Digimon Unlocked Doors


Well-Known Member
Sooo...how much of the Government Building is gonna be left after Cannonbeemon starts blasting away up there?


Well-Known Member

Funbeemon angry buzzing increased as he saw Galgomon being knocked off the roof. Jenryaí»s partner was reduced to his Child form as he fell.

Takato took one glance at his partner and nodded hesitantly.

He wasní»t sure this was wiseí¡he was even worried that Funbeemon would dieí¡whatever was up there had beaten Renamon and Terriermon so easilyí¡!


Even though he was scaredí¡

If this was what Funbeemon really wanted to doí¡

Then he would fulfill his role as a Tamer and support his partner!

í?Card Slash! Evolution Plug-In E!í?

í?Funbeemon, shinka! Waspmon!í?

The Cyborg Digimon replaced Funbeemoní»s buzz with his customary hum as he quickly rose through the sky. He caught the falling Terriermon and threw him to Jenrya without a second glance, his full attention devoted to reaching the unknown Digimon on the rooftop.

Jenrya caught his partner.


í?The small Digimon weakly opened his eyes.

í?Jení¡í? Terriermon said, before lifting his head to whisper in his partnerí»s ear.

Jenryaí»s eyes widened.

í?Takato!í? He cried to the only Tamer left standing. í?Thereí»s a delay when that Digimon uses its tail to attack! Thatí»s your chance!í?

Takato nodded, turning towards his Digivice.

He watched, waiting for his chance.


Waspmon hovered over the edge of the Government Building.

He had an advantage neither of the other partnered Digimon had; he could fly. He fully intended to make use of that ability.

He had another advantage, though, and it was arguable which was more useful in this situation.

His antenna alerted him of the attack before any of his other senses could, allowing him to dodge out of the way in time.

The massive tiger breezed past him at great speed. If heí»d had eyes, they would have widened as he calculated the speed.


Waspmon was agile, but he relied mainly on his own mobility and freedom of movement rather than raw speed; he probably wouldní»t be able to beat this Digimon if it came down to a contest of who was faster.

More importantly, his strongest form of attack, the Bear Buster, required charging before use; it wasní»t the type of attack heí»d like to use on an agile opponent if he had the choice. He preferred to use it on opponents restricted to the ground as well.

Turbo Stinger it was, then.

Waspmon fired a rapid fire salvo of lasers from his stinger, each heading towards the tiger.

They impacted one after another to no apparent effect.

Waspmon couldní»t help but remember the days when he was restricted to Funbeemon.

í?Waspmon, when he attacks with his tail, thereí»s a delay. The lunge is a faint that he wants you to waste time to dodge; do so. But midway through the lunge, Terriermon says you should have an opening.í?

His Tamers voice communicated to him through his Digivice.

Waspmon immediately began to create a new plan around that information.

Turbo Stinger had speed, but it didní»t show any effect on the Tiger Digimon. Bear Buster might have been strong enough, but it would require time.

But if there really was an openingí¡!

Energy began to gather in his laser cannon.

The Tiger narrowed his eyes, tensing to dodge the impending attack.

It didní»t come.

After a moment the Tiger began to move, wondering what the insect-like robot was doing, but there was still no attack.

He quickly assumed that it was waiting for an opening.

He was quite aware of the one he had when using his strongest attack, but heí»d taken out the other two before they could exploit it.

Did this Digimon somehow learn of it?

It didní»t matter; he was hardly limited to one trick.

His tail turned into his precious B¿úo B¿ñng and he watched in amusement as Waspmon tensed. So that was it, after all.

í?Vimohana.í? He said, smashing it into the rooftop.

The resulting shockwave destroyed most of it, causing him to fall into the floor below.

The debris exploded in every direction, including towards Waspmon. The Cyborg had to abandon his attempts to track his opponent in favor of dodging them.

Outside Waspmoní»s view, the Tiger slammed his tail into a wall inside the building at an angle.

í?Vimohana.í? He repeated, destroying the wall and flinging away rubble. He quickly turned to the side and grabbed something in his jaws before swinging his head and releasing it.

Waspmon suddenly found his sensors being filled by hundreds of small, quickly moving objects. He couldní»t see them through the sudden explosions of dust, but he knew where they were.


He knew he wouldní»t be able to dodge them all; they were moving too fast and came from too close for him to get out of the line of fire and there simply wasní»t enough room for him to dodge between the objects.

But behind the debris, he also sensed something else.


Waspmon covered his head with his arms and weathered the storm of shrapnel and it impacted with his metal body. He waited that way as they slammed into his metal body and either broke or bounced off.

