eyes shifting to look for any attackers nearby. ôMaybe not.ö

The bell rang and the rest of the class sat on their seats. Mamoru wiped the blood off his desk and got out his books read.
He was smart, smarter than anyone his grade by far, ,but ,regrettably, a few years younger as well. HeÆd been tutored by a variety of professionals in his younger days, and had a solid understand of both math and English. His mother thought his father was being a bit too extreme teaching him such skills when he could barely grasp the Japanese language, but that solid base was starting to pay off.

At the orphanage he didnÆt have any friends. At school he didnÆt have any friends. The last two years of his life in this new place hadnÆt been a great improvement from that day in the hospital. He still hadnÆt given up his cape, even if he was going to turn six in a few weeks. The orphan still hid his mask in his desk and no one seemed to question him about it, they thought it best to leave him alone, no one sane kept an opera mask near them.

After all the fights the boy had gotten in most of his classmates figured it was best to attack him from a distance, and not with fists. Using force on the boy would immediately end in complete and utter destruction from the opposing party, something that the teachers liked, yet did not like. They liked that the new boy liked defending people, but they also suspected the boy just wanted a reason to hurt people for free.

There were less incidences of bullying during class and recess because of the strange boy, but there were now more cases of organized bullying by the very peers who he tried to defend. Most of them thought that he had gone too far, and not many wanted to be seen near him, least even bigger bullies came his way, and then theyÆd be the target after they had gotten through with Mamoru.

ôAlright class, weÆll start with math.ö The teacher looked Mamoru with a frown, seeing streaks of blood on his desk, but did her regular routine. ôWould you like to show us how it is done, Mamoru-chan?ö


ôSo you canÆt beat up the guys who make you mad, big deal!ö Haruna said. ôPretty sure most of us have that problem.ö The older girl walked beside the smaller boy, trying to cheer him up. ôAre you even listening to me?ö

ôNot really, no,ö he replied, he was still fuming about the restrictions of this place. It was a lot easier to get away with hurting people back when he had parents. Now that he was an orphan it was his word against the kid he hurt, and the kidÆs parents. His matron hardly ever backed him up, and the kids in his classroom never took sides.

ôYou still having trouble with those classmates of yours?ö he asked.

ôNah, not since you took out Oda,ö she chirped, skipping over some rocks on the road. ôHeÆs ashamed to have gotten his butt handed to him by a six year old.ö She looked down at the chubby boy. ôA really small six year old.ö

ôI am getting taller,ö he said, tired of people always pointing out his height. ôMy dad was pretty tall, so was my mom.

ôDoesnÆt mean youÆll be,ö she said, trying to find a hole in his logic. She liked making him mad, he always such an arrogant front. ôMy mom is fat, but I am not.ö

ôThatÆs probably cause sheÆs an adult,ö Mamoru replied. ôCanÆt compare weight yet, youÆll probably be as big as her when your older.ö

Haruna didnÆt speak for a moment, then she sighed. ôTaka was right, you really are insensitive.ö


ôTaka-san,ö Mamoru called out, running up to the greasy boy. ôListen, I wanted to tell you something.ö

TakaÆs face went pale. He was afraid that Mamoru was going to hurt him again, he wouldnÆt say it out load but he was pretty scared of the six year old. The preteen may have been eleven now, but Mamoru wasnÆt someone that stood in the realms of normal, the mask he carried in his backpack was proof of that. ôListen, if this is about what I said at dinner about your cape making you look gay, that was just a joke.ö

ôThis isnÆt about the cape,ö Mamoru answered. ôI wanted to ask you something, you have some inside information on the people in this place, donÆt ya?ö

ôWell, I guess,ö the greasy boy said, looking at his suspiciously. ôDoesnÆt mean itÆs always reliable. I can do this and that, but again I only know what I hear.ö

ôI want to know about HarunaÆs mother, has she came by here lately.ö He pulled out a paper from his pocket and showed it to the taller boy. ôThis girlÆs mom.ö

The tall boy took the paper and looked at it closely. ôHaruna, hmm, canÆt say I seen her around much. Is she that tall girl about MiraÆs height, with brown hair, nine or so years old?ö

Mamoru nodded. ôYeah, sounds about right.ö

ôHmm, maybe I did see her mom, maybe I havenÆt,ö the preteen said, scratched his chin. He smirked at the shorter six year old. ôWhatÆs in it for me? You may not have noticed but not many people here, um, like you. Especially me.ö

Mamoru held onto some of the hurt those words caused. It wouldnÆt do to lash out on the preteen, his temper would have to be held in check. ôOkay, I get it. I help people, they hate me. I am used to it.ö

ôWho the hell are you helping? No one wants their tooth broken when they steal a teddy bear,ö he showed Mamoru his front teeth. ôSee, they still havenÆt grown back, asshole.ö

ôI said I was sorry,ö Mamoru shouted. ôIsnÆt that enough.ö

ôActually you didnÆt apologize, this would be the first time,ö the tall boy said, shaking his head. ôJeez, kid, you just donÆt get it. No one wants your help, weÆre not on pre-school anymore. So youÆre strong, big deal. I am bad, but you donÆt see me beating the tar out of anyone who pisses me off.ö

