Harry Potter Untitled HP/WoT xover


Active Member
Read my second post below to see what I've done.


Well-Known Member
This seems like a good base for a better!Harry story with the Horcrux gone from the scar. Theoretically, Harry should be able to think clearer and no longer has that bothersome mental link to Riddle.

If you are going to add WoT elements, which ones? Just about any use of the ONE POWER is absolutely overpowered in relation to Potterverse magic (as it requires no wand and no words, but does crazy shit like cut you off from magic or does massive amounts of damage or erases you from the time stream). OTOH, the Flame and the Void is essentially distilled Occlumency (clearing your mind). And the idea of magic boosters like angreal and sa'angreal is neat. Harry being ta'veren explains his ridiculous luck. Something like the Great Game being played by Pureblooded England is also neat, but would require a world!restart because Lucius wouldn't raise Draco to be such an idiot. And more people would be looking to make friends with Harry.

I'm very interested to see where you take this idea because I've never seen graveyard Horcrux removal as a plot base before.



Active Member
Wow. I can't believe it's been almost a year and a half since I last posted on this. I guess 3 jobs, 5 girlfriends, moving twice and a funeral will take up all the time. I had also not been reading fanfiction for awhile, blame the girlfriends and SWTOR, if you want. But now I'm back, and I'm finished with quite a bit of this story, but it's not all in order. I kinda write out of sequence sometimes, when an idea hits me. So, I'll be posting a little bit of this at a time, and get feedback from you guys.

So, without further ado, here's the first chapter of the story. Again. Edited a little :wub:


ôKill the Spare.ö

A swishing noise and a second voice, which screeched the words to the night: ôAvada Kedavra!ö

His body was moving before his mind even processed what was said. Even with the excruciating pain he was feeling from his scar, he was still able to slam into the side of Cedric, just pushing him out of the way of the curse. He was never more thankful for an injury than he was right then. For even as he hit Cedric, his leg buckled, causing him to trip and fall over him in a tangle of limbs. As he fell, the green light of the Killing Curse passed inches above his shoulder.

ôFool! You almost hit Potter!ö shrieked the cold voice that he knew belonged to Voldemort.

Harry heard this as he was being dragged behind a nearby tombstone by Cedric. He didnÆt even notice his injured leg hitting said tombstone, for the pain in his scar had increased so much that it blinded out most other sensations.

He was dimly aware of Cedric pulling the hand clutching his scar away from his head. He heard him curse, but if that was due to the bloody mess that he knew was his forehead, or the red spell flying over their head, he couldnÆt be sure.

He saw Cedric cast a reductor curse over the top of the tombstone. He didnÆt know if it hit, but he was immediately pulled sideways behind an adjacent grave, as the one they were hiding behind exploded into shards of stone.

ôHarry, snap out of it!ö he dimly heard Cedric yelling at him through the haze of pain.

There was a slap to the face that didnÆt do anything other than make the pain worse. Then something was said, and the pain started to dim slightly. He gasped as his eyes flew open wide and he lurched upright.

ôHarry, are you alright?ö Cedric asked in a panicked voice.

HarryÆs answer was to groan and retch to the side onto the grass. After puking up what felt like everything heÆd ever eaten, he was able to marginally fight back the bile and pain to look at Cedric. He looked very pale, was breathing heavily, and shaking like a leaf. He was as terrified as Harry himself was.

After what felt like hours, but was probably only a few moments, Harry was able to gather enough energy to look over the top of the tombstone. He had to duck back down just as quickly to dodge a curse that looked like the Body Bind, but not before seeing the figure slowly moving towards their hiding place.

Cedric fired a few curses over the top of the tombstone, and one of them hit the figure in the arm, causing him to drop his wand.

ôIdiot! Can you not do anything right?ö Screeched Voldemort. ôTheyÆre only children! If you cannot subdue them, you will suffer!ö

They looked around the side of the gravestone and saw the figure bent over, searching for his wand. While he was distracted, Harry and Cedric scrambled behind a statue of a woman holding her baby.

ôW-What do we do now?ö Harry gasped out.

ôWeÆve got to find a way to get out of here,ö was the obvious answer.

Before he could reply, the death eater recovered his wand, and sent half a dozen curses at them. Cedric tried to move Harry, but the pain in his leg was too great. After HarryÆs leg gave out the second time, Cedric stopped trying to help him move.