He waited until the larger object was close enough before uncovering his head-

Just in time to catch an office desk in his hands.

Waspmon was glad heí»d caught it before it slammed into him; it might have hurt.

But on the other hand, it wasní»t the large object heí»d been expecting.

He sensed it at the last second; an even larger object approaching from the side. He turned as fast as he could and fired the moment he noticed his opponents shape through the smoke.

The Tiger turned enough to take the blow to one of the shields on his shoulder. He cried in pain as the blast penetrated it, but it served its purpose and kept him safe long enough to dodge out of the way.

He continued one as if he hadní»t been hit, at all.

Waspmon didní»t have time to dodge as fangs sunk into his neck.


Takato was hit out of nowhere by an intense feeling of pain.

He tried to scream, but for some reason couldní»t. He felt something warm and wet, dripping down his chest.


He touched his chest and held it away.

No. That liquid was redder then water, too thick to be water, didní»t smell like water.

Looking at water didní»t make his feel this uncomfortable.

He dropped his Digivice as he fell to his knees, one hand going to his neck. Something was coming out of it, something he should have known the name of, but his mind couldní»t put the thoughts together.

Even once heí»d reached his knees, he continued falling.

The last thing he thought about, before his world turned black were the words on the screen of his Digivice.


Perfect Level.



Well-Known Member
It happens sometimes

And I thought the connection wasn't opened until Perfect level? Or am I remembering wrong?
Edit:There ya go


Well-Known Member
What the hell? And now it works okay if I just post it in parts?




Funbeemon angry buzzing increased as he saw Galgomon being knocked off the roof. JenryaÆs partner was reduced to his Child form as he fell.

Takato took one glance at his partner and nodded hesitantly.

He wasnÆt sure this was wiseàhe was even worried that Funbeemon would dieàwhatever was up there had beaten Renamon and Terriermon so easilyà!


Even though he was scaredà

If this was what Funbeemon really wanted to doà

Then he would fulfill his role as a Tamer and support his partner!

ôCard Slash! Evolution Plug-In E!ö

ôFunbeemon, shinka! Waspmon!ö

The Cyborg Digimon replaced FunbeemonÆs buzz with his customary hum as he quickly rose through the sky. He caught the falling Terriermon and threw him to Jenrya without a second glance, his full attention devoted to reaching the unknown Digimon on the rooftop.

Jenrya caught his partner.


ôThe small Digimon weakly opened his eyes.

ôJenàö Terriermon said, before lifting his head to whisper in his partnerÆs ear.

JenryaÆs eyes widened.

ôTakato!ö He cried to the only Tamer left standing. ôThereÆs a delay when that Digimon uses its tail to attack! ThatÆs your chance!ö

Takato nodded, turning towards his Digivice.

He watched, waiting for his chance.



Well-Known Member
And now it doesn't. Damn it.



Waspmon hovered over the edge of the Government Building.

He had an advantage neither of the other partnered Digimon had; he could fly. He fully intended to make use of that ability.

He had another advantage, though, and it was arguable which was more useful in this situation.

His antenna alerted him of the attack before any of his other senses could, allowing him to dodge out of the way in time.

The massive tiger breezed past him at great speed. If he'd had eyes, they would have widened as he calculated the speed.


Waspmon was agile, but he relied mainly on his own mobility and freedom of movement rather than raw speed; he probably wouldn't be able to beat this Digimon if it came down to a contest of who was faster.

More importantly, his strongest form of attack, the Bear Buster, required charging before use; it wasn't the type of attack he'd like to use on an agile opponent if he had the choice. He preferred to use it on opponents restricted to the ground as well.

Turbo Stinger it was, then.

Waspmon fired a rapid fire salvo of lasers from his stinger, each heading towards the tiger.

They impacted one after another to no apparent effect.

Waspmon couldn't help but remember the days when he was restricted to Funbeemon.

"Waspmon, when he attacks with his tail, there's a delay. The lunge is a faint that he wants you to waste time to dodge; do so. But midway through the lunge, Terriermon says you should have an opening."

His Tamers voice communicated to him through his Digivice.

Waspmon immediately began to create a new plan around that information.

Turbo Stinger had speed, but it didn't show any effect on the Tiger Digimon. Bear Buster might have been strong enough, but it would require time.

But if there really was an opening...!

Energy began to gather in his laser cannon.

The Tiger narrowed his eyes, tensing to dodge the impending attack.

It didn't come.

After a moment the Tiger began to move, wondering what the insect-like robot was doing, but there was still no attack.

He quickly assumed that it was waiting for an opening.

