Ranma ½ Thrice lucky


Well-Known Member
Got challenged, got writing, have no clue what I churned out. You can all blame Raa for this one.

Multi-purpose (disclaimer, tag, etc): Do not own, probably crossover territory, expect this one to be finished sometime this year just so I can shove it in Raa's face, etc.

Thrice lucky

Soun Tendo was a lucky man. Many would doubt the statement, seeing that his beloved wife was ripped away from him before her time, that he had wasted years of his life training with the thrice damned grandmaster of his style and many other issues but at the end of the day, he knew, he was a lucky man. The reason for this was simple, his pride and joy: his daughters.

Akane Tendo didn’t consider herself lucky. Stuck in a betrothal with a gender swapping martial artist, hounded by whatever maniac of the week and forced to compete for her previously unchallenged status, her reasons for thanking Benten were slim.

Nabiki Tendo didn’t believe in luck. The fact that she had already established a working system to provide for herself, the easy victims presenting themselves to her like lambs to the slaughter every day, that was her doing and nobody’s else.

Kasumi Tendo didn’t know what luck was. She lived a bland, uncomplicated existence, already a housewife but without a husband or children to call her own. Her only desire was for someone to take her away, but she didn’t dare dream anymore.

All until one day, when the best of luck, or perhaps the worst of luck, happened to find them.


“Oh my,” Kasumi’s voice wasn’t loud enough to disturb her father and the fat panda playing a honest game of shogi on the porch. The reason for her reaction was a letter, oddities of oddities, actually addressed to her! She hadn’t received a letter in months! It was a wonder that the post office even knew that there was actually a Kasumi Tendo living at this address.

“What is it Kasumi?” it was Nabiki, always one to pay attention to potential blackmail material and usually her sister’s 'Oh mys!' were a fairly reliable warning that weirdness was afoot.

“Just an invitation,” Kasumi replied, looking at the sheet of paper she had released from its envelope, “There’s a new tennis club opening and they’re distributing vouchers. This one's for me…”

“Oh,” the younger sister was quick to lose interest at the news. She was fairly certain that the odds of this causing any chaos were slim. It was Kasumi after all. “Well, enjoy then,” she said, turning back to her book.

“I think I will,” Kasumi replied, her eyes still fixed on the piece of paper. She hadn’t gotten out in ages and a few hours away from the craziness of her household was certain to do her some good.


“Well, I think that’s a wonderful opportunity Tendo-san,” even though her body made people believe they were dealing with a kindergartner, Hinako was still a teacher and as a teacher, there were certain things that she knew, and certain opportunities that she could offer to her students.

“ Boarding and transport included?” Akane had to admit, the offer had her interested, it wasn’t every day that a scholarship landed in one’s lap, especially not one to the United States. She was interested, even though there were so many things tying her to Nerima.

“Yes, and a small spending stipend from our principal, “ to be truthful there were others, more deserving students, but the chaos that the pigtailed ruffian caused, especially when in association with the girls chasing after him, was more than enough to convince Hinako that other, alternative means were required to decrease the number of pills she was forced to down every night. “Just think about it!”

Six months away from the craziness of Nerima? More than enough time for her to clear her head! And if her father had anything about it, she was always able to claim that “Absence makes the heart go fonder!” It wasn’t like that pervert could do better. Images of busty amazons and quirky chefs were quickly hidden in the farthest recesses of her mind.

“I think…” she spoke, biting her lip as she prepared her words, “I think I’d like that chance!”

“Wonderful!” her teacher was beaming on the inside, she had other, more compelling arguments lined up, but thankfully, she hadn’t needed any and after all, this was an opportunity many would kill for.

With her mind made up, all Akane had to do now was to inform her family. She was rather certain that certain villages in Africa would worship her father as a water god if they were to see just how much of a water fountain the man was.


“Nabiki?” there was a slight tremble in the voice at the other end of the line, as if the speaker knew he was dealing with a shark, one that already smelled blood in the water.

“Yes. This better be worth it,” the calculating Tendo spoke as she recognized the voice . It was one of her informants, a boy she had caught in the act of peeping on girl’s shower, including on the girl he liked.