ôIÆm going run over to that gravestone,ö Cedric said, pointing to one about 20 feet away. ôIf we split up, we might have a chance of taking him down.ö

Harry nodded over the throbbing in his leg. Cedric jumped up and started sending curse after curse at the enemy, causing him to duck behind a gravestone himself. The death eater poked his head up to fire a curse at Cedric, but Harry was ready. Harry sent a reductor at the figure, which barely missed. But, it caused him to turn his attention to Harry, allowing Cedric to get behind the gravestone.

When they were in position, they both started firing spells at their attacker. They shattered the tombstone he was hiding behind, causing him to stumble back. They capitalized on this and both sent bludgeoners at the death eater. The spells hit causing the figure to be knocked back in the air a half a dozen feet, and knocking Voldemort out of his hands.

As Harry stood up to check that their enemy was truly down, a horrendous pain went through his scar, causing him to fall to the ground. Cedric saw this and ran back over to Harry.

As Cedric starting firing spells at the enemy, Harry tried to think over the pain in his scar. It was difficult to remember to breathe, let alone come up with a plan of escape, but he had to concentrate. Cedric was too busy firing spells at the Death Eater to be able to help think of something. He knew they couldnÆt just run, they would be cursed as soon as they left the safety of the gravestones. And he was too distracted with pain to think to ask if Cedric was able apparate or not.

Just when he had almost given up on finding a way out, it came to him.

ôThe portkey!ö he yelled, louder than he should have, ôIt brought us here; maybe itÆll take us back as well. Can you still see it?ö

Cedric chanced a look back at where they arrived and spotted the gold of the cup lying on the ground.

ôI see it. I can summon it, but I need you to keep this guy busy so I can cast the spell. Also, we have to grab it at the exact same time.ö

Harry nodded, gritted his teeth against the pain, and started throwing stunners, reductors and disarming spells over the top of the tombstone.

As soon as he started, Cedric cast the summoning spell, and Harry heard the cold voice of Voldemort yell out.

ôNo! TheyÆre getting away! Stop them!ö

Harry felt relief flow through him as he saw the Triwizard Cup fly towards them. But, just as he reached out his hand to grab it, he felt something pull him back from where he was crouching. He hit the ground a few feet back just as he saw the surprised face of Cedric disappear with the cup.

He had been summoned at the last second! And, he realized despairingly, he was all alone with Voldemort and his helper, who he now recognized as Wormtail. The thought would have completely terrified him, if the pain wasnÆt so overwhelming now.

There was black at the edge of his vision, and he heard, just before he passed out, the cold voice hiss, ôFinally. We can begin.ö


When he came to he could feel he was tied to a hard surface. He had no idea where he was, but figured he was still outside due to the breeze he could feel. He kept his eyes closed and feigned sleep to give him time to gain his bearings. The pain in his scar had dulled to a minor throb, and he was able to take in his surrounding more clearly. The area around him was eerily silent, except for a strange hissing sound and whimpering coming from not too far in front of him.

All of a sudden, he heard a scream pierce the silence. His eyes flew open, but what he saw made him wish he had kept them shut. He saw Wormtail lying on the ground panting, with blood gushing from where his hand used to be. Harry watched, horrified, as he picked up the severed hand and dropped it into a large stone cauldron that was the source of the hissing. The potion in the cauldron turned a bright, burning red as soon as the severed hand went in.

Somehow, Wormtail stood back up and made his way towards Harry, gasping and moaning the whole way.

As soon as he was in front of Harry he spoke he raised the knife he had chopped his hand of with towards him.

ôB-blood of the enemy . . . forcibly taken . . . you will . . . resurrect your foe.ö

Harry struggled as much as he could, but it was futile. Wormtail dug the knife into his arm and twisted it. Harry bit the inside of his cheek to hold back the scream that tried to escape from his lips. Wormtail pulled out a vile from inside his robes and jammed it into the wound and, Harry was unable to hold back the scream of agony this time.

When enough blood had gathered into the vile, Wormtail pulled it out and walked back to the cauldron. He poured the blood into it and as soon as he did, the potion inside turned a blinding white. Wormtail dropped back from the cauldron to the ground, cradling the stump his arm.

The potion suddenly started bubbling over and shooting out blinding white sparks everywhere. This continued for several moments and Harry hoped that maybe something had gone wrong, for he had a sinking feeling of what was supposed to happen.

All of a sudden, the sparks and bubbling vanished and his scar flared in pain like nothing heÆd ever felt before. Through his pain he saw a dark man-shaped figure rise out of the cauldron. From what he could see, it was tall and thin, as well as bald.

It stood up straight and hissed, ôRobe me.ö

Wormtail scurried forth holding a black robe, and somehow, one-handedly robed him. Voldemort, for there was no doubt in HarryÆs mind now that this was the Dark Lord, raised his head and looked straight at Harry. He was now able to get a good look at him. His face was as pale as heÆd ever seen, with red eyes and a flat nose slits where nostrils should be, like a snake. He was barely even recognizable as human.