He was quite aware of the one he had when using his strongest attack, but he'd taken out the other two before they could exploit it.

Did this Digimon somehow learn of it?

It didn't matter; he was hardly limited to one trick.

His tail turned into his precious Bao Bang and he watched in amusement as Waspmon tensed. So that was it, after all.

ôVimohana.ö He said, smashing it into the rooftop.

The resulting shockwave destroyed most of it, causing him to fall into the floor below.

The debris exploded in every direction, including towards Waspmon. The Cyborg had to abandon his attempts to track his opponent in favor of dodging them.

Outside WaspmonÆs view, the Tiger slammed his tail into a wall inside the building at an angle.

ôVimohana.ö He repeated, destroying the wall and flinging away rubble. He quickly turned to the side and grabbed something in his jaws before swinging his head and releasing it.

Waspmon suddenly found his sensors being filled by hundreds of small, quickly moving objects. He couldnÆt see them through the sudden explosions of dust, but he knew where they were.


He knew he wouldnÆt be able to dodge them all; they were moving too fast and came from too close for him to get out of the line of fire and there simply wasnÆt enough room for him to dodge between the objects.

But behind the debris, he also sensed something else.


Waspmon covered his head with his arms and weathered the storm of shrapnel and it impacted with his metal body. He waited that way as they slammed into his metal body and either broke or bounced off.

He waited until the larger object was close enough before uncovering his head-

Just in time to catch an office desk in his hands.

Waspmon was glad heÆd caught it before it slammed into him; it might have hurt.

But on the other hand, it wasnÆt the large object heÆd been expecting.

He sensed it at the last second; an even larger object approaching from the side. He turned as fast as he could and fired the moment he noticed his opponents shape through the smoke.

The Tiger turned enough to take the blow to one of the shields on his shoulder. He cried in pain as the blast penetrated it, but it served its purpose and kept him safe long enough to dodge out of the way.

He continued one as if he hadnÆt been hit, at all.

Waspmon didnÆt have time to dodge as fangs sunk into his neck.



Well-Known Member
And now it does again. Just not for the middle piece.



Takato was hit out of nowhere by an intense feeling of pain.

He tried to scream, but for some reason couldnÆt. He felt something warm and wet, dripping down his chest.


He touched his chest and held it away.

No. That liquid was redder then water, too thick to be water, didnÆt smell like water.

Looking at water didnÆt make his feel this uncomfortable.

He dropped his Digivice as he fell to his knees, one hand going to his neck. Something was coming out of it, something he should have known the name of, but his mind couldnÆt put the thoughts together.

Even once heÆd reached his knees, he continued falling.

The last thing he thought about, before his world turned black were the words on the screen of his Digivice.


Perfect Level.



Well-Known Member
Screw it; I'll fix it manually!

Edit: Wait. I might have found the problem.

Edit 2: I can't believe the entire reason why my formatting was sent straight to hell was because TFF doesn't like the accent marks on Bao Bang.


I'm going to go ponder over this idiocy. I'll be back later to fix the posts I made before this one.



Funbeemon angry buzzing increased as he saw Galgomon being knocked off the roof. JenryaÆs partner was reduced to his Child form as he fell.

Takato took one glance at his partner and nodded hesitantly.

He wasnÆt sure this was wiseàhe was even worried that Funbeemon would dieàwhatever was up there had beaten Renamon and Terriermon so easilyà!


Even though he was scaredà

If this was what Funbeemon really wanted to doà

Then he would fulfill his role as a Tamer and support his partner!

ôCard Slash! Evolution Plug-In E!ö

ôFunbeemon, shinka! Waspmon!ö

The Cyborg Digimon replaced FunbeemonÆs buzz with his customary hum as he quickly rose through the sky. He caught the falling Terriermon and threw him to Jenrya without a second glance, his full attention devoted to reaching the unknown Digimon on the rooftop.

Jenrya caught his partner.


ôThe small Digimon weakly opened his eyes.

ôJenàö Terriermon said, before lifting his head to whisper in his partnerÆs ear.

JenryaÆs eyes widened.

ôTakato!ö He cried to the only Tamer left standing. ôThereÆs a delay when that Digimon uses its tail to attack! ThatÆs your chance!ö

Takato nodded, turning towards his Digivice.

He watched, waiting for his chance.


Waspmon hovered over the edge of the Government Building.

He had an advantage neither of the other partnered Digimon had; he could fly. He fully intended to make use of that ability.

He had another advantage, though, and it was arguable which was more useful in this situation.

His antenna alerted him of the attack before any of his other senses could, allowing him to dodge out of the way in time.