At first, she had only thought him worth a few measly yen, but after he managed to woo his crush and after she found out that his father was a rather well known attorney, well, he had become quite a stable source of income, and if not a cash machine, then a quite reliable well of information regarding happenings in the real estate market. For now that held no interest to her, but she kept him under pressure.

“I found it,” the boy said. “I found the proper payment,”

And now it seemed that he had stumbled upon payday if his voice was anything to go about. For him to actually believe he could get out of her thumb…

“My last payment,” the boy continued, “Once this is over, I don’t want you to bother me anymore.”

Making demands? This would not do. She opened her mouth to speak…

“And he already told me about your blackmail,” this was another voice, a girl she wasn’t quite willing to tackle with, “So take what’s offered and be thankful. It’s more than worth your time.”

“Delivery?” she didn’t bother to argue. From the moment the idiot confessed to the girl he was dating, the rules of the game had changed, she'd have to up the ante when the time came.

“Same as usual,” the girl said, “And Nabiki,” the girl paused just for a second, “ I hope you understand you’re not welcome to our school anymore.”


The tennis club was exactly as Kasumi expected it to be, full of people and movement, helpful instructors and smiling personnel. And just as she expected, she didn't know just what direction to take. Perhaps this hadn't been such a good idea after all...

"Here for the tennis class?" a voice interrupted her thoughts, an older woman smiling expectantly at her.

"Y-yes," she replied feeling self conscious all of a sudden. The older woman was good looking, true, but there was something else that made the eldest Tendo sister feel short in her presence, an aura that Kasumi just couldn't understand.

" My name's Godai Kyoko and if it's alright with you, I'm going to be your instructor for the day?"

"Yes, that's alright with me Godai-sensei, I'm Tendo Kasumi," she said bowing slightly, "Teach me well."

"Call me Kyoko," the older woman replied, "Now, let's get you fitted for the court!" There was a lot of enthusiasm in Kyoko's words, the kind of enthusiasm only someone with a lot of passion could have.

Before Kasumi knew it, she already had a racket in her hand and found herself for the first time on a tennis court.

"Now, we're going to start with..."

Kyoko was a patient teacher and slowly, as she repeated the same swing over and over so that her student could copy it, her love for the sport started seeping into the heart of the younger woman.

'Perhaps this is why?' Kasumi thought to herself as Kyoko executed a perfect serve, 'This is why she's like this?' her face rearranging itself into a frown.

"Now, it's easy to be intimidated by more experienced players, but you have to remember that when we started, we all held the racket the wrong way," Kyoko said, taking in her student's dropping smile.

"Trust me, I've seen people do a lot worse after entering the court for the first time," she touched Kasumi's elbow, "A bit more relaxed," and then continued, "My husband, for one, lacked any talent whatsoever, but he's a passable player nowadays, and he started older than you are now," there was a ten megawatt smile on Kyoko's face as she mentioned her husband.

Again, Kasumi felt little. Just what was it that caused this sort of reaction for her? Perhaps...

"And if Godai can do it, anyone can do it," the smile never left Kyoko's face, "So cheer up! You'll be serving like a champion in no time at all!"

And the oldest of the Tendo sisters realized why. Kyoko was happy, happy in a way that Kasumi hadn't been in a very, very long time and her heart still knew the feeling too long for it. But how could a housewife like her find happiness like that? She couldn't compare with an active, outgoing woman like her instructor. But at the very least, she could learn from the older woman and for the rest of the lesson, she planned to do exactly that.

"Kyoko-san" almost one hour later, quite a bit after the proper end of the lesson, an old woman's voice interrupted their session. "That idiot husband of yours called," though there was no malice in the words, "He said he's finished a bit earlier and he's coming to pick you up. What a thoughtful man he's grown up to be, or perhaps... " the grandmotherly woman grinned, "He's afraid you're going to leave him for a man a bit more mature?"

"Baba-san!" Kyoko spoke, seemingly revolted by the teasing, "Yusaku's mature enough!"