ôYou would if you had the strength,ö Mamoru said, then shook his head. ôForget it, if you let me know about HarunaÆs mother, IÆll owe you a favor. I guess this is how it works.ö

Taka snickered. ôAnd how do you know how these things work? YouÆre just a six year old brat, genius six year old brat, but still a kid who doesnÆt know shit about the world.ö Taka went back to sweeping, his twisted sneer still on his face. ôGet out of here, squirt, you got nothing I want.ö

Mamoru considered making Taka talk to him by force, his heart was telling him to do just that. The strange power surged through him, the desire to hurt, the desire to destroy, the desire to bend others to his will, but he forced it down. He was better than that. He was the son of Dr. Chiba, and his father was a kind man. ôThis isnÆt over.ö He walked out of the hallway, with the Taka laughing in the background.

ôIt never is, kid. Watch your back while youÆre here, you broke my teeth, and I didnÆt do the same.ö He laughed even loader, making Mamoru shiver. ôBut there are kids here even older, even bigger, even stronger who wonÆt grant you the same mercy.ö

That Mamoru had no doubt, but heÆd be ready for them. He knew they would come.


ôWhoa, Momo-chan, donÆt go there,ö Haruna called out, grabbing the smaller boyÆs hand and dragging him away from the wrong lines. ôThat train leads to Shinjuku, trust me, you donÆt want to go there.ö

ôWhatÆs wrong with it, seems like a normal place to live, like anywhere else.ö

Haruna shook her head. ôGuh, was your dad really a doctor? Sometimes you say the stupidest things.ö She pointed towards a black limousine, with men wearing clean black tuxedos stepping out. ôThose are bad men, and they run their mafia there.ö

ôThey donÆt look bad,ö Mamoru said, frowning. ôThey look like the businessmen my dad used to work with, before he, well,ö he trailed off. ôWhat are they?ö

ôYakuza,ö Haruna said, dragging Mamoru into the direction of the train they were supposed to use to get home, or at least the orphanage. ôBetter to stay away from them, my mom was involved with them before she disappeared. They give you loans, but then come back to take your arms.ö

ôWait, what? That doesnÆt make any sense.ö Mamoru said, he may not know much about money but he was pretty sure no one won that way. ôDo they sell the arms or something?ö

She shook her head, her bountiful curly-brown hair swaying in the breeze. ôDonÆt think so, would make sense if they did. No, the Yakuza just take your fingers, toes, things like that to remind you, you have to pay them back.ö She sat on one of the compartment seat, dragging the chubbier boy next to her. ôProblem is you can never pay them back, interest just collects.ö

ôAhh,ö Mamoru said,ö I see.ö He watched them leave in their car, their cool black suits shining in the summer light. ôStill, those are some pretty cool suits.ö

Haruna laughed. ôCape, suit, and mask.ö She messed up MamoruÆs hair. ôEver considered joining an opera or something.?All you need is to grow another, well, err, a lot I guess, and youÆd make a good Phantom of the Opera.ö

Mamoru actually paid attention to her. ôYou- you really mean that?ö

Haruna smiled. ôCourse I do. YouÆre already have the weirdo mask-thing down, you might as well make some cash out of it.ö

ôHey, donÆt make fun of the mask!ö He chased the girl up and down the train compartment until they got him, much to the ire and humor of the passengers.

ôIÆll keep makinÆ fun of it, shrimp.ö She hunt on a rail and painted at him, who was trying to jump for her legs. ôNo way am I ever going to respect a boy who goes around wearing a cape, suit, and mask fighting dastardly villains .ö

She fell down, as the train picked up speed, landed on her feet, and tickled the angry boy. ôI mean, thatÆs sooo uncoool!ö


Well-Known Member
At the start of the manga he is 17. There is only 3 years difference in between the ages. The anime dub puts him in his twenties.

Deleted member 5249

lightwave said:
At the start of the manga he is 17. There is only 3 years difference in between the ages. The anime dub puts him in his twenties.
Not just the dub. The original puts him in his 20's too. Icefire is using anime canon. Though the gap isn't as bad as Shugo Chara, which has the main pairing of a 10 year old girl/High School Student guy.

Haruka and Michiru are only a few months older than the senshi canonically just enough to be put a grade ahead Just for future reference.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
SeiyaxUsagi said:
lightwave said:
At the start of the manga he is 17. There is only 3 years difference in between the ages. The anime dub puts him in his twenties.
Not just the dub. The original puts him in his 20's too. Icefire is using anime canon. Though the gap isn't as bad as Shugo Chara, which has the main pairing of a 10 year old girl/High School Student guy.

Haruka and Michiru are only a few months older than the senshi canonically just enough to be put a grade ahead Just for future reference.
Say, what manga is your .sig from?

Deleted member 5249

Gakuen Alice.


Well-Known Member
I am putting this fic up for adoption if anyone wants to finish it. It's around 8,000 words so it could make a good one shot if someone adds another 8,000 or so? Let me know if you want to take it, send me a PM. I am going back to writing about Ahh My Goddesss.