Harry turned his head away in disgust as Voldemort examined his new body and only turned back when he called for Wormtail.

ôGive me your arm.ö Voldemort smirked at the irony of his statement.

ôThank you Master!ö Wormtail exclaimed, extending the bleeding stump of his arm.

ôThe other arm.ö

Wormtail whimpered, but dared not protest. He held out his left arm and pulled back the sleeve to expose his Dark Mark. Voldemort muttered to himself, and then touched his arm to the mark. Wormtail gasped in pain, as the mark turned black, and Harry cried out as the pain in his scar doubled.

Harry must have blacked out, because the next thing he knew the graveyard was full of black robed figures in white masks. They were all standing around Voldemort in a circle, and they were shifting around as if they were nervous. Voldemort gave them a look of contempt, and, as if spurred on by that look, they all kneeled in front of him, and one by one, kissed the hem of his robes.

ôWelcome, my à faithful à Death Eaters.ö Voldemort began. ôIt has been far too long since we last gathered. Thirteen years to be exact. And yet I wonder why it has been so long since I have seen any of you.ö

The gathered Death Eaters all flinched at VoldemortÆs words.

ôWhy was it, that when I needed you the most, none of you came to my aid?ö

ôI came to you, my lord.ö Wormtail blurted out.

ôYou came out of fear, not loyalty, Wormtail. Yet, you did help me return to my body. Therefore you shall have a reward for aiding me.ö

Voldemort raised his wand and cast a spell that created a silver hand to replace the one Wormtail lost. Wormtail gave his new hand, and Voldemort, a look of awe before returning back to the circle.
Voldemort started speaking again, no doubt to gloat more about his return, but Harry tuned out as much of it as he could as he tried to find a way to escape his bindings. He wiggled and shuffled around, but not matter how hard he tried, the ropes would not budge. He was finally able to wiggle his left hand free when he heard his name mentioned.

He looked up and all of the Death Eaters were staring at him, while Voldemort had a smirk on his face at HarryÆs attempts to escape.

ôThis child is hailed as my vanquisher. He is given the name Boy-Who-Lived by ignorant fools who thought he had destroyed me. Look at him now.ö

Voldemort walked slowly up to Harry and stood in front of him. He reached out a finger and pressed it to his scar. Pain, unlike anything he had ever felt before, erupted from his scar and he screamed out, to the amusement of the Death Eaters.

ôSee, a simple touch can cause him agony. And my magic is even stronger against him. Crucio!ö
If Harry had thought the previous pain was unbearable, then this was unimaginable. He was being stabbed everywhere on his body and at the same time being burned alive by the hottest flame. He wanted it to end. He didnÆt care if he died, as long as it just stopped. Then, suddenly, it did.

ôThis is proof that what happened all those years ago was just a mistake. And now I shall prove it by finishing what I started. Wormtail, release him, and give him back his wand.ö

It took Harry a few tries to be able to stand on his own power. The pain from his leg was amplified by the curse, as well as the wound on his arm. After he was as steady as he could be, he faced Voldemort and raised his wand.

ôI would have you bow, Harry, but I see you would fall over if I did.ö Voldemort smirked.

ôTherefore we shall skip the pleasantries.ö

Voldemort whipped his wand up, and before Harry could even blink, he was hit with the Cruciatus Curse. He writhed on the ground, while the Death Eaters laughed and cheered. After what felt like an eternity, but was really just a few moments, Voldemort lifted the curse, and he lay on the ground, panting.

ôThis is so disappointing Harry. I had thought you would put up a better fight than this. If you wish for this to be over all you have to do is ask. Do you want me to end it Harry?ö

Harry knew he was going to die, and there was nothing he could do to stop it; but he wasnÆt going to beg Voldemort to end it. He wasnÆt going to give him the satisfaction of knowing he broke him.

ôI asked whether you wanted me to end your suffering,ö said Voldemort. ôAnswer me Potter! Imperio!ö

All his pain disappeared, and it was as if he were floating, with not a care in the world. His mind was blissfully empty, except for the soft, smooth voiceà Just say yesàbegàbeg for it all to endà

No, he thought. Why should I beg?

Say you want it to end, and it will be all over.

I will not beg, Harry thought, not for anyone!

Just Beg!

ôI will not beg!ö Shouted Harry, and everything came back to him. Where he was; what was going on; and all the pain of his injuries hit him like a bludgeoner.