"Then again, younger men do have their advantages..." the white haired lady continued as if Kyoko outburst didn't happen, "I do remember how back in the day... "


"Now, now," the old woman said, "I'm sure you'll kiss and tell one day," she chuckled at Kyoko's spluttering, "But right now you need to get ready for your man, who know what that young buck's planning to do once he gets a hold of you! I'll finish here for you so go..."

"If it's alright with you?" she turned to ask the hitherto ignored Kasumi, at which the younger woman gave a nod, unable to hide her mirth at old woman's teasing. It was all the confirmation Kyoko needed and she left the court with a leap, a certain lightness in her steps, her hands straightening her shirt every other moment.

"I wonder if she realises that if she keeps doing that, she's going to change out of those clothes," the old lady said. "To be young again... that girl..."

"Excuse me?" even though she didn't like to think of herself as a gossip, there was something about your main social interactions being with crazy people and the old folk around the ward that helped Kasumi develop a keen sense for gossip, That very sense became active at the old woman's words and the oldest Tendo sister knew that it's always the old grandmother that had all the juicy rumours.

"That girl," the old lady spoke, the grin on her face revealing that she know exactly what she was dealing with, a fellow meddler in training. "She was married once before, with one of her high school teachers if my memory doesn't fail me."

For some reason, this reminded Kasumi of doctor Tofu and her relation with the eccentric doctor. At the very least, the age difference was as it should be and she had to fight off a blush at the idea of the good old doctor sweeping her off her feet. It became easier when she recalled the doctor's reactions in her presence. It was rather hard to believe he was the man she wanted when he wasn't even able to carry a proper conversation with her.

"They were happy," the old woman continued, "And then the heavens thought that was enough," she made a small pause, a faraway look on her face, "It's when I met Kyoko, you see, I lost my husband around the same time, but I was prepared for it, she on the other hand..." she shook her head,

"She was young and lost, didn't know how to handle the pain and worse of it all, she lost her smile."

"That's terrible!" Kasumi said, her mind unable to associate the lively, happy woman she had just met with the sad being that the old lady was describing, "But now... she's happy again?"

"Yes, it's all thanks to Yusaku-kun!" the woman chuckled, "We all thought Kyoko would go for the older, mature type and God knows, there were plenty of those hanging around her waiting for a chance but it was a man years her junior that made her open up again..."

"Godai-san?" Kasumi asked, making sure to remind the old woman that she was paying proper attention to the information provided.

"Yes, that wet behind the ears brat came out of nowhere and wooed her off her feet," the woman chuckled, "He was as immature as they come," Kasumi couldn't help but think about Ranma at these words, "Prone to misunderstandings and accidents," again, Ranma came to mind, "But his heart was in the right place, and he matured into a fine man... eventually," Ranma and maturity didn't fit in the same sentence, not now and perhaps not ever.

"Or perhaps Kyoko helped him mature?" the old lady mussed, "We certainly didn't think he'd grow up like this after meeting him, but a good woman in a man's life... even though it took her quite some time to take the second chance that she was offered."

For Kasumi, the riddle she didn't really know she was trying to solve came undone. She knew why she felt so inadequate in Kyoko's presence. The woman was happy, she was not, and her heart recognised her lack.

"Trust a veteran of life on this," her companion spoke, "If life gives you a chance, fight for it with all your might otherwise you just might kick happiness away!"

Perhaps Yusaku's resemblance to Ranma stuck in her head, for it was the younger man's image that came to the fore at these words. But the boy was her sister's fiancée and Kasumi already decided she wasn't interested, didn't she? Not like she was considering taking advantage of any shred of a chance she might get, right?


The usual delivery involved a small security box and two keys. Her 'source' hid the payment in the security box, she picked it up the next day. Simple and most importantly time efficient, it only took her a few minutes from her usual routine to check on the security box. The old man manning the office thought it cute, thinking perhaps that they were a pair of lovers leaving messages to one another and as far as Nabiki was concerned, that as good of a belief as any.

This day however, it went a little differently. Rather than grasp the doorknob in her hand and hear the old bell signalling her entrance to the clerk, another, frail looking hand grasped her shoulder.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, turning around to see her assailant. It wasn't someone she had a particular desire on seeing at any time of the day, "Uehara-san," she spat the name.

