The Ultimate Gaming Group


Well-Known Member
I'm sure at least a few of us play Tabletop RPGs, so for fun:

If you could choose anyone from across time and space, fictional or non fictional, who would you choose for you gaming group?

Y ou have to choose one DM/GM/Storyteller/whatever, the game you would be playing, and between four and seven players to join you. You can also assign classes to the players if you desire.

A purpos for the group would also be preferred, but not necessary. Are you gathering the most intelligent peopl you know to discuss the meaning of life through the metaphor, the most creatiev minds to create a wholly new gaming xperience, or just a bunch of people you think are cool to sit around,d rink, and roll dice with?

Feel free to post multiple groups. Not like we only play one game with one group of people.

GM: Jim Butcher, Author of the Dresden Files
System: Exalted
Deadpool: Eclipse Caste
Harry Dresden from Dresden Files: Chosen of Serenity
Vimes from Discworld: Zenith
Kamina from Gurren Lagann: Twilight Caste
Samurai Jack: No Moon Caste

Purpose: Mainly to just have an awesome game, but I would also want to see how people would react to play against type, so to speak. Dresden's in there because the Dresden File are awesome, and also because his creator's the GM. The commentary between the two of them would be entertaining, to say the least.
GM: Neil Gaiman
System: Shadowrun
Hacker: Nikola Tesla
The Hermetic Mage Face: Molly Carpenter
The Gunslinger: Audie Murphy
The Sneak: Gentleman Bastard Locke Lamora
The Summoning Specialist: Me

Really, I'd just love to see Gaiman GM something.


Well-Known Member
Hardcore Heathen said:
The Gunslinger: Audie Murphy
jesus fucking christ! do you want everybody to die?! that is the man who single handidly had a movie based on the shit he did and hollywood had to tune it down cause even they didnt believe it was all possible.
rukia8492 said:
Hardcore Heathen said:
The Gunslinger: Audie Murphy
jesus fucking christ! do you want everybody to die?! that is the man who single handidly had a movie based on the shit he did and hollywood had to tune it down cause even they didnt believe it was all possible.
Depending on whose account you listen to, some people say Murphy requested the scenes be toned down so as to not seem like he was exaggerating. I want everybody to die? That's sort of what the Gunslinger does. And I bet he'd have a great character who'd survived the various corp wars and struggled with an addiction to synthetic opium.