ôYou wonÆt beg?ö Snarled Voldemort; with an enraged expression on his face. ôMaybe I should make you beg!ö

Harry was ready for what would come next. As Voldemort raised his wand, Harry burst to his feet. But as he tried to move away, his leg gave out, and he fell to his knees.

ôAh, you finally know your place,ö Sneered Voldemort, with a triumphant smirk on his face.

The Death Eaters laughed at this, and then Harry was under the curse again. Harry thought, after a while, he would go numb to the pain, but he didnÆt. It hurt just as much as the first time. When it ended, he just lay there, wishing Voldemort would just kill him already.

ôVery well, since you have accepted your fate, I shall end it for you.ö Voldemort said, as if he had heard his last thoughts.

He was in too much pain to even care about moving out of the way of the Killing Curse that Voldemort threw at him. His last thoughts before the curse hit him were of seeing his parents. The curse hit him, then nothing.


I had originally intended for the next couple of scenes to be included in the first chapter, but, I decided this would be a good place for the chapter to end.

Let me know what you guys think, and don't pull any punches. I'm a big boy! I can take it! I hope...


Well-Known Member
Nothing has happened yet except voldermort "killing" harry.

So I can't really pass judgement on your direction except that dying causing a telerport is... Well, I really shouldn't get mad at what I'm guessing you're doing next.

Your actual story so far is great.


Active Member
I'm not too sure if I truly understand what you're saying, but if you think I'm gonna have Harry transported to Randland, then don't worry. ;)

Anyways, here's part of the first scene of chapter 2.


His first thought was that Voldemort had missed, because he was still lying down. Then he noticed he was lying on something soft, instead of grass, and that he was naked. It was this realization that made him open his eyes and take in his surroundings.

He was lying on the floor of the Gryffindor common room, or at least he thought it was the common room. The colors were all muted and there seemed to be light coming from nowhere, casting shadows everywhere. He brought himself to his feet and looked around. There was a fire going in the hearth, but it gave off no light, or heat, or sound. The portraits on the walls were all a blur, and werenÆt moving. The strangest thing he noticed was the books on the shelves. They would flicker, like someone was taking them down, and when they reappeared, they were an entirely different book.

It was then he became conscious of the fact that he was standing naked in the middle of the Gryffindor common room. He suddenly wished he had some clothes on, and the next instance, he was clothed in his school uniform. He was so startled he took a step back, and almost tripped on the chair he was certain wasnÆt there before.

He took a seat and tried to wrap his head around what was going on. The curse hit, so obviously I must be dead. But if so, why does the afterlife look like the Gryffindor common room? He wondered to himself. He guessed it took the form of the place you most felt at home. If that were so, then that meant his parents were here somewhere!

He jerked his heard around, looking for any sign of his parents. But, to his dismay, there was nobody else in the room with him. He was all alone, again.

Behind him he heard soft footfalls, and when he looked back, he noticed a figure moving down the steps from the girlÆs dormitories. He jumped to his feet, and when the person stepped into the light, he gasped. There, standing at the foot of the stairs, was a face heÆd only seen in his photo album, and the Mirror of Erised.

ôM-mum?ö He asked, with tears running down his face. Too hopeful that she was real, and too scared she wasnÆt.

She gave a nod, too choked up to say anything.

He stumbled over the chair in his haste to get to her. When he was close enough, she pulled him into the best hug he could ever remember anyone ever giving him. HeÆd never felt the unconditional love from another person that he did just then. After a few moments, she stepped back with her arms on his shoulders, and looked him up and down.

ôOh Harry, look at you. YouÆve grown into quite the young man,ö Lily said, with tears in her eyes. ôIÆm so proud of you, and I love you!ö

Harry felt himself fill with happiness and joy at his motherÆs words. He didnÆt care that she was treating him like a child. It was something heÆd wanted his entire life.

She pulled him into another hug, and he relished being held by his mother again. The hug lasted longer than the first, but, eventually he pulled back and looked around. He was looking around for his father, but when he didnÆt see him, he asked, ôMum, whereÆs dad?ö

She frowned, and the look she gave him was full of sadness, and he knew he wouldnÆt like the answer. ôHeÆs not here, Harry. He moved on right after we both died.ö

ôMoved on?ö Harry asked, as his shoulders fell, and he tried not to let the tears fall. ôWhat do you mean, he moved on?ö

ôHe moved on to wherever you go after you die.ö

He gave her a look of confusion, and asked, with increasing hopefulness in his voice, ôAfter you die? Does this mean that youÆre not dead? That IÆm not dead?ö

ôNo, Harry, I am dead.ö She explained, as HarryÆs shoulders slumped.