The massive tiger breezed past him at great speed. If heÆd had eyes, they would have widened as he calculated the speed.


Waspmon was agile, but he relied mainly on his own mobility and freedom of movement rather than raw speed; he probably wouldnÆt be able to beat this Digimon if it came down to a contest of who was faster.

More importantly, his strongest form of attack, the Bear Buster, required charging before use; it wasnÆt the type of attack heÆd like to use on an agile opponent if he had the choice. He preferred to use it on opponents restricted to the ground as well.

Turbo Stinger it was, then.

Waspmon fired a rapid fire salvo of lasers from his stinger, each heading towards the tiger.

They impacted one after another to no apparent effect.

Waspmon couldnÆt help but remember the days when he was restricted to Funbeemon.

ôWaspmon, when he attacks with his tail, thereÆs a delay. The lunge is a faint that he wants you to waste time to dodge; do so. But midway through the lunge, Terriermon says you should have an opening.ö

His Tamers voice communicated to him through his Digivice.

Waspmon immediately began to create a new plan around that information.

Turbo Stinger had speed, but it didnÆt show any effect on the Tiger Digimon. Bear Buster might have been strong enough, but it would require time.

But if there really was an openingà!

Energy began to gather in his laser cannon.

The Tiger narrowed his eyes, tensing to dodge the impending attack.

It didnÆt come.

After a moment the Tiger began to move, wondering what the insect-like robot was doing, but there was still no attack.

He quickly assumed that it was waiting for an opening.

He was quite aware of the one he had when using his strongest attack, but heÆd taken out the other two before they could exploit it.

Did this Digimon somehow learn of it?

It didnÆt matter; he was hardly limited to one trick.

His tail turned into his precious Bao Bang and he watched in amusement as Waspmon tensed. So that was it, after all.

ôVimohana.ö He said, smashing it into the rooftop.

The resulting shockwave destroyed most of it, causing him to fall into the floor below.

The debris exploded in every direction, including towards Waspmon. The Cyborg had to abandon his attempts to track his opponent in favor of dodging them.

Outside WaspmonÆs view, the Tiger slammed his tail into a wall inside the building at an angle.

ôVimohana.ö He repeated, destroying the wall and flinging away rubble. He quickly turned to the side and grabbed something in his jaws before swinging his head and releasing it.

Waspmon suddenly found his sensors being filled by hundreds of small, quickly moving objects. He couldnÆt see them through the sudden explosions of dust, but he knew where they were.


He knew he wouldnÆt be able to dodge them all; they were moving too fast and came from too close for him to get out of the line of fire and there simply wasnÆt enough room for him to dodge between the objects.

But behind the debris, he also sensed something else.


Waspmon covered his head with his arms and weathered the storm of shrapnel and it impacted with his metal body. He waited that way as they slammed into his metal body and either broke or bounced off.

He waited until the larger object was close enough before uncovering his head-

Just in time to catch an office desk in his hands.

Waspmon was glad heÆd caught it before it slammed into him; it might have hurt.

But on the other hand, it wasnÆt the large object heÆd been expecting.

He sensed it at the last second; an even larger object approaching from the side. He turned as fast as he could and fired the moment he noticed his opponents shape through the smoke.

The Tiger turned enough to take the blow to one of the shields on his shoulder. He cried in pain as the blast penetrated it, but it served its purpose and kept him safe long enough to dodge out of the way.

He continued one as if he hadnÆt been hit, at all.

Waspmon didnÆt have time to dodge as fangs sunk into his neck.


Takato was hit out of nowhere by an intense feeling of pain.

He tried to scream, but for some reason couldnÆt. He felt something warm and wet, dripping down his chest.


He touched his chest and held it away.

No. That liquid was redder then water, too thick to be water, didnÆt smell like water.

Looking at water didnÆt make his feel this uncomfortable.

He dropped his Digivice as he fell to his knees, one hand going to his neck. Something was coming out of it, something he should have known the name of, but his mind couldnÆt put the thoughts together.

Even once heÆd reached his knees, he continued falling.

The last thing he thought about, before his world turned black were the words on the screen of his Digivice.


Perfect Level.



Well-Known Member

After closing them for what felt like mere second, Takato opened them again

ôWhereà?ö Takato wondered as his eyes readjusted. ôThe Royal Base?ö

He suddenly remembered why heÆd fallen unconscious as pain flared in his neck. It felt like someone was grinding their teeth into his throat.

He lifted a hand to his neck, but felt nothing but smooth skin. He then tugged on his shirt and looked down at it, finding nothing but clean blue fabric.