"Why, just making a delivery," the other girl replied, "I had some business around this area and I thought I could spare Noboru a trip. And then I thought," she stopped, touching her lips with her finger, "Why not take advantage of this opportunity and see my old friend Nabiki? It's been such a long time since I last saw you after all..."

"Yes," Nabiki said, staring into Uehara's face, "I'm sure that's all there is to it," she didn't dare show it, but she was rather certain that her shoulder was going to bruise, the other woman had a grip more suitable to a wrestler rather than the good looking girl she was pretending to be. "And? Where's my package?" she went straight to the matter at hand, unwilling to engage herself in a game of tongue lashing, a game she was certain she'd win, but not without cost.

"Ah, yes," Uehara pulled a slim folder from her handbag, holding it gently between her fingers, "Noboru said you'd like this a lot," she waved the papers back and forth, "But I don't know if I feel like giving it to you..."

"What are you talking about," Nabiki narrowed her eyes, "You know as well as I do that he owes me."

"For what?" Uehara replied, touching her lower lip with her finger again, "For knowing that he took a peek at this?" she ran her hands across her body, stopping just long enough to highlight certain parts of her anatomy that would leave many men nose bleeding in other circumstances, "I don't blame him, there's certainly something to see here," she winked, "And besides, it's not like he didn't get to see it again."

"As much as your love life interests me," Nabiki rolled her eyes, "You know it's not about that anymore," she smiled, a shark showing its teeth, "The first time he used that box he tied himself to me. How would you think this will play out if someone were to find out just what sweet little Noboru-kun has been up to? Perhaps his father? Or the police?"

Uehara giggled.

"Quite an interesting threat you made there," the girl didn't seem intimidated by the threat in the slightest, "It's a lot of trouble you could cause for poor Noboru-kun and I imagine that if he were here instead of me, you'd have him wrapped around your finger with your threats," she stopped and stared at the mercenary girl, "But don't forget, I'm not Noboru."

"And?" Nabiki said, waiting to see where the other girl was trying to steer the conversation.

"Well, for one," the other girl reached for her purse again, "There's this..." it was a picture of Nabiki, picking up something from the box. "It's amazing what old romantics lay hidden across this city," she smirked, "And what they're willing to believe if you know how to lie to them."

"And? It doesn't matter any," the Tendo sister replied, realising that the other girl had a plan that capitalised on that mistake, she knew her too well for that not to be the case.

"Quite true," Uehara nodded, "If not for a certain conversation I so conveniently happened to record," she pointed at her cleavage, "And some other interesting facts I managed to pick up..." she had came prepared after all.

"And do those facts," Nabiki asked, "Change the fact that you're not the only one with dirt?" If Uehara wanted to take the kid gloves off, Nabiki knew plenty about the skeletons in the other's closet to take her down.

"No," the other girl smiled, "Not at all," she touched her lip. "But they do give me a bit of an advantage here, after all... I'm not the one doing the blackmailing here."

"True enough," Nabiki acknowledged the facts as they were, there was no point in arguing, "But no enough of an advantage to make me lose what's a very lucrative... enterprise."

"You and your money," Uehara shook her head, "See, this prize here," she raised the papers again, "It's more than worth your time and if you're smart," she paused for effect, "You'll understand that you'd get only trouble if you tried to make more of this."

Nabiki didn't say anything, pondering her options. With Uehara on his side, Noboru was no longer a profitable asset. Worse still, if she set her mind to it, the other girl could become a dangerous foe. So far they hadn't crossed paths too many times, but whenever they did, it didn't end pretty and she wasn't quite sure she wanted to know what the other girl would be willing to do for her boyfriend, her reputation hadn't skipped past Nabiki's ears.

"And if the payment isn't worth my time?" she finally asked, unwilling to commit to a course of action but curious about Uehara's deal.

"Oh, it will be," the other girl's words held certainty, without any shred of a doubt.

"Think so, do you?" Nabiki's voice didn't waver as she extended her hand.

"You'll see, although..." Uehara's smile was suddenly that of a predator, "You'll also understand why you won't touch Noboru again, not unless you want this to reach certain people..." she handed the papers and continued, "Since I'm sure you'd find that... inconvenient."