ôBut, then whyùô

ôI donÆt have the time, right now, to explain everything. I am already breaking some of the rules just meeting with you; but, there are some things that I have to tell you.ö

At her serious tone, he closed his mouth and nodded. He caught the ôright now,ö and knew he would be meeting her again somehow.

ôThe first thing you need to know is that you are not dead. You survived because of the piece of VoldemortÆs soul, which used to reside in your scar.ö

At this, Harry became alarmed. He reached up to rub his scar, and tried to speak, but Lily shook her head at him.

ôIÆll explain that shortly, but first, I must go back to the beginning. Before you were born, Trelawny gave a prophecy that said someone would be born that would have the power to destroy Voldemort.ö

Lily then told him the prophecy, and he felt as though the entire world had crashed down around him. He finally realized why Voldemort came after him that night. He also understood that he was the only one who would be able to defeat Voldemort.

ôNo,ö She exclaimed when she saw the look on HarryÆs face. ôIt wasnÆt your fault we died. It was Voldemort, and only Voldemort! I need you to understand that Harry.ö

He nodded; relieved to know she didnÆt blame him. At his nod, she continued, explaining that the prophecy couldÆve been about Neville as well, but Voldemort chose him instead. She told of how Dumbledore came to them, explained the prophecy, and sent them into hiding. Then she explained the events of the night Voldemort attacked; how his father tried to buy time by facing off against Voldemort himself, and how she sacrificed herself for her son. All this, Harry knew; for he heard it every time he was near a dementor.

ôWhat you need to understand, Harry, is the reason Voldemort survived that night is because of his Horcruxes. A horcrux is a container used to hold a part of oneÆs soul after they split it through murder. By the time he came to our house that night, he had already created five.ö

At HarryÆs disgusted look, Lily explained, ôYes, when I found that out, I was just as horrified as you are. That is the reason you had a piece of his soul in your scar. You see, after splitting his soul so much, it was unstable, and when the curse rebounded onto him, it fractured, and sought out the closest living thing; you.ö

Harry felt as though he was going to be sick. Lily rubbed his back as he tried to absorb all that he had been told so far. When he had recovered enough, he nodded for her to continue.

ôTonight, when Voldemort used your blood for the ritual, he created a link between the two of you. It is similar to a horcrux, but not. It is the reason the killing curse didnÆt kill you, but the part of VoldemortÆs soul inside of you.ö

Harry was relieved to hear that the horcrux inside of him was gone. When he looked at his mom though, the smile on his lips died at the sad look she was giving him.

ôIÆm sorry, Harry, IÆm so sorry, but there is something else. The horcrux was the reason you had such a short temper, why you had so much trouble concentrating at times, and the reason you could speak Parseltongue. It was also one of the reasons your wand chose you. Because you had the horcrux inside you for so long, it attached deeply to your magic, and when it was destroyed, it also destroyed most of your magic. What was left, you used to keep yourself alive from the shock. YouÆre no longer a wizard Harry. Your magic is gone.ö

At her words HarryÆs eyes widened, and he had trouble breathing. He didnÆt want to believe her. This had to be some kind of trick!

But, when he looked into her eyes, he saw the truth there. His magic was really gone. What was he going to do now? How was he going to live without magic? He would have to go back to the DursleyÆs, and never be able to see his friends again.

Before his thoughts could pull him into any deeper of a depression, he felt his mother wrap him in a warm embrace. She held him for a while, whispering soothing, encouraging things to him, while he tried to deal with this tragedy.

When she felt he had calmed down enough, she told him, ôHarry. This may seem like the end of the world for you, but it isnÆt. It will take some time for you to come to terms with this, but I know you will get through this. YouÆre my son. You are too strong to let this keep you down for too long.ö

Harry took strength in his motherÆs words. He knew she was right. He knew this was not the end, but the beginning of a new part of his life. With the support of his friends, he knew he would make it through this.

ôHarry, our time here is almost up.ö She said, with tears in her eyes. ôThis will not be the last time we see each other. Sometime soon, after everything has settled down, I will make contact with you again. IÆve told you everything I could, but I promise, the next time we meet, I will tell you everything you wish to know.ö

He wished he could stay in his motherÆs arms forever, but he knew he couldnÆt. He had to go back to his life. With the promise of see his mother again, it wasnÆt that hard to of a thing to do. He broke away from the comfort of his motherÆs arms, and looked at her with a renewed determination in his eyes.

ôI promise not to let you down, mum.ö He said.

He noticed the world around him start to fade away, and knew it was time. With a strength he didnÆt know he had, he stepped away from his mother.