Waspmon had been fighting that Digimon, Mihiramon. Had he won?

Of course heÆd won, Takato realized. Renamon and Terriermon had already lost; if Waspmon lost too, there was nothing keeping that Digimon from running rampant.

How had he been injured, though?

And why was he in the Royal Base if he collapsed in front of the Government Building? ShouldnÆt he be in a hospital?

Takato frowned down at his shirt.

Speaking ofà

If heÆd been bleeding, shouldnÆt his shirt be stained? He remembered it being wet with blood.

Had someone changed his clothes?

No, that didnÆt matter. Why had he been injured?

Because Waspmon had been injured.

But then, where was Waspmon?

ôWaspmon!ö He cried suddenly, as his voice echoed through the honeycomb mazes of the Royal Base.

ôTakato.ö A robotic voice replied. It sounded strangely altered, itÆs tone and pitch shifting, butà

It was definitely WaspmonÆs voice.

Takato whirled around and, indeed, his partner was there.

Butàhis neckà

It was torn open. Takato could see the torn circuitry and flesh.

That wasàa lethal wound. The knowledge rendered Takato speechless.

But not Waspmon. TakatoÆs partner continued to speak, even without a throat.

ôI tried my best, Takato.ö Waspmon said, and his altered voice soundedà


That, if anything, scared Takato more than the state of WaspmonÆs throat.

ôWaspmonàno, no, Waspmon, donÆt apologize.ö Takato said, shaking his head in denial. ôPlease donÆt apologize. Everything will be okay, I promise.ö

Takato suddenly realized something.

If heÆd been wounded because Waspmon had been wounded, and WaspmonÆs wound was fatal, thenà

ôWaspmon, I promise, w-we can get through this. Remember the Base? Youàwe were going to keep building it, remember? S-so we canÆtànot hereàö

Waspmon was silent.

Tears began to form in TakatoÆs eyes, then. The pain in his own throat increased and that damp feeling returned to his chest.

He didnÆt look down.

He knew what was there, but he had no wish to see.

ôWaspmonàö He said, as the tears finally came. If this was it, thenà

There were things that needed to be said.

ôWaspmon, when you were bornàwhen I created youàI was so happy. You were amazing, thenànow. You were always amazing.ö

The first tear hit the ground, but Takato continued heedlessly. He had to finish, but he didnÆt know how much time he had.

ôYou areàmy best friend andàif this is really it, then its okay!ö He said, his voice breaking. ôEven if IÆm to die hereàIÆm glad I met youàWaspmon!ö

His partnerÆs eyes glowed as he stared at him.

ôTakatoàlet me fight some more.ö Waspmon said, his voice still broken.

ôBut-ö Takato said, shocked by that sudden statement. ôWe alreadyàwe areà!ö

ôIàhavenÆt lost yet. Iàwill never loseàTakatoà!ö Waspmon told him, even as the broken circuits on his neck began sparking.

But his voice became stronger with every word.

ôI can still fight, Takato! I want to fight more! Let me fight! IÆll win and then you and I wonÆt have to part here! You and IàletÆs stay like this forever, Takato!ö

Waspmon and Takato locked eyes for a moment as he finished his speech.

ôYouÆre my Tamer, right?ö

TakatoÆs eyes widened and he gasped as if struck.

ôI amàa Tamer.ö He repeated, his hand clinching into a fist. ôBut even so, Iàö

He recalled his hesitation before that man on the bridgeàbefore Waspmon himself, within this very base!

ôBut, because I wasàbecause I was coward! Because IÆm a horrible TameràthatÆs why you got hurt, Waspmonà! If I was betteràif I was better with cards or smarter, I could haveà!ö

Takato looked at his partner, resolve burning in his eyes.

ôIÆm sorry, Waspmon; because of my hesitation and fear, youà!ö He broke off then. ôFight! One more time, Waspmon, please fight! Pleaseàwin! So that you and I can stay together forever, Waspmon!ö

ôTakato!ö Waspmon shouted, the first time Takato had ever heard him do so.

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdaDeqofLGY&feature=BF&list=QL&index=5' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Lets kick it up!</a>


Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdaDeqofLGY&feature=BF&list=QL&index=5' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Lets kick it up!</a>
It's time for more Dakka, yes. Hell, Cannonbeemon even has an attack called Sky Rocket Infinity.


Well-Known Member

Takato woke with a start to see Jenrya and Ruki crouching by his side, their hands stained in blood.

ThatÆs right; his throat had been torn open.

He should probably be dead by now.

But he wasnÆt and he didnÆt seem to be in pain, so it didnÆt matter.

He had more important things to do now.