The first thing Nabiki did after receiving the files was to skim through them. It was all it took for her to realise that Uehara was right. Old money, a whole load of them and all of them hidden under her roof until now without her knowing.

By the time she raised her eyes from the printed paper, Uehara was already walking away without a care in the world. Nabiki knew why the other girl had been so certain about her offer. With this kind of a pot, there was no way she'd have the time to go after Noboru, and she was rather certain she wanted no other complications around, certainly not the kind Uehara could throw her way.
She shook her head and turned back to the papers, licking her lips in anticipation as she started reading.

"Are you sure it was a smart thing to do?" Noboru asked his girlfriend as she made a turn, he had been waiting for her, hidden behind a bend in the road.

"Perhaps, perhaps not, " Anko Uehara replied, "But that's certain to keep her busy from now on."

"But unleashing that woman on another..." he sighed, "I'd rather not have done that."

"You obviously don't know who you're talking about," Anko said, knowing more on the subject than her boyfriend, "I have a feeling Nabiki will find herself in deeper water than she expects before long. Besides, do you think I'd leave her get away with a prize?"


"You'll see..."


Akane's trip home was unexpectedly quiet. Like many times before, Ranma's day had been interrupted by one of the numerous complications hanging around his existence. This time it was a monk out of all things, a man with a dopey smile and if miss Hinako's reaction, in her adult form for once, was anything to go by, with grubby hands as well.

Even if she intended on following the pair of martial artists after the monk launched his challenged, and in the process find out exactly what Ranma did to incense the monk so, she hadn't heard more than 'well, blocked, angry dog', the challenger proved to be a bit more considerate to those around when compared to almost all of the other martial artists hanging around Nerima by taking off at speeds that only Ranma could match.

Somewhere in the distance, she could make out clouds of dusts forming, moving further and further away from Nerima. On any other day, she'd be out there, undoubtedly as the other hussies chasing after Ranma were, but today she had quite a lot on her mind.

She had taken miss Hinako's offer as soon as it was placed on the table. Even though she hadn't had time to think about it, even though thinking about her father's reaction she knew he'd disapprove, she'd taken it. And for some odd reason, she was starting to believe more and more that she had made the right decision.

For once her life wouldn't revolve around Ranma. This wasn't about her being Ranma's fiancée or about being forced to compete with the others for some undefined prize. Was she really willing to be married so quickly? She wasn't even a proper adult! And if auntie Nodoka wanted grandkids? She wasn't ready to be a mother, but if they were already married, there would be... expectations.
In all truths, Akane was rather certain that she wanted Ranma, despite the fact she'd never admit it to herself properly, but she wasn't quite ready for such a relation. This didn't stop her from resenting all those busty bimbos throwing themselves at him and even worse, his own attitude towards the constant mess he found himself in. If only he cleared his act a bit and grew a bit more mature... like doctor Tofu...

Her biggest obstacle was gaining her father's approval. She was rather certain that the Tendo patriarch would fight this tooth and nail. The part of her that most resembled Nabiki had already prepared her "Absence makes the heart grow fonder!" speech, with visual aids included! And she could always count on Kasumi, her older sister was bound to support her when it came to her education.

And if Ranma were to follow her abroad, who knew what might happen? You never knew with the pigtailed youth.

The thought of the Nerima circus following her brought a chuckle before a frown settled over her features. As much as she'd miss her family and the others she cared about, she'd rather not have her scholarship revoked on grounds of associated chaos.

Even though she was a resident of Nerima, and quite familiar with the local chaos long before Ranma arrived, she was fairly certain other places didn't have the same 'rituals' as her ward. Juuban had some hack calling himself Tuxedo Kamen and a bunch of exhibitionists named the Senshi, and she had heard rumour about a guy with an alien fiancée or something like that, just like she had heard rumours about a guy living in a temple with his flying girlfriend, but that was normal and no matter how hard they'd try, there was no way they'd manage to properly imitate the craziness that was Nerima.

And to think she'd get to experience that normalcy for once! She was looking forward to studying at Middleton High School. But first...

She had to face the music, or in this particular case, the waterfalls.

A/N: Preread by Lord Raa. I claim ownership over all mistakes. Read, review, throw your angry goats at me!