ôOne last thing,ö She said, as the world started fading faster. ôDonÆt tell anyone about our meeting. If others were to find out, I donÆt know what would happen.ö

ôI wonÆt,ö He said as his eyes started tearing up. ôI love youö

ôI love you too. More than you could imagine.ö She said, as she finally faded away.


I dunno if you guys saw that coming.

Well, if you read my ideas thread, from way back when, I guess you did.

Any feedback on this would be great.

Edit: Added the remainder of the scene. If you don't want to read the whole thing over again, just start off where he learns he lost his magic.


Active Member
Ok, here's the next scene.


The first thing he noticed, when he came to, was the numbness. It was as though someone had removed all his senses, and he would never feel anything again. Then he felt pain. His whole body was in agony. Every scrape, bruise, and injury he had received that night was magnified. Compared to the Cruciatus, though, it wasnÆt that bad. Worst of all, was the emptiness he felt inside. He knew that had to be where his magic had been.

The pain slowly started dying down, and as it did, he tried to take in his surroundings. By the feel of the grass beneath him, and the position of his body, it seemed as though they had left him where he fell. He heard panicked shouts and worried voices off to his left. Slowly, so he wouldnÆt be noticed, he moved his head a little, and opened his eyes to slits.

He had to hold back a gasp at the sight before him. Voldemort was surrounded by his death eaters, and was lying prone in the rubble of a tombstone. He had apparently been knocked unconscious from the backlash of the horcrux being destroyed. The death eaters all looked worried and confused, as though they didnÆt know what to do with their master being incapacitated. They also werenÆt paying any attention to him at all.

He slowly started dragging himself behind a nearby tombstone. He would stop every so often, to see if anyone had noticed he was still alive. Thankfully, they were all too busy with Voldemort.

When he finally made it behind the cover of the tombstone, he stopped to catch his breath, and gather his thoughts.

æNow what?Æ He worried to himself. æIÆm trapped in this graveyard, with death eaters not thirty feet away. Not to mention, I have no way of defending myself.Æ

He shook those unhelpful thoughts from his head, and looked around. The death eaters and Voldemort were all near the edge of the cemetery. Straight ahead of him, the cemetery spread outwards for a few hundred feet, and stopped at the edge of some woods. He figured if he could make to those woods without being seen, he might be able to lose them. With his mind made up, he started crawling through the graveyard, hiding behind tombstones along the way.

He was halfway to the woods when he heard a shout. He chanced a peek behind him, and saw that Voldemort was on his feet again, staring straight at him. He cursed, and, with adrenaline pumping through his veins, started sprinting to the woods; all his aches and pains forgotten.

He made it twenty feet, and then the tombstone in front of him exploded into a cloud of dust. He was knocked off his feet, and when he gathered his wits, looked back. Voldemort and his death eaters were all standing twenty feet behind him. Harry scrambled back on his hands and feet, but bumped into a gravestone behind him. He was trapped.

Voldemort stepped forward, and he looked as if he had been trampled by a hippogriff. He was bleeding from his eyes, nose and mouth, and was taking labored breaths, as if he couldnÆt get any air into his lungs. The look he gave Harry was so full of malice and hatred, that, if he still had the horcrux inside him, he would be writhing on the ground in agony.

Voldemort opened his mouth to speak, but coughed up a little blood. He spat it to his side and tried again.

ôH-How?ö He gasped, as if talking was a strain. ôHow did you survive the curse again?ö

Harry locked his jaw, and stared defiantly into Voldemorts eyes. He wasnÆt going to tell him anything.

ôSo be it, boy,ö rasped Voldemort, ôIf you wonÆt tell me the information, IÆll tear it from your mind!ö

He raised his wand, and the next instance, Harry felt as though he had been hit in the head with a bludger. His head was splitting open, and all the while, images started to flash before his eyes.

He was racing into the maze after the signal to start was givenà. He was fighting with the acromantulaà. He was arguing with Cedric over who would take the cupà.

Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he realized Voldemort was watching his memories; trying to find the reason he didnÆt die.

He was tied to the headstone, as Voldemort was rebornà. He was lying there, waiting on death as the killing curse came closerà.

At this last memory, he started struggling. He knew what would come next. He couldnÆt let Voldemort see him meeting his mother, or find out he was utterly helpless.

No, he shouted in his mind. I wonÆt let you see that memory! I made a promise!

He was panicking as the next memory started. Before his memory-self opened his eyes, a surge of energy rushed through him, and the connection was broken.