He lifted himself off the ground, brushing aside Jenrya and RukiÆs hands in the process.

ôTakato!ö Jenrya said, alarmed by his sudden actions. ôDonÆt get up, youÆre badly-ö

ôIÆm fine.ö He said, lifting a hand to his throat, where there should have been a wound.

There wasnÆt and, despite what heÆd said to Jenrya, Takato was relieved.

Ruki stepped closer to him, eyes narrowed. She lifted a blood covered hand to TakatoÆs neck, checking for herself.

She frowned when she found no more wound then he had.

ôButàhowà?ö She wondered.

ôMore importantly, what happened? All of a sudden, you just collapsed bleeding.ö Jenrya interjected.

Takato ignored them, turning his eyes upwards. Above him, a trio of helicopters was firing at a target he couldnÆt see but guessed was Mihiramon.

A shockwave suddenly blew all three of them back and Takato found himself guessing they werenÆt very effective.

ôTheyÆre still at it even though it has no effect.ö Jenrya said next to him, seeing what had attracted his attention.

Ruki still wanted to know what was going on, but since Takato seemed fine and there was a Perfect level Digimon up there, she chose to set it aside for the moment.

ôWhat are we going to do?ö She said bluntly. ôWaspmon was defeated.ö

The worst had happened. All three of them had been defeated without being able to take down their opponent.

That Digimon essentially had free reign.

They had no real options at this point except to retreat and come back once their partnerÆs had healed, butà

Even though Digimon healed quickly, it would probably take at least hours for them to fully recover enough to enter combat; hours in which that Digimon could do serious damage to the city. And even if they were on their feet in hours, theyÆd hardly be fully healed.

Against an opponent that had defeated all three of them at their best, would that really be enough?

ôYeahàö Jenrya said, understanding her.

But Takato merely hardened his resolve at her words.

ôHe hasnÆt lost yet.ö He said, but the words didnÆt seem like enough so he continued. ôWeàcanÆt lose anymore! Waspmon andàWaspmon and Iàfor us, losing is not even a possibility anymore!ö

He drew a card from his deck.

A glowing, blue card.

ôA Tamer canÆt complain about anything; for us, the only option is to move forward. If I lose, I wonÆt be able to be with Waspmon anymore. Soàas long as I can still stand, I will never accept defeat!ö

ôCard Slash! Matrix Evolution!ö

Moar Dakka!

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYQrqqGPRJY' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Moar awesomeness from the American Digimon soundtrack</a>


Well-Known Member

WaspmonÆs body was little more than a cloud of data with his rough shape at this point; he was holding himself together with pure force of will.

Even so, he didnÆt want to lose.

So that he could stay in this world with his friendà

So that he could continue to fulfill his purposeà

He felt a sudden enormous rush of energy, as if in response to those thoughts.

And he knew where they came from as well.

He had no mouth to speak with any more, but if he had, he would have shouted his TamerÆs name then.

Instead, he felt the loose held together particles of data that were his body began to gravitate towards his Digital Core as he quickly turned the new found power into data. Even with MihiramonÆs fangs still in his neck, he reformed.

They hurt at first, but as he generated more and more data, he drifted away to a place beyond pain. The organic portions of his body were decreasing, he knew.

Even so, having MihiramonÆs teeth in his neck would still be an annoyance.

He brought he hands up to his opponents face, grabbing it on both sides. With a single jerk, he tore the higher level Digimon off, ripping his throat open once again. He paid it no mind; he couldnÆt feel it anymore and it was already closing.

Instead, he focused his eyes on MihiramonÆs face which he still held tightly in his grasp. His robotic eyes met the slit pupils of a cat and it was Mihiramon who flinched, struggling in his grasp.

He didnÆt let him escape, though. It was, perhaps, a bit petty, but he felt he deserved a bit of revenge for his near deletion and if there ever was a time it was now, while he had so much energy to spare.

His pain wasnÆt the only thing that was fading away. As it did whenever he evolved from Funbeemon to Waspmon, his organic aspects were fading away, including emotion. Soon, the anger would be replaced by methodical ruthlessness, and the same end would be accomplished.

But before he changed, there was something he wanted to do.

ôBear Buster.ö He said, and if heÆd had a visible mouth heÆd have smiled while doing so.

This time the attack hit with tremendous force, taking Mihiramon full in the face and blasting him away. He flew across the open space between the two towers before crashing through windows and walls.

Waspmon took a moment, only a moment, to enjoy that, before he stopped resisting the call of evolution.