Active Member
Huh, interesting. Without seeing more, I'm not sure how any of the crossover elements will work out.


Well-Known Member
Maison Ikkoku elements detected. Automatic interest gained.
More than just Maison Ikkoku. Inuyasha's in here -- the "angry dog" and "the well" are pretty obvious. The guy and the alien fiancee could be Ataru and Lum from Urusei Yatsura. Tuxedo Kamen and the "Senshi" are, well, duh. "Middleton High School" is probably a reference to something I don't know, as is the guy living in a temple with a flying girlfriend.

One thing: Godai is Yusaku's family name, not his personal. You've swapped them for some reason. And his name is Yusaku, not Yusuke.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
nuclear death frog said:
More than just Maison Ikkoku. Inuyasha's in here -- the "angry dog" and "the well" are pretty obvious. The guy and the alien fiancee could be Ataru and Lum from Urusei Yatsura. Tuxedo Kamen and the "Senshi" are, well, duh. "Middleton High School" is probably a reference to something I don't know, as is the guy living in a temple with a flying girlfriend.

One thing: Godai is Yusaku's family name, not his personal. You've swapped them for some reason. And his name is Yusaku, not Yusuke.
The Middleton reference, unless there is more than one in anime, is probably a Kim Possible reference, because IIRC that is where it takes place at.

The guy living in a temple with a flying girlfriend I would think either a Tenchi Muyo or Oh My Goddess reference. Tenchi Muyo as Seinna Yamada has seen Ryoko fly. Oh My Goddess as Belldandy flew in that race with Hild. The reference is vague enough it could be a couple of other possibilities I suppose, but those two seem most likely to me.

I'm still determining if I'll bother to track this... it all sort of depends upon exactly where he is going with this.


Well-Known Member
Fixed the name issue, I'm using the Japanese notation of names whilst checking the names proper on an English website, forgot to filter this one. Middleton is indeed a Kim Possible reference. The alternative was Bayville High, but mutant!Ranma stories cured me of any ideas like that.

As to where I'm going with this, the wording of the challenge was something like this: "Ranma, Nabiki and Kasumi shenanigans!"


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
Intriguing. Quite intriguing.

Kasumi's ready for family, which would make Nodoka happy beyond belief. Maybe she's ready to polish his... rough diamonds. The money-grubber's likely to get the smack-down of the century the instant Nodoka detects her trying to actually make a play for the family fortune. At least I'd hope she cared enough about her son to look after him that way. She'd better if she wants to make sure all her wealth doesn't disappear. Honestly, I don't see how Nabiki could be redeemed enough to care about Ranma in anything other than a profit/loss view, but it should be interesting to watch.

Convenient how Akane suddenly gets shipped off to a distant high school that might be just as bad as her own... Serves her right actually. Maybe it'll be full of pervy American Otakus looking for their first piece of Imported Japanese ass thinking they all put out like hentai anime. You know, just to drive home that her school isn't the only screwed up place.

Please, keep going with this.


Well-Known Member
I read it, it did nothing for me. I'd elaborate, but I doubt you'd care and it'd involve lot of asspain from everyone else involved. So let's pretend I insulted you and you ignored me and everyone is happy and I don't have to deal with the colon clenching from the rest of the mouth breathers around here.

Good luck, you'll need it.


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
More than just Maison Ikkoku. Inuyasha's in here -- the "angry dog" and "the well" are pretty obvious. The guy and the alien fiancee could be Ataru and Lum from Urusei Yatsura. Tuxedo Kamen and the "Senshi" are, well, duh. "Middleton High School" is probably a reference to something I don't know, as is the guy living in a temple with a flying girlfriend.

One thing: Godai is Yusaku's family name, not his personal. You've swapped them for some reason. And his name is Yusaku, not Yusuke.
I saw some of those too but it didn't do much for me.

Seeing Maison Ikkoku mentioned in any fanfic in this day and age is something that that gains my immediate attention because that was the only Rumiko Takahashi's that I really liked in its entirety.

Quite honestly, the Ikkoku elements snippets that comes with the Kasumi parts are the only parts I am remotely interested in.