He looked up, just as a giant lightning bolt struck the ground in the middle of the death eaters. The explosion was enormous. It blew Voldemort and the death eaters dozens of feet through the air.
Harry had to cover his eyes from the flash and the debris flying at him, but the sound almost deafened him. If he hadnÆt been pressed up against the tombstone, he wouldÆve gone flying as well. As it was, he almost blacked out from the force of the blast.

When the explosion finally died down, and Harry regained his bearings, he opened his eyes. Dust was so thick in the air; he had to clear his glasses off, just to see a few feet in front of him. What he could see looked straight out of a disaster movie. At his feet, was a mound of rocks and dirt, most likely from destroyed tombstones. He had missed being crushed under the rubble by mere inches.

When the dust finally cleared, he took a look around. It looked as if a bomb had gone off. All the gravestones within fifteen feet of the where the lightning bolt struck were shattered, and for a few feet beyond that, most of them were cracked. Where the lightning bolt had struck, a crater three feet deep, and five feet wide was all that remained.

He could see no sign of Voldemort, or his death eaters. He hoped the blast killed them all, but he wasnÆt going to stick around either way. With a shake of his head, to clear the ringing from his ears, he started limping towards the woods.

When he made it a few feet into the tree line with no sign of pursuit, he breathed a sigh of relief. He waited a few moments behind a tree, to see if anyone was coming after him. When nobody did, he headed off into the woods.

He wandered the forest for half an hour before he realized he was lost. When he did, despair settled in, and he feared he would never find his way back home. He sat down at the base of a tree, and started weeping. The shock of the nightÆs events, VoldemortÆs resurrection, his dying, meeting his mother, and losing his magic finally caught up with him, and he passed out.


Alright. Here we have Harry's first ever instance of Chenneling.

Any feedback from you guys would be great!


Well-Known Member

What I was trying to say is that there's only so many places you could go from where you were at that point. And you've not particularly surprised me, though choosing to interpret channeling as "not magic" is a... choice? That you made?

From what I recall of WoT, massive lightning bolts isn't the kind of thing that you could do by accident, because channeling doesn't much have an "accidental magic" component to it... but it's been a while since I read it, so I might be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Ninsaneja said:

What I was trying to say is that there's only so many places you could go from where you were at that point. And you've not particularly surprised me, though choosing to interpret channeling as "not magic" is a... choice? That you made?

From what I recall of WoT, massive lightning bolts isn't the kind of thing that you could do by accident, because channeling doesn't much have an "accidental magic" component to it... but it's been a while since I read it, so I might be wrong.
It does have "accidental magic" most white tower initiates have some form of it (ex. Nyvenia healed people without realizing it)

Secondly wouldn't a blast powerful enough to throw him against a head-stone break bones/organs as well?


Active Member
@Ninsaneja: I'm trying to go with magic, that the wizards have, as a talent separate from the OP. It's different from the OP in that it comes from inside the wizard. Also, I didn't want someone able to use magic and channel at the same time. That would be a little too powerful.

@cgobyd: If he was close enough to the blast, it probable would have. But he was at the very edge of the blast range, so all he felt was a smaller concussive force than what the death eaters got.


Active Member
I came up with a tentative title for this story. I'm not sure how to change the name of the thread though.

So without further ado, here's the last scene of chapter 2 of The One Power the Dark Lord Knows Not:


A bright flash in front of his eyes awakened him suddenly. He opened his eyes to a long, golden beak, and black eyes, just inches in front of his face. Startled, he jerked his head back, and banged it into the tree he had been laying against. He cursed, and, rubbing the back of his head, took a look at the creature in front of him.

It was a bird the size of a swan, with crimson feathers leading to a tail of golden feathers. It was a phoenix; and not just any phoenix either.

ôFawkes!ö Harry cried. He would recognize the headmasterÆs familiar anywhere. ôHow did you find me? Did Dumbledore send you?ö

Fawkes gave a cry that filled him with such hope and joy; he knew everything would be fine. He took flight and circled above HarryÆs head, singing his wonderful song. Harry laughed, with tears in his eyes, and stood to his feet.

Fawkes landed on his shoulder and gave a loud trill. Harry felt a warm sensation all over his body, and his vision was suddenly filled with fire. Before he could panic, it was over and he was standing in the middle of the hospital wing.

Fawkes trilled, flew from his shoulders, and disappeared in another burst of flame. He looked around the room, wondering why Fawkes dropped him off here, and not DumbledoreÆs office. All of a sudden, a sharp pain stabbed through his leg and he almost fell over. He sat down on one of the beds to keep from passing out, as all his injuries started hurting at the same time. FawkesÆ song must have made him forget his injuries, and he had the answer to his previous thought. He laid back on the bed, wishing Madame Pomfrey were here to give him something for the pain.