ôWaspmon, shinka!ö

If anything, this change was even more drastic then his evolution from Funbeemon. His bulbous abdomen narrowed and lengthened into a yellow and black laser rifle that was barely a stinger, where as the part connecting it to his thorax thickened and was enhanced by huge bolts; a vast improvement over his narrow waist as Waspmon. His propellers and stabilizers grew into wing-like fixtures of white and black. His whole body turned yellow and black, with the exception of the glowing blue of energy. His arms shrank to the point that they were no longer useful for manipulating objects and he grew another pair of equally short arms below the first. His antenna and eyes were basically the same, changing only in size.

However, without a doubt, the biggest change was to the arms container upon his back. It alone was larger than the rest of his body, with engines on the back to go with the glowing openings on the front.

He could feel them burning with power; power enough to annihilate anyone that got in his way.

That knowledge brought on a feeling û not an emotion, but a feeling û of approval and satisfaction.

ôCannonbeemon.ö He declared, for that was his name.


Well-Known Member
He immediately detected MihiramonÆs location within the adjacent building. He quickly realized that physically entering the building would only be a disadvantage, even if it was possible considering his size.

So he blew straight through it instead.

ôNitro Stinger.ö

The beam from the high caliber laser cannon that served as his stinger went through one side of the building and came out the other in a flash of blue light and it cut through anything that got in the way of that journey as if they were no more solid than air.



And even Mihiramonà

Cannonbeemon paid no mind to the thunderous roar of pain that followed.

His only concern was the accompanying flurry of motion as Mihiramon tore out of the building, obviously realizing that having three dimensional movement would only help in this situation. A hole where CannonbeemonÆs attack passed through his body was located on his side.

Cannonbeemon patiently waited for him; having more room to work with suited him just fine as well.

ôWhy!?ö The Tiger demanded without moving his lips. If he wasnÆt talking to a Cyborg Digimon, it might have been unnerving. ôHow can you evolve!?ö

Cannonbeemon had nothing to say to an enemy, nor did he particularly care what his enemy had to say to him.

ôSky Rocket Mugen.ö

Cannonbeemon fired missile after missile from the six ports on his container. Wave after wave was fired; more than could have possibly been within something of that size.

Just by looking at it, Mihiramon felt as though those waves were without end.

He couldnÆt possibly dodge all of them.

He tried anyway.

A short step to the right, a dive to the left, a curl of his wings that sent him into freefall and a following spread that stopped his ascent. A powerful flap took him higher, and swing of his tail crashed a window, letting him inside.

This was not a strategic retreat, however; merely a desperate attempt to stay alive.

And through it all, Cannonbeemon never let up even once. A steady stream of ordinance pursued Mihiramon.

He didnÆt hesitate at all when Mihiramon hid within TokyoÆs City Hall; without a momentÆs pause, he blew of the top eight floors.

Mihiramon had managed to avoid most of the attack until that point, being hit only by stay missiles. But in that moment, when Cannonbeemon defaced one of JapanÆs tallest buildings, he simply didnÆt have room to dodge.

As the heat of the explosions vaporized the structure around him and caused the gas to suddenly blown back against his will. He would have crashed through the opposite wall if it still existed. Instead, he simple fell of the side until he could catch himself in midair.

A thin blue beam, CannonbeemonÆs Nitro Stinger, pierced through the building a moment later, even as Cannonbeemon ended his previous assault. He turned; angling it to hit his shield, but it penetrated it easily, rending his shoulder.

Mihiramon cried out in pain again before clinching his teeth over the noise. And mighty beat of his wings took him up to CannonbeemonÆs level, though the smoke from the building hid him from view.

ôHow can a traitor like you who has partnered with a human be able to evolve!?ö

He dove through the smoke faster than the speed of sound; heÆd reach his opponent before his question could.

His tail transformed, the three section staff gaining a point and spikes. He swung it towards CannonbeemonÆs unprotected face.

A wordless Nitro Stinger erased it, as Cannobeemon didnÆt even flinch.

Mihiramon closed his eyes.

As a denizen of the Southern Quadrant, he was aware.

There was a time and a place where one would meet their better.

And when that time came, there was only one thing to be done.

CannonbeemonÆs container glowed brightly, as if in silent agreement.

ôSky Rocket Mugen.ö



Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Well, I hope Takato has some good hero insurance.
Actually, I think this is one of those times to blame it on those adults that brought a dangerous creature into the Government Building.

Yamaki, you gots some 'splainin' to do...


Well-Known Member

Takato walked into the Royal Base with a confidence that faltered as he stepped over the doorway.

In the time that had passed since he became a Digimon Tamer, Takato had come here many, many times. His partner disappeared in here after every battle, taking the data heÆd collected and using it to further modify the base.

