The Victim Mentality


Well-Known Member
Well, I was just playing through .hack//GU: Rebirth, and I finished the part where Haseo saved Pi by Data Draining her. Before, the two were frequently butting heads.

After, both seemed to be best buddies.

What would happen if because of that, Pi latched on to Haseo, as a Victim sometimes does to her Savior. She would follow him mostly everywhere, help him when possible, and slowlyt transfer her creepy devotion from Yata to Haseo.



Well-Known Member
A very interesting Idea. Pi is a hardly used character for pairings. I'd like to see where this idea will go.

I'd also like to see more of your .hack fic as well. [/Hint]

But I'd like to see the effects on the story and Haseo this would cause. Especially after the email in which Pi says she knows everything about Haseo. Which leads to the humorous idea of Stalker!Pi from post Vol. 2.

Ryou Misaki (Haseo IRL): "Hello? Police? I'd like to report a stalker."

Female Voice: "Alright, I'll be right over. Haseo"

*three days later*
A sleep deprived and slightly crazed Ryou Misaki is looking out through the shades of his window.

Ryou: She's waving at me from her car. Why is she waving at me? Who's that? Please don't be Endrance. Please don't be Endrance. Please don't be... God Damn it!

*Two Days later*

Ryou looks even crazier, and his head droops occasionally.

Ryou: Need to contact someone... Can't last much longer... need to sleep... There's only one man that can help me...

*five minutes later...*

Ryou: What do you mean you can't help me! Thanks a lot, Yata... *takes off the M2D*

Ryou: I'm running out of options... Not Piros, Not Kuhn, maybe Atoli! She's not crazy about me!

*Three hours later*

Ryou is laying down in bed. Chigusa Kusaka (Atoli IRL) is standing next to the bed, smiling.

Chigusa: I'm so happy you'd trust me with this task Has-Ryou.

Ryou: Yeah... Thanks..

He falls asleep. Chigusa's smile grows wider.

Chigusa: Hot Streamy Training session? I do believe I'm just about to win, Alkaid. But I'll let him sleep for a little while, I want him to be fully awake for whats about to come.

The moral of the story: He should have contacted Piros, after all Piros is the only one he can trust, being that he's married with a kid IRL.

And I'm a horrible person.


Well-Known Member
Yes, yes you are.

Stalker!Pi would only be in an extreme, I think. But I can imagine this odd scene now...

Yata: Pi, run some tests for me. We need to find if AIDA-

Pi: Sorry! Haseo-sama is calling me! *Gates Out*

Yata:... damn.



Well-Known Member
I would understand what your talking about...

If I ever bothered to play the two games. :help:


Well-Known Member
Just finished volume 3 of the GU manga, and let's ust say that this idea is made of win.

Only one thing, if Pi is going around fangirling for Ryou, I can see the following happening :

In the middle of the night, Ryou awoke due to the ringing of his phone.

"Misaki-san ? Or maybe would you prefer I call you Haseo ? Yata here. Could you tell Pi that I need here ?"

"Gnnhh ? I was sleeping, how the hell should I know where she is ?!?"

"That's odd. She told me she would be at your home tonight."

"I don't understand.... Wait a minute, there are people fighting near the house, I need to make them stop before.... we... wontinue................. Say, do you know a way to 'port IRL ? 'Cause I just saw Pi, Atoli and Endrance fighting about who has the 'right to stalk Haseo-kun/-chan/-sama."