Just as he closed his eyes, the headmaster burst through the doors, followed quickly by professors McGonagall and Snape; the latter of which was clutching his left arm. Trailing them was the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and a group of wizards he assumed to be aurors.

ôHarry, my boy, itÆs good to see you alive,ö said Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling behind his spectacles. ôWhen Cedric returned with the cup, and relayed all that had happened, we feared the worst.ö

Fudge bullied his was to the front of the group, and said, ôThatÆs all well and good, Dumbledore, but whatÆs this Diggory said about being attacked? What happened after he left with the cup?ö

They were all staring at him intently. Even the headmaster, who heÆd thought would let him rest for a bit, was giving him a questioning look. He realized he would have to tell them all what happened before he could get his wounds cared for.

With great reluctance, he sat up, and started explaining all that had happened that night. He told them about the cup being a portkey, and sending him and Cedric to the graveyard. He described Peter Pettigrew attacking them; the heated battle them and wormtail; and how he was summoned just before he could grab the cup.

At this he paused, and gave Dumbledore a questioning look. As if he could read his mind, the headmaster explained, ôMister Diggory is perfectly fine. When he arrived here with the Triwizard Cup, he explained what happened. Madame Pomfrey looked him over, and sent him back to his dormitory.ö

Harry gave a sigh of relief. At least he knew Cedric made it back okay after all. With this worry off his chest, he continued his story. As he told of the ritual used to revive Voldemort, both Dumbledore and Snape looked at each other with recognition in their eyes. When he described Voldemort rising from the cauldron, McGonagall gave a gasp, the aurors looked at him like he was confounded, and Fudge almost fainted.

When he had recovered, Fudge was red-faced, and opened his mouth to say something. Dumbledore gave him a look that said æshut up,Æ and, surprisingly, he did. Harry had trouble speaking of his torture at the hands of Voldemort, and cut off before he was hit with the killing curse. He didnÆt want to tell them that part, because he knew it would lead to questions he didnÆt want to answer.

He looked around at his audience as he tried to think of what to say next. McGonagall had tears running down her face; Dumbledore looked weary, as if he wished Harry couldÆve been spared having to go through that. Even Fudge had a look of sympathy on his face. It was mixed with disbelief, but it was still there.

It was SnapeÆs expression that really shocked him though. He had a look on his face that Harry had never seen before. It was a look of understanding, mixed with a bit of empathy, as if he knew what Harry had been through. When he noticed Harry looking at him, he schooled his features, and gave him a look of indifference.

Still startled at something other than loathing from Snape, it took him a moment to gather his thoughts. When he had, he made up a story of Voldemort, still being weak from the ritual, having to stop the torture. He told them that a bout of accidental magic, probably from the torture, lashed out and knocked Voldemort and the death eaters off their feet.
Finally, he told them he ran into the woods, while they were all knocked down.

ôI donÆt know if they were too worried about Voldemort, or what, but they didnÆt chase after me.ö Harry said. ôI ran through the forest for a few hours, and thatÆs when Fawkes found me.ö

When he finished, he laid back down onto the bed. His eyes were starting to get heavy, and all he wanted to do was sleep. He hoped they believed him, because he didnÆt feel like arguing or saying anything else. He knew he would have to tell Dumbledore some of the truth, but for now, all he wished to do was sleep.

Dumbledore noticed, and he said as much. ôCornelius, I know you must have many questions for Harry; but, as you can see, he is injured, and in no shape to answer any of them. Please, let us retire to my office and discuss what we have learned. I would like to have Poppy take a look at Harry.ö

Fudge looked like he wanted to argue, but thought better of it, and nodded. He motioned for the aurors, and together they left the hospital wing.

Dumbledore turned to Harry and said, ôYouÆve been through a terrible ordeal. One I would not wish on anyone, especially someone as young as you. WeÆll discuss everything in the morning, after Poppy has looked you over, and youÆve gotten some sleep.

Harry nodded, and Dumbledore left; followed out by McGonagall and Snape. It was then he noticed Madame Pomfrey, standing at the door.

The last thing he remembered was Madame Pomfrey making her way towards his bed.


Any comments and criticism is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm not. Magic as it is in HP is most like either the True Power (though it lack's the universe at large screaming in agony as the Dark One alters reality) or is one of the 'lost talent's.

My PERSONAL thought, regardless of this story but considering just a matchup of HP and WoT would be that the witches and Wizards were 'created' like the Nim to channel not the One Power but some kind of thing like Dark City, a huge selection of Ter'Angreal.