Takato had thought that he had gotten used to the strangeness of the place. Sure it was weird and a place made out of the corpses and spirits of oneÆs fallen enemies is weird, but it wasnÆt that bad. And while it changed slightly after each battle, the general structure remained fairly consistent.

Or it had, at least.

The only that remained the same now was the metal that definitely wasnÆt beeswax.

Last time heÆd entered the Base, it had been an enormous room or structure that had been stuffed into the shed. It had been bigger on the inside, butàit still had the general feel that it was inside the shed. There had been a doorway, just like the one behind him, but around it there had been walls and there had been a ceiling, if one that was high above his head.

There hadnÆt been anything behind the doorway, Takato thought, mustering his courage and stepping into the base.

The keyword being æhadnÆt.Æ

But nowàthere were no walls erected around the doorway. In fact, there was barely a doorway at all. There was just a two dimensional æholeÆ in space, through which he could see outside. Only the bottom of it was connected to anything; it was at the top of two steps.

And as there were no walls around it, Takato could see behind it. The ædoorÆ was in the middle of a spherical room. As in, the exact middle. And it wasnÆt a hemisphere, either. He walked to the edge of the platform he was standing on and peered over it.

As he thought; the middle of the sphere. There didnÆt seem to be anything supporting it except for the bridge that connected it to the outside of the sphere, which shouldnÆt have been able to support it.

He swallowed.

ôFunbeemon?ö He tried.

There was no answer, though he thought he heard something and whirled around.

Had something vanished through that door?

But then he blinked and there was no door.

ôFunbeemon?ö He tried again, with no more success.

He looked nervously at the bridge. He could always leave and try back some other timeà

But no. This wasnÆt a haunted house, no matter how creep it was. This was his base. Well, his and FunbeemonÆs.

So he mustered his courage and crossed the bridge.

He wasnÆt sure what heÆd feared would happen, but it didnÆt. He should probably tell Funbeemon that leaving out handrails was a safety hazard, though.

At the end of the bridge was a hole on the wall that served, he assumed, as a door.

He walked through it and frowned at the sight.

He had walked in a straight line and he hadnÆt ascended or descended in any way.

Why then, was he looking down at the doorway heÆd entered through, the platform heÆd been on, and the bridge heÆd just walked to the end of?

He looked behind him. The bridge was still there, as was the rest of the room.

He stepped back over the door, looking down at the new bridge as he did so.

No boy appeared.

He stuck one hand back through the door and waved, looking behind him.

No hand appeared.

He sighed, feeling stupid. Naturally, it was just another room. God, he felt stupid.

He stepped back through the door.

ôFunbeemon, where are you!?ö He shouted.

There was a moment of silence followed by, to his relief, buzzing.

ôTakato?ö Funbeemon asked from the wall beside him, crawling from a small hole that hadnÆt been there a moment before and wasnÆt there after Takato blinked.

ôAhàö He began slowly before shaking himself. ôThere you are! I was worried about you, because you got hurt in the fight, but afterwards, you just flew off.ö

ôSorry.ö Funbeemon replied immediately. ôButàI never had a Perfect before. I hadàlooked forward to adding its data to the Base. The results wereàinteresting.ö

ôYeah, I noticed.ö Takato nodded. ôWow, this place looks different. Butàdid you devolve to do all this?ö

ôYes.ö Funbeemon agreed. ôCannonbeemon is too big.ö

ôIf youÆd waited for me, I could have evolved you to Waspmon.ö Takato said, already taking out his Digivice and searching through his cards. ôIt must have been hard to do all this in that form.ö

ôI had to cut a few corners.ö His partner admitted as the light of evolution engulfed him.

ôFor something you had to cut corners on, this place is amazing.ö Takato said as Waspmon picked him up. ôI mean-ö

Takato froze.

Matsuda Takato had entered through the door down below. He was looking around in fear and wonder, going through the same motions Takato had.

ôWaspmonàwhat it that?ö

Waspmon turned his head before looking back at his partner.

ôI had to cut a few corners.ö He repeated. ôAnd most of them belonged to time.ö

Takato just stared in stunned shock at his younger self, as Waspmon carried him through another doorway that hadnÆt been there.

And as he found himself in a Royal Base that was still under construction, whose absence of a ceiling revealed an Alien Sky unlike EarthÆs, that shock brought out a question.

If I ever ran into myself, Takato wondered, what should I say?



Well-Known Member
I know you were saying something about Cthulhu and what not about the inside being bigger than the outside, but now I really can't think of anything other than the Tardis. D: